Fran’s Troubles

"Though Artoria has limitless potential, now that your chains of fate have been severed by your association with my husband, you Mordred, carry the potential to surpass both of us."

Morgan's words truly rocked Mordred's World. So much so that she lost the ability to form words.

"Scathach. Mordred will be training with me for a while." Morgan said.

"About time." Scathach replied, apparently she and Morgan had discussed Mordred previously and it was the Queen of Dun Scaith that suggested Morgan to research into what she would now help Mordred attain.

After hearing the reply, Morgan simply scoffed and teleported away, dragging Mordred and Magdalena away with her in the process.

"We shall be going too little girl." Scathach said to Gray before following Morgan's example and teleporting with the little girl in tow.

Artoria, satisfied with both the process and results of her duel with Jun, graced him with one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen. Leaving him a bit dazed.

It was different from a physical sense of beauty, a more spiritual one that warmed his soul and made his own smile more sincere and heartfelt as well.

"W-What is it?" Artoria began to grow slightly embarrassed by Jun's intense gaze.

"I'm simply find you to be more and more beautiful the long I look at you Artoria." He cheesily, yet sincerely replied to her.

Artoria blushed but seemed genuinely happy rather than the embarrassed surprise she had shown when they had not know each other as long.

Then, as if it was the most natural thing in whole World, they drew closer to each other, Artoria placed her hands on Jun's broad chest while he embraced her rather diminutive body.

And in a truly beautiful moment, in a battlefield, still scorched by the pair's fierce duel, Jun and Artoria kissed, a chaste kiss of affection to mark the beginning of an unbreakable bond . . .

Alas, Jun was on a schedule and he had things to do. After holding Artoria for a long while, simply enjoying her warmth while letting her enjoy his, he unfortunately had to move on.

Artoria returned to her training with renewed resolve, determined to catch up to Jun and a more childish par of her was fully ready to go rub her new relationship status in Morgan's face.

As for Jun, he teleported of the Crown of Paradise: Eden to try and figure out what had been troubling Frankenstein.

He found her kneeling in the midst of a huge flower field, one filled with white lilies that symbolize purity. Fran was just quietly enjoying the surrounding scenery as her mind wandered off into places unknown.

"Hello Fran." Jun greeted with a smile.

"Master!" She cutely jumped up in surprise, making full use of the voice Jun had returned to her.

He simply patted her head and gently pressed her down, leading to both of them sitting side by side in a sea of flowers.

"I was hoping you would come to me with whatever has been troubling you but I now see the folly of my actions so I'm here." Jun started.

"Will you tell what is wrong?" He asked.

". . ." Silence was Fran's only answered.

Jun held her close to him, comforting her troubled heart as she cutely snuggled against his broad chest.

"I simply didn't want to trouble you . . ." Fran quietly said.

"Don't worry. To an omnipotent being like myself, to amount of trouble is to great to handle!" Jun proudly proclaimed while praying those words would not come back to bite him in the ass in the coming future.

Fran smiled in response but still didn't say anything. Jun had said his piece however, so he just held her and waited for her to come to her own conclusion.

And after a long while, she finally did.

"Master?" She called out.

"Yes?" Jun responded to tell her he was listening.

"Would you hate me if I no longer fight, even after you made me stronger?" Fran fearfully asked.


"So that's what it was." Jun sighed.

"My dear Fran, I've created this Crown we stand on specifically for those I care about that have no interest in fighting." He gently said.

"If you want to bind yourself to it and simply enjoy a peaceful life with me for the rest of eternity, I will respect that wish and care for you just as much." Jun declared.

'Well, I should have expected this much considering her past . . .' He thought to himself as Fran hugged him tighter, quietly sobbing in happiness and relief.

Frankenstein . . . The "monster" created by the genius scientist and magus, Victor Frankenstein in an attempt to recreate Eve herself, or more precisely, his envisioned ideal woman.

Alas, standing before his creation, Victor felt her repulsive, monstrous and subhuman, "an abomination with the mind of an infant". And so, dismantling her and leaving her in pieces inside his workshop, he travelled far away. Even in this state however, Fran "lived".

Slowly putting herself back together, she left her creator's workshop and came into contact with the outside world, developing the emotions and feelings that could never have been created in the first place.

And thus she realized a great anger towards the one who abandoned her, but also admiration for the one who was effectively her father.

Somehow finding him, Fran begged her creator to make another of her, having understood the agony and despair of being alone in the world due to her uniqueness, She wanted Victor to make her a partner, a bridegroom who was the same as her so she would no longer have to be alone.

However, he flatly refused. Believing himself to have birthed of a hideous creature, it seemed unthinkable to even consider creating another. Though she pleaded, he denied her again and again, causing her to realize the truth and fall into deep despair.

She decided that she must have him create another no matter what, so she killed those acquainted with him, those with no relation at all, and even his fiancee. He continued to flee from her despite that, denying her request to the end.

Getting tired of her persistent chase, Victor fled to the South Pole, choosing to die over granting her one wish. Dying in madness, he regretted her creation until his last breath.

With the man she had looked up to gone and without anyone to hate, she parted from Walton, the man who watched over Frankenstein's final moment, and traveled to the uttermost north.

She built herself a pyre, allowing herself to be consumed by the flames while thinking, "May my ashes be scattered across the seas . . ." That was the end of the monster born from the delusions of Victor Frankenstein.

To such a tragic being who was rejected and abandoned in a most cruel way, by the single individual she had cared for, it was only natural for her to feel an intense fear of ambondenet now that she had found another to love.

Jun had earned Fran's affections and she wanted nothing more in the world than for those affections to be returned.

When he remodelled his noble phantasm and asked his Servants to pick the Crown they felt was best for them however, Fran felt draw to the Crown of Paradise: Eden. But while there were servants whose worth laid not in their combat ability and so made them a perfect fit for the Crown, she was not one of them.

Binding herself to the Crown of Paradise would mean losing the single thing that might have made her useful to Jun and so she immensely feared such a decision would cause him to turn away from her. But on the other hand, she had to know.

Fran wanted to believe Jun cared for her not because she was useful to him but for who she was but her fear of abandonment stopped her from taking that final step.

Now that Jun had endorsed her wish and declared he would care for her no matter what, Fran felt fulfilled beyond measure.

She bound herself to Eden and prepared to shower Jun with her affection for the rest of eternity, in was all she could do now and all she cared about doing after all . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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