Chapter 38: CHAPTER 36

Half an hour later Yoongi and Taehyung come out of the bathroom with Jimin. Namjoon's the first one to stand up, opening his arms for Mini. The younger buries his face on his chest, dry tears remaining on his cheeks.
"We're not coming back to that shitty company." Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh, shaking his head as he walks closer to Hoseok.
"Yoongs is right," Seokjin sits back again, the others following him. "We've to work on our own from now on, we can't keep ourselves involved with them after this."
"What if he tries to kill us?" Jimin mutters with a small voice. "I don't want this to cause more trouble guys . . . With Mimi wandering around, we've to be careful."
"Don't worry Mini, chances are Bang PD wants to see her dead too."
"Joon, do you think he would try it? To kill us, I mean, if we stop working for him?" Yoongi keeps his fists pressing on his thighs. He doesn't want to upset Jimin more by losing his nerves and making a scene.
"No, but I'm afraid he won't let us go easily."
Taehyung looks briefly at Jimin. "Then what should we do?"
"First things first, everyone agrees to kill Bang PD? We need to do this together, if not we stay away from it and just keep Jungkook's secret safe."
"If I let his homophobic self to a side, I liked him. But I would kill for you. Yeah, Bang PD will pay for what he did to Jimin and those other kids." Hoseok says, his voice dropping a few octaves.

"Does it mean I can count on you?"
"Till the very end of this." Namjoon reassures Jungkook, his arms still tangled with Jimin's. "Mini, what do you say?"
It takes him a few seconds to answer, as his mind returns to those dark, unforgettable days. He takes a deep breath and with a plain voice says, "Just kill him."
* * *
A few days later the Bangtan boys decide to go to the company one last time to collect all their belongings and to announce their departure to their boss. They can't figure out how Bang PD will react, but Namjoon reminded them a point in their favour: they've yearly contracts, and there's less than three months to end the current year. If he doesn't let them quit their job, they'll stay until January—though Yoongi can't promise not breaking his face in the remaining time.
They sit on the familiar sofa in front of Bang PD. He studies them with his dark eyes, one by one, caressing slowly his chin.
"Something tells me this surprising visit doesn't regard my last email. Did you see it, Jin?" The mocking tone in his voice makes Seokjin's blood boil.
"Of course I've seen it."
"I cannot tell, your reply never reached me."
Seokjin bites his tongue and takes a deep breath.
"We came here because of your email. We thought it would be nicer to let you know personally that we're quitting. We just came here to collect our things."
A moment later Bang PD bursts out laughing. Hoseok holds Yoongi's wrist, preventing him to punch their boss—while Seokjin keeps a hold on Hoseok's.
"What's so funny?" Jungkook spats bluntly.
"Oh, dear," Bang PD pretends to wipe some tears off his eyes. "That was good."
"It isn't a joke." Seokjin states. "We won't work for you anymore. Yoongi was right all along, we should've gone solo a long time ago."
Bang PD shifts his sight from Seokjin to Yoongi. "Hm, so that's what you were thinking all this time, Suga?" he questions creepily sweet. "I've always provided you the best technology, so this is how you pay me? Betraying me?"
Seokjin swallows, perhaps he should've kept that to himself.
"Bang PD, that's not the point. We're leaving. Our work together is over. If you don't let us go now, we'll leave in January." Namjoon explains as composed as he can.
Bang PD's smile slowly disappears. He clears his throat and fits his tie. "May I know your reason to leave? Does it involve The Black Eagles' issue?" he lets out a long sigh and shakes his head. "Boys, I needed you to understand that while you work under a company you can't do what you want. I tried to resonate with you, but it didn't work."
"That's why we're leaving. We don't want to follow anyone's orders anymore. The only person we'll obey from now on is Joon. End of the story."
"You're not ready to work on your own, kids."
"Yes, we're, we're more than ready. I think the only one who's not ready in this room is you. Your company without the Bangtan boys is over—unless you find another band with the same potential, which you won't. Your mafia will lose its title when we leave. Good luck working with the other teams, you'll need it."
Jungkook's eyes widen. What on earth is Tiger doing here? Where is Taehyung?
"V!" Bang PD hits the table with his hands and stands up. "Do you think that's how you talk to your boss?!"
Tiger looks at him up and down. "Boss? You? The last time I checked RM was my only 'boss'." he turns to the boy closer to him, Namjoon. "Can we go now? I'm starving."
"Come on boys, there's nothing left to say to Bang PD. Am I right, sir?" Namjoon calmly comments standing up. "Guys, if you forget something tell me. I'll come back in a few days to end our contract."
"RM -"
"Have a good day, Bang PD."

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