Chapter 44: Picking the Wrong Fight
Chapter 44: Picking the Wrong Fight
Lu Yuan turned his head at the sound, spotting Wang Xu perched on a small stool outside her doorway. She sat contentedly in the breeze, a screwdriver in hand as she mended shoe soles—a common pastime among the courtyard’s older women. It saved money to repair your family’s footwear yourself, and women often gathered under trees to chat while working, making productive use of their leisure time.
Wang Xu wore a smug expression, deliberately staring in Lu Yuan’s direction. He had nearly reached his own door when he heard her pointed remark about poverty. Clearly, she was trying to provoke him.
She had learned her lesson, at least partly. After her previous comments about his wife’s background had earned her a confrontation, Wang Xu no longer dared mention that topic. Instead, she’d shifted to mocking their financial situation—effectively insulting herself as well, since everyone in the courtyard believed Lu Yuan to be extremely poor.
Lu Yuan might have ignored personal insults, but the implication that his wife was suffering because of him was intolerable. He immediately handed his packages to Su Liyan, preparing to confront Wang Xu.
Su Liyan grabbed his arm, her face etched with worry. Wang Xu hadn’t explicitly said anything offensive this time—if Lu Yuan confronted her again, he could find himself in serious trouble.
“Don’t worry,” Lu Yuan reassured his wife with a smile. “I won’t do anything stupid.”
He approached Wang Xu, who stiffened her neck and stared back defiantly. The entire courtyard considered Lu Yuan dangerous after their last encounter, but Wang Xu wasn’t afraid—or at least pretended not to be.
In her mind, if he struck her again, she’d have him arrested. The authorities took fighting seriously now; an assault charge would mean at least ten to fifteen days in custody. More importantly, it would give him a criminal record, disqualifying him from the civil service examination he claimed to be studying for. Though nobody believed he could actually pass, a criminal record would block him from any decent job in the future.
“Hey, auntie,” Lu Yuan called pleasantly, “making shoe soles today?”
Wang Xu scowled. “Are you blind? You can see what I’m doing!”
The commotion drew Wang Xiaofei from his house. He had little interest in antagonizing Lu Yuan anymore, having developed a genuine fear of the man after their previous altercation. Why invite trouble from someone so unpredictable?
Still, Wang Xiaofei couldn’t help feeling proud about his prospective new wife. His mother had found an excellent match—both her parents had stable jobs at the Agricultural Bureau’s grain factory, guaranteeing pensions upon retirement. Better yet, the woman had city residency, meaning his future children would too. They’d be a dual-income household. What could be better?
Lu Yuan squatted beside Wang Xu, examining the newly purchased soles and insoles. “Your son’s bride sounds impressive, auntie. You met her this weekend? Everything’s decided already?”
Wang Xu raised her chin defiantly. “Not everyone wastes time like you. My daughter-in-law arrives this Saturday.”
Lu Yuan’s smile widened, making Wang Xu’s heart skip a beat. Something felt wrong. She reassured herself that this time she hadn’t revealed which matchmaker she’d used or where the bride was from. Besides, Lu Yuan was married now—what could he possibly do?
Unless… What if he had already consumed Su Liyan’s family resources and planned to divorce her? What if he wanted to steal Wang Xiaofei’s bride next?
No, that was impossible. He didn’t know where to find her. She was safe.
“Auntie,” Lu Yuan said, shaking his head as he turned over the soles beside her, “people like you never learn. Always counting your chickens before they’ve hatched. When will you change?”
“None of your business!” Wang Xu snapped. “Don’t touch my things!”
She tried to pull his hand away, but Lu Yuan was quicker, selecting two pairs of insoles and soles that looked approximately his size—similar to Wang Xiaofei’s.
“I’ll take these, auntie,” he said cheerfully. “Save me a shopping trip.”
Wang Xu stared in confusion. Was he simply stealing from her now? As she prepared to explode with indignation, Lu Yuan leaned closer.
“You don’t want your son’s engagement to fall apart again, do you?” he asked quietly.
Both Wang Xu and her son, standing nearby, froze in puzzlement.
“What… what do you mean?” Wang Xu stammered. “You already have a wife…”
Lu Yuan nodded pleasantly. “Indeed I do. What I mean is that I should probably inform your prospective daughter-in-law about your family’s true situation. And about your… memorable behavior in this compound.”
He continued with a disarming smile: “I consider myself an honest person above all. A young woman shouldn’t rely solely on a matchmaker’s flattery. She should hear other perspectives, don’t you agree?”
As Wang Xu struggled to comprehend his threat, Lu Yuan elaborated: “I have plenty of free time these days. Starting tomorrow, I’ll bring a small stool and sit by the compound entrance. I’ll wait patiently for the matchmaker to bring your future daughter-in-law. When they arrive, I’ll stop them for a friendly chat.” His smile turned predatory. “You know how loose my tongue can be—I just say whatever comes to mind. Please don’t hold it against me.”
Wang Xu stared at Lu Yuan, swallowing hard. Beside her, Wang Xiaofei did the same.
The neighbors who had gathered to watch the confrontation now stood in speechless disbelief, a collective thought passing through their minds:
Wang Xu, oh Wang Xu! Why did you ever pick a fight with this man?