Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 66 - Something's Wrong

Samantha grabbed one of Hunter's hands to get his attention. Hera's breath hitched, and she dropped her spoon on the table in reflex. 

She watched with distaste while Samantha intertwined her fingers with Hunter's and brought their hands to her chest. Her face showed concern as she spoke. 

Maybe she's asking him, what's wrong and why he's upset. Hera felt something aching in her chest as she witnessed Samantha, getting closer to him. A gasp escaped through her lips unknowingly, when Samantha's lips landed on his right cheek. "Couldn't she freaking stop herself from kissing him for at least ten minutes?" Celine whisper asked in Hera's ear as though she could read her mind.. 

'Dear Lord! I can't be jealous. Am I though? No fucking way!' 

Who was she kidding? She knew, no matter how much she denied, she's jealous and to prove the point, her stubborn eyes refused to move away from the not so pleasant sight. 

Her heart sighed in relief when Hunter snatched his hand out of Samantha's grasp like he'd touched something dirty. Scowling, he wiped his cheek with the tissue where she'd kissed him a few seconds ago. Finally, Samantha got the message. She moved back a little in surprise, and her back collided with the chair. He didn't bother looking at her face, but Hera saw the hurt that crossed her features. Soon his friends joined them with a tray of plates filled with food. 

Bianca placed one in front of Hunter. 

"This is new! How come, they decided to leave you alone?" Jarred asked, nudging Hera's shoulders. All her friends looked shocked while Hera's brain pondered on Jarred's question. 

'Could he be possibly considering to follow my rules?'

Although Hunter looked upset and angry, he didn't react immediately. He's trying to keep it calm. A tiny smile graced Hera's lips. Maybe things would get better? 

She zoned out of her friends' conversations because, for some stupid reason, she's more interested in assessing the things occurring at the table where Hunter sat. 

'Now that I agreed to give him another chance, doesn't it mean that he's officially my boyfriend now, again?' 

Hera frowned as the thought crossed her mind. 

'Then shouldn't he be calling it off with Samantha already?' 

They all were laughing at something Danny said, and Samantha threw a tissue ball at him, mock glaring at him. They're Hunter's friends. There's no place for outsiders in their group. Hera could never be part of their group. Jealousy was spreading its wings wider inside her. If he's her boyfriend, did it not mean that she'd the right to feel jealous? She's no better than him when it came to being possessive. 

Contradicting feelings were making her confused as well as angry. She wanted to protect her friends, and that's the only reason he's getting another chance. At least that's what she believed. But it seemed like her traitorous heart already decided to betray her. 

'Was Clara right all along?' 

Hera was angry at herself for being jealous. She shouldn't be jealous. She shouldn't be feeling anything for him in the first place. 

"Who cares, guys? Look at the bright side we can all have lunch together!" Brittany exclaimed in delight. Hera began shoving food into her mouth with her hand, keeping her eyes on Hunter. He's awfully quiet and didn't laugh or smile at anything his friends said. Instead of eating, he's just stabbing the fork at the food with disinterest. As far as Hera knew him, he's never a picky eater, nor fussy either. That's the only thing they both had in common. They love food and would eat anything edible. 

As if sensing her eyes on him, Hunter looked up, and their eyes met. After a few seconds of staring, he flashed her a smile. It filled her heart with warmth because no matter how upset Hunter appeared, his smile reached his eyes. Despite being angry, he smiled genuinely for her. 

He's the one to look away first. Bianca said something demanding his attention. Snatching the fork from his hand, she swirled it into his plate full of noodles and held it near his mouth to feed him. Hunter looked to be in a dilemma for a few seconds, contemplating whether to eat it from her hand or not. Bianca won in the end, and he reluctantly opened his mouth.

After eating one more bite, Hunter stood up abruptly. He glanced a look at Noel before saying something to his friends. Pocketing his cell phone, Hunter walked out of the Luncheon bar. Hera watched in silence as he turned to look at her one last time from the exit. 

'Definitely, something's wrong.' 

Hera was confused as well as worried. He's not the one to waste food. What's bothering him so much that he didn't even eat his lunch? None of his friends attempted to stop him. Hera wondered, what reason did he use. 

Brittany's foot kicking her shin under the table made her snap out of her little reverie. When Hera looked around her friends, she's surprised to see Noel joining her group, followed by Adelaide and his two other male friends. Everyone at their table exchanged glances when they noticed that Noel was holding Clara's hand. 

"Hope you guys don't mind if we join you?" Noel asked, looking at everyone before pulling the chair for Clara. He didn't even wait for their approval. Rolling her eyes, Hera went back to her food, totally ignoring him. 

"Your watchdogs are all plotting my murder in their minds," Noel said, getting closer, and Hera glared at him in return. He pulled a sarcastic face and said, "Oops, sorry I meant your bodyguards. They didn't attack me yet like that day. I'm wondering, how much more minutes until they snap my neck," he said, amusement apparent in his tone. 

"Speaking of snapping your neck, why were you annoying me so much with that mirror?" Hera asked, giving him a disapproving look. "He stole that mirror from my wallet purse," Adelaide accused him, to which Noel grinned showing his white teeth. 

"Are you hitting on my friend?" Celine blurted out, and Hera kicked her foot, making her yelp in pain. She felt hot breath on her cheek and realised that Noel was too close for her comfort. "You got that right, baby. I'm certainly hitting on your friend," he said, still keeping his eyes on Hera. "I like you, Hera," he confessed without any hesitation. 

Hera laughed, ridiculing his confession. "Hold that thought, Romeo," she said while she shifted her chair, moving away from him a little. "I'm not falling for that," she said, waving her index finger back and forth. She looked briefly at Adelaide before continuing. "Are you and Adi a thing now? Because I heard someone say that you're her boyfriend and Adi didn't attempt to deny it," Hera said, arching an eyebrow at Adelaide before fixing Noel with a suspicious look. 

Noel seemed offended, and Adelaide shook her head in denial. "Come on, Hera, you don't believe what that bitch Bianca said, do you?" Adelaide asked. Hera chose to ignore her question and instead looked at Noel to clarify it. He smirked before he asked, "Are you jealous, baby?" Hera rolled her eyes. He's trying to be playful, and she's having a hard time trusting him. 

Grasping the look of distrust on Hera's face, Noel replaced his playful manner with a determined one. "Don't you remember what excuse I used last time to convince your watchdogs? I said that I'm asking you to help me with Adi. Maybe that's why they think that I like Adi. It's a good thing, right? I can use her as a cover," he said suggestively and moved his chair, closing the distance Hera tried to create earlier. 

Hera didn't miss, how Noel's two friends shared a knowing look as if they heard him say something he shouldn't. She tried to remember their names but failed. Wasn't she lost in Hunter's thoughts when introductions took place? 

"I seriously like you, Hera. Go out with me?" Noel asked, tone sounding expectant. His unexpected question caught Hera by surprise, and she resisted the urge to run away. 

'Holy Spirit, this boy is trouble. I better stay away.'

Before she could refuse, Andrew beat her to it. "No, she won't," he said through gritted teeth. He looked beyond angry. Hera couldn't read what he's thinking, but she definitely saw something strange in his behaviour. 

"Yeah, right, she won't because she already has a boyfriend," said Clara, surprising everyone. Hera's jaw dropped in shock while her head whipped around in a flash to look at Clara. Usually, she wouldn't interfere in Hera's matters. 

Hera couldn't believe that she was using her situation to her advantage. 

'We were best friends once, for God's sake.'

Cursing in her mind, Hera glared at her ex-best friend, warning her to shut up. Clara smiled as she'd every intention of defaming Hera's image in front of her friends. "Hera agreed to give another chance to Ace. Now they're together," Clara announced and looked at everyone before adding, "I'm surprised she didn't tell anyone yet. I guess she's waiting for the right time," she said, shrugging nonchalantly. 

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