Fairy Tail-Transmigrated In Order To Sleep With Babes

Chapter 397: 4th Day of The War

(Jason's POV)

I had a strange dream. 

I wasn't so sure what it was, it wasn't like those memory type dreams I had before the whole mind-shattering thing that happened to me. No, this was much more ominous, I didn't know why. It was unsettling to me. 

The truth is, It reminded me of one dream I had, months ago. But that dream, it was so warped and instant, I merely brushed it off. This dream reminded me of it, it made me think of a lot things that had been happening to me. 

Dream Begins: 

I was standing in the middle of a battle-ridden field, smoke and flames everywhere. The sky was completely scorched, covered in smoke and ashes, it looked like the sun itself had decided to come down and destroy everything. 

Everything everywhere around me was completely gone, there was nothing, all I could see was a field full of smoke and flames. The air was heavy, burning, and totally unbreathable. I knew this was a dream but I couldn't help but just cough relentlessly. 

I looked around frantically, trying to make sense of whatever the hell was going on. It was surreal, this whole dreamscape felt real. 

"W-What is all this...?" I said aloud

My voice was low and raspy, I felt like I had been dehydrated for days. 

In front of me, there was a massive shadow, looming over me. It looked like a massive creature with its back turned to me. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread coming from it. I swore I could make out some wing-like shape coming out of the shadow, I didn't know what exactly it was. 

"Uh..." I said taking a step forward

"The future is sealed." A low baritone voice said

The voice shook the ground around me, vibrating my entire body. It felt so powerful, so sophisticated, despite being distorted a bit. It also felt.....familiar. 

"W-What?" I said

"Your future is sealed." the voice said

I then saw the massive wing-shaped shadows flap outwards and I was hit by a massive gust of hot wind and pressure, pushing me back. 

"What future?" I said as I struggled to stay straight

"The Dragon King....The Blazing Black One....The Heavenly Wheel..." the voice said, "That Future. Your fate isn't to die to the Black Wizard....it is to die to them..." 

"What are you talking about?" I said

Suddenly, the entire dreamscape began to shake violently as everything around began to fade. I felt like the dream was coming to an end. 

"J-Jason!" I heard a voice call out

I turned around, "Huh?" I said

It was a familiar feminine voice, almost like it was calling from....

Dream Ends

I opened my eyes, "Huh?" I said

I saw as Mavis's green eyes were looking down at me. She had a worried look on her face, as she had climbed on top of me. 

"Are you okay?" She asked, "You were sweating...!" 

I groaned, "Uh...." I said sitting up

Mavis sat on my lap as I sat up, looking at me as she examined my body. 

"You don't look sick..." She said, "I thought you were having another one of those episodes.....I was so worried." 

"N-No..." I said rubbing my forehead, "I'm okay..." 

My entire body felt tired and sore, but that's to be expected. I was working all night on a war-head that'll pierce the Hargeon barrier. 

"Were you having a bad dream?" Mavis asked me

I blinked, "Uhm..." I said, "N-No...I didn't..." 

She frowned, "Are you sure?" she asked, "You know you can tell me anything." 

I wasn't sure what to make of that dream. It was so strange, so cryptic. It wasn't a memory, it felt more like a vision...

Speaking of cryptic, there was that one message I received through the screen after the Void Prison malfunctioned and collapsed, ejecting its occupants. 

"This is punishment for rejecting my gifts to you." The message said

What the hell is even going on? What was all that about anyways? It's like I'm being involved with higher beings that are watching me or something. Is The Blue Screen hiding something? It definitely is, I had to know what and why. 

"Jason?" Mavis said

"I'm okay." I said, "It's nothing." 

I don't know if it is nothing, I had no idea what that dream was even about. 

"O-Okay..." She said, "If you say so..." 

She climbed out of me and got off the bed. 

"Yea.." I said rubbing my temple, "Felicity." 

"Yes?" Felicity's voice spoke through the speaker in the room

"Status on the war-head?" I asked

"Completed." She said

"Good." I said, "It only took a whole day...." 

"Correct." She said, "It is the 4th day since the War officially began." 

"Mhm..." I said, "Let's go and fire it. Mavis, I'll meet you in the briefing room, okay? Let me check on Erion." 

Mavis nodded with a smile, "Okay." She said, "I'll wait for you there." 

I nodded, "Yea." I said softly

She began to walk towards the door, I could see her nice ass bounce up and down with every step she took. Man, she was so fine. 

"Oh and uhm..." Mavis said turning around

I raised an eyebrow, "Yea?"

"We have to talk about some stuff." She said, "Some personal stuff, if it's okay." 

"Sure." I said standing up, "Before I head out to join the battle, we'll talk." 

She smiled, "Okay." 

She then walked out the room and closed the door behind her. 

I walked over to a small crib and looked down, seeing Erion's big round eyes looking up at me. It appears he was already awake and just lying there, chilling. He had his pacifier on his mouth, casually sucking on it. 

"Sup, bud." I said as I picked him up, "You seem to be feeling fine, are you?" 

He took his pacifier out of his mouth, "Aaaa...." He said, "Uuuu...." 

I smiled, "Course you are." I said, 

"You're a strong 4 day-old." 

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