Root Access

What Jun planned to do was to prepare himself fully for the connection but not yet go through with it, he wanted to set up the best possible foundation first, the reorganization of the core of his Null Myriad he had already done was one of the things for this end.

The first step was to take the spoils of battle and start using them. Das Rheingold was fused into Aurea Poculum, Shirou's right and left arms were taken as is but a change occurred automatically.

'High Compatibility with Scion of the Void detected. Do you want to execute?' Ahsaka asked.

Jun affirmed and the end result was.

Almighty Key (A): All magecraft in existence can be used at A rank proficiency without any prerequisites.

It was a devastating advantage that would help Jun in his endeavours and might even help him get something even better during the connection.

Jun's real prize however, was Legend of Dracula. He wanted to distill it into his own Idea Blood, making him a Rank IX Dead Apostle or a Dead Apostle Ancestor. Expunging a defect like bloodlust ought to be easy as he was already more powerful than the weaker Dead Apostle Ancestors.

As such, he would not suffer from the degeneracy that they suffered from. The only problem was getting rid of the thirst itself. Not the physical need but the psychological one.

'Don't worry. It's a mental effect and you're quite resistant to those, nearly immune in fact, so the bloodlust will not bother you almost at all.' Ahsaka explained.

"Mind and Body Domain huh?" Jun said out loud.

'Precisely.' Ahsaka responded.

Then all that was left for Jun to do was create a principle which for him there was only one, the ultimate pursuit, the truth. Not just reach it m«but mastering it.

Idea Blood: Hemonomic Principle, the blood that makes an Ancestor an Ancestor, said to be the "mandate" of the Original Cause, the Root, engraved upon their soul". A "Truth" that they have each attained, the worldview that makes up the foundation of their "thirst".

It can be called a Dead Apostle's thesis, purpose for living and their undying curse. A singularity that paints over the planet's physical laws just by circulating blood. Wherever an Ancestor asserts their Idea Blood becomes their territory, subject to the influence of their Principle curse.

It can be compared to a "crown" as the inheritance of the Idea Blood will raise the inheritor to a Rank IX Ancestor regardless of their original rank but they must possess a "millennium-class foundation" as a being of Mystery for it to function properly and be able to create and use their Bounded Field.

Now, Jun lacked the Millenium class foundation in terms of quantity but the quality of his mystery more than made up for it so there was no problem at all. This resulted in the skill . . .

Idea Blood: Hemonomic Principle (Truth) (EX) (Sealed)

'Sealed because Ahsaka determined it was too much for Jun to handle before his evolution so he decided to save it for later.

The final preparation to be made was the execution of Heaven's Feel and the integration of the Greater Grail into Aurea Polcum but in reverse order.

'After this is doen, creation of vessels for Heroic Spirits and they summoning ought to be much easier, as will it be to modify them.' Jun thought.

The results were expectedly bombastic.

Aurea Poculum: The Corruption of Limitless Wealth (A+ -> UEX):  It possesses the ability to continuously generate magical energy and treasure like gold, jewels and even foodstuff or medicine, as well as all kinds of magical treasures and items at an extremely fast rate, containing unlimited storage for these things.

A Mechanical Guardian Snake whose strength increases with the amount of stored streasure and magical energy surrounds the cup, its name is Aesculapius.

Grants four powerful skills to the user at a rank equal to that of the Noble Phantasm's. Since all skill are meant to be at the EX rank, their true power cannot be properly utilized.

-Golden Grail Rule (EX): Extremely strong destiny and affinity to treasure. The wielder of the Golden Grail that symbolizes luxuriousness will never lack for money.

-Golden Apotheosis (EX): A body of divine perfection, not only in form but also in function. One's body is utterly perfect and one's physical parameters are elevated to A+. Skills that raise physical parameters are nullified but Noble Phantasms still work.

-Seven Trumpets (EX): A voice that emulate the Seven Trumpets of Revelation but in a corrupted form. Possesses powerful allure and holiness. Can reproduce the apocalyptic events announced by the real Seven Trumpets on a large scale. The Last Trumpet is a powerful blessing to all allies.

-Beauty of the Apocalypse (EX): Beauty capable of bringing ruing to the whole world and usher in Apocalypse. There are no other words to describe it. Can use pure beauty to seal skills and deal magical damage to targets as well as grant blessing to allies.

Heaven's Feel (EX): Allows for the modification of the soul with very little restrictions. Can apply extremely powerful blessing to all allies in battle.

-Cradle of the Beast (UEX): Capable of birthing endless copies of the Beast of Revelation, Beast VI so long as enough magical energy is available.

As for simply materializing his soul, despite the fact the grail could do much more.

The change however, was quite underwhelming.

Perpetual Soul (A): A soul that does not suffer the passage of time and is not bound by the existence of one's body. It continuously generates magical energy just by existing.

Shiki's body provided him endless magical energy however and his lifespan was measured in millions of years so he was not really worried but oh well, it was the last requirement he needed to clear.

'Ahsaka . . . Initiate the connection.'

'Understood.' Ahsaka replied and the process begun.


[Evaluating the Scion's parameters . . .]

[Requirements met.]

[Evaluating the Scion's soul integrity and strength . . .]

[Requirements met.]

[Initiating appraisal of Scion's abilities . . .]

[Skill: Breath of the Immortal Sage, Walking through the Void (EX) (Sealed) has been deemed incompatible, breaking down records for useful traits and eliminating the rest.]

[Sub Skill: Presence Concealment (EX) eliminated as a consequence of previous action]

[Sub Skill: Shukuchi (A) salvaged.]

[Shukuchi (A) deemed compatible for amplification.]

[Shukuchi (A) -> Kyokuchi (EX)]

[Sub Skill: Mind and Body Domain (A) salvaged.]

[Mind and Body Domain (A) deemed compatible for conversion.]

[Mind and Body Domain (A) -> True Nothingness (EX)]

Dragon Kind Evolution (B) deemed compatible for conversion.]

[Dragon Kind Evolution (B) -> Dragon of Akasha (EX)]

[Dragon Heart (B) -> Heart of Akasha (EX)]

[Magic Resistance (EX), Dragonhide and Scale (B), Galvanism (A) deemed compatible for joint conversion.]

[Joint Conversion results in Akashic Dragonhide (-)]

[Dragon Eyes (B), Almighty Key (A) deemed compatible for joint conversion.]

[Joint Conversion results in Origin Eyes of Akasha (EX)]

[Dragon's Wisdom (B), Mental Archive (A++), Thought Acceleration (A++), Memory Partition (A++), Lesser Laplace (A++), Magecraft Mastery (B++), Martial Mastery (A) deemed compatible for joint conversion.]

[Joint Conversion results in Crest of The Truth (EX)]

[Dragon Breath (B) converted into Idea Breath (EX)]

[Dragon Rage (A) is deemed superfluous.]

[Monstrous Strength (B) is deemed superfluous.]

[Idea Burst (A++) enhanced into Idea Burst (EX)]

[Divinity (B) is deemed incompatible eliminating . . . ERROR!]

[With the consideration of the Scion's noble phantasms, elimination of Divinity could endanger the Scion.]

[Divinity requires extra resources for forceful conversion. Extracting magical energy from Root.]

[Divinity (B) -> Primordiality (EX)]

[Divine Power in all noble phantasms force converted to Primordial Power.]

[Perpetual Soul (A) -> Soul of Akasha (EX)]

[Idea Blood: Hemonomic Principle (Truth) (EX) unsealed and fully integrated.]

[Akashic Converter fully Integrated into Phantasmal Origin]

[Akashic Records fully integrated into Crest of the Truth]

[Entering final stage of the procedure.]

[Sub Skill: Connection to the Root (EX) integrated.]

[Sub Skill: Connection to the Root (EX) upgraded to Root Access (E)]

[Bestowal of Akashic Tower as a reward for progress.]

[Procedure Complete!]


'That was surreal, an out of body experience, is more that a little too tame to explain it but I better check my status.'


Name: Haikami Jun

Race: Human/Dragon Hybrid

Gender: Male


    Strength: A+

    Endurance: A+

    Agility: A+

    Mana: EX

    Luck: EX

    Magic Circuits/Core: EX

    Affinity: True Void


Scion of the Void (E/UEX): Initial connection opened.

-Root Access (E): Allows one to draw power directly from the Root. Having this access mean all enactment of mystery becomes incredibly smooth and efficient. Significantly boosts the user's success rate and effectiveness at performing any action.

-True Nothingness (EX): The achieving of True Nothingness in both mind and body. Complete immunity to mental effects, greatly boosts one's senses, immunity to conceptual death and immunity to time altering attacks.

The possessor of this skill can face into nothing, concealing themselves perfectly without the rank dropping as they attack, only supernatural senses can  help avoid attacks but even then, detecting the user is impossible. Can conceal any and all details of the user from any ability or senses.

The possessor can fade away from reality temporarily to completely avoid any attack but become unable to interact with the real world during that tie period.

-Kyokuchi (EX): The ultimate way of walking, which allows complete movement in all forms of space. The user can step on the void and move through spacetime with ease.

Origin Eyes of Akasha (EX): Denotes one as the possessor of the conceptual original eyes that give rise to all kinds of special eyes to have ever existed. Even when inactive, they are classified as Rainbow Rank within the noble colours system.

They can bind and terrify with a glare and enchant and subdue with a mellow gaze. Their gaze cannot be obstructed by any obstacle physical or magical and can see into every direction at the same time. Time and space, even fate itself, they pose no challenge towards these eyes either.

They can mimic the powers of various Mystic Eyes, see what cannot be seen and see through all falsity but their true power which belongs to them alone is sealed.

-Left Eye of Akasha's Solver (UEX) (Sealed)

-Right Eye of Akasha's Weaver (UEX) (Sealed)

Dragon of Akasha (EX):

-Heart of Akasha(EX): Dragon Heart rebuilt to pump the magical energy of the Root of Akasha. Provides the user with unlimited magical energy along with an extreme output but its true power is not yet revealed.

-Soul of Akasha (EX): Like the Dragon Heart, it continuously generates magical energy with quality akin to that of Akasha. Unlike the heart however, it possesses the actual ability to connect to Akasha through the Root Access skill and drawn upon its true might. Said full might however, is still too much to handle for the user.

-Akashic Dragonhide (-): Nullifies and absorbs all forms of harm, physical, magical and conceptual, whose rank does not surpass the the user's Endurance parameter. For attacks that do surpass it, value equivalent to the users Endurance is absorbed from them while the rest registers as harm. These weakened attacks will then face the toughened dragonhide of the user.

-Glimpsing the Dragon of Akasha (EX): Reveal the true form of the Dragon of Akasha to the World for one minute in exchange, the user falls into a coma for one year until they recover from using power not of their own making. Requires massive amounts of magical energy.

-Idea Burst (EX): Mana Burst of the highest possible order. Capable of mimicking any element the user possesse without losing any power, regardless of the user's affinity to that particular element but special effects pertaining to a single element still remain unique to them.

Grants user access to the Akashic Burst which consumes massive amounts of energy in exchange for peerless offensive and defensive might. True power of the Idea Burst and can only be channeled through items of the EX rank and above.

-Idea Breath (EX): The torrent of magical energy unleashed from a dragon's mouth. Carries the same properties as the Idea Burst mentioned above.

Idea Blood: Hemonomic Principle (Truth) (EX): Demarks one as a Dead Apostle Ancestor, granting one enhanced physical abilities and senses, vampiric claws and several special abilities, including one unique to oneself. In the user's case, their power is equivalent to that of a True Ancestor.

-Noble of the Night (A): Grants the user the fabled abilities of a Vampire of Legend, Dracula in addition to the standard ones possessed by Dead Apostles.

-Void Walker (A): Due to the user's unique circumstances, they are neither weakened by day nor strengthened by night.

-Curse of Restoration (A): Causes the user's body to regress through time to its original state whenever it receives an injury. Originally tied to the phases of the moon, Void Walker as flattened the peaks and filled up the valleys, leaving it at a standard A rank of strength.

-Blood of Akasha (EX): Allows the actualization of mystery through the mere circulation of one's blood. Any magecraft the user can competently use can be activated far faster and more efficiently through the circulation of one's blood without relying on magic circuits.

-Tree of Life (EX): Tree of Life from alchemy that pumps the Blood of Akasha throughout the Null Myriad, strengthening its various layers and the possessor itself. Contains the mysteries of life's creation and feeds on magical energy from the Core to create more of the blood.

-Gate of the Truth (EX/UEX): Connection to the Root. Its true power cannot yet be utilized but an image of its can be called onto the real world, creating an extreme bounded field where the user can utilize the man of the world to achieve Mysteries with only their will.

Primordiality (EX): A power far older than Divinity that only the Root can grant. Confers resistance to Divine Authorities. Raises the user's raw power the stronger it is. Extra effective when used against Divine enemies and can break through all kinds of protections.

Crest of The Truth (EX): A crest that symbolizes the Attainment of the "Truth" the Akashic records. Records information through the user's senses, magical and otherwise and also possesses abilities like Instinct, Revelation and Mind's Eye (Fake) within it to gather said information.

Stores and organizes all that information that is collected at all times regardless of the users intent and uses it to draw further related information from the Akashic Records. Grants the user colossal processing power, greater than even the Moon Cell's.

Can be activated by focus to use all information to predict all possible futures and determine the best course of action for any situation but will automatically activate through focus. If the "Truth of a certain type of skill is observed or learned is any manner, it is recorded as a sub skill.

-Martial Truth: The essence of all martial arts in existence, formless and peerless, all of the user's moves will be impossible to see through.

-Magecraftian Truth: Mastery of every magecraft in existence, one is only limited by materials as magical energy when it comes to this art.

Origin Rune (-): Almost as ancient as the Root itself, it is not able to be included in the Magecraftian Truth as even Primordial Runes are.

Noble Phantasms:

Null Myriad, The layered World born out of Nothingness (UEX):

- Inner Core Layer: Heart of the World (EX): Contains the Soul of Akasha, held inside the beating Heart of Akasha.

-Middle Core Layer: Foundation of the World (EX): Represents the body and contains Domina Coronam's seven halos as hills, it's crown and scepter as a city and the ten rings as spires on said city. The true form and true power of the noble phantasm. Aurea Poculum is its Sun.

In the center of the city lies the connection between the roots of the Tree of Life that dig deep into the Inner Core Layer and its truck. At its core lies the Gate of Truth whos frame is branded with the Crest of the Truth.

-Outer Core Layer: Shell of the Core Tonitrus: The Heart of Lightning (A++): Tonitrus' enhanced true form. Converts the super high quality magical energy form the center into more easily useable lower forms when necessary, can process said magical energy into living lightning and absorb all magical energy wasted by the user back.

--Spark of Life: Bestows a park of living lightning to a target, granting them similar yet hugely downgraded abilities to those granted by Tonitrus like magical energy recyclement and continuous body reinforcement.

-First Layer: Phantasmal Origin: The First Illusion of Myriad Myths (EX ->UEX): Transcended with the inclusion of the Akashic Converter. Takes the form of a huge chakram as its true form and power.

-Second Layer: Celestial Sphere (B->A+): Now holds a true fragment of the stars within which will develop into ultimate star power with time. Drastically enhances the user's Astromancy when manifested.

-Third Layer: Aeternus Eversor (UEX)

-Outer Layer: Hollow Shell (B->A+): Fully integrated into Imaginary Space and capable of taking advantage of its natural properties without fail, drastically enhancing the user's Imaginary Magecraft prowess.

Domina Coronam: The Ten Crowns of Evil and Seven Hills of the Abominable City (UEX)


-Absolute Privilege (A)

-Manifestation of Supremacy (A)

-Flames of Domination (A)

-Nails of Judgement (A)


-Absolute Privilege (EX)

-Manifestation of Supremacy (EX)

-Flames of Domination (EX)

-Nails of Judgement (EX)

-Absolute Domain (UEX): Currently Impossible to access.

-Supreme Investiture (UEX): Currently Impossible to access.

-Origin of Authority (UEX): Currently Impossible to access.

Aurea Poculum: The Corruption of Limitless Wealth (UEX)

-Golden Grail Rule (EX)

-Golden Apotheosis (EX)

-Seven Trumpets (EX)

-Beauty of the Apocalypse (EX)

-Heaven's Feel (EX)

-Cradle of the Beast (UEX)

Nyxo: The Ever Shifting Immortal Shadow (A++ -> EX): Powerful shapeshifting draconic familiar that inherited Vritra's nature of immortality, being utterly unkillable while its master lives.

Airgetlam: Holy Silver Arm Of The Thorny Warpath (A+-EX)

-Switch On: Airgetlam (A->A+): Boost the user's parameters until their current vessel's limit. Also boost the user's Primordiality considerably along with the arm's attack power.

-Savior's Light: Airgetlam(A+ -> A++)

-Bestial Rage: Airgetlam (A+ -> A++)

-Penitent Crown: Airgetlam (A++ -> A+++)

-Primordial Burst: Airgetlam (A+++ -> EX): Unleashes the Primordiality within the arm, briefly ascending the user to the level of a Primordial Spirit, boosting all of their abilities and parameters drastically.

-Dead End: Airgetlam (EX)



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