Extra And MC

Chapter 205 - Aftermath Of A Victorious War

It was noticeable. The moment Beelzebub died. It, unequivocally, was. The soul that exited his body this time… It was wide enough to cover half a kilometer radius in the skies of the Frontlines. And yet, just like the previously destroyed souls, after shuddering, unraveling, writhing and freezing, it shattered, into a billion, shimmering, glowing particles. Most people on the Frontlines, witnessed this phenomenon happen, the shimmering particles, descending to the ground slowly. They witnessed, the death of The Demon King. They witnessed, the end of a Calamity. And they witnessed, the Heroes responsible for killing off this Calamity. All three, stood in a three-way format, Beelzebub's shell of a body, present in their middle as it turned to ashes, right before their very eyes. Finally… After millenniums upon millenniums on end… Iterations upon iterations… Finally, after what seemed to be an Eternity for Amael, Xavier and The Valkyries… Beelzebub, The Demon King, was dead, for good. Ridden, of not just Arcanora, but the entirety of the universe. Peace, finally, was a reality for them at last. And this same feeling, was one the two youths experienced. Finally, their duty of care to this world… One they had always burdened themselves with from the onset… Now, it was finally, fulfilled. … … … The aftermath of the war, ended in the victory of Arcanora. That much was obvious. The Demon Generals, just like their King, all met their ends at the hands of all the rankers they had faced. The Demonic Army itself, wasn't also spared either. To the absolute last, they were exterminated. Sure their home planet Infernia was still an existence but, Gaia, due to her return to her rightful place, sealed off all the unnecessary fissures of the world. There was no instability in the universe anymore. And Gaia, had now fully accepted her role, as the God of her world. As for the key players that made the war a victory, each and every one of them, were presently dealing with said aftermath of the war. Aiden and Flynn, having made their way over to the shorelines after greeting their Mum and Dad whom had embraced them in the tightest of hugs, got embraced in another tight hug, each from their respective partners. "You came back to us." Caroline, with happy tears brimming in her eyes, said with a warm smile, her body pressed tightly against Aiden's. "Always." Aiden responded with the warmest of smiles. "Thank you. Thank you for coming back safe and sound." Ivelia said, also in a similar state as she hugged Flynn, clutching him tightly like she was never going to let go, ever again. "No. We should be thanking you, for believing in us." Flynn reciprocated her actions with a comforting smile. After this, just as the brothers were about to ask of their partners' well-beings due to their ragged appearance, their friends came around mere seconds later, each of them offering a hug too. "You look… older…" Ivar stated as he scrutinized the youths after their hug, smiling at them warmly as he did, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Just by a tiny bit though…" Derek added, moving over to pat both of them by the shoulder with a mix of warmth and curiosity on his features. "Yeah. We know." the brothers chuckled a bit, after which they then added; "We'll fill you in on it later." As this happened, Adrian, Beatrice, Lucas, Amelia and Bryan also arrived, offering hugs to the youths. "We look like shit. Yeah, we know." Adrian and Lucas soon stated in unison, noticing how both brothers, gazed each and every one of them, their partners included with deep concern on their features. They were all beaten, bloodied and bruised in oh-so-many places, their injuries, nothing minor at all. "Nothing a few potions can't fix." Ivar assured them this time and the brothers, nodded their heads in acceptance. A few seconds later, the rest of the student council members also came to greet them, each and every one of them in a similarly battered state. That said, it didn't stop them from offering handshakes and hugs, the warmest of smiles on their faces. After this, the gang just started conversing, filling the brothers in on everything that had happened while they were gone. Other individuals too, those of whom were free at least, also made their own conversations. "I told you, didn't I? I did everything I did for the greater good." "Shut up Magnus." Darius bluntly said, helping the Obelisk Arm to move as he was limping away and past his other, fellow Obelisk Arms. He had gotten severely injured in their fight against Kilgor, the now dead Orcen King. "Wow. You've mellowed out considerably." Evie arched a curious eyebrow as she spoke with Quinn, despite knowing fully well the cause of it. To that, Quinn simply ignored her, he and Rigurd, gazing at the Valkyries, along with Xavier and Amael, one whom everyone presumed to be the Legendary Hero and should've been dead from tales gone by, discussing something between themselves with the warmest of smiles. "Never thought I'd see the day Leader would smile though…" he muttered out loud, earning a small nod from Rigurd who now seemed to be able to withstand his fellow Obelisk Arm. "So, where's my niece?" Amael questioned, a mix of a serious yet curious expression present on his features as he inquired of the Valkyries. Asides from really wanting to see her, the major reason behind Amael asking for her whereabouts was to know if she was well and alive. Added to that, he also wanted to rid her of her restrictions. This was something even the Valkyries themselves understood. "You'll be meeting her soon enough." Senya soon responded for all of her sisters, resulting in them chuckling whilst Xavier, with a warm expression on his face, stared at the bright skies. For King Arthur though, along with Julius, including almost every major powerhouse, from each and every single nation, their nobles and higher executives included, they were tasked with handling how the mostly destroyed Qilos Republic was going to be reconstructed for days on end. Along with that, they were tasked with also handling the casualties they had all incurred in this war. It had been a very bloody war, one where hundreds of thousands of rankers had lost their lives, defending their home planet. Such sacrifices, couldn't be overlooked. That too, had to be attended to. It had to be documented. It had to be given, the utmost priority and respect in its handling. But for now, they could finally broadcast to every nation, that they had come out victorious. Finally, their citizens could leave the underground bunkers they had built all over their respective nations. As Frank, just like many other rankers, whom had been standing on standby at one of the underground bunkers as a guard in case things went south, he soon received a message on his smartwatch from Derek. The old butler smiled after reading the message, glad that his son, survived the war. The same could be said for other rankers on standby, all of whom also had people they were related to and fought at the forefront of the war. While Derek had survived, just like so many others, a lot of rankers had also perished at the war, causing some of the rankers whom had received the unfavorable news of their demise to become crestfallen. Some, even began crying the moment they received the saddening news. Yet, they still had a duty to fulfil. Walking into their individually assigned bunkers though, the rankers did their jobs, informing the citizens of Arcadia that the war was over and they had come out victorious. In response to this news, the joy on the faces of each and every normal human knew no bounds. Sure, some of them would soon receive the saddening news of some of their relatives whom were rankers and had died in the war but, for now at least, there was joy in knowing they were victorious over the Demon King and His Army. Soon, they were filed out according to due procedures, away from the brightly yet artificially lit underground bunkers to the natural, bright clear skies of their Nation. Moving over to a corner of the bunker as all this happened, one where all the workers of their mansion were situated at, Frank located the young girl he was looking for. Situated inside a small dome of gently blowing wind, Frank discontinued his protective spell and lifted a sleeping Briar. Cradled in his arms, completely oblivious to any of the events that had happened, Frank, along with the rest of the workers in their mansion, headed out of the bunker soon after. … … … Landing atop the state-of-the-art space station, The Valkyries, along with Xavier and Amael, entered through the hatch. The Sentinel, wasn't as busy as it usually should've been for obvious reasons but still, scientists could spotted here and there every few seconds. Walking through the sleek, modern and softly illuminated corridors, the hum of the power generators and metallic whirs unmissable, the gang made their way around and soon reached the Central Command Center. A few seconds later, they found whom they had been looking for, hunched over what seemed to be the console for the diagnostic panels of The Railgun. Feeling their presence, a smile bloomed on Novier's face as he turned around to face them. "See Novier. I told you, the next time we're here, it'll be because we were victorious." Sigrun stated with a lovely grin, one to which Novier responded with a grin of his own; "That ye did, Sigrun." "Welcome back, me hearties." he then added with the warmest of smiles.

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