Football Winner

Chapter 37

We actually won, that Chinese actually led us to win Cagliari fans in various bars in Cagliari still couldn't believe it after seeing the victory.

Is it really as Mark said, this Chinese is a genius? Some people also recalled the persuasion of Yin Zuo before, and in the mouths of these foreigners, they couldn't find a better word than genius.

But I'm more curious now, what did this Chinese do to the players during the halftime break? This is not only a concern of the media, but also of fans.

Just like the media, their concerns are destined to be unanswered. After the game, the media asked a lot about what happened at halftime. Unfortunately, what happened in the locker room could not be rumored.

Compared with the shock and unexpected joy of ordinary fans, Inzo and others who witnessed the team's victory on the court at the moment were happy and relieved for Li Yi at the same time.

At the end of the first half of the game, Inzuo couldn't help but wonder if he was right to support Li Yi, but after the game, Inzuo finally made up his mind and came up with a crazy idea.

But obviously, Inzo's crazy idea is doomed to not come true, because Italy is not England, and he Inzo is just a fan.

On the other hand, Li Yi, who returned to the locker room, immediately received a congratulatory call from Mr. Chairman, saying that Mr. Chairman did not seem optimistic about Li Yi's first game and did not come to the scene.

Salerno came with the team. In the first half, Salerno's heart fell to the bottom like the fans, but after the intermission, the director of the club behaved like ordinary fans, and joined the madness. celebrations.

But soon, the good mood of the director was destroyed by Li Yi's crazy behavior.

Bruce, you will completely offend the entire Italian media like this. Li Yi was supported by Salerno. The performance of Li Yi's team will even directly affect his right to speak in Cagliari. Dezzoli was always on the lookout.

Nikola, even if I don't offend them, will they say anything nice to me? Li Yi asked while looking at Salerno.

Uh~~~~ Salerno was speechless, because he knew very well that no matter how low Li Yi's attitude was, the Italian media would not say anything good about Li Yi or give him a good face.

Li Yi is too young, the most important point is that Li Yi is not Italian, and the media is actually very clear about what kind of Salerno is.

Since Li Yi took over the position of head coach of Cagliari, he was destined to be boycotted by everyone, to be slandered by everyone, and to face unimaginable pressure.

In fact, Salerno has regretted more than once that he should not agree to Li Yi. After all, in his opinion, Li Yi is still too young, and appearing in a position where he should not appear at this age is likely to destroy this young man.

However, judging from the current performance of Li Yi, it is somewhat beyond Salerno's expectations, although Li Yi has always surprised Salerno.

Congratulations, you can continue to stay in the first team. Li Yi, who bid farewell to Salerno and returned to the locker room, looked at the players with regret and said.

Seeing Li Yi's regretful face, although the Cagliari player didn't say anything on the surface, he must have scolded Li Yi in his heart.

I know, many of you must be scolding me in your heart Li Yi's words really startled many people.

It doesn't matter, just scold you if you want, as long as you don't hear me, but after scolding, remember not to relax, because the reserve team is ready to accept you at any time. Li Yi's words once again changed the expressions of many players.

Immediately, Li Yi left the locker room, and Cagliari's players also left the locker room not long after, although tomorrow will usher in a long-lost vacation, but Cagliari did not stay in Genoa for a long time.

Although this victory disrupted Li Yi's original plan, the gains were not small.

And along the way, Li Yi has been thinking about how to deal with the situation after the victory, and he has already thought about the same.

So when Li Yi returned home, he quickly fell asleep in bed, and he slept until dawn. Li Yi woke up in a good mood in the morning and went out to buy all the newspapers for today.

But unfortunately, Li Yi is going to be disappointed, because the media didn't report much about yesterday's game at all, and even if there was, there was only a very small amount of space, and these reports barely mentioned Li Yi.

Ballardini became famous, although Ballardini wouldn't like the way he was famous.

In these small reports, the famous young marshal became the target of media venting, and almost all reports criticized him.

Of course, there are no exceptions, just say Cagliari Sports News and Sardinia Daily, these two media have not less praised Li Yi.

Although the performance in the first half of yesterday's game was terrible, everyone saw the changes in the second half, and from the performance of the players, it can be seen that the key to this change lies in Li Yi.

People are all vain, and Li Yi is no exception, so Li Yi can't do anything except be depressed and scolded by the media.

From these reports, Li Yi also recognized a very real problem. He did make a lot of noise, but the second-tier league is always the second-tier league. Even if Serie A still has the glory of the World Cup, the second-tier league is still One point is impossible to change.

Besides, the influential media in Italy are all in big cities, but these big cities have teams worth reporting.

Milan has the Milan duo, Turin has Juventus, and Rome has the Roma duo. As long as these media want to, they can completely avoid Cagliari and Li Yi.

Of course, they can not report on Li Yi, but they will not give up on Li Yi. The loss of Li Yi makes these uncrowned kings very uncomfortable, and they will definitely find a chance to get it back.

After throwing the newspaper aside, Li Yi started to prepare breakfast. Although the team was on holiday today, Li Yi still had a lot of things to do, such as going to the reserve team and the youth team to bring Langella and Lamy up.

Camarata didn't perform well in the last game. In fact, he performed very well before. The reason why he was able to occupy the starting lineup is entirely because of Ventura. Camarata is Ventura's cronies.

After Ventura clashed with Rangela, who was thrown into the reserve team, Camarata, a henchman, came to the fore, even if he wasn't as good and capable as Suazzo.

Another example is to convince O'Neal. Li Yi has decided to try to persuade the Uruguayan midfielder. When he disbanded last night, Li Yi told O'Neal to come to his office building today.

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