Chapter 6: CHAPTER 4

The Bangtan Boys spent their week off mostly in their rooms, kissing and making love to each other—spending as much time as they could away from Jungkook. From time to time, some of them joined in the living room to avoid being suspicious. Nevertheless, Jungkook didn't join them. He woke up the last and ate breakfast alone—sometimes he brought the food with him upstairs. He spent the days in his new room, decorating it with some of his drawings, only interacting with the boys when he necessarily needed it. That means at lunch and dinner.
* * *
Seokjin presses his fingers against his case, his knuckles turning white. A petite woman stands in front of him, with a polite smile in her face.
"Good morning, Seokjin." She accommodates her glasses with her finger.
"Morning, Dora." Seokjin avoids looking at her, his eyes glued to his office. "Let's get this done, I don't like wasting my time." Nor being around you, disgusting bitch.
He sits on his usual chair, while Dora takes a seat in front of him. She grabs her laptop and what Seokjin believes is a thermos with coffee. They don't exchange words, while they keep preparing their material for this case.
She takes a sip of her drink and raises her head. She hesitates before speaking, "Seokjin, I would like to keep this as professional as possible. We should keep our past to a side, don't you agree?"
Seokjin smiles to himself—almost a smirk—before he takes his eyes off his computer. "I don't know what past are you talking about. Shall we start?"
Dora slightly nods, feeling herself become small in her seat. The Seokjin in front of her wasn't the boy she remembered. His aura vibrating dominant and powerful, the shy high school boy completely gone.
The Seokjin she tried to ruin.
The Seokjin she used to know.
He died.
* * *
Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin get in the lift. Hoseok presses the number -1, while they keep their mouth closed. Only the sound of the machine sliding down fills the tense air. Jimin keeps playing with his hands, Hoseok makes faces in the mirror, while Jungkook stares directly at the door. It opens and they step outside. Jimin gives Hosoek a small smile and disappears down the hallway.
"Where's he going?" Jungkook asks, as he waits next to the red hair boy.
"To his laboratory." He smiles, proudly. "Did you hear the news? He'll make more of his cool bombs. They always save us."
"Ah, yeah, I've heard something. Did he end someone with it?"
"Do you mean kill? Hell yes. Isn't he cool?"

"The coolest." Jungkook mutters in irony. "Anyway, what about us? Why are we standing here like two idiots?"
Hoseok's smile grows bigger, while he does small dances with his feet. "We've to wait a few more minutes. We've to follow the protocol, you know?"
The black hair male tilts his head, furrowing his brows. It doesn't matter what he says, Hoseok's smile never leaves his face. Is he on drugs or something?
A loud cling followed by a series of beeps makes Jungkook raise his head to the red light above a metallic door. It opens itself and Hoseok quickly presses his index finger on a screen, turning the alarm off.
"Welcome to my second home. It will be nice having some company. Once we finish, I'll need your finger—"
"You mean my fingerprint."
"Mm-hmm, so you can get in whenever you want. It takes around five minutes for the door to open and it will sound the alarm. You can turn it off just like I did here." He points to a small screen in the wall. Just for protection."
Jungkook only nods. Cool.
Hoseok walks inside to let his belongings in his usual spot, inside another room made of glass. Jungkook examines the place. On the left side of the room, plenty of machines wait for him to practice his fighting skills, a punching bag standing in the middle. He turns his head to the right, his eyes fixed on Hoseok's hand. He holds a gun, aiming a fake body in front of him. The glass between them doesn't let Jungkook hear the shot, but he sees Hoseok's smile and the figure slightly moving.
He stares at him for a few more seconds, before walking to his side. He throws his bag on the sofa and takes off his jacket.
Let's have some fun, baby.
* * *
Namjoon buys the plane tickets to Hawaii. He can't start planning this mission until Seokjin gives him enough information. Nevertheless, this is not an excuse for Namjoon to not start writing a few ideas in his notebook. He also compares this case to old ones, writing down their best moves. I swear we'll catch these men, and they'll pay the price for the people they killed.
Seokjin joins his office at lunch.
"I can't believe these stupid owners didn't have the decency to close it. They want to protect their money more than their own safety, or their guests. The best part, we can stay in the same hotel, close to the scene."
Namjoon hums, skimming through the papers. "That could be dangerous, we put ourselves in their hands staying in the hotel. Have you thought about that?"
Seokjin groans, throwing his head backwards. "I can't believe you've the same opinion as that bitch." He clears his throat and rests his hands on the table. "Think about it, they don't know us. The murders took place at night. We can be tourists in the morning and the Bangtan Boys in the nighttime—wait forget it, we should be the Bangtan Boys the entire day." Namjoon bites his lower lip, raising his gaze to Seokjin. "Namjoon, we need to get closer to them to know what's going on. They couldn't find the bodies, only the remains. How will we catch those freaks if we stay away? Do you have a better plan? Why would we do a circus every night to get inside, when we could already be in it?"
Namjoon sighs, scratching his neck. "I guess you're right. We had worst missions, right? I'll book us a room. Seven people for two weeks?"
"Sounds fair. Let's meet up with the others after the break. We need to get this ready."
* * *
"Why can't I take a shower first?" Jungkook clenches his fists, his nails pressing against his skin.
Taehyung shrugs, carelessly. "This reunion is important."
"I'm dripping in sweat. I need to take this shower right now."
"Sounds like a you problem." Taehyung sticks his tongue out.
"Guys, can you please stop bickering? Jungkook, it will only last a few minutes. I promise." Namjoon tries to resonate with them.
From his seat, Yoongi pulls his boyfriend by his wrist and makes him sit down next to him.
"Which important reunion only lasts a few minutes? And why can't we have it in the flat? You all act as if you didn't live together."
"Business stays in business." Yoongi states. "Stop being a cry baby, we'll let you take a shower when we get home."
"Am I supposed to thank you?" Jungkook throws himself into the single chair, crossing his arms. Fucking idiots.
"We'll fly to Hawaii next week, on Monday. We're going to stay in the same hotel as the victims, I already booked us rooms." The leader explains. "We'll look out for any type of clues in the daytime and work at night. Remember, we've to stay low and not catch anyone's attention."
"Wait, didn't Bang PD say it was one of your enemies? Shouldn't they know already how you look?" Jungkook rests his chin on his hand.
"Not necessarily. People only recognize us when it's too late. Our identities are protected."
Jungkook hums, not actually convinced. "If you say so."
"Because it is. Jungkook, you may not like me—us—but I'm your leader. Trust me. Do you want to know what keep us together, beyond everything else?"
"No, not really. But you're gonna say it anyway."
Namjoon smiles. "Trust."
"Fascinating." Jungkook doesn't even bother to fake a smile. Huh, trust. Trust had never taken me to anywhere good.
"Taehyung, Bang PD will ship Blacky to the airport as always. As for the rest, we'll keep figuring everything out along the week."
"Wait, what is a Blacky?" Jungkook asks.
"My baby." Taehyung growls. "Don't you there to kick it with your nasty feet, because I'm going to run you over."
"Blacky is his Van." Hoseok clarifies.
Jimin and Seokjin look to each other, trying their best to hold their laugh.

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