Falling for my Friend's Father

Chapter 6: A Tipping Point


Serena walked into the club, she thought it would be packed but was surprised to find fewer people. She could perceive the smell of liquor; expensive liquor as the air was filled with it. There's a soft hum of conversation blending with the rhythmic bass of the music. She really doesn't go to clubs except when Isia dragged her and today, she was only here because of him.

She spotted Dominic immediately.

He was in a private booth, dressed in casual clothing, despite his choice of clothes, his presence was impossible to ignore. He looked at ease as one of his hands is resting on the table and the other holding a glass of whiskey.

She couldn't take her eyes off him as she walked towards him with a pounded heart. He finally turned his head in her direction, his sharp blue eyes gazing at her. At this point, Serena knew she was really doomed.


She took the seat beside him. "Mr. Blackwood," she greeted him as she sat.

"Call me Dominic," he said.

Before she could reply, a waiter appeared, pouring more whiskey into his glass before turning to her. "Would you like to get anything miss?"

"I'm fine, thanks. She said quickly trying to stay calm.

Dominic studied her for a moment before leaning back. "You came."

"You asked me to."

"I wasn't sure if you would."

Serena swallowed. She wasn't sure either.

She looked around, now aware of her surroundings. "Why did you want to meet?"

"I wanted to talk."

"You don't do casual conversations"

"Well..." he shrugged.

Serena forced herself to hold his gaze, but it was difficult when the weight of it made her skin burn. She wanted to ask what this was-what they were doing. As she was about to ask, he spoke again.

"There is something between us... I'm sure you've noticed." He paused. "It shouldn't exist."

A strange feeling twisted in Serena's stomach. She had told herself the same thing a thousand. times, but hearing him say it....

Hearing him acknowledge that something was happening between them-

She wasn't prepared for that.

She had spent years convincing herself that whatever feelings she had for Dominic Blackwood were one-sided. That she was foolish for even entertaining the thought.

But now?

"I know," she said quietly..

"You're Isla's best friend. I've known you since you were a teen."

"I know," she repeated.

"Then why is that no matter how much I ignore it, it's still there?" He said as he took a sip of his whiskey.

Serena's breath hitched.

Did he... Did he really...actually feel something for her?

Shivers run through her.

She wanted to ask him what he meant. If he was saying what she thought he was. But before she could, a voice interrupted.


Serena and Dominic both tumed to see Ethan Langford standing beside their booth, his eyes filled with amusement.

Seeing who it was, Dominic barely reacted, turning his head back.

Ethan gave a slight smile "Don't ignore me, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Serena expected him to make some comment about her being with Dominic, but he barely even acknowledged her. Instead, he kept his attention on Dominic.

"Be careful," Ethan said casually. "You are a hot shot and people love talking about hot shots" He winked.

Dominic didn't respond, only taking a slow sip of his whiskey.

Ethan lingered for a second longer before nodding. "I'll leave you alone. I've got business."

And he was gone before Serena could blink.

Serena exhaled, her heart still racing.

Dominic set his glass down. "We should go."

She nodded.

They both stepped out of the club the cool night air greeting them. Dominic's car was already waiting, sleek and black under the streetlights.

He turned to her. "Do you need a ride home?"

Serena hesitated. The smart thing to do would be to say yes. To let him drive her home and leave this night behind them.

But before she could answer, her phone rang.


She sighed before picking up. "Hey."

"Serena! I miss you" Let's hang out," Isla's voice came through, excited and insistent.

Serena pinched the bridge of her nose. "Isla, "

"No excuses," Isla interrupted. "We're going clubbing, and you, my friend is coming with me.. Case closed."

Serena sighed. "Fine."

She hung up and looked at Dominic, who had been staring at her.

"Has he been staring?" She thought.

"Isla?" his voice interrupted her thought.

Serena nodded. "She wants me to go clubbing with her."

Dominic nodded and walked towards his car.

"Is he really leaving like that? Without saying anything?" She thought as she Watched him enter his car and drove off.

At the Whitmore estate, Noah slumped on the couch in the living room, pressing his phone. On the other side of the room was his sister, Clara.

Clara tapped her nails against her glass of wine, her expression thoughtful. "Something's up with Serena."

Noah didn't even look up. "She's always up to something."

Clara rolled her eyes. "I mean something different. I don't know what it is, but I do know she's been at the Blackwood Estate a lot lately."

Noah finally looked at her, frowning. "Serena and Isla are best friends. That's not weird."

Clara smirked, then pulled out her phone and turned the screen toward him. "What about this?"

Noah's eyes narrowed. It was a photo-grainy, but clear enough.

Serena. Dominic.

Together at the club.

But standing just slightly off to the side was Ethan.

"This doesn't prove anything." Noah said but inside, he was seething.

Clara leaned back with a shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not. But don't you think it is suspicious?

Noah didn't answer.

Because for the first time, he wasn't sure what to believe.

Serena hadn't planned to end up at the Blackwood Estate again.

After spending the evening out with Isla, she had assumed she'd be going home. But when Isla suddenly decided they needed to change before heading to another club, she dragged Serena back to the estate..

And then the storm hit.

The rain lashed down, pouring hard, and the wind screaming through the trees. No one would dare to be under it.

"You're not driving in this," Isla declared, tossing Serena a pair of pyjamas. "You're staying here."

Serena sighed, knowing there was no arguing.

Which was how she found herself walking through the halls late that night, trying to find the guest room.

But then she stopped.

Because at the end of the hall, stood Dominic, leaning against his study door.

His gaze met hers in the dim light, unreadable.

None of them spoke.

None of them moved.

One would think it was a staring contest.

Outside, the storm raged on.

But inside, something far more dangerous was brewing.

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