Chapter 41: CHAPTER 39
Jungkook yawns and stretches his body with a deep sigh, his right arm resting on someone's waist. He turns his head and blinks his eyes open, a boy sleeps next to him with pouty lips. Jungkook giggles to himself, Tiger's so cute when he sleeps.
The boy next to him opens his eyes and Jungkook tilts his head at the honey brown eyes staring back at him, but his bunny smile remains on his face. They blink slowly at each other for a moment, nah, it can't be—nevertheless, before Jungkook can process what happens his body collides with the floor, a shiver of pain running down his back.
"Nasty, nasty, nasty boy! What am I doing here?! What did you do to me?!" Taehyung yells at the top of his lungs.
He throws pillows at Jungkook and messily gets up, standing at the other side of the bed. He hugs the last black pillow against his chest, taking quick, short breaths.
"Holy moly Taehuyng! Do you want to give me a heart attack?" Jungkook groans, standing up with a grimace. "Yeah, yeah, good morning to you too."
"Don't come closer!" Taehyung raises the pillow, ready to throw it if Jungkook makes another move. "What am I doing here?! Why - why you were touching me?! Why your nasty hand was touching my waist?!"
"Huh? I - I was sleeping," he blinks, trying to remember how they ended up cuddling. "You must have come closer in your sleep." Jungkook tries to resonate with him, half of his brain still asleep. "Can we talk later? I need a coffee. Oh, and stop yelling, you're giving me a headache first thing in the morning."
Jungkook makes his way to the kitchen, feet running close to him. He messes with his hair and opens the door, rolling his eyes at what's to come.
"He did something to me! He did something to me! Why I was sleeping with him, huh!?"
Jimin chokes on his coffee and Yoongi silently chuckles to himself. After he understood Jungkook and stopped seeing him as a potential threat, their constant bickering has become his new favourite show, this just keeps getting better.
Seokjin approaches Taehyung and kisses his forehead. "Morning, baby bear. Do you want some tea? Don't say anything, a warm linden tea is coming your way. Take a seat next to Jimin-ah, mm-hmm?"
Taehyung groans but doesn't complain, sending daggers to the tattooed boy across him.
Jungkook feels his eyes on his back, but chooses to ignore it focusing on the coffee maker filling up his cup.
"What happened?" Seokjin whispers, opening a cabinet and grabbing a white, round cup with a brown bear face on the front—Taehyung's favourite.
"I dunno. I think Tiger and I fell sleep yesterday and Taehyung took control when he woke up. Tiger still doesn't like you so much, you know? Where was he supposed to sleep? The living room becomes colder at night, I couldn't have just sent him there."
Seokjin sighs. "Yeah, you're right. We should turn on the floor heaters, but let me consult it with Namjoon first. We don't have any income, we must start taking care of our expenses."
Jungkook sits in front of Yoongi, who smirks. Jungkook shakes his head playfully and takes the first sip, ignoring someone's eyes.
"Stay away from Tiger -"
"Bubba, your tea." Seokjin comes back. "Be careful, it burns."
Maybe he should burn his tongue and shut up, Jungkook thinks to himself.
"Tae, will you drive with Hobi tonight? We can't lose time." Yoongi turns at Seokjin. "Cutie pie, when did Namjoon say he'll come back to the company?"
"In a few days, perhaps in Monday?"
Yoongi hums. "We've the walkie-talkies, they'll need it in case they find Mimi to communicate with us."
"Are they going to catch her right away? What's the plan if they find her?" Jungkook thanks Seokjin when he gives him a bowl filled with rice, sauce, and a few seaweed on top. He takes the first bite and his attention comes back to Yoongi.
"We should follow her first, knowing where she hides will give us more advantage."
* * *
"Indeed, he has a fever." Seokjin puts the thermometer to a side. "Stay here Seokie, I'm going to make something extra delicious for you, mm-hmm?"
Hoseok only nods, shivering.
"Jimin-ah, can you give him another blanket?"
"Yes, I've one in my room." he runs for it before his hyung can thank him.
Seokjin pulls away the damp hair of Hoseok's forehead with gentle caresses. "Rest a few more hours Seokie, after breakfast I'm going to prepare you a warm bath. Does it sound good to you?"
Hoseok nods, coughing.
"He must have caught a cold," Seokjin mutters to himself and bites his lip.
Jimin comes back with his white blanket and covers Hoseok's body with it, making sure he stays extra cosy and warm.
"Jin-ah, Yoongi and I will take turns to stay with him today."
"Thank you baby," he pecks his lips. "Make sure he rests well."
Seokjin has been trying to contanct people that may know Mimi these past few weeks—while Taehyung kept looking for her—but it's risky as one of her allies can take advantage of the situation and the Bangtan Boys would end up in a trap.
Seokjin comes back to the kitchen, where Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung are finishing their breakfast.
"He has a fever, he must have caught a cold."
"Not a surprise, when did the temperatures start lowering? At this pace it will snow soon."
Taehyung gasps, his eyes lighting up for the first time this morning. "Snow?" Yay! I want to make a snowman! Can we go outside on the first snow? Can we, can we?"
"It won't do us any harm." Yoongi shrugs looking at Seokjin, unable to deny something to his Taeate.
"I suppose. By the way, did Joonie go to the company while I checked on Hoba?"
"Yeah, said he wanted to end with it soon so he can focus on Mimi."
"Mimi. . ." Taehyung mutters, "if Hoba's sick, who's going to come with me tonight?"
"Well, we actually need a gun, the person doesn't matter. . ." Yoongi runs a hand through his black hair. "Maybe Joon can take one and come with him?"
"Namjoonie's smart, I'm sure with him we'll find her."
"Mm-hmm, perhaps you're right. Let's talk to him when he comes back. . ." he frowns slightly, "Yoongs, did he bring his phone with him?"
He shrugs. "I guess so. Why?"
"I just want to check on him, make sure everything's alright."
Taehyung puts his cup down and licks his lips. "Do you think Bang PD will hurt him?"
"Oh, no baby," he smiles with his mouth closed, "Bang PD knows he can't touch him and less in the company. I just want to know if they began the paperwork, don't tell him I said so, but I think Joonie'll need my help."
"Hm, okay." Taehyung raises his cup, holding it with both hands.
He sighs at the warm feeling in his skin and takes a longer sip, as the muscles on his body relax. They tensed as soon as he woke up, Jungkook being the last person on earth he would expect to wake up next to.