Flip The Script

Ch 033

Toshi came down from the roof looking like he was in a daze.


He had a free period, which is why he went up there in the first place, so he wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere, so he wound up in the library. Oddly enough, the only other place Ruri went besides her classes. Ruri saw him walk in and motioned for him to come over. He did so, looking more than a bit out of it. He slid into a seat at her study table in the corner of the room. Ruri took out her phone to text him.


Ruri: [Hey.]

Toshi: [Hey.]

Ruri: [Bad time?]

Toshi: [No. nm. Learned something I didn't know.]

Ruri: [So, just like every other day.]


Toshi laughed softly and nodded. Ruri smiled up at him, then her smile faded. She took a deep breath and started typing intently.


Ruri: [Can we talk?]

Toshi: [Oh god i am so sry]

Ruri: [For what?]

Toshi: [The 'can we talk?' text spells doom. It always does.]


Ruri bit her lower lip and looked pensive. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then resumed typing.


Ruri: [yeah.]

Toshi: [Well, rip the bandaid off.]

Ruri: [I talked with my mom about us. I told her everything because I have been confused about things and I needed her advice.]


Toshi winced, then nodded and looked resigned to his fate. He didn't bother texting. He just held up a hand and rolled it in the air.


Ruri: [She said never wrap your cunt around crazy.]

Toshi: [Good advice.]

Ruri: [Look. I want to be friends. I do. You are hot as hell and I think if I pushed it, I could get in your pants, which maybe any other situation I would, but...]

Ruri: [...]

Toshi: [Just say it.]

Ruri: [I figured out what you are afraid of.]


Toshi blinked and looked confused. He looked up from his phone at her. She reached over into her backpack and pulled out a whole stack of printouts stapled together. She handed it to Toshi.


Ruri: [I know about your stalker.]


Toshi started to flip through the pages. While he did so, Ruri kept typing. Eventually he looked back at his phone.


Ruri: [You said something bad happened. You had a bad reaction to a drug. You have memory loss. Your last concert was canceled and this psycho's last post is scary as hell. When I talked to mom and explained how you keep acting around me, She... explained some things. ... Is it okay to ask what happened? ... I think I know what happened.]


Toshi looked up at Ruri. She was looking deeply concerned, as if she was going somewhere she shouldn't. Toshi took a deep breath.


Toshi: [Don't freak out.]

Toshi: [...]

Toshi: [I was drugged and raped.]


Ruri nearly dropped the phone and fumbled with it. She covered her mouth and looked up at him.


Toshi: [Please stop freaking out.]

Ruri: [i'm sosrry.]

Toshi: [You didn't do it.]

Ruri: [We r friends and if u ever need to talk about it i'm here for u and i promise i will never take advantage of u i am]


Toshi reached over and grabbed Ruri's typing hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked up at him and he gave her a reassuring smile. He slowly let go then started typing again.


Toshi: [I'm the one taking advantage of you. I suppose this torpedos any chance of us dating at some point.]


Ruri stared at the text, then up at Toshi, then back down at it. She squeezed her eyes shut tight before she started typing again.


Ruri: [I like you. You are fun to be around. But you are... i don't know. You don't act like a guy and while the flirting is fun, it is also very strange.]

Toshi: [I'm broken, you mean. I have an attractive face, but I am high maintenance.]

Ruri: [I'm sorry. I am a bit of a traditionalist, I guess. I want a boyfriend who... I don't know.]


Toshi looked up and said, "Normal. You want someone normal." Ruri  looked both sad and worried at the same time as she returned Toshi's gaze. Toshi reached over and held her hand, "Hey. It's cool." He gave a squeeze. She squeezed back then started typing again.


Ruri: [We okay?]

Toshi: [Yeah. Just wasn't expecting to get friend-zoned. I have been a bit of an arrogant prick. Sorry.]

Ruri: [yeah. Understand, I'm here for you, but as mom pointed out, I got my own problems. I'll help if I can, but I would feel like the lowest form of life if I took advantage of you.]


Toshi typed out [I really don't mind being taken advantage of] then deleted it. He sighed and turned off his phone. He looked up at Ruri, "You are a true friend." She looked back, "You are as well." Toshi nodded, "Yeah." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, "Gonna go take a walk. Need to think." He stood up. Ruri furrowed her brow, "Toshi, are we good?" Toshi gave her a beaming smile, "Of course!" He gave her a wink and leaned in to speak in a whisper, "Stay foxy." Ruri let out a short laugh at this. She gave him a smile with her lips, but not with her eyes. She had a nagging feeling as he walked away. He was too skilled a liar and chances were he was anything but good.



She was right.

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