Fated chaos

Chapter 10: Chapter 9:The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea

"The prince was in his room sitting on a chair rocking it while enjoying wine. It was then he heard a knock at the door. The intruder did not wait and knocked again. 

" Fine. Am coming. "

Before even reaching the door, something queer happened. A white outline was seen protruding from the bottom opening of the door. It was then thrust forward reaching halfway to the inside from outside the door. It was an envelope. 

The prince did not bother with it and instead opened the door rather violently hoping to catch the intruder. Hushed footsteps resounded across the hallway and when the door was set ajar, the intruder was nowhere to be seen.

"Not this again.." he said as he picked the letter up. It was another letter he presumed from one of his many admirers. And indeed it was. 

"Meet in my room. Sue." 

It was then he read the sender's name and his mind was set in an uphill of confusion.This was no love letter as it did occur to him, she just did not seem like the type for such. Cole had a bad feeling about this still but he could not reject an invite from a fellow councilor. 

He hastily put on a coat and closed the door behind him as he headed to her room. 

There were two different types of power heads. Those who drove themselves to where they were now, either from the dirt or from low nobility to high like Eric. And then those who existed for a long time and had their roots in power for years. The sue family were in power for ages controlling the east of Hesdonia. 

The north with the drakes, south with the stones and west with the perches. Those were the Kingdoms united by the lotuses at the center, the capital, Heshber. 

The east were the newest to join alliances and no one knew much about them. Going the same for their current leader. She was a woman shrouded in mystery known for a short talk, speaking only when necessary. Hell she even wore a veil. So an invitation to meet her in private, it must've been something important. 

He opened the door and indeed it was her. She wore her trade mark, a round pointed black hat with a matching black dress. Her veil was off reavealing a sweet angelic face adorned with sharp small black eyes. Her facial features slightly acute, almost Asian. 

She was sitted on a table sipping a cup of tea with a man seated opposite her. 

"Councilor Wokabi!" 

"Mister lotus..." She intruded as she stood up, "Sorry to disturb at this hour of the night. You must be surprised to see Eric here we..." 

"It is obvious that for whatever reason you called me for, other councilors are not to hear wind of it. I do not want to be a part of your schemes, so I'll take my leave" He said with his voice rather crude and turned to storm off. 

"Wait!" Eric called on to him but Cole did not stop. 

"It is about your mother" His hands trailed off at the door knob. "What about her?" 

"Your father killed her."

Cole's eyes turned cold as his gaze turned deadly. "What do you mean?" 

"Come on, you've heard the rumors about the mad king and how he killed his wife. How he became a bounty hunter turning the army forces into a witch hunt! And yet you still knew." 

Eric walked to him and stared into his eyes, "You've always known." 

A tear flowed from his cheek as he turned his face and stared at the woman in the room. 

"What do you want from me?" 

Bianca sue smiled, "We are going to end the tyranny for good. Time for a change in leadership." 

Cole turned to them in shock, "you are going to assinate him? Wait.... You want me to help you!? This is what it is about,pin my fears on my father so that I might switch sides. What if I refuse?" 

"Well that would be a loss for you. We would have to tell of your little secret to your father, the head of the witch hunt. We both know that he wouldn't hesitate. He did not with your mother. So what is it going to be,Cole Lotus." 

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