Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 41 - Shadow of Demacia

For the entire Petrwuff, Tamara’s release process can be said to be unwavering-even the whole thing looks like it just feels like a small stone was thrown into the pond, which brought up a little bit Only waves.

  The choice of the Supreme Council surprised Rod—but thinking about it carefully, it was also unexpected and reasonable.

  Isn’t the high-ranking Peter Pilf a person like Catherine who insists on justice? Will they care about face when there is profit?

Of course, with the advent of the storm, it is still unclear exactly how big this small wave will become in the end-and the only thing we can determine for now is that the choice of the Supreme Council of the Piedmont has caused Catherine’s strong dissatisfied.

   Normally, the committee should explain to Catherine at the right time (for example, after the policewoman’s anger has disappeared)-but it seems that it is too late.

  The big guys in the Picheng will soon have to face a series of disturbing conditions-when Zu’an’s battle is still in full swing, Piltwolf also ushered in some strange chaos.

  Because Tucci is responsible for the dirty work, Rod’s work is now a lot easier. He has time to quietly observe everything in Piltwolf.

  In order to achieve his goal, Rod needs to continue to fan the flames.

   Originally Rod intended to personally take the blame-the person disguised as the Illuminati gave Delevin a ruth.

   But when Rod stepped on the spot, he accidentally found some other traces.


   Wei En accepted a job that she was very reluctant to participate in-she vowed that she would never participate in this incident unless it was for revenge.

   From the point of view of Veen, the battle between Demasians and Noxians is not significant, even if it involves some honors.

   Although Wei En is a Demasian, her enemies are never Noxas—in Wei En’s opinion, those Noxus **** are at least human.

  For Wei En, the enemies are demons, monsters and black magicians.

  Wen, who was born in a wealthy family, lost her parents when she was a young girl-she saw her parents die in front of her.

   Killing Wei En’s parents is a devil with a beautiful body-listening to others, the devil’s name is Evelyn.

   For Evelyn, we still don’t know whether the hunt was a ritual or a bounty mission, but what can be confirmed is that this drastic change greatly stimulated Vion.

   So Win decided to revenge.

   However, hatred finally distorted Wei En, and made her completely lose her humanity, and even killed her teacher. All of this made Wei En incompatible with De Marcia, becoming a completely different kind.

   But Wei En didn’t care-after completing the transformation, all she could enjoy was the thrill of hunting.

   This time I came to Piltwolf. What war stonemason of Noxus was just the way. The main purpose of Vion was Evelyn, because some people said that they saw the demon who charmed all sentient beings in Zuan.

   After receiving this news, Wei En had intended to take advantage of Zuan’s chaos to complete her revenge, but when she came to Zu’an, Evelyn had been away for a long time.

  Remember Rod’s favor?

  Because of the revenge of the bounty hunter, now Eveline has already gone to Piltwolf to find her old lover, and by the way, to kill and have fun, how can I stay in Zuan!

  Punched an empty Weien disappointed, and then turned the target back to Piltwolf-Tamara, right, try the taste of the holy silver crossbow!

  Wen, who is familiar with investigation, sneak and hunting, slipped from Zuan to Piltwolf under the cover of shadows.

   Well, the time is just right-the Noxians are still here.

   Although these Noxians seem to have their own unique ideas.

  I don’t know what Deleven was thinking about. After the rescue of Tamara, he did not return to Noxas for the first time, but often took his men and wandered around the streets of Pietervaugh.

   (Well, actually he is preaching his “art”-but so far there is no even a Pied Guy who shows interest in him.)

  The frustrated Delevin began to turn his attention to Zuan, where he had his second goal, Urgot.

  Becomes the primary task of the current prosecutor, is to personally punish his last term.

  After failing to promote his art of killing, Deleven finally remembered this important task.

   However, Zu’an is very chaotic now, and Urgat is an important bargaining chip for Takeda Saito, so it is not easy to find Urgat.

   This time, without the help of Lefran, Deleven spent a lot of effort and did not find his goal.

For people with IQ like Deleven, the result of not finding a goal is to ask someone, ask everyone to ask-so, in Zuan you will see many strong and powerful Han Fengren and ask: “You have seen “Ugart?” As for who Ugart is, what he looks like… they don’t know it themselves.

  Delevin’s kind of looks silly, but in fact it opens the door to convenience for Vion.

   There is such a living treasure, Wei En is confident that he can sneak into the Noxian home, and then kill the Noxus war mason.

   So, Wei En chose to step on in advance.

   As far as stealth is concerned~www.mtlnovel.com~ Wei En is undoubtedly a master.

   But even Master Stealth needs to be well prepared before assassination.

  In the hunting journey of chasing demons and monsters, Wei En mastered a lot of fighting skills. He survived countless times of death. Wei En possessed an agile skill beyond ordinary people, and also got his own weapons.

  Hand crossbow and holy silver arrows.

   Gently holding the crossbow, Wei En began to think about his infiltration plan.


  Wein doesn’t know why the Noxus chose the temporary station on Piltwolf’s most prosperous stellar avenue.

  Know that there are important places such as the Piltwolf treasury and the zodiac on both sides of the Stellar Avenue. The Noxians chose this as a temporary stronghold to only stimulate the sensitive nerves of Mrs. Piltworth again.

   And according to Wien’s knowledge, the current Noxus is nothing but a strong foreign player.

   The only possible reason is that the leader of Noxus is an idiot.

   Thinking of this, Wei En shook his head, forgot this unrealistic thought, and then put on his cloak.

   (Unfortunately, Vion missed the correct answer, Delevin is indeed an idiot…)

  The cloak of special materials can help her hide herself and avoid the magic circles that detect magic.

   For Wei En, the only thing to wait for is the nightfall.

   When Zhongtian was on the moon, Weien packed up his weapons and finally boarded the clock tower.


   Wei En’s backstory has changed a lot. Now Wei En is a guy who has been engulfed in reason and emotion by hatred, and even killed his teacher himself.

   In addition, ask for collection, please recommend!

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