Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 71 - He Wasn't Any Better

"Hera is my life, Bianca. I would never want a life without her being in it. I would die if anything bad happened to her," Hunter admitted without missing a beat. Bianca blinked rapidly, letting go of the tears clouding her view. He wiped her tears again. "I'm in love with her, and you all know it, yet, it didn't stop you from hurting her. And this time, you've crossed your limits and please don't deny it," said Hunter. Though there was a soft edge to his tone, his eyes held a definite warning. She nodded and lowered her eyes as more tears started flooding out. 

"Why do you hate her so much, Bianca? What did Hera ever do to you? Please know that you're equally important to me. You don't have to feel insecure or jealous of her," Hunter assured her. He let go of her hands and took a seat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she burst out crying hysterically. He pulled her close, hugging her sideways. 


"Do you know that Evie used to help Eric in tampering with Hera's homework?" Hunter asked her, still hugging her and rocking slowly from side to side. "And look at them, now they're like sisters, and Eric is more of a brother than Danny had ever been for Hera. I'm not asking you to become her best friend overnight. All I want is, for you and Hera to be comfortable enough when we all sit together. Can you do that for me?" He asked softly and turned her to face him, his hands resting on her each arm. 

When they saw eye to eye, Bianca wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest, hugging him tightly. 

Still sobbing, Bianca tried to form a proper sentence in between her hiccups. "I'm sorry, Ace. I really am. I promise not to trouble Hera anymore. Sorry for lying to you. Sorry for hurting you so much. Please forgive me?" Her pleading didn't go waste. Without any hesitation, Hunter immediately nodded. 

"Can you go back to calling me Sunshine now? It sounds better than my actual name when you say it," Bianca confessed in a softer tone as she made a puppy dog face. Peering into her sky blue eyes, Hunter laughed softly. "Sunshine, you're forgiven," he said and kissed her temple. 

"You're aware of it right, that you're wetting my shirt? I'm fine with the salty tears, but I don't want your dirty mucus anywhere near it. That'll be gross," he said, pulling a disgusted look on his face and made everyone laugh. Bianca pulled away from him and playfully slapped his chest, but a smile graced her lips in the end. Evelyn grabbed a few more tissues from the box and helped her clean the trace of wet tears. 

"Stop these tears now, will you? You've wasted enough of your energy in shedding them out already," Hunter said, rubbing her arm with his hand in a comforting manner. "If it makes you feel any better, please know that you're not the only one at fault here. I wasn't any better either, in fact, the worst of all. I've hurt her the most. Being the biggest asshole I was, I couldn't keep it in my pants and screwed up everything," he admitted with much regret. 

He took a deep breath and silently eyed the ceiling before closing his eyes. Sensing his guilt, Evelyn wrapped her arms around his chest from behind, providing the comfort he craved at that moment. 

"Pft, that was one hell of a speech man! Your throat must be dead now," Eric said playfully with an exaggerated voice, before throwing a water bottle at him. Hunter caught it, letting out a light chuckle. Drinking the water to his heart's content, he listened to what Evelyn about said. 

"Okay, everyone. Now that we are done with the kiss and tell, or kiss and make up, or whatever, it's time for a group hug," Evelyn screamed with her cheerful voice. Soon everybody joined her, pulling Bianca and Hunter in a group hug. 

Samantha watched in envy as they all hugged each other. Being ignored hurt her even more, multiplying her bitterness. Her hands clutched the bedspread in her fists absent-mindedly as her eyes stung again with new hot tears. 

'Why does love hurt so much?'

The fury in her eyes intensified as she realised how least she meant to them. No one even tried to glance at her way once as though she's invisible. What they didn't know was that a disappointed woman in love is no less than a wounded Tigress. She would wait for her chance to fight back sooner or later, and when that time comes, she will spare no one mercy. 

At first, they were all occupied by consoling Bianca, and now they were busy teasing her to make her smile and feel better. Out of the blue Hunter's eyes shifted to Samantha, and she immediately lowered hers. She watched through her peripheral view as his long legs ate up the distance between them. She heard him call her name when he stood right in front of her, and she fidgeted in her place awkwardly. 

"Look at me, Samantha," he said and waited till she followed his request, and when she did, he smiled at her. That angelic smile playing on his lips made his beautiful face appear even more heavenly, and something tugged at her heart. She realised she loved him too much to let him go. 

'How can I give up on him? How can I lose him to Hera? Not possible, not in this life.'

"Samantha," he paused, scratching his forehead with the back of his thumb and looked somewhat hesitating. She waited, wondering what did he want to talk to her now, after crushing her heart so mercilessly. With a determined sigh, he started. "Look, Sam, I'm sorry. Sorry for calling you," he hesitated again before continuing, "You know, what I called you earlier, I'm sorry about that," said Hunter. Samantha winced and looked away. 

"I didn't mean it okay. I was angry and lost my mind. No girl would want to label herself as a slut. I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted you to realise that it hurts the same for Hera too. I hope you understand," Hunter said, tone filled with a sincere apology. 

Samantha sucked in a breath and fought hard against her tears to keep them at bay. She wouldn't want to appear any more pathetic than this in front of him. "I'm really sorry for hurting you. It was never my intention to insult you the way I did. Can you please forget and forgive?" Hunter asked. It took a few seconds for her to realise that Hunter was waiting for her to respond, and she inclined her head reluctantly. 

"So, no hard feelings, then? Are we good?" He asked, his voice still coated with slight hesitation. Samantha was surprised to know that he genuinely sounded concerned. She finally dared to look at him and smiled in reply. But Hunter noticed, how that smile didn't reach her eyes. Still, he stuck out his hand and pulled her in for a hug as soon as she took his offered hand in hers. The gesture melted her, and her heart yearned to be in his arms forever. Contrary to her desire, Hunter pulled away too soon, and it hurt. 

'If you can't be mine, Ace, then Hera can't be yours either. I won't ever let that happen.' 

With that oath sworn silently, Samantha flashed him a fake smile. 

Eric called Hunter to apologise again and explained to him that whatever happened at the party, none of them was aware of the little stunt Bianca and Samantha pulled. When Evelyn slapped the boy, and the music stopped, then only they noticed the drama unfolding. Hunter subtly responded by saying, "Let's close this chapter." He nodded with a smile, acknowledging his apology. Relieved, Eric returned his smile, and so did others. 

With a purpose for needing fresh air, Hunter parted ways with a warm smile and this time thankfully no one had stopped him. 

Everything that happened still bothered him. Hunter knew that the mastermind behind everything was Samantha, yet he asked her to be friends with him again since he didn't want to hold grudges. However, he couldn't overcome the guilt punching him in the gut. He desperately needed to hear someone say he did the right thing. 

Didn't Hera forgive him and agreed to give him another chance? Then why shouldn't he do the same? 

Forgiving them was not easy for him. But it broke his heart when Bianca cried so much because of him, and Samantha was hurt too. Even though he boasted about his admiration for his best friends and claimed that he didn't want to hurt them by choosing his love over their friendship, yet did the exact thing. No matter how much he denied, he knew that he selfishly chose Hera over his friends. 

Hunter wished to talk to his parents. He'd no doubt, just hearing their voice would erase all his worries because they would know to say the right words. But how would he tell them about his problem without revealing his relationship with Hera? Hunter had made plans to take Hera home after his finals and would officially introduce her to his parents. Until then, they would have to keep a low profile. 

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