Chapter 17: CHAPTER 15

The boys decide to rest the entire day, doing a huge favour to Seokjin. They discuss their mission again at dinner.
"Changmin, 30 years old. The leader." Yoongi sums up the information on the screen.
"He must be the one who spoke." Jimin remembers his words, how he actually thought he could kill the Bangtan Boys.
"He's ugly as fuck." Seokjin comments, after swallowing down his noodles. "Huh, they must be jealous, that's why they shot me. Losers."
Jungkook lets his chopsticks standing in front of his mouth. "Don't you actually think they shot you because of that, do you?"
Seokjin shrugs and keeps eating.
"Seoyun, 28 years old." Yoongi clenches his jaw. "The shooter."
"That freak shot me? Please, look at him. He came out of a circus."
Namjoon bites a chuckle away. "So, who's the last one?"
"Hanmin. 25 years old. The driver." Yoongi smirks, finding their weakness. "Changmin's his older brother. What if we kill his little brother in front of him? That would be hilarious." He lets out a bitter laugh.
"Mmm, don't you think it's a bit cruel? Why don't we kill them at the same time? If hell exists, they can go hand in hand."
"They almost kill Jin. I don't fucking care if he sees his world shuttering in front of him. Their mafia will learn not to mess up with us."
Hoseok doesn't dare to protest. Jimin caresses his back without anyone noticing. He also finds taking advantage of their bond a bit too much. He wouldn't like getting kidnap—again—and someone using his bond with the boys to torture him. He would rather die than seeing one of his boyfriends dying.
He gets goose bumps at the image and Hoseok places a hand on his thigh, noticing his discomfort.
"Yoongi, they're still in the same location?" Namjoon asks, after processing the information.
"Perfect. They probably know how Jimin, Jungkook and I look like, but they still don't know about yours."
"Are you sure about that?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "I've the feeling they would have found us, even if we stayed on the first floor. Sorry for ruining your upcoming plan, but they seem to know you pretty well."
"It makes sense." Seokjin says.
"It doesn't matter. We'll spy them and study them, before we make another move."
"Namjoon, they aren't one of your projects." Seokjin reminds him. "We could control their moves for a few days before we kidnap them."
Namjoon hesitates, but nods. "What do you think, Tae?"
"I'm in. For the kidnapping we could use a bait. Jungkook would be perfect. Nobody cares if they kill him or kidnap him, he doesn't belong to us, anyway. We wouldn't lose anything important."
Jungkook sighs. "Do you realise I'm right here, right?" The boys never let Jungkook eat in peace. Do they have brains or air inside their skulls?
"Taehyung, we won't use Jungkook as the bait. He belongs with us now. I understand you don't get along, but your comment was out of place. Please, apologise."
"I don't see any flaws in Tae's idea." Yoongi comments.
"Yoongi, don't you dare to start." Namjoon warns him.
"It doesn't matter, Joon. I don't like them either, and I can't care less about what they think of me. They're not the reason I'm here now."
"Then leave." Taehyung fights back.

"Taehyung." Namjoon raises his voice. "We're on a mission, we don't have time for this. We won't give anyone away. Jungkook belong with us, like it or not. Understood?"
Taehyung narrows his eyebrows and crosses his arms against his chest. "You always defend him. Why are you picking always his side? What about me?"
Namjoon stares at his teary eyes for a few seconds. "There're no sides Tae, we belong to the same team. I'm not saying you should like him, just. . . Don't wish him death. I don't think he deserves it, and you deep down know it as well."
"I hate him."
"You're just jealous and insecure." Jungkook says. "My presence wouldn't bother you as much as it does, if you stopped focusing on me all the damn time. Look at and for you, you'll live happier." Jungkook takes a bite of his food and continues. "You don't need to thank me."
"See!? He always does that! He doesn't stop messing around with me and making me look like the bad guy!"
"Huh? You were the one knocking on my door like a lunatic the first day." Jungkook says, incredulous.
"You ate all my favourite biscuits and you've a thing for Jimin."
"I bought you a whole new box the next day, and I don't have any thing for Jimin. Can you all stop that already? As if you all were collectively in love with him or something."
Jungkook sipping his noddles from the chopsticks are the only sound filling the room. Namjoon sends a glare to Taehyung, and the bear boy lowers his head.
He messed up.
* * *
"Why can't I go with you? I don't need my arm to run." Seokjin protests, ignoring the few times Namjoon told him to lay on the bed.
"You'll be there when we kidnap them, but for now you need to stay here. We can't risk you getting worse. I cannot risk it."
"What if I stay in the van with Taehyung?" Seokjin proposes. He really wants to go.
"What if we've an accident?"
"Well, then your condition would be worse than mine."
Namjoon rolls his eyes at his comment.
"Namjoon, let him come." Hoseok tries to cheer up the mood with a smile. "You know nothing will happen."
"Hoseok, you're coming with us. We need you. I'll tell Jimin to stay with him." He faces Seokjin again. "Didn't you want to try the spa? We'll be back before you notice, little prince."
Namjoon leans to kiss Seokjin, but the older turns his head and he meets his cheek, instead.
"Have fun." Seokjin wishes, uninterested.
He walks away before Namjoon can mutter another word about him staying here. Seokjin wants to be useful, not stay between these fancy walls like an invalid. I know I'm the useless number one of this team, but they don't need to remind me.
* * *
"You should have let him come." Yoongi comments, looking out the window. "You know how sensitive he gets about his position in this team when it comes to missions. You don't need to baby him, Joon."
"I don't baby him." He shifts in his seat. "I just try to protect you all the best I can."
"Have you thought maybe they don't need your protection?" Jungkook leans his head between them. "Just saying."
"This ain't about your concerning, kiddo. Go back to your seat, though he has a point, Joon."
"You know I can't help it." Namjoon defends himself.
"Why are you so protective? Is it because you're the leader or because a past trauma?"
* * *
"If we step inside, the workers will notice we aren't guests. Suga Mushy, in which floor are they?"
"I don't know, Hoba. I don't have super powers." He smiles and ruffles his hair. "Namjoon?"
"Let's wait here. They can come out or come in at any minute."
Yoongi shakes his head, chuckling. "Guys, if Jin asks, tell him we went inside in spy mode, and we almost had to run for our lives."
"If Seokjin finds out we stayed inside Blacky for hours, he kills you." Hoseok laughs.
"I'll keep that in mind." Jungkook grins.
"Yoongi, did you bring the binoculars?" Namjoon changes the topic.
"Yeah. I only got three though."
Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon use them, while Hoseok and Taehyung keep their guards up. They never know when they must hide or run away from this place.
"Jungkook, come with me. The last time it seemed they enjoyed looking out the window. We need to get closer."
Jungkook follows Namjoon out of the van. This hotel isn't as big as theirs, nor the one they destroyed. Namjoon focus on the high windows, while Jungkook observes the lowest.
"By the way, did you bring a gun with you?"
"Yeah, it's in the van." Namjoon doesn't look away from the window.
"What?! What if they come out of nowhere and kill us?"
Namjoon laughs. "Don't worry, Kook. You're safe with me."
Jungkook shakes his head, trying to remove the warmth of Namjoon's words from his heart.
* * *
"How did it go?" Jimin asks, when the front door opens.
Seokjin doesn't bother to remove his head from his lap. He doesn't care if Jungkook finds out, it's about damn time. And he wants to piss someone off in return.
Hoseok exhales, exaggeratedly. "Pff, you can't imagine how much we ran." He throws himself in the longest part of the sofa.
"Hobi, you're a terrible liar." Seokjin remarks. "Now the truth. Did you at least see them?"
"Nope." Yoongi comments, pushing Hoseok to a side to sit next to him.
"Namjoon and I guarded the windows."
"And did you find something?" Jimin asks with his hopes up.
"So, do you have any news?"
Seokjin scoffs. "Jimin and I should have come. This is ridiculous."
"Seokjinnie, you're not completely healed yet." Taehyung sits next to him and Seokjin rests his legs on his thighs.
"I told you I'm fine."
"Jin, can we talk?" Namjoon asks, still standing in front of the living room.
"I'm sleepy."
He closes his eyes and turns his head to the sofa. Now I'm the one who doesn't want to listen.

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