A Dragon Once More

"Well that was a lot better than I had hoped . . ." Jun said to himself.

The parts where he could see better, even the Lines of Origin which he already knew existed was his plan but the eye beam that could trigger then was certainly a welcome surprise for him. One he tested thoroughly before leaving Dun Scaith.

As it turned out, using his Third Eye to directly glare his opponents out of existence was a costly move and tended to work less if the opponent was stronger but even then, it cause great amounts of damage and could reduce an unbeatable opponent to a level where Jun could actually reach.

Returning to DxD, Jun now started to work of his big project. It was time for his draconic powers to return stronger than ever. He could then focus on interfering with various events without worry of getting clobbered.

After all, F/GO was a game, the changes were not small and Jun had perceived some of them through the Akashic Gate. It didn't look good at all.

Just Goetia, the first big baddie was a monster the current Jun could not even resist against, that's how powerful that meemed boss actually was without getting screwed over by game mechanics to make him beatable.

Then there was VII of the End, whose true powers were still unknown along with all the overpowered monsters from the Lostbelts.

Safe to say, while the Grand Orders had the potential to give Jun benefits he could only dream of now, they were also incredibly dangerous so he had to make certain preparations to ensure his success. Or at least improve his chances to the limit.

The first step, was increasing his true power through his big project while the second step was to complete all Singularities while passing as a very talented Magus rather than a being as powerful as a god. This was to fool VII who was watching carefully as to how powerful he actually was, giving him an advantage in the Lostbelts where he would go all out.

The third preparation was summoning servants. Both using Chaldea's system and his own but he had an idea to enjoy such benefits in a clandestine way.

Jun would summon the relevant servants he knew would be called during a singularity and then set things up so that the versions he had summoned would be the ones called, thus converting summoned servants easily into allies rather than having to convince them on the spot.

There were exceptions though. Servants directly summoned by the enemy would not fall into this category. As such, for example, having Mordred ready would allow Jun to make sure she was the Mordred summoned to the London Singularity but he would not be able to replace the Mordred summoned by the Lion King.

Another example would be Atalanta. While Jun could make sure to replace the one summoned by Jason in Okeanos, which he checked, he would not be able to replace the one summoned by Jalter in Orleans.

Jun had yet to figure out the limitations of this method but at the very least, he could also summon other useful servants and then call them using Chaldea's system so as to not ring any alarms in the enemy superior powers watching.

First though, it was time to create. Firing up the forges of his Phantasmal Origin, Jun got to work building his new Dragon Heart.

The core material would be the Dragon Heart he had Morgan extract from his previous body, he fused it with the Greater Grail he had gained in Fuyuki thus immensely strengthening it, he then stored his extracted blood essence inside, along with the remaining idea Blood from the Umbral Star attack, fusing the two together.

He then condensed all of it into a marble shaped core and fused it with his broken Origin Core of Sin before starting to work on the surrounding main structure.

A support was created by refining his bones, into a skeletal support and then a composite crystal would be used for the main structure.

Said composite crystal had three main ingredients, Saint Quartz, a crystal with divine power and a crystallization of concepts that decides many a future that was also called a pseudo-spiritron crystal.

Perfect quality and highest grade Philosopher's Stone and finally, Crystallized Lore created when history crosses great streams of Mana.

The last was artificially created. Jun created a powerful Mana Stream by expending most of Aurea Poculum's stored magical energy and then pulled countless records of Dragonkin from the Akashic Records themselves with his Root Access, creating a super Crystallized Lore of all Dragonkind.

Jun then enchanted the resulting structure with the Kaleidoscope Magic, using the principles gleaned from analysing the records of the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. Thus exponential increasing magical energy storage, production and output as well as efficiency.

Finally, it was time for an outer shell to be built. A cover was made from refining Jun's skin from his previous body which was veritable dragonhide and then, various records from defensive noble phantasms and self enhancing noble phantasms were fused into it.

Some examples would be Avalon, Kavacha and Kundala, Lord Camelot, Akhilleus Kosmos and much more.

Fusion with himself was a nightmarishly painful process worse than even the torture Scathach put him through but it was was far more than worth it when Jun looked at and most of all, felt the changes within himself.

Boundary of Nothiness (EX) finally evolved with the transformation, absorbing Idea Burst and Idea Breath in the process, becoming Beyond Nothingness (UEX)


Beyond Nothingness (UEX): To go beyond True Nothingness in both mind and body. Complete immunity to mental effects, transcendent senses, immunity to conceptual death and immunity to time altering attacks.

-Shift to Nothing: Fade away from spacetime itself and step into the Root. The ultimate presence concealment and form of movement. No one can track or detect the user and and no one can bind the user either. Only a being with with a superior grasp of concepts would be able to do these things.

-True Severance: The ultimate attack, capable of drawing out the utmost potential of whatever method or implement is used to target anything from a simple individual, to an entire planet, or even esoteric things like concepts, such as life and death.

-Crossing Into Creation: The Cycle of Existence when everything returns to the Void of the Root but everything originates from it as well. To go beyond nothingness to grasp the truth of creation, striking with the power of Genesis. The ultimate Mana Burst skill that brings forth the power from the dawn of creation as far as the user's magical energy reserves allow.


There there was his new Noble Phantasm. Apokalypsis Heart: The Crystal Heart of THE DRAGON, so called because it contained the records and potential of every dragon to exist and will even exist, thus making it the heart of THE DRAGON, the incarnation of all Dragonkind.


Apokalypsis Heart: The Crystal Heart of THE DRAGON (SUEX): The Heart of all Dragonkind that defines the user as the mightiest dragon of them all, conferring upon them special abilities the like that the Multiverse has never seen.

-Heart of THE DRAGON: The core of THE DRAGON's power. So longs as it is not destroyed THE DRAGON will never truly die. Provides unlimited magical energy at the maximum output the user's vessel can handle.

-Corpus of THE DRAGON: The user attains strength and endurance beyond what is possible even for mortals, heroic spirits and even divine spirits even while trapped in a humanoid form. Allows the user to manifest dragon horns, fangs, tail and wings.

-Armor of THE DRAGON: The hide and scales of the mightiest dragon Utterly nullifies and absorbs all forms of harm that do not surpass the user's Endurance Parameter, converting them into power. Drastically increases the user's toughness which will resist against any leftover power from an attack the special ability is incapable of fully nullifying.

-Force of THE DRAGON: The ultimate strength. An extremely powerful version of the Monstrous Strength Skill. Boost the user's strength as much as their vessel can withstand without any limit other than that.

-Breath of THE DRAGON: The ultimate attack of all Dragonkind. A torrent of magical energy with unrivalled power, putting all of the user's power into a massive attack limited only by what the user's vessel can take.

-Blood of THE DRAGON: A form of vampiric Idea Blood. It allows the user to birth dragonkin from their blood and summon parts of them to attack foes. Provides a potent Curse of Restoration that cannot be stopped by any attack so long as the Heart of THE DRAGON is intact. Additionally, allows the user to bestow power gifting their blood in the same away a Dead Apostle can create kin.

-DRAGON Apokalypsis: The true form of THE DRAGON. Turns the user into a cosmic being with nearly limitless power when used.


(A/N: Sorry, posted chapter on my other novel my mistake yesterday.)


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