Chapter 30: CHAPTER 28
The chilly breeze doesn't make Jungkook and Tiger go inside. Instead, they stay admiring the starry night without exchanging a word. Tiger's company feels lighter—not that Jungkook doesn't appreciate Jimin's and Hoseok's— but Jungkook doesn't have the need to act differently, Tiger doesn't know where he comes from nor the role he has in this house.
With Tiger, Jungkook can be Jungkook. Not JK, Jungkook.
"Hey, are you still there?" Jungkook mutters, his eyes fixed in the cars passing by.
Tiger clicks his tongue. "Bunny, what do you think? Can you imagine Taehyung staying here watching the view with you?"
"Yeah, it makes sense." Jungkook chuckles, imagining Taehyung screaming nasty boy while he tries to hit him. "Why hasn't he taken control yet? Does it always take him a lot of time to come back? Can he come back by himself or you also need to be triggered? Like that time in the hotel or in the bathroom."
"Why do you always ask so many questions? Am I a criminal?"
"Maybe. Honestly, I've never met anyone like you."
"Do you mean someone like Taehyung?"
Jungkook's warm tongue licks the cold piercing in his lips, his eyes on Tiger's. "I mean someone like you."
A soft pink paints Tiger's cheeks and takes advantage of a plain flying by to raise his head, but Jungkook doesn't miss it. The younger boy keeps staring at him on purpose, enjoying how the colour intensifies.
Tiger clears his throat. "Anyway, what have you done to Taehyung for me to take over?"
He taps his fingertips on the handrail as he waits for an answer.
Tiger takes a step closer with a smirk. "What have you said for me to take over?"
"I lied—kind of."
"Whatever you said kicked him deep down."
Tiger tilts his head and raises his eyebrows, checking him out. "I must be blind then because I see none."
Jungkook laughs and refrains himself from hitting his arm. "So, should we head inside?"
"Go if you want to." he puts his hands in his pockets looking for his cigarettes. "I knew I should have taken a short trip to his room before." he groans to himself and Jungkook doesn't question him.
After a minute in silence, Jungkook wobbles his body slowly. He bites his tongue, he shouldn't push more the topic, but the intrigue eats him inside.
"Seriously, why do you dislike them so much? Have they ever done something to you? Do you have a reason?" His voice comes out calmly, without any hint of judgment in it.
Tiger lowers his head, admiring his feet and Jungkook looks away. Even if he dies to know what's going on between them, he comprehends he won't make Tiger talk if he doesn't want to. To Tiger's luck, he doesn't insist.
"Do you want me to stay?"
Tiger only shrugs, but doesn't deny it.
* * *
"Are they still outside? What are they talking about? Oh my god, since when are they friends? I think we've missed a whole chapter, Nam." Hoseok tilts his head and bites the inside of his cheek. "I get it, he hates us, but why doesn't he hate him? I thought Tae commented Tiger does."
Lean arms wrap around his waist and he instinctively turns his head around. His eyes widden for a moment, not expecting to be Seokjin. A friendly smile appears a moment later and pecks his lips.
"I've missed you, Seokie!" he almost wines.
"I'm sorry Seokie, I've missed you two." he kisses him, a bit longer than he expected. "Come, let's cook something. I'm done with work for today, I'm all yours."
"Oh, I wish I could. I promised Jiminie I would keep my eyes on Tiger just in case Tae comes back. He told me he can't break his pinky promise even if he's in the shower. Aish, you know how he is."
"But Joonie is also here, he won't mind doing it for you."
"Nam barely pays attention to us when he reads."
"I've heard that." said guy mutters, still immersed on his book. "And that's right, but not quite."
Seokjin hums satisfied and slides down one hand, finding Hoseok's. He takes him to the kitchen and tells the red head to sit on one of the stools while he looks around for some ingredients, unable to make up his mind.
"Ah, that's right!" Hoseok gasps. "You and Nam didn't tell us anything! Were Tiger's answers helpful? Do you have news?"
"Kind of. I just can't find anyone called Buffalo. It must be a nickname he uses to communicate with that bitch. That happens often, the same person has multiple names—all different and never the real one—it depends on who's talking to. It hinders a lot the identification process. Only if we could -" he bites his lips, filling up a soup pot with water. "Nothing."
Hoseok waits until he turns off the tap. "What were you going to say, Seokie?"
Seokjin groans, placing it on the ceramic stove. "I would appreciate a lot Bang PD's help right now. We don't have any clues apart from Mimi wandering around the area. What was that bitch doing here? Look, if she finds out where we live ..."
He takes a seat next to his boyfriend and Hoseok holds his hand, resting his head on the other.
He draws small circles with his thumb, so gently it makes Seokjin smile. "Yoong's upstairs improving the security system. Taehyung and I can patrol the neighbourhood tomorrow."
Seokjin hums. "Tomorrow I'm going to reach my closest detective, someone must have heard that name before. I also need to find where they stay, their working base if it's not in their mafias, who are they working with - Buffalo may not be the head of all this. The Three Eagles, Buffalo and Mimi somehow work together. Perhaps they all belong to the same mafia, or perhaps they've a big group in - wait, if that's the case it means I can get to Buffalo. I only need to find out -"
"Shh, baby it's okay," Hoseok leans his boyfriend's head on his shoulder and Seokjin exhales heavily. He caresses his back, while the other hand keeps caressing his skin. "You don't need to do it all by yourself, we can help you, don't put all this pressure on yourself."
"We should stay inside as much as possible. If she saw us once, she can do it again. They didn't get caught because Tiger has quick instincts and luck was on their side."
"Yoongs have everything under control," he kisses his forehead, "and I'm going to sleep with a gun under the pillow -"
"Guys, I'm gonna put these cameras on each floor of the building, come back in thirty." Yoongi informs with his head poked on the door.
"Why so suddenly?" Jimin asks behind him. "What did I miss?"
Yoongi opens the kitchen door completely and steps inside, while Jimin leans on the door frame drying his hair with a white towel.
"Mimi. I turned down all the security cameras from the building, but it will last for a short amount of time. I want to know who goes in and out twenty four seven."
"Oh," Jimin rubs the towel more aggressively, avoiding his gaze. At least he talked to me. "That's a good idea."
"Babe, you're a genius! Go, go, go, don't lose more time. Dinner will be ready when you come back."
Yoongi winks and disappears down the hallway. The water starts boiling and Seokjin gets up to put some ingredients, too overworked to put a lot of effort on it. Still, he considers it's going to turn out healthier than eating instant ramyeon.
"Hobi, where's Taetae?"
"Still not him, but Tiger's outside with Jungkook."
Jimin stops rubbing his towel and gulps. "Jungkook?"