Faye’s League of Legends

Chapter 37 - Real timid as a rat

  In Rod’s flames, Tucci shuddered.

   Seeing that he couldn’t run out, Tuqi made a very important decision in his life-oh no, it’s a rat.

  Tucci dropped the crossbow in his hand neatly, and then prostrate on the ground with obedience.

“I surrender!”


  Rod apparently didn’t expect Tuqi to come in such a hand, and it was immediately.

   “I admit defeat!” Tuqi the whole mouse lying on the ground, indicating that he is absolutely harmless, “You are the boss! Don’t kill me!”

  I was thinking about the abuse of spring, did you surrender?

  However, Rod stopped the bombing of spells-the flame surrounded Tuqi. Now Rod is thinking about whether to accept the surrender of this mouse.

   There is no doubt that Tucci is very useful to Rod because Rod needs a dirty killer.

Although Zak moves faster than Tucci in the sewers, he is not a killer-although Zak cultivated as a fighting body is very powerful, he does not like fighting, and he does not like killing himself. Rhode respects this. select.

  Jinks and Giggs are bombers, and they don’t like to kill.

  Ike is the leader of Zuan Mito, he will only use the ability to shuttle time to save people instead of killing them (although he has also dealt with some guys, but most of them are forced).

   Not to mention Jana, the deity who had mastered the priesthood of Zu’an was completely non-aggressive.

  In this case, all of Rod’s dirty work needs to be done by himself…

   If Tuqi is now his little brother, then many things do not need to be done by himself.

Does    look great?

   But the problem is that Rod cannot control Tucci!

  The five people who are now on Rhode’s side have common interests and needs with Rhode, so they will listen to Rhode—but what is Tucci’s hobby?

   Eat alchemical rust in the sewer?

   Holding the crossbow to kill the special killer?

  Cultivating lice on your back?

   Such a guy, tell me how do I master him? !

   And looking at Tuqi, should he have more common language with those alchemy barons? !

  Rode had a slight headache.

   If Rod is a regular master, he can use charm to control Tuqi or use magic to make Tuqi a control ring or something.

  Unfortunately, Rhode is a bombarder. He seems to be able to threaten Tucci by “killing you if you don’t obey”-and this kind of threat makes no sense at all.

   Yes, this product is very timid and afraid of death.

   But it also means that he is very cunning, usually obediently obedient, but once encountering a relatively dangerous task, it will definitely reflect in minutes.


  Rod thought about it.

   Eventually he decided to keep this guy-but not for nothing.

  Rod prepared bracelets and ankle rings for Tucci…

  Although Rhodes of the enchantment system knows almost nothing, Rhodes of all the spatial positioning of the spell system are quite good-if you want to determine the location of a person, Rhodes can do it.

  With these bracelets and ankle rings, Tuqi will always be under the supervision of Rod—although he can’t see Tuqi’s specific performance, he can roughly sense the location of Tuqi.

   is barely a restraint!

  If Tuqi really chooses to fight backwaters, Rhode guarantees that he will die in an unknown AOE…

  After putting Rod on the mouse’s exclusive shackles, Rod arranged his first mission.

   Go to Shengou Mine for assassination-as long as it is a Noxus manager.

  Originally, this task Rod intended to come by himself, but now that there is Tuqi, you don’t have to do it yourself.

   For this kind of murderous task, Tucci has nothing to resist-now in his eyes, Rod is his own rat king, as long as he can not challenge Rod, then Tucci will obediently obey.

   Killing is not a problem at all.

   “So, no problem—”

   Watched Tucci enter into a stealth state and disappeared in place. Rod sensed his position through the bracelet and ankle ring, and nodded slightly.


   Solved Tuqi, and the construction of the sewer was back to normal.

   For Zu’an, it is common to have a little bit of fighting in the process of work-after all, you don’t know if the place where you work will suddenly come under the hands of two groups of alchemy barons and start grabbing the ground.

   So when faced with combat, non-combatants will decisively choose to evacuate-and often combatants will not embarrass them.

   Everyone is working–a group of people came to fight, everyone left–after the fight, everyone cleaned up the blood on the ground and continued to fight.

   This strange but distinct loop is often performed on the streets of Zuan.

  Nick and Wen once again entered the working state.

   This time, the two brothers were very happy.

   Thanks to Jana!

   Nick vividly described the existence of the big mouse and the guardian of Ghana-originally these things were not believed by everyone, but UU read the book www.uukanshu.com but this sudden work stoppage justified Nick’s statement.

   So, the discussion about Gana became popular again.

   It’s interesting to say that most of the Zuan people are realists. If a deity can really help themselves, then the Zuan people will often be happy to believe in them.

   The premise is to believe that this deity is really “useful”.

   And Jana among the sewer workers proved to be very useful.

In this way, Gana has many more believers-especially the movement caused by Rod’s frustrated spell bombing, which made many people mistakenly believe that it was made by Gana, so he began to believe in this powerful deity… …

   This misunderstanding Rod knew soon afterwards, but he did not intend to clarify at all.

  Because this is exactly what Rod expected.

If one day, all Zu’an people believe in Gana, then Gana may not be able to recover the victory (after all, she still had the priesthood of the Ocean Storm at that time), but it is enough to complete all the defenses in Rhodes’ plan. Task now.

   As for Rhode himself-it is the most roaring drop to hide behind and make a fortune!

   Thinking of this, Rod began to whistle happily.


  Tucci is a mutant mouse, so it still retains a certain mouse-like social structure-the hidden leader.

  Although there is no clear rule, among Zu’an’s sewer rats, Tuqi is definitely the boss, but now the boss has become Rhodes (always feel weird).

   In addition, Rhode does not enchant magic, but the space anchor is mainly a magic spell. The spell of the world and space spell Rhode is quite skilled.

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