Four Skills for All

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Li Yuan

All the dust settled, and the school teachers arrived at the scene shortly afterwards.

Mo Xiu’s head teacher Gao Quan was also the first group of people to arrive here. After learning what had happened, they were shocked and shocked. The three students actually worked together to defeat an adult magic eagle.

At this time, Mo Xiu and the three are enjoying the grateful and warm applause from other students.

Mo Xiu stretched out his right hand and said to the boy with glasses: “Hello, my name is Mo Xiu, this is Zheng Yi.”

At this time, the young man with glasses had recovered his thin body. After pushing his glasses, he held Mo Xiu’s hand and said: “Liu Qingyu, I have heard of how good you are before. From this point of view, everyone’s evaluation of you is still too low. Up.”

Mo Xiu was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought Liu Qingyu was an introvert, otherwise he wouldn’t have such a skill but he would not have any reputation.

But after hearing Liu Qingyu’s generous and decent words, I realized that this person is definitely not simple, and his lack of fame is just because he is low-key.

Mo Xiu still wanted to have a few more words with Liu Qingyu, but Zheng Yi, who was out of shape, came over and interjected.

“What are you two talking about? This battle can be summed up in two words, awesome! Haha, Mo Xiu really has you, this battle is really **** good.”

Mo Xiu sighed helplessly, knowing that any serious topic would be crooked by Zheng Yi.

Liu Qingyu was very cooperative and said: “Great! Great!”

Seeing the teachers coming here, Liu Qingyu immediately bowed his hand to bid farewell.

“See you in the future. I’m in the second grade of high school. If you need help, you can come to me at any time. I don’t like being in the limelight, so let me go.”

Mo Xiu was very puzzled, this Liu Qingyu was really strange.

A group of teachers were led by Gao Quan. Both Mo Xiu and Zheng Yi were students of Gao Quan, so they were very familiar. Although there were many questions, they just asked them to leave after a few simple questions.

The first task now is to appease the classmates and investigate why the magic shadow suddenly appeared in the school.

You have to know that Shuncheng is not on the edge of a human settlement, and there are very few beasts in itself. It is definitely not that simple to appear directly on campus this time.

Mo Xiu and Zheng Yi went directly to each house, and they were very tired after this battle.

Actual combat is completely different from training, especially this kind of intense combat is more physically demanding.

The whole process takes only three minutes, but for Mo Xiu, it is even more tiring than training all afternoon.

Mo Xiu returned home and found that his mother was still not there, so he went back to the room and lay down.

When    looked at his skills, it turned into the Arrival of the Valkyrie again, but it was still in a cooldown state and could not be used.

Mo Xiu fell asleep unknowingly, and was awakened by his mother when he woke up again.

“Take a break, get up for dinner, today is your birthday, I have stewed your favorite pheasant.”

followed his mother to the table and looked at the four dishes and one soup on the table, Mo Xiu was a little moved.

In this era, because birthday and awakening are the same day, the meaning of birthday has been diminished.

Ordinary families often first look at their children’s awakening skills. If the skills are good, they will invite relatives and friends to celebrate.

If the awakening skills are not ideal, some parents may give some comfort, but most parents will be very unhappy, and even show their children a look, let alone celebrate.

This can’t be completely blamed on the parents. It is caused by the environment. Skills are too important for a person.

Unlike Li Yuan, she will meticulously spend every birthday for Mo Xiu, but she doesn’t care much about skills.

It’s like seeing Mo Xiu awakening in the morning and just simply asking how is it, Mo Xiu simply replied that it was not bad.

After   , my mother never mentioned awakening and skills. Maybe this is the love and trust my mother has for me.

Mo Xiu lowered his head to eat, did not say what happened today, for fear that his mother would worry.

This is also Mo Xiu’s old problem. He always reports good news but not bad news.

“Mom, I’m going to take the Yanjing University entrance examination. Then you should stop working here and go to Yenching with me.”

Mother picked up a piece of chicken and put it in Mo Xiu’s bowl, smiling and saying, “Mom is getting older and doesn’t want to toss. You let go of your hands and feet to chase your goal. I won’t drag you back.”

“Mom, I don’t want you to stay here alone. You will take care of me for 18 years. I will take care of you when I enter the university.”

Li Yuan tapped Mo Xiu on the head with his chopsticks. This action was often used when he was young, but he hasn’t hit Mo Xiu like this for many years.

“This world is not as simple as your phenomenon. When I was a child, I asked you whether you want to get ahead and live a stable life with your mother here. At that time, your answer has already determined my answer today.”


“Stop talking! I’ll come back to see mom when I have a chance.”

Mo Xiu looked at his mother’s determined face and never said anything, but clenched his fists. In the future, he will not let his mother suffer again, absolutely not!

After dinner, Mo Xiu went out to a barren mountain near his home.

Mo Xiu has basically understood his skills, and now he is here to verify his ideas.

After looking around to make sure that there is no one around, he releases the skill Descend of Valkyrie.

This time, Mo Xiu has been staring at his own skill pattern. At the moment of using Valkyrie, the pattern of passive skill flipping changed for the first time and flashed.

After   , the skill pattern of Valkyrie’s Arrival rotates in a circle, and the whole pattern is flipped to the back, and the back is God’s spy. UU reading

So, Mo Xiu finally figured out that he really had three skills.

God’s Spy and Valkyrie’s Arrival is equivalent to using one skill position. Two skills are glued back to back. When one skill is released, the passive skill flip is triggered, causing the whole skill to flip to the other skill on the back.

Mo Xiu sighed for a long time. There was no problem with his skills and there was no uncertainty.

In this way, Mo Xiu, who has two active skills, is simply a grade better than other peers.

The strength of    skills further strengthened Mo Xiu’s determination to become stronger. At this moment, he was in the state of the arrival of the Valkyrie and punched.

After a set of punches came down, Mo Xiu felt heartily. On the surface, Mo Xiu increased his strength by 100% after it was turned on.

In fact, there are more than that. Because of the neutralization of all attributes, agility, strength, and reaction speed, the overall strength is definitely increased by more than 100%.

After   , Mo Xiu ran at full speed in the forest again to train his coordination in this state.

Attribute improvement is one thing, whether it can be fully utilized is one thing. Only when Moxiu is fully adapted to fighting in an augmented state can he exert the full power of the coming of the Valkyrie.

is like the battle this afternoon, Mo Xiu and Zheng Yi turned on their skills and ran towards the magic shadow at the same time.

Zheng Yi’s skills only increase speed by 100%, while Mo Xiu increases all attributes by 100%.

In theory, Mo Xiu should be faster, but Zheng Yi arrived at Mo Ying first than Mo Xiu.

This is because Mo Xiu used the skill for the first time, but he was not proficient enough and didn’t use the full power of the skill.

And Zheng Yi’s understanding and proficiency of his skills are much higher than that of Mo Xiu.

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