Flawless Supremacy

Chapter 2: Five

John waved for the cage to be lifted from the stage and joined Gareth there. Looking at the bloody mess on the stage, he had someone take care of the fallen panther's body and clean up the whole stage. 

Gareth had already lifted his body from the floor. His panting had subsided into steady, deep breathing. He sat there on the stage, while a healer got up on the stage and took care of his wounds. The wounds weren't deep and they would heal before nightfall with the treatment

"Damn it, man. You are really crazy up there. Every time you do this, don't you fear losing. What if one of those beasts crippled you."

"I will never lose!" Gareth said, the same thing he always said every time this came up.

"You know, there might just be that one day," John said, shaking his head. "Anyway, about your match in the evening. Did your head finally stop functioning after all the hits."

"It is not going to be that dangerous."

John had a look on his face that really said it all. "Really. Five isn't going to be that dangerous?!"

Gareth chose to ignore him. 

John could only shake his head. "Just don't die."

"I won't if you get me something to eat soon."

"Alright, Alright," John said, waving his arm. "It's been prepared."

Gareth waited until the healer finished treating his wound, and got up from the floor. His body was still sore, but it wouldn't affect him. He was already used to this.

He left the basement with the snarling beasts locked in their cages. 

He went up to the ground floor and opened a door. On the other side of the door, there were four people eating and chatting at a table. They were the only occupants of the room before Gareth joined. There were other table and chairs scattered across the room, and on one of the table was a large, covered tray.

The four people at the table turned towards the door, and found Gareth standing there.

"Hi, Gareth." One of the two women at the table greeted him.

"Hi, Lisa," Gareth replied. 

"You know what, Gareth my man, Lisa isn't the only one here." A man said.

"Only Lisa said hi."

"I am saying hi now," the man said, waving his arm.

"Alright, alright. How was your night, Moses. Janet, Peter, you guys too."

"Fine, fine," Moses replied.

Janet and Peter also replied, greeting him. 

Gareth moved to a table, the one with the large tray. He removed the cover and saw the cooked meat and vegetables that filled the tray. He gave the food a once over, and apparently satisfied with it, he nodded before digging in.

"I swear, one of this day, you would die of eating too much," Moses said.

Gareth however ignored him, wolfing down the food.

"I have something I need your opinion on, Gareth," Janet said.

Gareth paused his wolfing down of the food to listen to her.

Janet continued, "Do you prefer lilies or roses?"

Gareth was confused at her strange question. 

Perhaps, sensing his confusion. Janet explained.

"I am asking what flower you would prefer I put on your grave."

The others snickered at that. It appeared this was something they were in on. Gareth also had an idea why she asked that. A slight smile appeared on his face. 

"It's a rare chance to ask the question, and since you feel like dying." She shrugged. "I might as well just ask."

"I wonder what is going on in your mind, Gareth. You sure you want to fight five at once?" Peter said.

"Even I didn't fight that many beasts at once before my awakening." Moses muttered.

Lisa glared at Moses when he said that.

"There is no need to go so far, Gareth. Awakening is a process everyone goes through."

"I know," Gareth replied. Wolfing down the last bit, he stood up. "Thanks for the concern, Lisa."

"Hey, where are you going, man? Why don't you join us," Moses said.

"I am tired and in need of rest. Maybe some other time," Gareth said, leaving the room.


Sometime later in the afternoon, Gareth got out of the room he rested in. He wanted to take a stroll in the city before he had to get on the stage tonight.

Reaching the exit of the building, he was about to get out when Moses spotted him and rushed to his side.

"Hey, man, how about you walk with me." Moses said, pulling him along.

Gareth could only reluctantly follow him.

Walking on the streets of the city of Welles. Moses and Gareth chatted while taking in the sights of the city. The bustling crowd on the side, the carriages on the paved roads. The high rise buildings that were ubiquitous in the city.

The city of Welles was a small city at the edge of the massive Colos continent, and was populated in most part by mortals and Awakening Realm cultivators. This city, while it might be considered large by its inhabitants, was a small, unnoticeable dot in relation to the whole of the Colos continent.

The Colos continent while being massive itself was just one of the thousands of continents in the Living Being Realm.

"Do you have a sect in mind you want to join after your awakening?" Moses asked Gareth at some time during their walk.

Moses himself had awakened at an age where he wouldn't be able to join a sect, especially since his talent was low.

This was the same situation with Lisa, Janet and Peter too. They had awakened at an age that was past the requirement of most sect and had low talents.

This was a common occurrence in a place like this. While it was true that all being could cultivate, not all being were of a mind to do so. Most preferred to take it at their own pace. As Lisa told him earlier, awakening was a process everyone went through.

Talent was also another factor to consider. Most being in existence were born with low talent. This in itself discourages many from pursuing the path of cultivation. 

"If I awaken this year, depending on the level of my talent, I have a few sects in mind." Gareth replied him.

"A few sects. You are really serious about this." Moses could only shake his head. 

"I have no choice but to be."

"Don't be hard on yourself, my man," Moses said, patting his shoulder.

Gareth nodded. 

As they were on their way back to their workplace, Moses said something to Gareth. 

"You seem so confident that you are going to have a good talent when you awaken."

"I am not confident about that, something just tells me it isn't going to be bad."

"I wish you good luck then."

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