From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 436 Top Mythical Hero

After just checking the information of this world tree, Shen Fei knew why it was classified as a supernatural plant instead of a building.

[It comes from a certain immortal world, and is the source of the world's supernatural. All the great ways in this world come from the world tree fruit. ]

With just such a short sentence, the role of this world tree is clear at a glance.

—— Produce the fruit position of the great way that can be used for the integration of the Dao!

"This is a level 18 mass production device." Shen Fei took a breath.

It is estimated that it is not so easy for Shen Fei himself to be promoted to level 18, because that must be the promotion of the entire small world.

However, the people and heroes in the territory are not so complicated.

All you need to do is to integrate the Dao.

Although the integration of the Dao will bring certain world limitations, for example, these saints are still level 18 after leaving the Menghong world, but they obviously lost their great power in the Menghong world and are no longer absolutely above level 17, but they are still genuine level 18!

Even Shen Fei's people dare not say how many people have the potential to reach level 18.

But with this world tree in front of him, any citizen who has reached the peak of level 17 and can find the right Dao fruit on the world tree can immediately break through to level 18.

This is equivalent to directly erasing a crucial threshold.

"I wonder if Su Su can cultivate it." Shen Fei took out the world tree, feeling the complex and primitive supernatural rules contained in it, and was also amazed.

Although it is still very immature, it is clearly a complete incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

It gathers almost all the supernatural rules of the entire world.

It is conceivable that this thing cannot be cultivated using ordinary supernatural plant cultivation methods.

It is estimated that it can only be planted on the planting ground, and with the addition of multiple accelerations such as the time house, the time acceleration formation, the time acceleration area, etc., to accelerate growth as quickly as possible.

Maybe, special "nutrients" are needed.

In short, it is definitely not easy to cultivate the "Dao fruit".

For a while, I am afraid it will not be used.

However, Shen Fei has no good way, and can only hope that the planting department can perform well.

After giving the only top mythical extraordinary plant in the territory to Su Su, Shen Fei continued to check the next treasure.

Top mythical hero!

Although this is the first top mythical hero in the territory, Shen Fei has already seen the style of top mythical heroes in the Star Abyss Lord in the Violet Kingdom.

That is definitely a 21st level strongman, the only Lord in a powerful universe. If placed in some prehistoric worlds, it is at least at the level of "Hongjun".

"I hope my hero is not bad." Shen Fei is indeed a little itchy for the Star Abyss Lord. Fortunately, he can also have the first top mythical hero.

He is not in a hurry to summon, and directly checks the information.

[Name: Mother Goddess of Creation]

[Level: 1]

[Score: 845757]

[Mythical Talent: All the people in the territory will be given the 'Blessing of the Mother Goddess of Creation', and the cultivation speed will increase by 300%, and they will get three resurrection opportunities. 】

【From a boundless interstellar universe, he is the first divine life born in the universe. He grew up with the universe and created more than 70% of the life and life planets in the entire universe. He is also the creator and maintainer of the balance and order of the universe. 】

【Note 1: He is the mother of all things, and all life is his child. 】

【Note 2: Although his level is suppressed, he still has a great power beyond his level. 】

【Note 3: "I don't blame them, it's not their fault." 】

"This hero." Shen Fei carefully read the entire introduction, but to be honest, he still doesn't understand it.

It just feels that the status is very high, but the specific situation is impossible to understand.

Is this mother goddess of creation the most powerful existence in her universe, or is she simply the incarnation of the way of heaven like him?

Or is she also a "sky creator" like Pangu in mythology?

Moreover, what does the last sentence in Note 3 mean? According to convention, this sentence should be said by this hero, and it is very likely to be the last sentence.

Shen Fei was confused and took a closer look at the "picture" in the system backpack.

From the outside, this hero only has a human-like upper body, and indeed has female characteristics, but his pupils are endless stars. In addition, his hair is not draped behind him, but forms one weird, mysterious, or twisted pattern after another, as if containing the entire universe.

More importantly, the lower body. It is difficult to describe the state of the lower body in words. It seems to be just a thin layer of gauze mist, like a ghost wearing a skirt, but it seems to be a boundless tide composed of condensed galaxies. Even if it is a static pattern, you can see the vitality that keeps surging like the tide in a trance.

However, the power of this top mythical talent is really beyond Shen Fei's expectations.

The territory has now recruited many mythical heroes, and their talents are no longer limited to the epic and legendary talents, but none of them has ever had such an amazing bonus.

The 300% practice speed bonus alone is a bit scary.

You know, this is three times the amount directly added to all the subjects, which means that the algorithm between it and all other acceleration ratios is not addition, but multiplication!

This alone is equivalent to one-third of the time acceleration effect of the small world.

If some powerful lords choose top mythical heroes several times in a row, and if they are lucky enough to draw the combined bonuses several times, they may even be qualified to compete with Shen Fei, a cheat!

Not to mention, the three accompanying resurrection opportunities seem to be cost-free resurrections. Where does the energy consumption required for this come from?

"Forget it, just summon him."

Shen Fei had already begun to feel the power of the top mythical heroes, so he simply stopped thinking about it and directly summoned the territory's first top mythical hero.

But when the colorful light appeared, Shen Fei's expression changed.

Because this light did not just cover the front, but spread quickly, reaching a height of a thousand meters!

This made him realize that the "size" of this hero was beyond his imagination.

This is exactly the case. When that behemoth appeared in the small world, everyone in the world seemed to feel something. It was not heavy pressure, but gentle and extremely tolerant power, as if immersed in the mother's love. In his arms, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully in the cradle.

And all the people in the territory, whether they were in the territory or not, whether they were interstellar extraordinary humans or holy angels, all felt a certain gentle force sweeping through their bodies and souls at this moment, and even more so. You can feel some kind of gentle gaze. Although it only appears for a moment, even after it disappears, there is still a residual warmth that fills your whole body.

All these changes happened under Shen Fei's perception.

Now, he can finally understand the meaning of Note 2.

Logically speaking, the level of this top mythical hero should have been completely suppressed at this moment, but her "persona" can still be clearly felt.

Yes, person.

Different from the extraordinary level that is based on pure power, if you insist on speaking, it is like the true god versus the mortal, the holy versus the holy, Shen Fei, the incarnation of heaven, versus all existence.

Just like dimensions, this is also a "quantifier" of some kind of measurement. Moreover, it was the first time that Shen Fei could feel the existence of personality so clearly.

Of course, the status of the Mother Goddess of Creation is not as good as his. She is not as completely transformed into heaven as he is, but she is also above the so-called "holy" and even powerful enough to influence the small world to a certain extent. situation.

"It's really amazing." Shen Fei also felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

This vigilance is naturally not for the seemingly gentle Mother Goddess of Creation, but for the high-level existences that may come into contact in the future.

Although he could not imagine what kind of life could be higher than his own, but if it really existed, it might really pose a substantial threat to the small world.

You still have to improve your strength, including your personality, as soon as possible.

Shen Fei suppressed this emotion. In the final analysis, the fundamental reason for being able to touch this kind of existence is that his own strength has increased. As long as he continues to become stronger, the small world cannot be invincible forever. This is when his strength reaches a certain level. must be faced after the degree.

So he was actually mentally prepared.

At this moment, looking up at this huge figure that was a thousand meters high, with a thought, his figure also expanded rapidly.

Standing directly in front of the Mother Goddess of Creation.

From this perspective, he could see the full picture of the Mother Goddess of Creation.

Except for the weird "hair" on his head and the pupils that seem to contain stars, his appearance is not actually young, nor is he shockingly beautiful. It is not even concrete, but directly based on The form of the concept appeared in front of everyone who saw her. What Shen Fei saw was a woman in her thirties, with a gentle and dignified expression. Her mother's identity could be seen at a glance, giving people a sense of helplessness. Descriptive intimacy.

Shen Fei did not reject this feeling because he had already seen the loyalty of the other party.

Shockingly ninety-nine!

It’s not true that there are people who start at ninety-nine, but most of them are quite special and are basically determined by their nature.

Therefore, he couldn't help but relax a lot.

"Can't you be smaller?" Shen Fei asked directly.

"Yeah--" The Mother Goddess of Creation opened her mouth, and there was only a monotonous voice, like a baby learning to speak, but Shen Fei understood her meaning.

This seems to be a more efficient way of transmitting information than verbal dialogue, and even moods and emotions are conveyed without reservation.

The main thing is "sincerity".

However, the content of this message made Shen Fei's mouth twitch slightly.

"The body shape should be maintained at more than a thousand times the average body size, so as to give children a sense of security? Moreover, it cannot communicate directly and is easily misunderstood by children. It can only teach life in a clearer and more intuitive way."

She truly deserves to be the Mother Goddess of Creation!

Shen Fei finally figured out that this person couldn't be treated as a normal "life" at all.

That's right, the other person was born as an individual, and all communication, including emotions, etc., are oriented to the "child" created by himself, and then he always has the status of "mother goddess", whether it is language or personality. , I'm afraid it was all formed under such circumstances and over a long period of time, and it would be purely difficult to correct it.

However, necessary communication is still required.

Shen Fei could only be patient.

"You should have figured out that this is my world and all people are my people."


"No, I am not Father God. There is no such title here."


"I am your lord, and you must obey my instructions."


"There is no child you created here. Your child should still be in your universe."


"Sorry, I didn't know your universe was destroyed."


"I see. Have you been bewitched by the intruder? So just pampering won't do."


"Wait, I'm not sharing parenting experiences!"


After some "difficult" communication, Shen Fei looked at the Mother Goddess of Creation who was still opening her mouth, making simple sounds but still conveying information. For the first time, she felt the difficulty of communication under different concepts.

In particular, the other party seems to have recognized his identity as "Father God" and has been saying that he will not compete with him for "children", but hopes to participate in "parenting".

It was not until the end that an agreement was reached with difficulty, on the premise that she was allowed to re-create her "child" here.

Even with Shen Fei's seventeenth level powerful body, he felt like his mouth was dry.

It seems that it is also difficult for the Star Abyss Master to communicate directly. It is impossible for these top mythical heroes to exist and each one has such "independent characteristics".

However, Shen Fei had a completely new understanding of this person's abilities.

What is somewhat surprising is that after reaching the qualifications of a top mythical hero, and even the lord system is no longer divided into several categories such as "internal affairs", "force", "military", etc., the creation mother goddess still performs well. A clear capability trend emerged.

She is not good at fighting at all, and almost all her abilities focus on "creation".

Yes, she can directly create most things.

Including planets, matter, life, and even some treasures containing powerful and special power.

The "hair" behind her is actually a template for everything she has ever created, which is also a demonstration of her power.

At the same time, she can also control the extraordinary rules in many fields such as energy, life and death, reproduction, growth, etc. She has powerful power in these aspects.

For example, as long as she is willing, the restriction that it is difficult for powerful extraordinary individuals to reproduce is not a problem at all, which means that she can cultivate an increasingly powerful race.

For another example, she can also resurrect life.

As for things like accelerating growth, repairing injuries, and providing production energy, not to mention things like that.

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