Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 82 - Mr Know It All

She peeked a glance, silently waiting for him to say something. He looked shattered. Hera knew he was struggling with words, trying to figure out how to voice his thoughts amidst battling against his overwhelming emotions. 

Looking ahead of him, Hunter held the steering wheel tight in his hands, knuckles white as a sheet. But he didn't start the car. The silence stretched for a few more minutes, and Hera looked down into her lap, twiddling her thumbs, not knowing how to break the silence. 

She sensed it even before his hands reached out, taking both of hers in his. Her sense organ welcomed the warm touch against her cold ones. Meanwhile, her disobedient heart jumped, missing a beat or two. 

"Hera," he said softly calling for her attention, and she was surprised to hear him call her by her name. He rarely used her name to address her. She could even count all those times when he called her Hera, mostly when he's angry at her.. He squeezed her hands in his lightly, and she finally looked him in the eyes. 

Hera bit her lip when she saw the whites around his purple orbs turned red at the corners as emotional tears made his eyes glassy once again. 

Lifting her hands to his mouth, he kissed each of her knuckles. 

"Thank you," he said. "You don't know for how long I've waited to hear you say this. I know I don't deserve it, but thank you for forgiving me," he said in gratitude. Hera smiled and slowly pulled her hands back. "Hunter, I forgive you for hurting me, because I know you regret it. But you can't take me for granted anymore. You've to work hard to win my heart and to make me fall in love with you again. Remember, that's our deal?" She asked, confidently holding eye contact with him and he nodded his reply. 

Hera observed how he tried to mask his emotions, and just like that his confident, arrogant self replaced his vulnerable self. Though Hunter didn't like to show his vulnerability to anyone, Hera knew him better. No matter how much he tried to conceal it behind his smile, she could read his eyes. 

"I wouldn't fret about it too much though," Hunter said, gifting her one of his charming smiles. He started the engine and resumed his driving. Frowning in confusion, Hera turned her head to look at him, thinking about what he meant by saying that. 

One look at her face and Hunter knew she was confused. 

"Goddess, you know, according to research in Psychology, we like people who like us," he said. "It's called 'Reciprocal Liking'. People are prone to return the liking when they come to know that someone likes them. As we already love each other, all I've to do is rectify my wrongdoings. You said you forgave me, and that's all that matters to me. I won't lose you again, Goddess. I'll make you fall in love with me again, and this time it'll be forever," he vowed, intending to fulfil his promise.

'Huh, here comes Mr Know It All.' 

Hera scoffed at him. "A few minutes ago you were mushy with all that emotional stuff, and now you're back to your usual cocky self. Can you be anymore bipolar?" She asked. Hunter chuckled, making her scowl. She shook her head, choosing to ignore his rudeness. "You and your research study! Where do you get all that information from?" She muttered under her breath, not expecting him to answer because it's a rhetorical question. 

Hera enjoyed the view through the window while Hunter concentrated on his driving. After a 40-minute drive from crowded London, Hunter finally hit the break, announcing that they'd reached their destination. A valet opened the door for Hera, greeting them upon their arrival before he took the keys from Hunter for parking the car. 

Hera looked ahead appreciating the beauty of the mansion standing proudly before her eyes. She could tell by its unique traditional architecture that it was centuries old. "Do you like it?" Hunter asked, watching her smile in approval. He brought her to a country retreat near London. 

Hera immediately fell in love with the place. It's peaceful and romantic as well. 

A young, pretty woman was leading their way to their reserved table, and Hera was speechless as she walked across the beautiful lake surrounded by greenery from all sides. "Oh, my! This place is a dream destination. It's so beautiful that I feel like we're on our honeymoon and I would love to live here forever," Hera said, skipping her steps, half jogging like a little kid. 

Hunter increased his pace to match her steps and wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pulling her to him. The pretty woman coughed in an attempt to hide her laugh, and Hunter cleared his throat to get Hera's attention. Confused, Hera mouthed, "What?" He cocked his head, staring at her with narrowed eyes waiting for her to realise. 

Hera gasped, facepalming. "Oh, my God! Did I think that out loud?" She looked expectantly at Hunter, and he inclined his head with pursed lips. Hera blushed in embarrassment as she noticed the woman walking ahead of them was still trying to stifle her laughter. 

Thankfully, they reached somewhere, and the woman left them alone as a man joined them, introducing himself as their Butler for the evening. The place was dark, with no lightings. Hera was confused as well as worried and looked at Hunter, questioning him with her eyes. He stepped back, smiled at her and made a motion with his hand, indicating that she should go first. The Butler too stepped aside, making way for her. 

Taking a deep breath, Hera put one foot forward, and a light lit up under her feet, forming a square. Shocked, she jumped back colliding with Hunter's chest. "It's okay, pathway lighting," he whispered in her ear holding her arms. Hera relaxed under his soft touch and exhaled deeply before continuing her short journey to her first date. 

With her every step, pathway lit up spilling the light around. The lighting looked like it's just enough and not too bright, almost like little lines of fire under her each step. 

She stopped when they reached a pond and turned to Hunter, and he jerked his head, signalling her to proceed. Stepping carefully on the stone path across the pond, Hera made her way to the table surrounded by water on all sides, and Hunter silently followed her. Hera laughed in excitement as she explored the settings made around her. 

The Butler pulled a chair for her, and she settled in her seat, thanking him, while Hunter took a seat opposite to Hera. She didn't notice the Butler holding out a Menu card for her as her eyes wandered around. "Please excuse us for five minutes," Hunter politely requested, and the Butler left them alone. 

Trees surrounding the pond provided them privacy, and the Landscape lightings added more luxury to the trees and pergolas as the light looked like floating candles surrounding them. Different plants with colourful flowers made the place look peaceful, and she loved the swans and ducks swimming in the pond in pairs. 

Hunter couldn't stop smiling as he watched her observing her surroundings with so much delight. Her smile warmed his heart to the core. He hadn't seen her this happy since years, and he wished that it never fades. 

"Hmm, candle-lit dinner in a night garden or should I say night pond?" Hera asked, smiling at Hunter and touched the bunch of red roses in a glass vase placed in the middle of the table. The white table cloth made the red roses look more bright and lively. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, and she didn't miss the nervousness in his beautiful eyes. She inclined her head with a broad grin. "It's dreamy and romantic," she said, winking at him and Hunter let out a quiet laugh. "I'm glad you approve of it," he said, signalling the Butler, who was waiting patiently at the corner. 

Hunter watched while trying not to laugh as her scowl intensified. After reading the Menu for about a minute or two, Hera finally slammed it on the table. "You know I get confused when I have so many options to choose. You choose and order something delicious. I'll eat anything anyway," she said to Hunter and smiled sheepishly at the Butler waiting for their order. 

Hunter returned the Menu to the Butler and nodded his head. Hera raised her brows in question. "You didn't order anything," she stated, and he told her that he'd already ordered as he knew, she would do what she did. Hera made a face which said, 'Oh, really?' His signature arrogant smirk was his reply which made Hera roll her eyes at him. 

The Butler came back with their food. Hera checked the food Hunter had ordered, fish and chips, spicy lamb offal flatbread, rump steak, mixed veg, mashed and roasted potatoes, and Yorkshire pudding with two glasses of pineapple juice. 

'Everything he ordered is my favourite!' 

She nodded her appreciation and mouthed, "I'm impressed." 

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