Four Skills for All

Chapter 609

Chapter 596 Xiao Xinru

Xiao Hong took the route of the omnipotent mage, which could damage elemental skills or melee elements plus physical damage.

And the defense is extremely strong, offensive and defensive are integrated, and the output can be guaranteed for a long time, and it can be teamed or acted alone.

There is an additional skill Vulcan, the goddess of flame, and an extra killer feature.

And with the use of the four skills, Fire Feather, when fighting against the Feng Clan, it appears to be easy to do.

After the skill is upgraded to level ten, there will be a qualitative leap in both power and durability, and the strength is far different from what it used to be.

Let Xiao Hong stand on the stage of the strongest, this is also Xiao Hong’s long-time wish to be able to rejuvenate the family on his own.

Compared with Xiao Hong, Xiao Xinru’s direction is completely different.

The direction of Xiao Xinru’s research skills is the ultimate power, and nothing else is considered.

“One Skill: Rolling Thunder 14

Skill effect: Thunder bombing within 10,000 meters (range can be adjusted downward at any time), the number of thunder is tens of billions (maximum combined damage 5000000).

Additional effect: the body is immune to thunder damage.

Additional effect: Paralysis, being hit by thunder has a paralysis effect.

Additional effect: destruction, thunder concentration will destroy cell tissue.

Additional skills: Thunder sword, all thunders gather in one place, forming a thunder sword to attack, releasing tens of billions of thunder in an instant.

Duration: Five minutes.

Cooling time: three minutes.

Two skills: Thunder cage 10

Skill effect: Summon a mine cage, the maximum is one thousand cubic meters (the volume can be adjusted downwards), the number of locked targets is unlimited, touching the edge of the mine cage will cause lightning element damage (10000), the solidity is a percentage of the body’s strength Tens of millions.

Additional effect: Shocking, the moment the thunder cage appears, all targets in the cage are shocked and stunned for two seconds.

Additional effect: Tianwei, after the thunder cage appears, the thunder cage is invincible for the first three seconds.

Additional skills: Purgatory, the thunder cage shrinks sharply, causing continuous squeezing thunder damage (50000) to all objects in the thunder cage in just five seconds.

Duration: thirty seconds.

Cooling time: one minute.

Three skills: Thor 11

Skill effect: the body is elementalized by Thunder, attack with elemental damage (2000), immunity to 80% physical attack, immunity to 60% attack, Thunder bonus, speed increase by 10,000%.

Additional skills: Thunder strike, summon Thunder to attack (600) (no cooling time).

Additional effect: Paralysis, normal attacks have a paralysis effect on the target.

Additional skills: Thor’s instinct, immune to all damage, elemental damage increased by 70%, lasting ten seconds.

Duration: eight hours.

Cooling time: five minutes.

Four skills: Thunder strike 15

Skill effect: Hit a punch with thunder power, which can be used a hundred times in a row, causing elemental damage (80000), and all the physical damage caused is converted into elemental damage.

Additional effect: direct hitting the soul, when the thunder direct attack hits the target, there is a 50% chance of causing a heavy mental injury to the target, causing the target to be stunned for one second (different effects depending on the mental power of the hit target).

Additional effect: Thunder Coil, causing continuous damage (150) surrounded by Thunder to the hit target, for a duration of six hours.

Additional skills: Absolute strike, one hundred punches, and the damage is completely superimposed.

Cooling time: ten minutes. ”

Xiao Xinru purely increases the skill damage.

From the selection of skills, it can be seen that the second skill is a skill that assists other skills, and finally has an offensive nature, not a pure control skill.

The choice of the last two skills, the third skill is the most important elemental skill of all wizards. The elemental skill may not increase the elemental damage too much, but he has various immunity, which can greatly increase survivability and can also improve other skills s damage.

When Xiao Xinru chose the three skills, he actually didn’t want to choose this skill, because it didn’t conform to his idea of ​​extreme harm.

However, comparing the other two skills, finally reluctantly chose elemental skills.

Xiao Xinru is quite satisfied with the choice of four skills. Only one skill is enough for the area attack. For the four skills, he wants to choose a single ultimate attack skill.

Just have the skills he wants, thunder strikes straight.

This skill cannot be said to be the best skill, because many people have this skill.

Common skills have high growth potential. Xiao Xinru upgraded his four skills from just awakening to level 15 in just one month. This is simply not a human being.

If Mo Xiu saw it now, he would be amazed.

Xiao Xinru is still an offensive and defensive mage overall. He has a serious bias. The only skill that can save his life is the three-skill Thor, and he will be immune to all damage for ten seconds when he has to activate the additional skill Thor Instinct.

With Xiao Xinru’s ability, if he encounters an enemy alone, even if he is invincible for ten seconds, he will be in danger after ten seconds.

Therefore, Xiao Xinru is not suitable for acting alone, he needs someone to support him, or he can exert his full strength in a team.

This time the raid was very successful, and Xiao Hong led the army back to the camp.

The city lord immediately found Xiao Hong and expressed his gratitude. The southern border was his city. Once the beast broke through the defense line, all the people in his city would be gone.

Xiao Hong can understand the mood of the city lord who wants to protect the people just like how she has wanted to protect the Xiao family for so many years.

Not long after the two said, a communication soldier hurried in to report back.

“Report command, Beast Southern Region asks for negotiation!”

Xiao Hong frowned. Was the beast afraid or had a conspiracy?

The city lord let the signal soldier go down, and then said: “Command, we are in an advantage at this time, and it’s okay to disagree with their negotiations, just in case there is fraud!”

Xiao Hong was not a reckless person, and said, “Send a letter back and ask them to send someone to find me, otherwise we won’t talk about it.”

Normally negotiations are at the junction of the two parties, and Xiao Hong asks the Beast to come over and talk directly. In Xiao Hong’s opinion, the other party has no reason to agree to such an unreasonable request, and naturally the intention to negotiate is cancelled.

But I didn’t expect that after half an hour, the news came back, and the Beast agreed to send someone, and it would arrive in half an hour.

Xiao Hong looked at Xiao Xinru and smiled. He wanted to discuss it with others, but Xiao Xinru is next to him. If he can discuss anything, it would be better if it was Yue Yuan.

But the other party agrees to come, so come, anyway, it is your own territory.

After half an hour, the other party really came.

To Xiao Hong’s surprise, two Phoenix clan beasts and a woman came!

The Feng clan cannot be transformed, which means that this woman is either a fox clan or a human being.

Two beasts of the Phoenix clan guarded outside, and only a woman entered the room.

The woman came in without speaking, and sat down opposite Xiao Hong unceremoniously.

Xiao Hong looked at the woman’s face, a little strange, this woman seemed to have known each other before, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it.

Xiao Hong asked: “Where have we met?”

“No! But you and I still have Mo Xiu, and we have monstrous hatred!”

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