Fallout Wastelander

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Equipping The Gym

Date Sunday, August 29th, 2275

The following day, as I began to wake up from my brief but very good sleep, I let loose a yawn and started stretching my muscles, specifically the ones that wouldn't affect nor disturb my girl's sleep. Stretching them for several seconds longer, they loosened up and were no longer as stiff as they were when I woke up initially.

Ahh, that was a nice rest.

Well rested and ready to start my day, I looked over to my right and checked up on my companion. What I found was peacefully sleeping Amata who was looking mighty comfortable and content, locking her arms around my vascular right bicep. 

Good, my stretching didn't wake her.

With Amata still sleeping soundly, I pulled up my Pip-Boy, turned it on to check the time. The instant the screen came to life, I looked at the top of the screen and saw it was 2:28 AM.

Looks like I got plenty of hours to work on a few things here at base before the two I will be taking on this mission wake up.

That said, I can't wait till we get out into the wasteland to explore the nearby Warrington Station and clear it out so my robots can begin tunneling to link it up with the bottom level of this facility... Now that I'm thinking of it I'll probably need to increase the underground levels of the facility down another level if I want to link this place up with the metro rails.

The current space I have available on those two levels is already allocated to other things, so where would the tunnel connect to... Yeah, after giving it a bit more thought, I'll without a doubt need to expand the underground levels by one more. However, that construction project will have to be put on hold until I have the manpower and the resources to dedicate to it, which I'll likely have in the next coming months.

Leaving thoughts on home expansion and upgrades for some other day what do I want to work on this morning... Hmm, I think I'll work on fabricated gym equipment and as I finish each piece of it, I'll have my mechanical men haul it down to the bottom level to the designated area we selected recently for the gym.

Now that I had an idea of what I wanted to work on, I slipped out of Amata's hold by using my recently obtained ability Ghost and walked to the bathroom.

A short period later, I exited the bathroom with my dark brown hair slightly damp from the shower I just took and got changed into a set of clothes that were more suited for the work I was about to do. The moment I had my work attire on, I headed for our bedroom's door and exited it. Passing by the two Assaultrons I had on guard, I made my way to the elevator and took a ride to the ground floor.

From there I grabbed a bite to eat and as soon as my stomach was full, I proceeded to my next destination, the manufacturing area, and got right to work creating stupidly heavy gym equipment. The sort of equipment that will allow me to progress faster in my agility, endurance, and strength training than the normal run-of-the-mill items that I'm entirely capped out on.

But just as I was going to start making the new items for the training facility below, I noticed my capacitor supply was beginning to dwindle. So I rounded up several of my Worker Bots and had them go ahead and begin assembling another automated capacitor manufacturing machine.

While my robots are taking care of that task, it's about time that I put my nose to the grindstone and got to work.


After working for a few hours, I finished fabricating several machines, all of which my robots quickly transferred to the lowest level and assembled via the cargo elevator. Besides making those machines in these hours, I also made a whole assortment of extremely heavy-duty free weights and associated equipment. They ranged from pieces such as Olympic bars and curl bars to dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, and everything else one could think of wasn't machine-related, and thanks to their simplicity, I was able to churn out a ton of them.

That should be enough gym equipment for now. Time for me to return upstairs and wake up Amata.

With my fabrication work for the morning completed, I first took control of the robots and turrets that were produced while I was asleep and busy in my workshop before I then went upstairs. A short elevator ride later, I arrived back at my and Amata's room and began the long and very arduous process of waking her up.

"Amata, it's time to get up." I told her while nudging her arm gently.

I repeated this two more times and on the third one she finally woke up, which was a halfway decent improvement from yesterday's five.

Right as I got her up, she proceeded to the bathroom and started getting ready for the likely eventful day that we had ahead of ourselves. Once she had taken care of her routine, we made our way down one floor via the elevator and met up with the Hill brothers that were currently going to town on their morning meal in the newly remodeled and renovated dining area on the second floor.

Following meeting up with the three ghoul brothers we greeted them and shared a bit of banter between the five of us before we made some breakfast of our own and joined them at one of the several large tables that were set up in the newly redone dining area.

When we took our seats at the table, all five of us chatted while we ate. And the minute everyone was done Hugo wandered off to the manufacturing area to help wherever he could like he was doing previously, while his brother Kevin went off with some pep in his step to go continue working on assembling the Chimera Tank. Which upon its completion will net me a decent amount of exp.

As for their brother Don, I told him to head on downstairs and get suited up in the T-60 Power Armor set and grab himself a new weapon as well as some better equipment. However, as I was about to walk off with Amata to begin preparing, Don stopped me and asked me about what kind of equipment was available.

After informing him of the selection of weapons available, he was first amazed, almost stupefied, before he decided to grab himself an AER10 Laser Rifle as his primary weapon and a Gauss Rifle for situations that required increased oomph and penetration power. Other than those two weapons, he also decided to equip himself with a belt of 12 MFC Grenades that were basically less powerful plasma grenades and a combat knife as his go to melee weapon.

Now that Don was making his way downstairs to get geared up, Amata and I proceeded back upstairs to get geared up and prepared to head out to the Warrington Metro Station as well. Upon reaching our room, it took us all of around five minutes to get all of our usual loadouts equipped. And once we were going for our room's door to go downstairs to get on with our trip to the nearby metro, I held us up for a few moments to expand my gear loadout even further with the addition of 10 bottles of modified Buffout, which I've renamed to Buffout T-1.

Besides the addition of my modified Buffout, I added 10 C-4 Plastic Explosive Bundles, and 20 Plasma Grenades to my loadout that were now affixed to my power armor's war belt ready to be thrown at a moment's notice to create numerous coronas of plasma. I also would've added a Gauss Rifle to my loadout like Don had, but I saw no need to when we would likely only be taking out ghouls on this excursion of ours and nothing too heavily armored.

Though in the event that I need to take out something heavily armored, I can just use my new and improved semi-automatic anti-material rifle to deal with it. Which I can load with more powerful specialized ammunition if I need more armor penetration and damage. And if that isn't enough, the mini-nuke bombardment I performed back at the Fairfax Ruins can make a reappearance again for the unfortunate souls that are impeding my path to accomplishing my goals.

"Alright, that's everything. Let's make our way downstairs and meet up with Don and the robots." I told Amata.

"Okay." She responded simply, sounding pumped to get and resume our adventure.

Another brief elevator ride later, we reached the main floor again, so we exited it and made a beeline over to where Don and my robots were patiently waiting for us, ready to set out into the wastes. As soon as we reached them, I had everyone do a quick check to ensure they weren't missing anything.

Once we were 100% sure that we had everything we needed for our coming cleanup job, I opened the massive blast door with Mechu-deru and took the lead into the wasteland followed by my usual group of robots as well as a number of new additions those being my Mining Bots and a large number of additional Worker Bots.

The instant the last of my group had passed through the massive opening, I utilized Mechu-deru again and closed the blast door. And right as the door shut, I tried using my perk Metal Detector for the first time since I obtained it. It took a bit of adjusting myself and trying out several different things, but I soon discovered many different deposits of ore buried at varying depths underground within a several mile radius around me. And thankfully there were a decent number of them that were relatively close by to my base.

Sweet, there are a good number of deposits no more than a hundred meters from the facility. That said, they are a decent depth underground, so I won't be gaining access to them for a while with my current capabilities. I guess I'm going to have to ramp up robot production and make those upgrades to the robot production machines that I delayed when I was repairing the machines originally if I want to take advantage of those resources below any time soon.

With a solid number of resources found and not wanting to miss out on the chance of potentially coming across additional valuable deposits on my travels, I dedicated one of my thought processes to specifically managing Metal Detector. Finished assigning one of my thought processes to take care of that job, my group and I rounded the facility under the wasteland's gray clouded sky to the front parking lot, which was looking more and more barren every time I saw it due to my robots chipping away at the junked rusted cars.

From there, we departed the parking lot and hopped on the road and headed southbound for a short while. Once we came to an intersection, I scanned our surroundings for a brief couple of moments and only found abandoned, deteriorated houses and the usual rubble in the distance. So with no hostiles or dangers for us to deal with, I continued leading the way forward, this time to the west.

As we continued our journey in the westward direction, we passed relatively close by to the somewhat repaired Tenpenny Tower and as we were passing by I looked up and saw the old man Allistair Tenpenny on his penthouse balcony with his .308 Sniper Rifle looking through his scope at my group.

Hmm, I wonder if this Allistair Tenpenny is as evil as the one in the game... But seeing how he's sitting up there with his 7.62 Sniper Rifle, he probably is. Regardless, that's not my problem for now at least, unless he decides to pull the trigger on his sniper rifle, in which case I'll have to make a detour and deal with him. I honestly wouldn't mind taking his fancy settlement from him for myself. It would be one hell of an upgrade to go from living in a formerly abandoned robot manufacturing facility to a luxury penthouse house in the sky instead.

Following that thought of mine, we kept heading west and then southwest minutes after that to the Warrington Station. And thankfully for Allistair Tenpenny, he wasn't dumb enough to take my group and me as practice targets for his wasteland safari hunt. The old fart would've been in for a world of hurt had he done so.


Just a heads up, I'm working on 3 different webnovels right now, so I'll be using power stones, comments, and other such things to gauge what people want me to be working on. Meaning, whichever work is getting the most support through those means is probably the one most of my free time will be focused on.

Also, I posted all the auxiliary information up on Patreon, so if you've been wanting to look up what certain perks do again, for instance, you can find all the information over there without having to go through a bazillion chapters looking for certain perks effects.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon you can read ahead and support my work on. It gives you access to every chapter I have written across all my works, including those I've yet to release, and the ability to vote in monthly polls that will determine what I'll be working on for a portion of that month.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can find the link for it in webnovel's description, in my bio, and on the discord server. Also, I run chapter announcements through the discord, so if you want to know when the next chapter is out, you can find out there.

Up to date on Fallout Wastelander? Looking for something else to read? Then go check out my other work, Wasteland Conqueror, it's pretty similar to this.

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