Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 252: Invitation

The sergeant could understand Brax's reluctance to travel with the police after hearing about his last encounter.  He also realized that there was no one else here and that the front door would no longer be able to keep people out.

"Alright, but I expect you to come to the station and give a full report in writing."  He said before leaving with the two who had shattered the door.

An officer took a few photos of the scene and then offered to call an ambulance after he got a closer look at Brax's bruised and bloody face.

Brax said he was fine.  When the officers left he went down the block to a cellphone store and got himself a new phone and then headed back to the club.  On his way, he stopped in a market and picked up something to eat.

Once he was back, he swapped his SIM card into his new phone and called a door glass company.

They would come out and board up the entrance and be back tomorrow to fit in a new door.  Once he paid the deposit, he made another call.

He used the video calling function to contact Tony, the owner of the gym.  That way he wouldn't be surprised when he saw the front entrance boarded up.

Once Tony answered and saw his face he exclaimed.  "What the hell happened to you!?!"

Brax proceed to tell his version of events where the two officers pummeled him in the face.

"Hmpf, to an experienced eye it looks more like your face was bashed into something.  It doesn't look like you were punched."

"Yes, yes, that's what I meant to say."  Brax corrected.  "They smashed my head into the wall over and over."

"Alright, alright, can you deal with this on your own?"

"Yeah, I will be fine, my next call is to my lawyer."

"Good.  Listen to what he says.  Oh, and since my entrance is busted up, I expected a discount in my rent this month."

"Ah, what, you're breaking up."  Brax said before he disconnected the video call.

After calling his lawyer Brax waited for the door people to show.  With a quick response time they arrived and had the entrance sealed within an hour of him calling them.  He tipped the two men who boarded up the entrance and then checked to make sure there was nothing valuable in the reception area before going into the gym, locking the door and heading out through the back.

Brax drove to the police station, where he found his lawyer waiting out front.  After a short conversation they went in together.

Brax had already contacted Jenna and his aunt to let them know what was going on.  He didn't want them to hear that he was at the police station on their own and start panicking.

After entering the station, Brax and his lawyer were led to a conference room instead of an interrogation room by the sergeant.  It looked as if he already knew that the two officers had shut off their body cameras.

The sergeant set a recorder on the table and activated it before speaking.  First, he said the date and time before identifying himself as Sergeant Kim.  He then identified Brax and his lawyer before speaking directly to Brax.

"Mr. Tomlin, we were able to find that you are the owner of the building involved in this incident.  Can you tell us why you were alone in the unit of your tenant alone when this incident occurred?"

Brax's lawyer stopped him from speaking.

"You don't need to answer any of their question.  Just tell them what happened and then you will have to sign a written copy of what happened.  That is all that is legally required of you."

Brax nodded.

"I was finishing my work out, everyone else had already gone home by the time I hit the shower. Since I own the building, Tony the club owner, didn't wait for me and left since I have keys to lock up the place.  As I walked out of the gym, I saw the two officers that previously attacked me, running towards my building with their guns drawn.  I told them to go away or I will call the police, but they insisted that I let them in.  They said they just wanted to have a conversation with me, but I didn't believe them."

"It was at that time that they threatened to kill my family if I didn't let them in.  They said they wanted me to say I edited the videos of them planting drugs in my car and I was trying to set them up all along.  It was then that I called 911.  Shortly after that one of them smashed through the door with his baton.  While holding me at gun point they demanded I delete the surveillance videos inside the club.  Then they jumped on me and began to pound my face into the ground."

"It all happened so fast that I didn't know what to do.  With their guns aimed at me I couldn't do anything but let them beat me.  When they heard the sirens of the other police officers arriving, they both turned back.  I don't think they realized I called the police.  In that moment something overcame me.  I was worried that they were going to shoot me to death and plant a gun on my body before you arrived.  I jumped and ran into the gym and locked the door.  A few moments later you, sergeant Kim, came in with your men.  Once I came out you all tackled me to the ground while throwing several knees into my side and held my face into the ground while I was being placed into handcuffs.  That was everything that happened."

Sergeant Kim sighed and shut off the recording device.  "Mr. Tomlin, I assure you that while I am on the force, those responsible will be brought to justice."

The lawyer who had been writing the written report of what Brax said passed it to him to sign before handing it to the sergeant.

"Sergeant Kim, you should be aware that my firm will now be filling a second lawsuit against this police department.  My client has been through far too much to simply let this go."

"I understand.  That is your right."  The sergeant said to the lawyer.  "You can rest assured that have notified the state police department and they will be investigating this matter thoroughly.  Since there has been two incidents within such a short time, I don't feel it is appropriate for our own department to conduct and internal investigation.  I am unable to comment on anything else, such as the fact that those two officers were still on duty.  I hope you can understand."

"I appreciate your sincerity.  And I hope that we can receive a copy of the final findings in a timely manner."

The sergeant nodded and then left.

Brax and the lawyer walked out of the building.

"Mr. Tomlin, thank you for trust my firm with this case.  You are one of our valued customers, but I hope the next time you call you will be looking for our real-estate department or something else."

Brax chuckled.  "You and me both.  No offense but I would be much happier if I never needed a criminal lawyer again."

"I understand, I completely understand Mr. Tomlin.  And I hope for the same."

After that, the lawyer left and Brax began to walk towards his car.  As he was about to open his door, a luxury sedan stopped behind his vehicle, trapping him in the space.

The windows of the car blocking him in were so tinted that he couldn't see who was inside.

The window in the back of the car slowly began to roll down.  An older man in a fine suit with a head of snow-white hair turned to look at him.

"Brax Tomlin?  Are you the one who was at the martial arts club today just after noon?"

Brax wasn't too concerned, no matter how shady this looked.  He was literally in the parking lot of a police station.

"What's it to you."

"I think I owe you a debt of gratitude."  Said the man.

Suddenly another voice spoke from inside the car, and a head pushed its way towards the window.

"Yeah dad, that is the guy.  That is him."  Brax recognized that it was the person with the gun helping his limp friend to escape out the back of the gym.

The older man than gave Brax another look over.  "I would like to treat you to dinner tonight.  Six o'clock at the swan club.  Don't regret missing this opportunity."  The man then handed a card through the window to Brax before driving off.

Brax looked at the club.  "Why can't you be like a normal old person and eat dinner at four.  Don't you know I play Evolution?"

All though he was annoyed, he still considered going.  The swan club was a very public place, he wasn't worried about his safety, but he still wanted to look into this person first.

Brax got into his car and started to head home.  On the way he texted Super and sent the name on the card to see if he could find anything out.

After that he called Jenna to let her know how things evolved.

"Are you thinking about going?"  She asked.

"I am considering it, but I will wait to decide until I hear back from Super."

"If you are going, then you have to take me."

"I don't think that is a good idea."

"I am not thrilled with the idea of you going alone."

"It is in a public place.  I am just going to see what they want, then i will go straight home and meet you in Evolution."

"Alright, but text me every twenty minutes once you get there."

"I can do that."

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