
Chapter 4: c6

This the end of today's lesson, all next we will go over the theory of throwing a kunai," spoke Domori with a warm smile looking at the class of poorly dressed kids while thinking, 'Sigh, Clan head promised me great pay if I volunteered to teach these kids and scout for talented youths but this is very difficult, almost all the kids could barely read, write, let alone understand the more complex ninja theories but that weak kid seems to be very smart,' thought Domori waving goodbye the kids as they rushed to go to Soziwa's class while closely watching Amezuma calmly follow behind them.

Amezuma casually walking was in thought, 'Haha, I guess all thoes nights of reading expensive collage books didn't go completely to waste,' until him and the other kids reached Soziwa's room who greet with a proud but warm smile, "Welcome, Kids, sit and we'll start class."

The Kids speedily ran to their assigned seats leaving Amezuma in an awkward position as he didn't get the chance to come to class yesterday day leaving standing in confusion before Soziwa spoke up, "Haha, what you name kid?"

Amezuma turned and faced Soziwa with a very watchful eye thinking, 'Hmm, this guy is the most average looking guy I ever meet in this world but he feels stronger than that bitch Domori," before speaking, "Sensei, my name Is Amezuma."

'Hmm, Amezuma,' causally thought Soziwa while saying, "Since you are the last to be assigned take the last seat in the back by the window," as Amezuma took a glance at the seat and nodded mentally in satisfaction, the seat was isolated since every kid wanted to be as close as possible to learn jutsu.

While Amezuma was walking up the stairs to his seat he suddenly found himself falling before hitting the ground making a painful sound, "Ahhh," before looking up to notice the 15 year old kid from yesterday tripped him causing anger to rise but he's words didn't make it out his mouth as Soziwa tall figure stood over him.

Soziwa quickly looked Amezuma's leg and noticed it was just a little scrap causing him to help Amezuma up off the ground before turning to reprimand the 15 year old youth, "Donaka! That's no way of treating you future comrade in battle."

Soziwa then looked around to notice the kids were sightly confused before it hit him, 'Sigh these poor kids were never taught to care for another person's life let alone their future comrades,' thought Soziwa remembering how hard it was at first for himself to care about his comrades' safety verse his own which led to a few failed missions and even some of his teammates dying.

So with a firm determination Soziwa decided teach these kids first how to be Ninja of the Waterfall Village before teaching them Jutsu while saying, "Since you guys don't know what being a true ninja means then we'll delay our Jutsu learning this week to focus on it."

Immediately the class grew loud as everyone cursed the 15 year old kid named Donaka who with shame looked down sad before casting an anger glare at Amezuma thinking, 'This bastard must pay,' while Amezuma laughed a little before thinking, 'Hmm, delaying our jutsu training by a week is bad and will slow down everyone growth causing alot of us to fail the exams but luckily for me I have knowledge on how to start training jutsu.'

"First thing with being a ninja is duty to the Waterfall Village and not being selfish," spoke Soziwa flickering back in front of the class as he began teaching the class while Amezuma continue to think, 'First I have to get a feel for my chakra and then practice controlling it.'

Amezuma quickly closed his eyes trying to focus on feeling his chakra but he soon realized something and that was he couldn't consecrat with Soziwa's loud teaching and the kids chatting coming from the side, 'Damn, shut up you fucktards,' yelled Amezuma in frustration before he continued to try.

This continued through the whole class as Amezuma made very little progress, 'Sigh, I must have almost no talent,' concluded Amezuma walking into the next class that was Chunin Moto's history class as all the students looked bored out of their minds while the cold old man with greying hair spoke, "Everyone take a seat, and open your books to chapter 2 'The start of the Waterfall Village,' and we will began immediately."

Amezuma didn't have a assigned seat but using his brain he found that the seats close to Moto was empty while the back was filled which was the opposite from Soziwa's class room, showing what the kids were and weren't excited for, 'Haha, I can't blame them, learning about History is only fun when your learning about major fuck ups of world governments, conspiracies, and if aliens built the pyramids,' thought Amezuma about all the times in college high as a kite watching Ancient Aliens with his buddies.

For a split second he thought about his past family and friends before pushing those thoughts down listening to Moto speak, "Since you all still struggle to read, I will be reading and follow alone," and Moto didn't get conformation from the kids as he started reading, "Chapter 2, The Start Of The Waterfall Village or better known as Takigakure which means Village Hidden by a Waterfall."

Amezuma quickly zoned out not caring about every detail of the Waterfall Village since he knew the general knowledge about it and chose to focus on feeling his chakra, the other kids also either took naps or whisper amongst themselves.

Moto didn't seem bothered by this as he read and thought in his head, 'I can't believe the Clan Head sent me to do such an easy mission, why couldn't the young generation do this, huh, he must think less of me by sending me to spy on these brats Domori and Hogai.'

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