foreigner's journey

Chapter 153 Fierce Battle in the Snow

Chapter 153 Fierce Battle in the Snow

The White Rabbit Beast was just stunned for a moment, and then found the two lingering hairless monkeys rushing towards him.

It shook its huge ears that were as sharp as steel blades, and let out an angry growl.

And when Heather rushed towards the White Rabbit with the Taidao upside down, she also clearly saw the complete appearance of this giant beast.

Compared with the pure white fur of ordinary white rabbits, this white rabbit's fur appears more black, and its ears are also unusually large.Although the name contains 'White Rabbit', its skeleton is as big and strong as Blue Bearmon.

Its outer ear is not cartilage but an extremely hard carapace. It is probably to protect the ears exposed to the cold for a long time. Judging by the cold and sharp appearance, it is probably not much more than a knife blade.

Look at its abdomen with many strong and smooth carapaces, and the grooves on the plastron provide the white rabbit with excellent gliding ability.

According to the data, the White Rabbitmon has the habit of hiding part of the food it gets under the snow, so that it can be dug out to satisfy its hunger during severe weather.Its actions just now should be eating stored food.It's decided, after hunting this guy, I'll pack his food and take it away!
But don't get me wrong, the White Rabbit is not a pure herbivore.It is a herbivorous omnivorous animal, mainly eating mushrooms, fruits and so on.In the cold winter season, in order to ingest animal fat, it does not mind and even actively hunts other creatures and even humans.

Thoughts happened in the blink of an eye, and Heather moved faster and rushed to the white rabbit first. He waved the [Drowning Knife] made of water beast materials in his hand and slashed diagonally from bottom to top. The light of the knife brought up countless snow foam on the ground.

The blade was slashing the white rabbit's plastron, but it only brought a stream of tragic sparks and shallow white marks.

Didn't break the defense?The sense of déjà vu...

One blow didn't work, and the White Rabbit's counterattack came immediately, and its huge claws smashed hard towards Heather with the sound of piercing the air.

I saw Heather took a step back lightly, deflected the blade of the drowning knife in her hand and swiped it horizontally, accompanied by a crisp sound of 'ding', deflected the giant claw attack of the white rabbit with the back of the knife very skillfully, leaving herself unscathed .

Immediately after, Heather turned the blade and swung the Taidao upwards violently with the momentum of wind and thunder, and made a powerful counterattack obliquely, which slashed the white rabbit's left arm fiercely, bringing up a cloud of blood.

[See Cut and Cut]!
The White Rabbit roared, stabilized its posture and swung its giant claws towards Heather again.But Heather swung the Drowning Knife just as quickly, turning her body and directly slashing in a bright circle.

[Great round of air blades]!
The air blade collided with the giant claw, and even the wind and snow shrouded in front of them were shaken away.Heather rolled on the spot to offset the recoil, and the white rabbit staggered backwards and almost failed to stand still.

At this moment, Irsan's attack also arrived.

Running quickly, she first threw the dyed ball on the white rabbit to explode the pink mist, then stepped on Heather's shoulder and jumped high, holding the blue bear material Taidao [Blue Kuma Naruto] Rather than saying it was a Taidao, it was more like a Naginata, the blade exuded a strange red light in the blizzard.

She has used the Taidao hunting skill [Demon Sword Raksha] in advance to strengthen the sharpness of the Taidao.

In mid-air, the red light turned into two pathetic lights of sabers and slashed towards the white rabbit.

[Air Combat Style: Soaring Two-Flying Air Blade Slash]!
Just when the light of the knife was about to hit the white rabbit, the extremely violent [Snow] exploded from bottom to top, not only enveloping Heather, but also directly interrupting Irsan's inevitable double slash in the air battle , the girl only had time to let out a cry of surprise when she was wrapped into a snowball by a large amount of snow and hit the ground hard.

Heather, who was also wrapped into a big snowball, swayed slightly, and the four stone balls spun around him at high speed, sweeping away all the snow wrapped around him.

At the moment of getting away, Heather instantly erected the drowning knife and blocked it with the back of the knife, and then a huge black shadow flashed in front of him.With an ear-piercing loud noise, the blade trembled violently, and Heather felt the tiger's mouth go numb and almost couldn't hold the handle.

The fierce fire flashed by, and the white rabbit had already rushed tens of meters away in skiing posture. The loud noise just now was the sound it made when it hit Heather's blade with its long ears that were as sharp as steel knives. .If Heather hadn't escaped in time and reacted quickly, he would have been cut in half with the snowball just now.

In the distance, the White Rabbit slipped a beautiful arc on the snow, turned and rushed towards Irsan who was still wrapped in the snowball and couldn't move.

Heather raised the drowning knife to the front of her body, bursting out of her whole body, rushing from behind Irsan obliquely to the direction where the white rabbit was attacking, with the tip of the knife pointing straight ahead.

[Air blade thrust]!
The moment his figure passed by Irsan, the four light eggs seized the opportunity to scatter the snowball on Irsan's body, freeing her from trouble.

One person and one beast collided with unparalleled momentum.

Just when the two sides were about to collide, a sly light flashed in the eyes of the white rabbit beast. Its abdomen suddenly swelled and inflated, and at the same time, its two powerful hind legs suddenly exerted force, and its whole body leaped high from the snow, making the sea Se's [Air Blade Thrust] missed.

The huge beast curled up in the air and smashed down towards Irsan below!

But Irsan was also prepared.

She stood up straight and looked towards the sky, slowly turned the green bear in her hand, and concentrated all her energy training on the Taidao in her hand.

boom--! !

A powerful impact like a falling meteorite hit the front of the green bear that Irshan erected, and the terrifying impact air instantly blew away the thick layer of snow under Irshan's feet, even exposing the solid frozen soil!

【Mirror flower pose】!
Although there is not a single qi in the whole body, but with this defensive stance, Ilsan blocked the fatal attack of the White Rabbit Beast without injury.

The huge recoil made the White Rabbit Beast fall backwards, and Ilsan raised the Green Bear Naginata high in his hand and slashed violently, leaving a deep blood mark on the top of the White Rabbit Beast's head!
With the roar of fright and fury, the White Rabbit Beast rolled on the spot and smashed the ice mist into the sky, shrouding its figure in it.Heather, who was just about to catch up to make up for the knife, had to step back to prevent the White Rabbit from killing him in the icy fog.

The ice fog exploded, and the white rabbit quickly slid towards the distance in a swooping posture, and did not stop until it was nearly 60 meters away.

It stood in the whistling blizzard, blood dripping from the top of its head and then the cold wind froze the wound, and anger flashed in its small eyes.

I saw it lowered its body and plunged its claws into the thick layer of snow, constantly flipping it, and soon kneaded out several large snowballs with a diameter of three meters.It looked at the two hairless monkeys running towards it from a distance, and its strong forelimbs lifted a large snowball and threw it towards Heather!

Looking at the huge snowball flying towards him, Heather finally remembered what the amazing sense of sight was.

Gan!This product is of the same type as the [Red Pocket], it is the [Second Name Monster] of the White Rabbit Beast——

【Snow Lord】! !

(End of this chapter)

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