foreigner's journey

Chapter 149 Invitation to the Royal Paleontology Scribe Team

Chapter 149 Invitation to the Royal Paleontology Scribe Team

The old dragonman and Heather used the wood stored in the backyard to make a small and simple cat car in imitation of the Whirlwind Charge, and then installed energy bottles on the wheels.

But Heather only pushed the cat cart for a few steps before the wheels blew up.

Sweeping the broken wood slag on his sleeve, Heather bent down and picked up the energy bottle that rolled at his feet and was smoking white smoke. I can't stand the impact."

"It's related to the material. Ordinary wood can't support the countercurrent of the energy bottle at all."

The old dragon man took the energy bottle in Heather's hand: "And the energy guiding device should be greatly improved."

He picked up the rest of the energy bottle and put it back into the package, and carried the big package again: "Boy, I'm going back to improve the design drawings, don't be idle, I'll leave you a question - Cat Car's The separation and fusion structure can be left to you."

"Okay, I'll try."

Heather has been very busy lately, but when she has time, she devotes herself to studying design drawings.

Not long after, Ilsan walked out of the simple kitchen with a dinner plate, and curiously poked her head into the backyard: "Huh? Where's the old man?"

"I went back and said that there is still work to be done in the store."

Heather is sitting cross-legged in front of the Cyclone Charger, taking a tape measure to record the relative lengths needed for the retrofit.

"Oops, I also made honey grilled fish. I want my grandfather to judge the taste."

Ilsan frowned and looked at the steaming and fragrant grilled fish on the plate: "This is the best bear honey."

"Meow! We can help solve it!" Hachi and Sasaki immediately suggested themselves and competed to serve as tasters.

Heather threw away the tape measure and also joined the competition of tasters.

The sky is getting darker, and the bright lights of Jieyun Village are lit up, making the maple leaves swaying in the wind more and more red.

And in the dense forest deep in the stream, the woods that were originally shrouded in darkness appeared mottled light and shadows because of the moonlight.

There is a faint mist between the streams, and the rushing waterfall makes endless noise.

A large group of nocturnal creatures who were drinking water by the stream suddenly raised their heads vigilantly. From a distance, they looked like groups of wagging eels poking their heads out of the coral caves in a uniform order.

Then, the nocturnal creatures scattered.

Under the moonlight, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the forest, accompanied by the sound of fine electric current.

The first step out of the woodland was a sturdy Thunder Wolf Dragon. Unlike the Thunder Wolf Dragon that Heather met, this Thunder Wolf Dragon’s white mane was shorter and harder, and the muscles under the cyan scales were pierced. , a large number of thunder bugs revolve around it irregularly, and they show the king's demeanor when pacing.

It paced to the stream, looked around to the left and right, then turned its head and let out a short low growl in the woods behind it.

Not long after, more thunder wolf dragons emerged from the woodland.

Thunder Wolf Dragon is a herd creature!

These thunder wolf dragons are much smaller than the first thunder wolf dragon, and there are not so many thunder worms around the body surface. It seems that the number of thunder worms also reflects the status of the thunder wolf dragon group.

There are also a small number of petite juvenile Thunder wolf dragons running and playing at the feet of adult Thunder wolf dragons.The white charged hairs and cyan scales on the surface of these juvenile Thunder wolf dragons cover a larger area, which may be to protect the immature golden electric storage shell.

These large and small thunder wolf dragons seem to be a complete group, protected and led by the strongest thunder wolf dragon as the leader.They all walked to the stream and began to drink water. The first leader Thunder Wolf Dragon and the other two relatively strong Thunder Wolf Dragons looked around and were very vigilant.

On the top of the mountain they didn't notice, a lone thunder wolf dragon quietly watched the thunder wolf dragon group by the stream below, its long white electrified hairs dancing in the moonlight like a burning flame.

Thunder wolf dragon will grow a large amount of charged hairs to cover the immature or aging golden electric storage carapace only in the juvenile and old stages.

This old acquaintance of Heather, Thunder Wolf Dragon, was the former leader of this clan, and even though he left the clan because of his old age, he still paid attention to them.

After watching for a long time, when all the Thunder Wolf Dragons had evacuated from the stream, the young Thunder Wolf Dragon leader glanced at the direction of the mountain top, shook his head and walked into the forest.

And the old former wolf king squatted on the hard rocky ground on the top of the mountain with a thud, looking up at the towering mountain completely hidden by the clouds in the distance of the stream.

The moon is still there.




A few days later, a private meeting took place in the VIP room of the hot spring soup house on the top floor of Jieyun Village.

Looking at the gorgeous dragon-human girl in front of her with glasses, Heather was a little uncertain: " are you?"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Heather."

The dragon-human girl was wearing a dark green and light yellow scrivener team uniform, with glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her long black hair was combed into a side ponytail.She stood up and stretched out her right hand to Heather: "You can call me 'Momo'."

"Oh hello, Ms. Momo." The two shook hands and took their seats.

This is the most high-end VIP room of the hot spring soup house. There is a rectangular coffee table and two futons in the antique tea room, and there is a hot spring pond beside it.

"I don't like beating around the bush, so I'll cut to the chase."

Momo pushed the frame of her glasses: "The green bear beast ecological report is detailed, and in some places it even fills in the details that the scribes team didn't find. As a non-professional person, I have to A compliment to you - amazing."

She took out a stack of report sheets from the satchel next to her: "But this report alone can't make the Scribes make up their minds. What really plays a key role is this report..."

A report sheet was placed on the coffee table, and the analysis and conjecture about the [Red Pocket] was impressive.

Momo gently pushed the report sheet forward, and then sat upright: "Before this, there has never been a similar mutation in the green bear beast. So when seeing this report sheet, the first member of many members of the scribe team The first reaction was [question]. I am ashamed to say that I was one of them at the time, and I am very sorry.”

With that said, Momo bowed to Heather, and Heather waved her hand to indicate that she didn't care.

"But after analyzing and analyzing the huge green bear beast that was transported back, we found that this mutation not only exists, but is extremely dangerous to humans."

Momo opened the report sheet on the table and pointed to a few lines of data on the second page: "The density of the muscles and the hardness of the carapace are far higher than those of ordinary green bear beasts. The reddish fur and carapace also indicate danger. A large amount of secretions similar to madness, which indicates that it evolved towards [red pocket] because of anger and pain before it died, which is consistent with your inference in your report."

Heather, who had been silent for a while, asked at this time, "So, what's the conclusion of the Scribes?"

"Undoubtedly high standards, whether as a hunter or a candidate for a non-commissioned officer, you are an outstanding category."

Momo's face was filled with sincere admiration: "I haven't seen a talented person like you for many years. So Gustavron, the top leader of the Scholar Team, entrusted me to invite you—"

"I wonder if you would like to officially join the Royal Paleontology Scribes team?"

(End of this chapter)

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