For Your Failed Unrequited Love

Chapter 49

“Felix sunbae?” Lucy carefully called out his name. However, he only opened his eyes and did not respond much.

They said he walked normally when he came to the nurse’s office, but seeing that he was distracted right now, it seemed that the symptoms came belatedly. It must have been the side effects caused by the sap mixing with limosium potion.

Felix wriggled uncomfortably, and suddenly began to unbutton his chest.

“Oh!” Lucy grabbed him by the hand in a hurry. “What’s wrong, sunbae?”

She remembered what Chester had told her a while ago. When he was a student, his friend who smelled the sap of a pus tree fell into a hallucination and took off his clothes in the middle of the classroom….

Lucy never wanted to see it happened right in front of her eyes, and desperately stopped Felix from touching the buttons of his shirt. 

Felix’s hand, which had been wriggling even after Lucy had held it, slowly drained his strength at one point. Fortunately, he became calm again.

Lucy was surprised. She let go of his hand and sighed.

Felix was still staring blankly at the ceiling with his unfocused eyes. According to Chester, hallucinations were temporary, but Lucy was still worried.

She stretched out her palm and swung it before Felix’s eyes.

“Sunbae, can you see my hand?”

Felix didn’t reply.

“Felix sunbae…”


Felix, who seemed to be lying still, reached for Lucy’s wrist in an instant. She jumped out of her seat in horror.

His eyes slowly moved to Lucy, no longer unfocused. Before she knew it, his blue eyes sparkled with life. He smiled as if he had recognized Lucy’s face.


But what came out of his mouth was a meaningless murmur.



Suddenly he tightened his grip on Lucy’s wrist. Then he raised one eyebrow and even lowered his voice and said, “No.”

“What do you mean…” Lucy stared at Felix, puzzled by his words. He still looked distracted, but he was looking exactly at Lucy.

“No, Bibi.”

He said the same thing over and over again. Just as she was about to ask a useless question, Felix raised his other hand. His big hand rested on Lucy’s head. Then he put his hand into Lucy’s hair and messed it up.

“Ackk!” Lucy screamed. Her hair, tied neatly, was now messed up by Felix.

Afterward, he spoke with a serious look on his face. “What the hell is Rayleigh doing? I can’t believe he’s letting your hair grow this long…”

This time Felix stroked Lucy’s head as if he was petting his dog. Lucy stared at him, even more puzzled than before.

Felix seemed to have mistaken her for his dog.

“Felix sunbae, wake up!” Lucy cried, but it was no use. 

They said it was temporary, so he’ll come back to his senses soon, right?

While Lucy looked anxiously at him, Felix held her head and wouldn’t let go.

“Sunbae, I’m not Bibi! Let go of me!”

“I haven’t brushed you properly, right? Your hair is a mess.” Felix muttered, ignoring her completely. “Bibi, hand.”

It became increasingly spectacular.

He went on and shouted “Hand!” at Bibi in his hallucination. 

Lucy, whose head was held in one of his hands, eventually burst into laughter. The situation she was in was so absurd and ridiculous.

Shouldn’t it be considered lucky because it was a hallucination of playing with a dog? 

It’s better than climbing high places or doing dangerous things.

Lucy looked at Felix, who was still shouting, “Hand!” with one palm out toward her, with a wide smile on her face.

It was not easy to see Felix Berg, without his usual blunt appearance, half lying on the bed asking for his dog’s paw.

“Bibi, hand!”

“Yes, here.” Lucy put her hand on his palm with a resigned look. 

Immediately, a mixture of pride and joy appeared on Felix’s face. Soon he grinned and put strength in his hand, which was holding Lucy’s head.

She had a bad feeling for a moment.

“Well done, Bibi! I’ll give you a reward for listening to me.”

He pulled Lucy’s head close to him in an instant.


Something soft and ticklish touched her forehead.


Lucy opened her eyes wide.

What was that just now?

Lucy’s hand on Felix’s palm fell helplessly.

Just now… What touched my forehead?

Lucy was so stunned, it took a while for her to collect herself, and she pushed Felix away immediately after.

Felix, who was grinning and muttering “Bibi” one after another, fell down on the bed.

Lucy’s face was so red as if it was about to burst when she stood up from her seat.

“Ugh… Bibi…” Felix groaned, lying on the bed.

Lucy pushed open the curtain and ran out, leaving him alone.

“What, what the hell!” Lucy cried, her expression blank. She couldn’t believe what had happened to her.

Her heart seemed to pop out of her chest, and her face was as hot as a roast duck that had just been taken out of the oven.

She heard footsteps in the hallway, and the door opened. Chester, carrying the medicine in his arms, stepped inside.

“You haven’t gone yet,” Hh said as he saw Lucy standing at the nurse’s office. 

Noticing Lucy’s face was red as if it was about to burst, he approached with a worried look. “By the way, are you really just having a headache? Your whole face is red.”

“I’m all right!”

Lucy walked past Chester, as he approached her, and rushed out of the nurse’s office. Chester’s curious eyes followed her, but she was not in her right mind to care.

In the hallway, Lucy stood still by the window.

What happened just now was an accident.

He just bumped into me. 

But why is my heart pounding so hard?

Moreover, her blush didn’t seem to subside. All of Lucy’s senses and emotions were sensitive to what had just happened.

“…it’s no big deal.” She murmured, rubbing her forehead. However, her face as she left the hall was still full of embarrassment.

* * *

“What’s going on with you these days?”

Jemima asked with a worried look on her face a few days later. Lucy was walking beside her, looking blank and unfocused. They were on the way out of the dormitory to the Academy.  

Lucy couldn’t tell her what had happened in the nurse’s office, so she just shook her head.

“Oh my, you have a fever.” Jemima said, noticing Lucy’s red face, and touched her forehead. 

“Are you overdoing it because the exam is just around the corner? It would be better to take a short break today—”

Jemima was worried about her butLucy turned suddenly before she had finished talking, and ran to the nearest building.


She heard Jemima calling from behind, but she didn’t look back.

Lhe hid inside the building and looked out through the window. Felix was walking to the place where he had just stood.

Phew, I almost ran into him.

Lucy rubbed her chest in relief.

Felix, who had been hallucinating for a while after smelling the sap of a pus tree, appeared at the Academy the next day in a normal shape. He seemed to have no recollection of what had happened in the nurse’s office. Although fortunately, Lucy still felt it was unfair somehow.

He didn’t mind when he ran into Lucy in the hallway. No, actually, he still didn’t seem to notice her presence.

Lucy, on the other hand, felt so embarrassed that she was busy avoiding him every time she saw him.

It was her fault that Felix accidentally had a hallucination. But what happened after that…

Suddenly the image of Felix, who was bringing his lips to her came to her mind, and Lucy banged her forehead against the wall. The thought of it made her feel like the heat in her whole body was rushing into her face.

Jemima had followed Lucy into the building. “Lucy, you’d better get some rest. I’m afraid you’re going to faint,” she said as she misunderstood something.

“How many sleepless nights did you have?”

Lucy had been studying for the exam for the past few days, giving up her sleep. This had something to do with what happened in the nurse’s office.

She was making limosium potions for Felix’s task, and after leaving the nurse’s office, she lost her mind and wasted her precious time.

When she came to her senses, she had pushed back a lot of test scope she should’ve reviewed.

It was a moment when her will became empty and shabby, even giving up her weekend appointment with her father to keep her position as the top student.

However, it was not a situation where she could give up. She had to cut back on her sleep. That way she can get a scholarship next semester.

She was rather glad. If she focused so much on studying like this, she won’t be able to think of the sunbae who keeps popping up in her head and bothering her.


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