Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 31

-POV Amber-

I giggle along with my sisters and daughter. Mom probably doesn’t realize we can see her masturbating over there on the gate. Sapphire shushes us and places a hand over her mouth, obviously suppressing her own laughs.

She started shortly after her other body went to the stream to cool down. I was the first one to notice, so of course I told everyone eating around the fire. Mom’s attitude towards our situation always seemed to make me feel better when I was stuck inside my own head with dark thoughts. It’s like she’s a child sometimes, still learning about the world around her. It’s refreshing.

I realize we should be the ones new to this world, but we’re born with gross memories of our orc fathers, and their fathers going back generations. I wish we could be naive like Mom. The memories are confusing sometimes. I have a memory from an orc that killed Sue by gutting her in a fight, it’s a bit vague and dreamlike, but Sue is alive. I look over at another fire where she’s merrily chatting with her daughters and Stephanie. I’ve talked to Sapphire about it and she says she has similarly confusing memories, but we shouldn’t worry about it.

My daughter Daria elbows me to get my attention and then nods towards the gate where Mom has stopped masturbating and is now looking out into the forest around the camp. “Do you think Grandma has a lover?” she asks but I have to shake my head and answer “It’s not very likely, I know it sounds silly after what we just saw her doing and our imprisonment, but she’s too innocent to have had a lover.”

Sapphire hears us and chimes in “I have to agree, she’s never mentioned anyone. She wouldn’t hide something trivial like that from us.” another sister Tiger adds “It’s fun to imagine Mom getting married though, we could all go to her wedding and give her away to her husband.” followed by another saying “How do you know she wouldn’t have a wife?” “Or a harem?” yet another speaks up. I sigh as my family starts arguing over who we should get Mom married to. How silly.

I chuckle to myself and take another bite out of the meat I pulled off of Mom’s boob earlier. Mom’s obviously going to marry me, they just don’t know it yet.

-POV End-

I return to the camp, walking behind Ruby and Tasha as they hold hands. I want to hold hands too for some reason, so I just stare at their hands as we travel, trying to figure out why. Maybe it’s like a mini hug? I’ll have to convince one of my daughters to hold my hand later so I can test it out. Sapphire doesn’t like dirty things so I look down at my hands and they are clean after I jumped into the stream earlier. They are healed now, but my whole body got big cracks in it when I jumped in the water and steam went everywhere. It hurt a bit, but I convinced Ruby it didn’t when she screamed and came to check on me. Tasha said it looked like how a hot stone would crack sometimes when placed in cold water. Odd.

All the cracks are gone now so I don’t have to worry about explaining that I’m okay to my other daughters. With so many of them it probably would have taken a long time. Maybe.

When we get back my family group looks like they’ve finished eating and are arguing about something. I sit down next to Amber since she said I could hug her once I cooled myself down, but before I can take what was promised me Tasha stands with Ruby in the middle of the fire pits shouting “Attention everyone!” To which of course everyone turns their heads and quiets down. Ruby is blushing a lot now and I notice they are still holding hands. Once she has everyone’s attention Tasha continues “Ruby is my woman now, so everyone else hands off!” Ruby kicks her in the leg lightly and whispers something I can’t hear. Tasha then amends her speech to “I mean, we are together now and wanted you all to be the first to know, even if you’re the only ones we can tell right now.” I hear a lot of cheers, even from Amber who’s sitting next to me. Their announcement seems to put everyone in a more active mood and most women get up from around the fires and either go to talk with Ruby and Tasha or the people around other pits.

Amber turns to me and asks “Hey Mom, I noticed you haven’t eaten anything. You don’t have to hold back just so we get more food, we’ve eaten plenty already, see there’s still some meat left over.” She then tries to stick the cooked deer meat in my mouth, but I turn my head away and refuse her. She looks a bit sad so I explain in a whisper “Okay, I’ll tell you a secret, but you can only tell your sisters alright? I don’t want other Players to think I’m weird.” Amber brightens up instantly and nods her head vigorously “Your secret is safe with me Mom.” she whispers back, so I tell her “I don’t actually have to eat anything, I only pretended I needed to eat with the orcs since everyone else was. I actually tried to eat a deer once but it was gross.” her eyes sparkle and she responds “That’s so cool Mom, why don’t you have to eat, is it a skill, I’m pretty sure humans usually have to eat.”

I answer her first by saying “First off, I’m not a human, it only says that above my head because of the skill I told you about before. Chair told me it seems like I don’t have a race and that’s why it only shows a level above my head when I don’t have a title equipped.” her mouth starts to hang open, odd, but I continue “It’s not a skill from what I can tell, I thought it might be Firm at one point, but my babies who get Firm from me like you, still have to eat and breathe and have blood.” Amber hold her hand to my mouth “Stop stop, do you not have to breathe, wait… you don’t have blood?” she interrupts and then releases my mouth so I tell her “Yeah, it’s nice. Blood and breathing both seem really inconvenient.” Amber lets out a very long sigh before straightening her posture back up. “Mom, don’t tell other people that, it’s a huge advantage and you don’t know when you’ll be able to use it against someone. So promise me, don’t tell even my sisters okay?”

The atmosphere seems a bit heavy after she whispers that to me so I’ll agree with her for now by nodding. “Good.” she says and then moves the meat towards my mouth again “Now let me feed you.” she finishes. I decide to eat and keep up the ruse for her, the cooked deer ends up tasting much better than the uncooked stuff, and even better than the bread. The bread the orc shaman had given me during birthing being the previous best tasting food I’d had. I decide now is a good opportunity to try out the hand holding I saw Ruby and Tasha doing, so I scoot closer to Amber and grab her free hand that’s just sitting on the ground, not feeding me.

She stiffens up so I quickly tell her “I saw Ruby holding hands and I wanted to try it since it looked nice, is that okay?” and I see her eyes sparkle with some unknown meaning as she responds “Yes Mom of course, I wanted to try it too.” She squeezes my hand and I see her wiggle a bit before continuing, this time with a whisper next to my ear “If you ever want to try anything else you see Ruby and Tasha doing, make sure to come ask me first, I promise to help you in any way I can.”

She then starts laughing happily before whistling some tune while she feeds me the rest of the cooked deer.

-POV Amber-

Yes! Yes! Yes! I scream in my head as I hold Mom’s hand and feed her. We have a secret that she’s only told me now and everything. Operation Marry Mom is already going better than I could have ever imagined, we need pretty dresses and a nice place for the ceremony and… I stop myself. I’m getting way too ahead of myself, I’ll just enjoy my time now with Mom. I really hope she likes me, she’s so strong and cool and beautiful. She doesn’t even have to breathe, how amazing is that?

With Ruby taken by Tasha now, I have less competition among my sisters.

As far as I can tell, Ruby was actually the only other sister interested in women, but with how great Mom is I can’t let my guard down. They might change their minds after all. Mom’s ass is perfect and her chest has really filled out after having all of us, I can just imagine cupping her breast and sucking on her pink nipples like when I was a baby. I wipe some drool off of the side of my mouth before she notices.

The reason why I want to marry her though is much more important than the things I want to do with her body, fuck she has two bodies now… I shake off the shivers I get running up my spine. No, I want to marry mother, Opal, because she is my rock. When I’m sad or depressed she’s always there to cheer me up. When I’m in pain her skills soothe me, and I can feel that she loves me. She loves all of us and would protect us from anything, she has protected us, taking the largest burden of orcs when we were assaulted every day. She always put on a smiling face when talking to us every night, she enjoys our company and cherishes us, I don’t know if I’ll ever be as strong as her. When I saw her breaking down in Sapphires arms, I just had to help her. She’s my mom and I love her, so I’m going to marry her.

Doing various things with her perfect bodies will just be a bonus. Probably.

-POV End-

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