Chapter 3: CHAPTER 1

Bangtan Boys have completed their most important mission of the year. It took them six months to bring down a foreing Child Traffic Organization. They expanded their market in Seoul, kidnapping a hundred of kids between three and twelve years old. Thankfully, they all could return to their families and the boys win one week of rest.
For every group the six boys take down, they win three different rivals. Nevertheless, the Bangtan Boys have never encountered an organization they can't break. Once again, they keep living in the mouth of every business man in Asia.
Jin, the best detective in South Korea. People believe the Bangtan Boys won't be able to start a mission without him. He gets the most business proposals and a lot of organizations want him dead; Suga, the hacker. People believe he still hasn't found any information he can't track, nor any projects he can't shut down; J-hope, expert in guns and other weapons. No one has the control he has over them nor the shooting techniques—reports tell he has dodged more bullets than any other boy in the team. Since he joined, he never got shot; RM, the brain of the group. He leads and plan all their missions. Jimin, expert in chemical substances and drugs. He can make small bombs and detect different substances faster than any other. He protects his members in all their missions, also having countless death threats for it; V, the driver king. He has all the control over the vehicle. He can turn on whatever he likes, no need to use the key. Different reports confirm JK will join the Bangtan Boys soon this month. An expert in self defence with an amazing strength. People call him the 'Fighting God'. Once more, the Bangtan Boys—
Namjoon turns off the TV. Some of his boyfriends glare at him, but don't complain. They sit properly on the sofa—less Yoongi. Yoongi keeps his head against Hoseok's chest, drawing different patterns on his stomach. He ignored Namjoon completely, already sensing his intentions.
Namjoon sits on the single white armchair, facing the boys. He massages his temples, sighing. "Loves, we agreed we would find a solution for that issue. We don't have more days left. I've one in mind, but listen to the whole argument before complaining, please."
Yoongi yawns and intertwines his legs with Hoseok's, closing his eyes. "When did Bang PD say the newbie gets his ass here?"
"Tomorrow morning." Seokjin plays with Jimin's blonde hair.
He rests his head on top of the younger. Seokjin intuits his boyfriend's idea. He already knows Jimin will need more time than the rest to adjust to the sudden change. He would like to find another way, but they don't have too many options. Their week off will become a bitter joke, Seokjin's completely sure about it.
"We can show him with actions our relationship, instead of using words. We don't have to give any explanations, less in our own home. It will make it weirder." Hoseok proposes and grimace, holding his Suga Mushy closer.
Namjoon clears his throat. "Guys, we won't tell him anything. He can't know it, but that—"
"Hold on, hold on. What do you mean he can't know it?" Jimin lets go of Seokjin's grip, placing his feet on the parquet floor.
He clenches his jaw, even though he still has hopes they don't have to take it this far. Jimin's pretty sure it would definitely destroy their relationship. He bounces his foot, as Namjoon takes more time to answer than needed.
"Jimin, we can't trust him, not yet. Do you understand, right?" Namjoon voice remains soft.
Jimin scoffs. "So we not only have to hide our relationship at work, we also have to hide it in our own home now?"
Namjoon gets up, slowly getting closer to Jimin. "Mini—"
"Why don't we just break up already?! There won't be any difference." Jimin raises his voice, clenching his fists.
He doesn't like to get in arguments with his five wonderful boyfriends, it doesn't happen frequently when it comes to Jimin getting upset. He usually is the one who stays calm, avoiding any kind of conflict, but that was too much for him to handle. He storms upstairs, ignoring Namjoon's call, locking himself in his own room.
The usual soft and giggly living room, becomes deadly quiet for a moment. They keep looking at each other, but no one dares to mutter a word.
"I'll talk to him." Taehyung smiles gently, before disappearing downstairs.
"How will we make this work, Nam? We can only be ourselves here." Hoseok sighs, clicking his tongue. "You know what? Do whatever you want, but at least don't take the sex away from me. The rooms are still soundproof, right?"

Yoongi smirks, glancing for a few moments the boy under him.
Namjoon sits down again, resting his head with his hands. "We can still share our love for each other, as long as JK isn't around. Understood?"
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. "You could have just said that. We don't have too many hours left before that boy comes, and Jimin's already having a breakdown."
Hoseok caresses the dark hair's thigh. "Jimin only lets Taehyung talk to him. Let's hope he can change his mind, or at least he convinces him to talk to Nam."
The leader lowers his head once again and ruffles his hair, sighing harshly. Seokjin walks to him and places a hand on his shoulder. "You said what we all knew, Joon. We don't have many other options. If JK tells Bang PD. . ." He shivers and bites his lip, shaking his head. "We can't risk it, our lives would be in danger."
"We don't need that shitty company. We would be perfectly fine on our own. At this point, they need us more than we need them. Who's with me?" Yoongi says.
The three boys ignore him, already used to Yoongi's 'i don't give a fuck' mindset.
Namjoon grabs Jin's hand and kisses it gently. "I should have expected Mini would react this way. It doesn't make me happy neither, but. . ."
"Yeah, yeah. We get it. We'll make it work out, no worries." Yoongi shows his gummy smile and winks.
"Big baby, you need a warm bath and hours of sleep." Seokjin pulls Namjoon up. "If Jimin doesn't come around today, you can talk to him before JK comes. Mm-hmm?"
Namjoon nods and Seokjin intertwines their fingers, walking him to the bathroom.
The other pair stays cuddling on the sofa, enjoying their own company. They love each one of their boyfriends dearly, but they've always had a deeper connection. In the end, they've known each other since they were kids. They've spent all their lives fighting together.
Hoseok places butterfly kisses on Yoongi's neck. "Can we do it on the sofa for the last time? We'll be able to do it only in our beds. Wait—we can still have shower sex when the newbie sleeps, right? Please don't take them away from me, too."
Yoongi smirks, sitting on his lap. "You'll get what you want, if you let me top tonight."
"Don't ask me twice." The red hair cups his cheeks and kisses him.
* * *
Taehyung caresses Jimin's blond hair, while the crying boy grabs his brown t-shirt with his fists.
"You don't understand Taehyungie. You- you've the only ones I can rely on. I don't have friends outside. I only have you, and I'll also end up losing you."
"I understand your fear, Jiminie. I don't want to hide my love for you in my own home either, but Bang PD can't know it. What will we do if JK tells him everything? Don't you think that's so much worse?" He keeps his voice relaxed, the last thing he wants is to upset his boyfriend even more.
Jimin must understand they don't have any other option.
Jimin sniffs, nodding slowly. "I just don't want to lose you."
"I promise you baby, you won't lose us. Never. I'm sure Namjoon wants to talk to you. Chimmy, you should listen to him. He won't ever let us break up, as long as he can control the situation. He adores you."
Jimin wipes his tears, sitting straight on the bed. "He isn't mad, right?"
Taehyung shakes his head. "Namjoon never gets mad at you, dummy."
Jimin giggles through his starry eyes. Taehyung kisses his cheek, making him smile. They leave the room together, but the brunette boy makes his way to his room, while Jimin knocks on Namjoon's door.
He opens the door after a few seconds. Namjoon's reading on his bed with his glasses on. He stands in the door frame, until Namjoon notices his presence. He places down his book, getting up. He frowns slightly when he notices Jimin's puffy eyes and pink cheeks.
"Mini," He extends his arms and Jimin runs to him, resting his head on his chest. "I'm so sorry."
Jimin shakes his head. "Moni, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just- I just-"
Namjoon caresses his back. "It's alright, it's alright. Come, sit with me."
They sit on the end of the bed, the covers cold against their legs. Namjoon squeezes Jimin's hand, until the younger takes the courage to speak.
"I'm afraid. I don't want to lose you nor break up with you. I don't know what I would do without you."
Namjoon shakes his head. "Baby, we can be ourselves whenever JK isn't around. Sounds good? Besides," He lowers his head to Jimin's ear, his warm breath tickling his skin. "We can always lock the door, the room will keep soundproofed."
Jimin nods, but frowns. "That new boy. . . If he doesn't behave angelically, he'll piss me off even more."
Namjoon chuckles softly, caressing his hot cheeks. "Why?"
"Because of him I've to keep hiding my relationship. Do we actually need him? Can our team just be us? We've been accomplishing every mission so far. What has changed?"
"Well," He clears his throat. "We receive more death threats than usual—you and Seokjin the most—we won five new enemies from Europe—" He sights, dropping his hands. "Bang PD's horoscope suggested him a new change will bring good luck among us." He sighs, scratching his head.
Jimin laughs, soon making his boyfriend laugh as well. Namjoon kisses his forehead, his nose, and finally his lips. He moves to rest his back on the headboard and Jimin sits on his lap. They only break the kiss to take off their shirts. A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door. It doesn't make them pull away, already used to the sudden interruptions. Seokjin and Taehyung mock them, before joining them in bed, both with their pajamas on. Jimin pulls away slowly, when they run out of breath. Soon after, the four boys cuddle each other on the king size bed.
"Won't Hobi and Yoongi join us? I want to spend the last night in peace with all of you." Jimin pouts, hugging Namjoon tighter.
"They're still fucking in the living room." Taehyung yawns, half sleep.
"You mean making love, Taetae." Jimin corrects, closing his eyes.
"No, they're fucking."
Seokjin laughs, snuggling closer to Taehyung. He hugs his waist and Taehyung holds his hand, pulling him as close as possible.
"They better clean their mess before JK comes tomorrow." Namjoon says, followed by a calming sigh.
They all hume in synchrony, before falling asleep in each other's arms.
Hoseok and Yoongi join them past midnight, after taking a warm bath together (and cleaning the living room). They find a spot in Seokjin's side. Yoongi hugs him, while Hoseok hugs his Suga Mushy from behind, resting his head on top of his.

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