Faraway Survivor

Chapter 36: City of Wonder Elisora-2

Yua takes me to the biggest building in the city. She tells me this place is the library of the city. When I come inside the building, I can see a large number of books.

-Welcome to the most important place in Elisora. Nothing is more precious for the mage than knowledge. Right, Farah? (Yua)

-Yup. Can I come here and read any kind of book, Yua? (Farah)

-No, Farah, some books are restricted and only available if you go to the basement under the library. The library has four basements underground contains more than a million thousand books. However, you need a specific kind of card to be able to access those four basements. (Yua)

-How can I get those cards? (Farah)

-University and high school students are given a bronze card to access the first, second, and third basement. Noble with superior ranks such as earl and duke are given a silver card to access the fourth basement. And with a gold card, royalty can access the last basement. (Yua)

-So, I can gain access up to the third basement once I enrol in magic high school? (Farah)

-Yup. (Yua)

I can hear a voice calling us from behind:

-Oh Yua, it's rare to see you in the library. (Wisd)

-Haha, Wisd!(Yua)

A girl with platinum hair walks from behind us:

-I will introduce an important person as royalty in this country, librarian Wisd. (Yua)

The girls turn red when she heard the introduction.

-Stop it, it's embarrassing. (Wisd)

-She is created directly by goddess Humatilia, Wisd, the seeker of knowledge. (Yua)

-Ehem, It's not a big deal you know. That goddess created me because she has nothing to do in her free time. (Wisd)

-Hahaha. (Yua)

-But Yua, How is she different from ordinary people? (Farah)

-She is the person who possesses the best memory on this planet. Aside from her unique hair colour, she can memorize all of the books in this library. (Yua)

-Oh, I see. (Farah)

-Uhmm Wisd, I thought today is your day off, right? (Yua)

-I'm waiting for an idiot. She is late for half an hour already. (Wisd)

A running sound can be heard.

-Huff Huff... I'm over here, Wisd. (Himari)

It's a woman with golden hair. She looks kind of familiar to me. She is like the unusual person who I encounter at Windvallye's village.

-Ah, you are the fake Apost...(Farah)

She instantly comes to my front and uses her hand to intercept me from talking. Yua and Wisd are surprised at our interaction.

-You guys know each other? (Yua)

-Yes, we met one time in the past.

-Umu! Umu! (Farah)

-Farah seems to want to talk about something. Can you let her talk? (Yua)

Himari tries dodging the topic:

-What are you doing here with this girl, Yua? (Himari)

-I am taking her on a tour. (Yua)

-Hmm, tour. Brilliant idea, I will take this girl to see our church. (Himari)


-I will borrow this girl for a moment. (Himari)

She carries me in her hand and runs with incredible speed.

-They seem lively. (Yua)

-Ye... Ah, that idiot forgot her original purpose of coming here. (Wisd)

-Ahaha... (Yua)
Himari uses the broom and takes me to a big church near the castle where royalty lives. After arriving at the church, she puts me down:

-What's that for? (Farah)

-My real identity and whereabouts of the goddess are secret. Please don't tell them. (Himari)

-... Then why do you talk to me about the apostle thing in the first place? (Farah)

She tries to avoid looking directly at me.

-... I never thought you would associate with higher-up people in this country. (Himari)

-Therefore, you tell me cause you know no one will believe me even if I tell them about your identity? (Farah)

-Hehe. That's right. (Himari)

-Hmmm. (Farah)

-Are you angry? (Himari)


Himari grasps my hand and advises me:

-Let's relive your mood with a tour around the church. (Himari)

There are many chapels and statues of the goddess Humitalia in the church. While walking around the church, she asks me:

-How's your progress of awakening your power? (Himari)

-What do you mean? (Farah)

Himari stops walking and asks me:

-Eh, you don't know about it? (Himari)

-What are you talking about? (Farah)

-Haiz, I thought you would know something, the apostle of chastity. (Himari)

-EH, how could you know? (Farah)

-Seriously, you don't even know the basic. We apostles can feel the resonance of the apostle with the same series. So I already know you are the apostle of chastity from the first time we met. (Himari)

-Ahh, so that's why you approach me. (Farah) 

-Not really, I approach you because you look so cute... (Himari)

I instantly take some distance from Himari.

-What's wrong? (Himari)

-So you using "idol recruitment" as an excuse to talk to me? (Farah)

-No, the truth is the goddess wants to find an idol band by herself. (Himari)

-Hey, stop looking at me with a pitying eye. (Himari)

She makes a deep sigh then continues.

-Then do you know "the selection"? (Himari)

-What is that? (Farah)

She looks at me with a serious face:

-"14 apostles" is the project of getting the new goddess. Since the war between evil and angel goddesses are always in the tide. As a result, they want to create 1 more goddess to change the tide of the game. That's the purpose of us apostles. (Himari)

-Then how can we become a goddess? (Farah)

Himari shakes her head.

-I don't know. But we don't even have time to mind about "the selection" now. You and another wicked apostle wake up too late makes both sides unable to act until now. Many weird things start to happen on every planet. I feel a large amount of mysterious energy come from Windvalley's villages so I make a trip to that village. (Himari)

-So that's why you come to that village. (Farah)

-Yes, however, that mysterious energy disappears after a few days. (Himari)


-That mysterious energy appears on other planets too. Therefore I need you, the apostle of chastity. As a person who is also an apostle, I want to request you to support me if something bad happens. (Himari)

-.. No way. (Farah)

I look directly at her eye:

-I'm not working for a charity. If you ask me to choose between saving my friend or a person who I don't know, I will always choose to save my friend. I also need to treasure myself too. I can't just jump into everything without considering the consequences. (Farah)

Himari scratches her head.

-That's insensitive of me. Please think as if I never ask that question. (Himari)

-Very well. (Farah)

-Then do you want to be an idol? (Himari)

-No. (Farah)

-Tchh, failed again. (Himari)

-Hey I'm not easy to trick. (Farah)

Himari strokes my head.

-Pureness and your justice absolutely fit your apostle title Farah. (Himari)

-Haha, thanks for the tour around the church, Himari.(Farah)

-No problem, let's go back. (Himari)

That's the end of my tour around the city. After I go back to the mansion, Yua said that I will take the entrance exam for magic high school tomorrow.



Name: Wisd

Age: ???

Breast size: C/ Height: 165 cm/ Weight: 50 kg

Like: Book and ???

Hate: ???



I got so much work recently, so I am sorry for update the new chapter late. It's already 1 A.M on my side .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.

Finally most of the main cast for this arc here, please wait for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡

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