Fairy Tail: Sorcerer King

Chapter 125

Time goes back to the day after Fengye and Akunologia's battle.

Early in the morning, the three Saints in the Kingdom of Fiore had gathered in a room of the Council. In addition to the three Saints including Makarov, there were also members of the Council branch.

After learning that the situation was very urgent, Makarov also knew that things might be a little bad, so he rushed here from Magnolia without stopping, and arrived late last night.

Makarov did not expect that he would see Joseph, who was also one of the Saints, here as soon as he arrived.

But what surprised Makarov even more was that he actually saw the old senior Volod!

Makarov knew Volod's identity very well, after all, he had followed him around.

Just when Makarov was about to say hello to Volod, he did not expect that all the members of the Council also came to the scene, and after seeing the three Saints were all there, they spoke directly to quiet everyone present.

Then Makarov and the other three Saints followed a group of councilors into a special room.

The headquarters of the Magic Council in Ishgar was a huge room filled with countless mirrors. The originally bright room suddenly became dim.

As the light in the room dimmed, one illusory figure after another appeared in the mirrors.

These people were the councilors of many branches of the Magic Council, as well as the ten magicians of the Saints in the row of mirrors at the front.

This is the remote communication technology of the Magic Council, which is often used for notification and discussion of special events.

With the connection of the communication, the originally quiet room suddenly became noisy.

There were greetings, flattery, and inquiries... All kinds of voices rang out, making the quiet room very noisy.

"Please be quiet! Do not lose your composure."The head of the senator pounded the magic wand in his hand.

As the head of the senator spoke, the members of the branch also stopped talking, and soon the room returned to its original silence.

The head of the senator was very satisfied with this, and then he looked at the row of mirrors in the front. The people in these mirrors were the strongest beings in the Ishgar continent.

And these people were the Ten Holy Mages.

They are Serena, who possesses the"Lost Magic·Dragon Slaying Magic" and ranks first in the Ten Holy Mages!

Haiberion, who can control the magic of blood and ranks second in the Ten Holy Mages.

Uruf Heim, who can accept magic and ranks third in the Ten Holy Mages.

Volod Shinken, who can control the magic of nature and ranks fourth in the Ten Holy Mages. Makarov Dolea, who can control the"Light Magic" and"Gigantic Magic" of light at will and ranks fifth in the Ten Holy Mages

「The user of"Dark Magic", ranked sixth among the Ten Saints - Joseph Pola

「Ice Shape Magic", and the seventh of the Holy Ten - Uru.

All seven of the Holy Ten Mages are here.

What the Councillor never expected was that Serena, an extremely arrogant man, would also come.

"Hey old man! I don't know why you called me here, but now that I'm here, I'll have to fart now! If I knew that you old guys called me here for such a trivial matter,………"In the mirror, Serena's unruly and arrogant face suddenly turned cold, and her voice was even colder and piercing, making everyone present, even Serena's real body was far away from them, tremble.

"Be careful or I will smash your broken Senate headquarters!!"Serena's words were heard by everyone, and the room returned to the silence as if no one was there.

The Senate President clenched the magic wand tightly in his hand, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Even though he felt boundless anger because of Serena's words, the Senate President didn't dare to get angry at all.

Because the Senate President had the honor of witnessing Serena's strength, and he himself thought he knew Serena very well.

In the eyes of the Senate President, if Serena said he wanted to demolish their Senate headquarters, he would definitely demolish it!

And there was no way to stop it.………

Because no one can be a match for Serena.

Even the others who are in the same position as the Ten Saints are no match for Serena.

The Senate President who has seen Serena's strength knows very well how huge the difference between Serena and the other Ten Saints is.

The gap is so big that the other six people may not be able to make up for it.

The other Ten Saints don't think so. Although they are all Ten Saints, they have never seen Serena's strength.

It can even be said that this is the first time that the Ten Saints have seen Serena who can move and speak.

They think that Serena is the first of the Ten Saints, and although his strength is at the top, they are also one of the Ten Saints. Even if there is a gap in strength, it will not be much different from Serena.

In their opinion, Serena's arrogant warning is not only an insult to the Council, but also a bit of an insult to them.

Of course, Volod and Joseph are exceptions.

Not only have they seen Serena's strength, even if it was only for a short moment, it also made them realize the gap between the two sides.

"Cough!" The chairman of the parliament finally loosened his clenched hands, coughed, and said to everyone with an uncertain expression:

"I think you have probably heard some news about what we are going to discuss next, or even know it."

The members of the Council of Representatives nodded when they heard this. Although they did not know when the meeting would be held before, they had already guessed it based on the news that spread throughout Ishgar yesterday.

But among the Saint Masters, it was completely the opposite.

Except for Uru, who had just returned from the scene of the incident, the rest of the people were basically confused.

Among them, several were like Makarov. Before the news of Akunologia reached their location, they had already received the news from the Council of Representatives and set off for the Council of Representatives. There were also people like Volod who retired and lived in seclusion in the mountains. It was hard to tell how long it would take for a piece of news to reach him.

Then there were people like Serena, who were wandering around the streets of the continent.

Seeing the confused expressions on the faces of the Saint Ten, the Councillor nodded in understanding, and then said:

"Acnologia appeared the night before………"

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