Chapter 13: CHAPTER 11

Seokjin plays with Namjoon's fingers, caressing them and moving them around. He studies his boyfriend's face as much as he lets him. The leader keeps his head down, keeping his other hand on Seokjin's lap.
"How are you feeling, Joon?" He asks, regardless knowing the answer.
He shrugs, only raises his head to properly answer him. "Just tired, the usual. Does your shoulder ache as much as before? Did the anaesthetic work?"
"Mm-hmm. How are you truly feeling, Joon?" Seokjin can read Namjoon so easily, sometimes the younger wonders how. The rest of his boyfriends need their time to comprehend what goes inside the leader's mind. "You can talk to me, no ones here."
"I'm exahusted, Jin. You got shot, Taehyung's toxic thoughts got over him, and we need to find a place to stay. It's already afternoon and we haven't decided yet. Moreover, you're trapped in this bed, Taehyung disappeared, and the doctor will kick us out in a few hours." He scratches the back of his head. "Taehyung was right about something. . . Since Jungkook joined our team, everything goes wrong. What upsets me the most is Jungkook doesn't do anything, it's been a while since he started behaving."
"Jungkook's a difficult kid. Just like Yoongs was. Lucky he had Hobi, and maybe Hobi can be there for Jungkook, too. I could try, but he doesn't take me seriously."
"He doesn't want to listen to me. Maybe it's just the way he is. Rebel, unbothered, immature, bold, and unconscious." He shrugs. "Protecting us and finishing this mission is the only thing I can focus right now. Of course, with my amazing plot twist. Bang PD will have their bodies, but not the way he wants."
"Oh, Joon. Tell me you told Bang PD about killing those freaks?"
"He doesn't need to know, love. Not yet."
Seokjin smiles, actually finding hot how Namjoon would kill anyone that dared to touch one of his boys.
"Meanwhile, why don't you and Yoongi choose the hotel? I want to see your options, too. As the wounded boy, let me choose!" He says, more hyped up for Namjoon's sake.
"You're not the wounded boy, you're still our genius detective."
Namjoon gets up to disconnect Yoongi's laptop from the charger. He quickly inserts the password and places the laptop in Seokjin's lap.
"We discarded most of them, so now we need to choose from these two options. Which do you like the most?" Namjoon raises an eyebrow.
Seokjin scoffs, shaking his head. "Are you actually asking me? Sunrise to the Sunset definitely wins. The luxurious, the better. Bet those freaks can't even pay a night there. In the end, all of our enemies wish they were us."
Namjoon chuckles at Seokjin's antics. "Couldn't expect less from you, love."
* * *
Jimin rests his body on a wall, earning a concern look from one of the nurses.
"Excuse me, do you need help? Are you feeling alright?"
Jimin nods his head. "Just. . . Just out of breath. That's. . . That's all. Give me five minutes. . . and I'm back on the hunt, baby."
The nurse frowns, approaching closer to him. "Are you a patient? Your face doesn't look familiar. Do you have any breathing condition?"
"No, no, no. I'm just running through every possible floor trying to find one of my boyfriends." He shakes his hands, playing it cool with a smile.
"Oh. . . So, you lost your boyfriend? Do you want me to help finding him? What's your name?"
"Why do you want to know my name?" Jimin tilts his head.
He won't give his personal name to anyone, not even a cute nurse that offered her valuable time to help him.

The nurse grabs a small notebook from one of her pockets. She reads one of the patient lists, but she can't detect any foreign names. Maybe he didn't try to escape the mental hospital floor. She hums to herself. Not the first time someone tries to run away, or got desperate trying to find a person that only exists in their imagination.
"Nothing." She smiles. "Good luck finding him. Do you mind telling me how does he look like? I'll let the receptionist workers know, just in case they see him."
"He's taller than me—but not too tall. He has brown hair, cute face, cute lips. . . He almost looks like a bear."
The nurse giggles. "I'll let you know if someone founds him. If he loves you, he won't be far away. Think about it through his eyes: if you were him, where would you hide?"
Jimin bites his lower lip, trying to think where would Taehyung be. The first place that crosses his mind is the van, but he already checked that. Jimin was afraid Taehyung would have ran away with Blacky. If Blacky didn't abandon this hospital, neither did Taehyung.
Jimin's eyes catch a figure he didn't see in a while. Not wanting to also lose track of him, he thanks the nurse, bows, and runs towards the tattooed boy.
"JK! JK! JK!"
"Holy Moly, Jimin! Do you want to give me a heart attack? What happened?"
"Have you seen Tae?"
Jungkook bites the inside of his lips. "Nope. No, I didn't. Why? I thought he was with you guys."
"He was, but. . ." He bites his lower lip, more puffy than usual as he didn't give it a rest. "Things got a bit complicated. Sometimes we fight, too. Anyway, if you see him, call me."
Jimin walks pass him, but a hand on his shirt stops him. He bounces backward and turns around when he finds his balance. Jungkook smirks, playing with his piercing.
"Jimin, you don't have a phone. Remember?"
"Oh—I don't have a phone. True."
"Should I come with you?"
If he sees me coming with you, he's gone for sure. "There's no need to. Why don't stay with Hoseok? Yoongi tried to cheer him up, but that's not his strong point."
"Neither mine. Bet Suga and I have a thing in common. Anyway, Hoseok's always the one living in the clouds, why would he need to be cheered up?"
"Taehyung said things he didn't mean to him. He never actually fought with him before, so it let him down."
"If he didn't mean it, why did he say it?" Jungkook questions Taehyung, hoping he could actually ask him personally.
"Everyone says things they don't mean when they argue—more if they're mad."
"I don't. Why would you say something you know it will hurt that person, if you don't even mean it? That's why I stopped believing in human bonds. Bunch of idiots."
"But you called Jin daddy the first day we met. And you find Hobi annoying. You even said you're better than us, Yoongs told me that."
"That's because Seokjin gave me daddy vibes when I first met him, I still found Hobi annoying, and I'm better than you." Jungkook shrugs. "Where are the lies?"
Jimin frowns, crossing his arms. "Why do you always have to be so bold? Aren't you ashamed of anything?"
Jungkook stares at him for a few seconds. His dark eyes travel through Jimin's, and the blond boy can't help himself but instantly feeling smaller. He regrets asking in the first place, while his dark eyes send shivers down his spine, wondering why they always look at him like that. Jimin slightly tilts his head, trying to read his eyes for the first time. If Jimin knows what to do better than toxic substances and experiments, is read the other person's eyes.
Jungkook's eyes scream something his mouth cannot.
"Go find Taehyung, Jimin."
* * *
Jimin couldn't find Taehyung.
He comes back with his heart on the floor, dropping even more as the tension in the room didn't improve. It makes everything in his body ache. They're in the middle of the weirdest mission in a few years and their relationship with Taehyung's on the edge.
We never fought in a mission before. We can't fight in missions. Someone will eventually die if we fight.
Yoongi points his head to the side and Jimin's jaw almost breaks. Taehyung sits as far as possible from the boys, keeping his head down. He plays with the van's keys, not bothered from the new presence.
No matter the situation, he recognises Jimin's footsteps. He always does.
Jimin takes a few deep breaths as Namjoon taught him, but he can't stop his blood from boiling and let his heart scream out all the tension.
Jungkook covers his mouth even if nobody pays attention to him. The last thing they need is Jungkook laughing through their mess. He didn't see Jimin mad before, and he actually feels proud. Cinnamon roll in the outside, killer on the inside. So that's his game. Interesting.
"I was on the roof." He says, emotionless.
"I went to the roof—"
"I know. I saw you. For the time you stayed there, I thought you would have seen me. Guess you didn't."
Jungkook's words suddenly echo in his mind. 'Why would you say something you know it will hurt that person, if you don't even mean it?' Maybe he has a point.
"I was looking for you, and you knew that." His voice comes out softer this time.
"Hasn't it crossed your mind that maybe I didn't want to be found?" Yet again, Taehyung isn't the one talking.
"Guys. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we need things to discuss. Our lives depend on it, so I would appreciate your collaboration." Namjoon says, not moving from his spot next to Seokjin. "Taehyung, we would like you to join us. Jin chose your favourite hotel."
Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "Sunrise to Sunset?"
"Mm-hmm. Maybe we could spend one afternoon in the spa together, if you want my company." Seokjin says softly. "We could play with the bubbles."
"But the spa doesn't have bubbles." Hoseok tries to resonate.
"It does."
"Ah, yeah. It does."
Hoseok plays along, too afraid of an upset Seokjin.
"Then let's go."
Taehyung leaves the room, not waiting for anyone.
Hoseok and Jungkook stay with Seokjin. Basically, Hoseok doesn't want to let his boyfriend alone. Jungkook voluntarily stays. He'll confront Taehyung if he goes. He isn't afraid to let him know what everyone thinks.
If they're as close as they seem, why they don't put some sense into his head?

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