Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 394 You're Welcome, Why Can't I Do It? ! ! !

Xiangjiang Lidao District Police Department, General Conference Room.

The director of the Police Department is Yang Heping, a senior inspector, responsible for the security management of Lidao District.

However, because of the three robbery and murder cases in Lidao District, which caused a particularly large social impact, people from the Xiangjiang Police Department have come to the Lidao District Police Department.

The person who came was Yu Zijin, a police superintendent.

The Xiangjiang Police Department is responsible for the endorsement, and Yu Zijin is equivalent to the imperial envoy, who personally sits in the Lidao District Police Department and is responsible for the investigation of these three cases.

However, the current case has progressed and no breakthrough has been made!

three days!

For three days, members of the Lidao District Police Department and police dispatched from various areas in Xiangjiang assisted, but the case was still at an impasse.

The clues about the robbery gang are still at the incident stage.

Who is the robbery gang, how many people there are, where it came from, where it is now, whether the stolen money has been taken off, etc.

No clues whatsoever!

"Sir Yu, we have done our best!"

Yang Heping, director of the Lidao District Police Department, sighed: "For the past three days, our police officers have been investigating without sleep, and the case has still not made any progress!"

"We even checked their personal relationships in detail based on the three members of the bank, jewelry store and pawn shop where the incident occurred."

"But I can't find any clues about the robbers. They seem to have appeared out of nowhere and then slipped away out of nowhere!"

"We have also checked the surveillance video and so on. What is certain is that there are high-tech talents in this robbery gang!"

"Their counter-reconnaissance methods are very strong, and they are extremely vicious, killing all witnesses...."

Difficult Difficult Difficult!!!

Yang Heping has not closed his eyes for two days and three nights, and now his face is full of vicissitudes and his spirit is listless.

But he dared not rest at all.

Because the Xiangjiang Police Department sent an imperial envoy like Yu Zijin to supervise the case, Yang Heping did not dare to slack off.

But he tried his best, but to no avail!

To solve a case, what is needed is an opportunity. Yang Heping failed to find that opportunity, and the case was like a cloud of fog, which always shrouded his head.

Even if he racked his brains, it would not help the matter at all. The police officers under him were working all kinds of sleepless nights, but they still couldn't make breakthrough progress.

This is a headache!

Therefore, in the face of Zijin's accountability, Yang Heping opened his mouth many times, wanting to defend himself, but he couldn't say anything in the end.

Helpless, I can only report truthfully!

Anyway, I can't do it anymore, you are amazing, you can do it yourself!

The big deal is to screw me up. In these three cases, I was really powerless. If it was physical work, it would be nothing if it was hard work.

Use your brain...I don't have enough brains!

At this moment, Yang Heping is a bit rotten.

It's not that he didn't do anything, it's that his ability is limited, at this level, no matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to solve the case.

And after listening to his speech.

Yu Zijin's brows have already twisted into the word Chuan!

"What bullshit!"

Yu Zijin said furiously, "Is this the attitude of a director? Huh? That's how you do things?"

"Let me tell you, the higher authorities require me to solve the case within seven days, and I will give you five days. Within five days, you must find clues!"

"In the remaining two days, I don't ask you to solve the case, but at least make a breakthrough!"

"Otherwise I can't explain to the higher up!!!"

Yu Zijin's lungs were about to explode.

He is a polished commander in Lidao District, but fortunately these three cases are of great importance, so the Lidao District Police Department dare not go against his ideas.

The work these days has been quite dedicated.

Although the case has not progressed, at least the working attitude of the people in the police station has been approved by him!

Who would have thought that in just a few days, Yang Heping, the chief of the police station, would be ready to be ruined?

You are messed up, so what should I do?

How do I explain to the above?

The so-called high-ranking officials crush people to death, and the higher-ups don't care about my difficulties with Yu Zijin, why should I understand your difficulties?

The higher ups put pressure on me, so I can only put pressure on you guys!

Do you want me to investigate the case myself?

I'm here to sit in Lidao District, to supervise the case!

I know there are difficulties, but if you can't do anything about it, can I have a way?

"Check, check to the end every day!"

"Continue to check!"

"I can't find any clues, I'm having a hard time, and you're sure to be having a hard time too!"

"I don't think I need to emphasize the vile nature of these three cases and the impact on society, you should know it yourself!"

"Incompetence is not an excuse for you, nor is it an excuse for me, Yu Zijin, to report to my superiors!"

...asking for flowers......

As he was talking, Yu Zijin couldn't help but curse!

His brain was buzzing too.

I thought it was a fat job, no matter how powerful that robbery gang is, it is impossible not to leave ten clues behind.

Once this case is solved, it will be a great achievement!

Who would have thought that this robbery gang would be so powerful!

Not only is it vicious, but there are also high-tech talents among the members, and the anti-reconnaissance work is excellent!

It's so frustrating that they can't find any clues!

So the people in the police station were complaining, but he, Yu Zijin, was very anxious!

Today is the third day!

It's the third day!

Still no clues!


Yu Zijin was full of resentment, but at this time Yang Heping came to touch his own bad luck, so who else would he blame if he didn't blame you?


Facing Zijin's accusation, Chang Heping had already made psychological preparations.

So after enduring a lot of scolding, Yang Heping remained indifferent, or in other words, he was really helpless, as if he was in love.

Until Yu Zijin scolded him enough.

Yang Heping took a deep breath and said, "Officer Yu, the matter has come to an end, it's useless for you to scold me, I've really tried my best here!"

"If you scold me for being able to solve the case, I don't care if you scold me for a year, and I'm willing to bear the infamy!"

"The point is, it's useless for you to scold me. We still have to find another way and think of other ways!"

Yu Zijin was about to turn off the ignition.

Upon hearing this.

Immediately, he couldn't help but yelled: "A way? If I have a way, I don't need to be angry with you, a bird man?"

"Come on, come on, right? Find another way, right? Yang Heping, I'll give you a chance right now!"

"You tell me your way, and it's best to benefit the case itself, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Why are you welcome? Why can't I make it?

Yang Heping was sulking, but he dared not speak out, how could he really treat the imperial envoy in front of him!

Hold back, must hold back!

Yang Heping said awkwardly: "Officer Yu, didn't the mainland send someone over? I heard that they have already contacted our police station!"

"And you answered the phone yourself, but you didn't take it seriously. I don't think it's good... a loss."

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