
Chapter 2: Chapter 0


Welcome to the beginning of the main story which I'm totally not sure what direction I'm taking it...but here we go anyways!

Constructive Criticism only please!

None of these characters belong to me!


The helicopter blades wound down as Ritsuka Fujimaru stepped onto the snow-covered landing pad of Chaldea Security Organization. The futuristic complex, nestled in the icy mountains of Antarctica, loomed before her like something out of a sci-fi movie. The biting wind whipped around her, a stark reminder of the isolation of this place. She pulled her jacket tighter, wishing she had worn a warmer hat. The recruitment flyer had mentioned "cold weather gear recommended," but she hadn't anticipated this level of cold.

A staff member in a Chaldea uniform hurried across the pad, his cheeks red from the biting cold. "Ms. Fujimaru? Welcome to Chaldea! I'm here to escort you inside." He offered a polite, if somewhat strained, smile. He probably didn't get many opportunities to greet fresh faces, Ritsuka mused.

Ritsuka grinned, extending a gloved hand. "Nice to meet you! I don't suppose you've got a nice warm cup of cocoa waiting for me inside?" She winked, hoping to lighten the mood. "Or maybe some hot ramen? I'm starving."

The staff member blinked, then laughed, a genuine, relieved sound. "I'm afraid not, but I can show you to the cafeteria after we get you settled. It's quite a walk, I'm afraid, and the cafeteria selection is... well, let's just say it's more functional than gourmet."

As they made their way through the winding corridors, Ritsuka's mind wandered back to how she'd ended up here. It had only been a few months since that fateful day... a day that had irrevocably changed the course of her life.

Ritsuka had been walking home from her part-time job at the local convenience store when she noticed a blood drive set up near the local community center. The posters were simple, almost amateurish, but the promise of free snacks and a good cause was enough to draw her in. On a whim, she decided to donate. Besides, she always felt good after donating blood, a sense of quiet satisfaction in doing something helpful.

"Every drop helps, right?" Ritsuka quipped to the nurse as she rolled up her sleeve. The nurse looked tired, but offered a kind smile.

The nurse smiled, a knowing look in her eyes. "You have no idea." She carefully inserted the needle, and Ritsuka closed her eyes, picturing the warm cookies and juice they'd be handing out afterward.

A week later, a sleek black car pulled up beside her as she was walking home. It was so cliché it almost made her laugh – like something straight out of a spy movie. A woman in a crisp suit stepped out, handing Ritsuka a thick envelope. "Ritsuka Fujimaru? I represent an organization interested in your... unique qualities. Inside, you'll find a job offer. The salary is quite substantial."

Ritsuka's eyes widened at the figure. It was more money than she'd ever dreamed of. She could finally pay off her student loans, help her family out, maybe even take a vacation to that beach she had always wanted to visit. The possibilities seemed endless.

"What's the catch?" she asked, suspicion warring with excitement. "There's always a catch."

"No catch," the woman said, her voice smooth and professional. "Just sign the contract, and the job is yours. I'm afraid I can't disclose any details about the position at this time. Everything will be explained once you arrive at the facility. Think of it as a...leap of faith."

Ritsuka hesitated, her mind racing. It all seemed too good to be true, but the number on the contract kept drawing her eyes. It was like a siren song, promising her a life free from financial worry. With a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration, she signed. She couldn't resist.

Back in the present, the staff member's voice pulled her from her reverie. "Here we are, the virtual training room. This is where we'll test your compatibility with the FATE system." He gestured towards the door with clear direction.

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow. "FATE system? Sounds ominous. Is it some kind of doomsday device?" She tried to make a joke, but the staff member's stiff expression didn't change.

The staff member chuckled nervously. "Not exactly. You'll see soon enough." He gestured to the door. "Good luck, Ms. Fujimaru. I'll be waiting outside." He quickly excused himself.

As Ritsuka entered the circular chamber, her heart raced with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The room was cold and sterile, the air humming with the low thrum of powerful machinery. A single, comfortable chair rested in the center of the room, almost inviting to sit in. She settled into the pod-like device in the center of the room, the seat molding comfortably around her. This was it. Time to see what she had gotten herself into.

The pod door closed with a soft hiss, and Ritsuka found herself enveloped in darkness. A voice crackled over an intercom, "Initiating FATE system compatibility test. Prepare yourself, Ms. Fujimaru." The voice was cold, emotionless, and echoed throughout the room.

The world around her dissolved into a swirl of light and color, a kaleidoscope of images and sensations. When it reformed, Ritsuka stood in what appeared to be a medieval castle courtyard. Stone walls rose high around her, and the air filled with the sounds of clashing metal and shouted orders. The smells of sweat, blood, and woodsmoke hung heavy in the air. It felt incredibly real, almost too real to be a simulation. The courtyard was also filled with armored soldiers, all seemingly ready for battle.

"Master!" a voice called out. Ritsuka turned to see a figure in shining armor running towards her, sword drawn. The armor was pristine and polished, and the sword gleamed in the sunlight. "The enemy approaches! Your orders?"

Ritsuka blinked, momentarily stunned. This was way more intense than she had expected. She had played video games before, but this felt nothing like a game. Then, something clicked in her mind. Knowledge she shouldn't have possessed flooded her consciousness. She knew, somehow, that this armored figure was a Servant – a heroic spirit from legend, bound to her will. She knew his name, his skills, his history. It was like unlocking a part of her brain she never knew existed. She knew the strategies to win the battle, and the courage to do so.

A grin spread across Ritsuka's face. This was going to be interesting.

"Alright," she said, her voice filled with a confidence she didn't entirely feel. "Let's show these invaders what we're made of. Charge!" She pointed towards the enemy soldiers, and felt an energy surge through her body.

The Servant nodded, a look of determination in their eyes. He raised his sword and let out a battle cry, a sound that sent shivers down Ritsuka's spine. It was a sound filled with power and rage, and it seemed to invigorate her as well. As they rushed into battle, Ritsuka felt a surge of exhilaration. Whatever this FATE system was, whatever being a "Master" meant, she had a feeling her life was about to get a whole lot more exciting.

The virtual training sequence lasted for what felt like hours, though Ritsuka knew it couldn't have been more than thirty minutes. She faced battle after battle, commanding her Servant with an instinctive ease that surprised her. Strategies formed in her mind without conscious thought, and she found herself anticipating her opponent's moves before they even made them. It was as if she had been born for this. Or maybe, she thought, I'm just really good at video games.

When the simulation finally ended, Ritsuka found herself back in the pod, her heart racing and a thin sheen of sweat on her brow. The pod door opened with a hiss, and she stumbled out, her legs a bit wobbly. The sudden shift from the heat of battle to the cold sterility of the chamber was jarring, and she shivered.

The staff member was waiting for her, a tablet in hand and a neutral expression on his face. "Ms. Fujimaru, your compatibility with the FATE system is... adequate. You've passed the minimum requirements for a Master candidate." He looked down at his tablet. "Barely."

Ritsuka blinked, still catching her breath. "Just adequate? And here I thought I was doing so well in there." She crossed her arms in disbelief.

The staff member offered a small smile. "The FATE system is complex, Ms. Fujimaru. Many candidates struggle to achieve even basic compatibility. Your results are satisfactory for a newcomer. There is always room for improvement."

"Well, I've always been an overachiever," Ritsuka quipped, masking her slight disappointment with humor. "Guess I'll just have to work harder to impress you guys, huh?" She stretched her arms over her head, trying to shake off the lingering feeling of the simulation. The weight of the sword she wielded still felt real.

As they exited the training room, Ritsuka found herself reflecting on the journey that had brought her here. From a simple blood donation to becoming a potential Master in a secret organization – it was almost too much to believe. Yet here she was, embarking on an adventure beyond her wildest dreams.

"Before you head back to your quarters, Ms. Fujimaru," the staff member said, breaking her train of thought, "we need to get you properly outfitted. Please follow me."

He led her to a small, utilitarian room adjacent to the training area. Inside, racks of identical uniforms lined the walls. The staff member gestured to one of the racks. "This is your standard-issue Chaldea uniform. Please find a size that fits you. There's a changing room in the back."

Ritsuka examined the uniform. It consisted of a white, long-sleeved shirt, a black skirt, black leggings, and white boots. The design was practical and functional, clearly intended for mobility and comfort rather than style. She selected a set that seemed to be her size and headed to the changing room.

The uniform felt strange against her skin, a far cry from her usual jeans and t-shirt. As she pulled on the boots, she noted that they were surprisingly sturdy and well-made. She looked at herself in the mirror. The uniform was simple, but it gave her a sense of belonging, of being part of something larger than herself. She took a deep breath, steeling her resolve. She was ready for whatever Chaldea threw her way.

Emerging from the changing room, Ritsuka found the staff member waiting patiently. He nodded approvingly. "Looks like a good fit. You'll need to wear this during official duties and training exercises. Any questions?"

Ritsuka shook her head. "Just one. Is there a laundry service here? I have a feeling this thing is going to get dirty."

The staff member chuckled. "Indeed there is. We try to make things as convenient as possible for our Master candidates. Now, if you'll follow me..."

As Ritsuka and the staff member made their way through the corridors, the adrenaline from the simulation began to wear off. Exhaustion hit her like a truck, and her steps became increasingly unsteady.

"Are you alright, Ms. Fujimaru?" the staff member asked, concern evident in his voice.

Ritsuka managed a weak smile. "Just a bit tired. I guess that virtual training took more out of me than I thought."

Before the staff member could respond, Ritsuka's vision blurred. She felt her knees buckle beneath her, and then... darkness.

When Ritsuka came to, she found herself staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. A gentle voice spoke nearby, "Oh, you're awake! Are you feeling better?"

Ritsuka turned her head to see a young woman with lavender hair and kind eyes looking at her with concern. She was dressed in Chaldea's uniform, but something about her seemed different from the other staff members Ritsuka had encountered. There was a quiet strength in her gaze, a sense of unwavering resolve that put Ritsuka at ease.

"I'm... I think so," Ritsuka said, slowly sitting up. "What happened?" Her head throbbed, and she felt a dull ache in every muscle. She tried to remember what had happened, but her thoughts were muddled and confused.

The young woman smiled softly. "You passed out in the hallway. I found you and brought you to the infirmary. You were out for quite a while. I'm Mash Kyrielight, by the way." She extended a hand in greeting.

Ritsuka returned the smile, feeling an immediate liking for Mash. Her warmth and sincerity were a welcome contrast to the sterile environment of Chaldea. "Ritsuka Fujimaru. Thanks for helping me out, Mash." She took Mash's hand, her grip firm and reassuring.

"It's nice to meet you, Senpai," Mash said, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, I hope you don't mind me calling you that. You're new here, but you're already a Master candidate, so..." She blushed slightly, a touch of shyness in her expression.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Senpai, huh? I like it. Makes me sound important." She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, testing her balance. Her head still spun a little, but she felt much better than before. "Where are we, exactly?"

As Ritsuka got to her feet, a new voice joined their conversation. "Ah, I see our new arrival is up and about."

They turned to see a tall man with long, green hair and glasses approaching them. He had a kindly, almost fatherly air about him, and his eyes twinkled with intelligence. He was dressed in a lab coat, his pockets overflowing with pens and small tools, a testament to his dedication to his work.

"Professor Lev!" Mash exclaimed, her voice filled with respect. "This is Ritsuka Fujimaru, one of the new Master candidates."

Lev smiled warmly. "Welcome to Chaldea, Ms. Fujimaru. I'm Lev Lainur, one of the technicians here. I trust you're feeling better?" He adjusted his glasses, his gaze sharp and assessing.

Ritsuka nodded. "Much better, thank you. Though I'm still a bit confused about... well, everything." She gestured around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings.

Lev chuckled. "That's to be expected. Chaldea can be overwhelming at first. Why don't you two take a walk? Mash can show you around, and it might help clear your head before the Director's briefing." He paused, a thoughtful look on his face. "Oh, and keep an eye out for Fou. He tends to wander off and has an aversion to green."

"Fou?" Ritsuka asked, tilting her head.

Before Lev could answer, a small, white creature with beady black eyes and a fluffy tail darted into the room. It resembled a cross between a cat and a squirrel, and it was making strange, chirping noises. It scampered across the floor and leaped onto Mash's head, perching there like a tiny king, ignoring the nearby Lev and seemingly trying to get as far away as possible from him.

"Fou!" Mash exclaimed, gently steadying the creature on her head. "Ms. Fujimaru, this is Fou. He's... well, he's Fou. He likes to explore, but he's usually harmless. Unless you're Professor Lev."

Fou blinked at Ritsuka, then let out a loud "Fou!" as if declaring his approval.

With a small gesture to follow, Mash led Ritsuka out of the infirmary, Fou perched comfortably on her head. As they walked through Chaldea's vast corridors, Mash pointed out various facilities - the cafeteria, the command room, and the summoning chamber. She explained that Chaldea was an organization dedicated to the protection of humanity's future, but kept the details vague, mentioning that the Director would provide more information later.

"So, we're basically here to save the world?" Ritsuka asked, only half-joking. She tried to imagine herself, a normal college student, saving the world. It seemed almost comical.

Mash nodded seriously. "In a way, yes. The future of humanity is at stake, and Chaldea is the last line of defense." Her voice was filled with conviction, and Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for her.

As they reached the end of their tour, Mash's expression grew somber. "Senpai, I know all of this must be overwhelming. But I believe in you. We all do. That's why you're here." She paused, her eyes searching Ritsuka's. "We need people like you, people who are willing to step up and fight for what's right."

Ritsuka felt a warmth in her chest at Mash's words. Despite the unknown of what lay ahead, she felt a little less alone. "Thanks, Mash. I'm glad I met you." She reached up and scratched Fou behind the ears, and the creature purred contentedly.

As Ritsuka and Mash were walking through the corridors, a crisp voice echoed through the facility's intercom system: "Attention all Master candidates. Please report to the command room immediately for a mandatory briefing. Repeat, all Master candidates to the command room for a mandatory briefing."

Mash turned to Ritsuka with a smile. "That's our cue, Senpai. Let's head to the command room." She gestured for Ritsuka to follow her.

They made their way through Chaldea's winding hallways, joining a stream of other candidates converging on the command center. The large room was already buzzing with nervous energy as they entered, filled with a diverse group of potential Masters from around the world. Some looked confident and eager, chatting excitedly about their training simulations, while others appeared anxious and overwhelmed, their faces pale with apprehension. Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a mix of both emotions.

Director Olga Marie Animusphere stood at the front, her presence commanding attention even before she spoke. Her striking white hair and golden eyes scanned the room as the last stragglers filed in. She exuded an aura of authority, a clear indication that she was in charge. Ritsuka and Mash found spots near the back, just as Olga began to speak.

"Welcome, Master candidates," Olga's voice rang out, silencing the murmurs. The room fell silent, every eye fixed on the Director. "You are here because you have shown the potential to aid in humanity's most critical mission. I am Olga Marie Animusphere, Director of Chaldea Security Organization." She paused, letting her words sink in.

She gestured to a large globe-like structure behind her. CHALDEAS was magnificent, a shining globe that seemed to radiate power. "This is CHALDEAS, our most advanced technology for observing human history. It is through CHALDEAS that we have detected an unprecedented threat to humanity's existence."

Olga went on to explain the concept of Rayshifting - the ability to send consciousness back in time - and the importance of correcting singularities in human history. She spoke of Grand Orders, missions of utmost importance to preserve the human order. The information was complex and technical, but Olga delivered it with a clear and concise manner, her passion for her mission evident in her voice.

As the briefing continued, Ritsuka found herself struggling to stay focused. The long day, combined with the information overload, was taking its toll. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she fought to keep them open. The drone of Olga's voice began to lull her into a state of near-sleep.

Olga's voice seemed to fade in and out as Ritsuka's exhaustion deepened. "...extinction level event... must be prevented at all costs... Servants will be your allies..."

Suddenly, Olga's sharp voice cut through Ritsuka's haze. "You there! The one dozing off in the back!"

Ritsuka jerked awake, realizing with horror that the Director was glaring directly at her. The room had fallen silent, all eyes now on her. Her face flushed with shame.

"This isn't some casual orientation!" Olga snapped, her face flushed with anger. "We are discussing the fate of human history! If you can't be bothered to pay attention to information critical to humanity's survival, then get out!" Her voice echoed throughout the room.

Embarrassed and flustered, Ritsuka stumbled to her feet. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to-" She stammered, unable to meet Olga's gaze.

"Out! Now!" Olga pointed to the door, her voice brooking no argument. "We have no room for lackadaisical attitudes in Chaldea. Perhaps this will teach you the seriousness of our mission." She turned back to the remaining candidates, her face a mask of disapproval.

As Ritsuka shuffled out of the room, face burning with shame, she caught a glimpse of Mash's concerned expression and the mixture of pity and disdain on the faces of the other candidates. The door closed behind her with a final-sounding click, leaving her alone in the hallway, the muffled sound of the continuing briefing a reminder of her failure.

Dejected, Ritsuka wandered the halls until she found herself back at her assigned quarters. As she approached her door, she heard a muffled voice coming from inside. Confused, she hesitantly opened the door.

Inside, she found a man with long orange hair hunched over a computer terminal, seemingly engrossed in whatever was on the screen. He jumped when he noticed her, quickly minimizing the window he was viewing.

"Oh! You must be the new Master candidate," he said, a flustered smile on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I'm Dr. Romani Archaman, but everyone just calls me Roman. I, uh, hope you don't mind me using your room. It's kind of my secret hideaway for... stress relief." He winked.

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow, noticing the blush on Roman's cheeks. "Stress relief?" She couldn't help but smirk.

Roman laughed nervously. "Just catching up on some... educational videos. MagiMari's livestream, to be precise. She's quite popular among the staff here." He shuffled his feet.

Ritsuka couldn't help but smile at Roman's obvious embarrassment. "I see. Well, I won't tell anyone about your secret hideout if you don't tell anyone about me getting kicked out of the briefing." She leaned against the doorframe, a playful glint in her eyes.

Roman's eyes widened. "Oh, so that's what happened. Don't take it too hard. The Director can be... intense. But her heart's in the right place. How about I give you a quick rundown of what you missed?" He gestured to a nearby chair.

As they settled in, Roman explained the basics of Chaldea's mission, the concept of Rayshifting, and the looming threat to humanity's future. His easygoing manner made the complex information much easier to digest. He spoke of Servants as powerful allies, heroic spirits summoned from throughout history.

"So, in a nutshell, we're time-traveling to fix history and save the world?" Ritsuka summarized, trying to wrap her head around the enormity of it all.

Roman nodded, looking impressed. "That's... actually a pretty good way to put it. You might have missed the briefing, but you catch on quick." He winked. "You have potential, kid."

As Roman was about to leave, alarms suddenly blared throughout the facility. His expression turned grave. "That's not good. Stay here, okay? I need to check what's going on." He hurried towards the door, a look of concern etched on his face.

But before either of them could move, the world around them erupted into chaos.

The alarms continued to blare as the facility shook violently. Ritsuka stumbled, grabbing onto the edge of her desk to keep her balance. Books fell from the shelves, and the room seemed to tilt at a precarious angle. Roman's face had gone pale, his earlier lightheartedness replaced by grimness. He gripped the doorframe, his knuckles white.

"We need to get to the command room," Roman said, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of alarms and distant explosions. "That's where we'll find out what's happening. Can you walk?"

Ritsuka nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, pushing back the exhaustion. They made their way into the corridor, which was now filled with panicked staff members running in all directions. The lights flickered ominously, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and burning metal.

As they rounded a corner, they nearly collided with Lev Lainur. The professor's usual calm demeanor was gone, replaced by a look she couldn't quite place. His glasses were askew, and his green overcoat was stained with soot.

"Roman! What's happening?" Lev demanded, his voice commanding.

"I don't know," Roman replied, his voice tense. "We're heading to the command room now. Have you seen the Director?" He scanned the corridor, his eyes searching for any sign of Olga.

Lev shook his head. "No, but-"

Another explosion rocked the facility, this one closer than before. The lights went out completely, plunging them into darkness for a moment before emergency lighting kicked in, bathing everything in an eerie red glow. The emergency lights flickered intermittently, casting long, distorted shadows that danced on the walls.

"We need to move," Lev said urgently. "The command room should be safe, or at least safer than here. Let's go!" He started running down the corridor, his lab coat billowing behind him.

As they made their way through the chaos, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about Mash. Was she safe? Where was she in all this madness? She had only just met her, but she felt a strong sense of responsibility for her.

Suddenly, a section of the ceiling collapsed just ahead of them, blocking their path. Dust and debris filled the air, making it difficult to see. Ritsuka heard a muffled cry from beyond the rubble.

"Did you hear that?" she asked, already moving towards the pile of rubble. She pushed aside a large piece of twisted metal, her hands scraping against the jagged edges.

Roman grabbed her arm. "Ritsuka, wait! It's not safe! There could be more collapses!" He tried to pull her back, his voice filled with alarm.

But Ritsuka had already spotted a flash of lavender hair among the debris. Her heart sank as she recognized the trapped figure.

"Mash!" she cried out, scrambling over the rubble. "Mash, can you hear me?" She coughed, her lungs burning from the dust.

Mash's eyes fluttered open, focusing on Ritsuka with difficulty. "Sen...pai?" Her voice was weak and raspy.

Ritsuka began frantically trying to move the debris, ignoring the cuts on her hands. "Hold on, Mash. We'll get you out of there!" She heaved against a large concrete slab, her muscles straining.

Roman joined, both of them working to free the trapped girl. As they worked, the facility continued to shake around them, the sound of distant explosions growing ever closer. The air grew thick with dust and smoke, making it hard to breathe.

Just as they managed to pull Mash free, another violent tremor shook the building. The ground beneath them lurched, and Ritsuka felt a strange sensation, as if her very atoms were being pulled apart. The air crackled with energy, and a strange light filled the corridor.

"What's happening?" she cried out, reaching for Mash's hand. The world seemed to shimmer and distort around them.

The last thing she saw was a blinding flash of light, and then the world as she knew it disappeared.

When Ritsuka opened her eyes, she found herself in a world of fire and ruin. The air was thick with smoke, and the sky above was an unnatural, angry red. Buildings lay in smoldering heaps, and the ground was covered in ash and debris. Gone were the sterile corridors of Chaldea, replaced by the crumbling remains of what looked like a modern city.

"Mash?" Ritsuka called out, coughing as she inhaled the acrid air. "Roman? Professor Lev? Anyone?" She struggled to her feet, her legs weak and wobbly.

A groan nearby caught her attention. Ritsuka turned to see Mash lying on the ground, stirring weakly.

"Mash!" Ritsuka rushed to her side, helping her sit up. "Are you okay? What... what happened?" She brushed the dust and debris from Mash's face, her heart pounding with worry.

Mash blinked, looking around in confusion. "Senpai? We... we've been Rayshifted. But something's wrong. This isn't how it's supposed to work." Her voice was filled with a sense of dread.

As Mash spoke, Ritsuka noticed something different about her. Gone was her Chaldea uniform, replaced by a strange, armored outfit. In her hand, she clutched a massive shield, its surface gleaming even in the dim light.

"Mash, your clothes... What's going on?" Ritsuka reached out to touch the shield, but Mash pulled away, her eyes wide with fear.

Before Mash could answer, a bone-chilling howl echoed through the burning city. Ritsuka turned to see a group of skeletal figures emerging from the flames, their empty eye sockets fixed on them with malevolent intent. They shambled forward, their bony limbs clicking against the ruined pavement.

"Senpai, stay behind me!" Mash said, her voice suddenly filled with a confidence Ritsuka had never heard before. She stood tall, her eyes narrowed with determination. She raised her shield, positioning herself between Ritsuka and the approaching threat.

As the skeletal figures charged, Ritsuka realized that their adventure - and their fight for humanity's future - had truly begun.

Welcome to Singularity F, Fuyuki, 2004.


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