Chapter 2: 1 RED FLAG
Kim Taehyung was in a VIP lounge at the Seoul airport waiting for the boarding of his flight to Malta. He had red puffy eyes, disheveled hair and in a very foul mood as he was talking to someone on the phone.
(Author's note: Will just focus on what Taehyung has to say instead of showing the full'll eventually get how it goes with his replies)
"Five years, Woo. You wasted it all and for what?! One lousy fuck!? I can't believe you can do this to me when you know what I had to go through with my father!"
"Wow, you really expected me to still stay with you after what you did?! You cheated on me! What part of that don't you understand??"
"You don't have to know where I am and where I'm going. We're done. It's over!"
"You know what's funny? I stayed away from pilots because cheating is second nature to them. I should have known that LAWYER is spelled as L-I-A-R. Now leave me the fuck alone. I don't ever want to see you nor speak to you again!"
Taehyung ended the call and threw his phone inside his bag. Tears trailed down his cheeks and he immediately wiped them with the back of his fingers.
"You know, it's really not nice making hasty generalizations about people based on their profession."
Someone from the other table said.
Taehyung turned to see a guy wearing a zipped up black jacket.
"Well it isn't nice listening to other people's conversations too." Taehyung retorted.
"I wasn't listening. You were talking quite loudly." The guy said.
"Do you talk softly when you're mad?" Taehyung asked with annoyance in his voice.
"No, but if I have to talk on the phone when I'm mad, I would find a private place to make the call."
"I didn't ask for your opinion." Taehyung said.
"I believe you asked me a question so I just answered it."
"Listen, if you're looking for someone to annoy, find someone else. I really don't have the emotional capacity to deal with you at the moment." Taehyung said, feeling drained after all the crying he's done for the past two hours.
"I wasn't trying to annoy you. I was trying to get your mind off your problem." The guy said in a sincere tone.
Taehyung stayed silent not knowing what to say.
"It worked right?"
"Whatever. Please, just leave me alone." Taehyung said.
"Fine. Sorry for trying to do a good deed." The guy said as he went back to what he was doing before he talked to Taehyung earlier — reading a book.
"Look, sorry I'm just not in a socializing mood at the moment." Taehyung said.
"No worries." The guy said.
Taehyung looked at the guy again and noticed that he was reading a familiar book.
"How do you like it so far?" Taehyung asked.
"What do you mean?"
"The book that you're reading. How do you like it so far?" Taehyung asked.
"It's pretty good."
"Yeah? What's good about it?" Taehyung probed further.
"The plot, the writing style, the characters. I guess everyhting about it. Why the sudden interest in my book?"
"Well, because it's my book." Taehyung said.
"What? It's mine I bought it myself."
Taehyung laughed. "That's not what I meant. I mean I wrote it."
"You're Vante?" Jungkook asked quizzically.
"Yes. Why do you look so surprised?" Taehyung asked.
"It's just that, after reading three of your works, I was kinda imagining a nerd-looking, middle-aged woman who had a fair share of heartbreaks and happiness when it comes to love."
"Not even close." Taehyung said laughing.
"So, I guess you're one of those blinded by the concept of fairy tale endings and one true loves, huh?"
"And you say that as if you don't enjoy it when you're already on my third book, you say? Mind you, they are all ROMANTIC novels." Taehyung said.
"I'm just curious."
"About?" Taehyung asked.
"The concept of love. Why do we actually need it when it has the power to hurt you to your core?"
"Love is perfect, it doesn't hurt. It's the people you love who decide to hurt you." Taehyung said sadly.
The guy looked at Taehyung closely and that's when he noticed how pained the latter looked. And, for the first time in his life, he felt a strange feeling in his heart — the desire to take someone's pain away.
"Hey, wherever you're going, just enjoy every moment. Try not to think about him and just focus on yourself for now. He doesn't deserve your tears, Vante."
"It's Taehyung."
"Nice to meet you Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook." The guy said as he offered his hand.
Taehyung shook it and gave him a weak smile.
Just then, a man dressed in a flight attendant uniform came.
"Captain Jeon, we have to go. It's almost boarding time."
"Oh, thanks Jackson. I'll follow." Jungkook said as he removed his jacket and stood up.
Taehyung's eyes widened. "You're a pilot?" He asked.
"Yes, minus the pre-conceived notion of what you think about people in my profession." Jungkook said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to judge." Taehyung said.
"It's okay. I jusged you based on your writing too so we're even. See you around, Taehyung." Jungkook said as he left with his small suitcase in tow.
Taehyung just gazed at the pilot as he was walking away. He almost choked on his own saliva though when Jungkook stopped on his tracks only to look back at him. Their eyes met and Jungkook gave him a casual two hand salute and a smile before walking away.
I bet he's married.
Taehyung sighed and shrugged the thought away.
Five minutes later, he heard the PA system announce his boarding time as a guy in black suit approached him.
"We're boarding, Mr. Kim."
"Hyung, must you really come with me?" Taehyung groaned.
"You know the rules, sir."
"Fine, but Namjoon hyung can you please not be my bodyguatd this time and just pretend to be a tourist and call me Taeh? Besides you and your husband will be in the same flight right? So, can you just focus on him?" Taehyung said, whining.
"Taehyung, Jin is a flight attendant so he will be working." Kim Namjoon, Taehyung's bodyguard said.
"Yeah, but when we get to Malta, you'll be together so please just be with him and not follow me around?" Taehyung said.
"No can do. Come on, we don't want to miss your flight." Namjoon said.
"Fine." Taehyung pouted as he and Namjoon went to the boarding gate.
Taehyung was riding in first class, so the moment he sat down, he asked for a glass of wine as it helps him sleep. Travel time to Malta is 21 hours with a 4-hour layover in Dubai and he plans to sleep as mich as he can to get his mind off his ex-boyfriend.
As he was getting settled, the flight announcement played.
"Good evening everyone. Welcome on board Cypher Airways flight TK126. This is Captain Jeon Jungkook speaking. Our flight time today will be 23:55 or 11:55 pm and our estimated time of arrival in Dubai is at 14:05 or 2:05 pm local time. The weather in our route is quite good and the forecast says it will be cloudy in Dubai upon our arrival. If you need any special attention, our flight crew will be ready to assist you. I will give you updates on Dubai weather again as we approach the destination. Enjoy every moment."
Taehyung smiled at the last sentence as he blushed.
"Here's your wine, Mr. Kim. And may I ask what's making you blush right now?" The flight attendant said.
"Jin hyung!" Taehyung said, happy to see his Namjoon hyung's husband.
Namjoon has been Taehyung's bodyguard for nine years so they grew pretty close to each other. He got married 4 years ago to Jin and they both treat Taehyung like their little brother.
"I want to hug you my Taebear but as you can see, I have to be prim and proper right now. So, you didn't answer my question. Who got your face all red as a tomato?" Jin asked.
"Um, Jin hyung, is Captain Jeon married?" Taehyung couldn't help but ask.
"Oooh, why are you interested to know?" Jin asked with a knowing smile.
"I'm just testing a hypothesis. Come on, is he?" Taehyung asked.
"No, he's single and never had a girlfriend before." Jin said.
"Oh, so he's straight?" Taehyung asked sounding disappointed.
"We're actually not sure. He barely talks to anyone." Jin said.
"Really? Well, we were talking back at the airport." Taehyung said.
"Oooh. Tell me about it during our layover at Dubai okay?" Jin said.
"Okay, hyung!" Taehyung said.
"Oh and Taebear, Namjoon told me about Eun Woo. For the record, you can do so much better." Jin said while tossing his imaginary long hair.
Taehyung laughed at his hyung's gesture. His thoughts went back to the raven-haired captain.
He's single but straight.
Shit, what am I even thinking.
Focus, Taehyung.
And with that thought in mind, Taehyung opted to just go sleep it off.