Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 118: Verbal Abuse

"Oh really? Then how about me?"

The person who spoke was one of the people who were standing next to Ian, and he had spread out their aura when he spoke, and Claude realized that this fellow wasn't his average opponent. The man's aura slowly surged up as he walked forward, until he stood right in front of Claude, staring at him as he said, "My name is Russell Davies. I'm Ian's senior, and I heard you beat him up. May I ask why?"

Claude stared at Russell for a second, and said "Does it matter? From what it looks like, you're planning to take revenge on me anyways, aren't you?"

"So you don't have an answer, I presume?" Russell stared at Claude coldly, who simply shrugged his shoulders in response. He then said, "I'll make sure you regret your actions in the sparring contest." Claude snorted and replied, "No you won't."

"Oh? That's big talk coming from a junior," The gleam in his eyes was more evident as Russell swept his gaze across Claude's body, scanning him from head to toe and Claude felt a huge pressure pressing down on him, and he clenched his fists. "I thought your previous master might've taught you the basics about respecting your seniors, but I guess I was simply expecting too much from someone who was part of the Flying Sword Faction!"

"Ha ha ha ha…. I must say, you're extremely funny, Senior Russell. Just like your junior next you. No, perhaps even better!" Claude laughed coldly as he resisted the pressure that was being exerted by Russell and said with a smile, "I can see where senior Ian gets his sense of humour from. But just so you know, senior Ian over there said the exact same thing to me, and yet he couldn't even defend a single attack of mine. So, if you really wanted me to take you seriously, then you should've honestly come up with better lines."

"You brat! You think you can simply mock your senior and get away without suffering any consequences?" Senior Russell Davies stopped smiling and shouted out angrily at Claude as he increased the amount of pressure that he was exerting on Claude. Claude, who was already trying his very best to resist the overwhelming aura that was pressing him down was now being overpowered, and he gritted his teeth in response.

"Now now… I was not planning on interfering with what appeared to have been some lighthearted hazing, but you are stepping over the line now, Russell." At that very moment, the cold voice of Senior Wilfred Beldon entered the ears of everyone present, and his powerful aura burst out forward, pushing back Russell's aura in response and giving Claude a chance to gasp for air. "You know, I've been standing here all this time listening to all the nonsense that you were spouting, and I couldn't help but scoff at you. Look at you, you're a senior who's threatening your junior because he kicked your lackey's a*s and it hurt your ego. I mean, that is just hilarious to me."

"You! What the hell did you say to me?!" Senior Russell's expression suddenly became very unsightly as he stared at Senior Beldon and his hatred for him intensified.

"Oh? Not only are you an idiot, but you're deaf as well? Don't worry, I'll explain it to you." Senior Beldon let out a short snicker as he walked towards Senior Russell, and stood in front of him with a cold expression as he looked down to him. "I said that you're a joke! Why? Does that hurt your little ego?"

"You just want to die today, don't you?" Senior Russell clenched his fist and stared at Senior Beldon as the pressure surrounding them increased tremendously, and Claude and the rest immediately backed off in order to not be affected by it.

"You were talking big in front of my junior, right?" Senior Beldon looked at Senior Russell and snorted as he nonchalantly replied. "Bragging about how powerful you are, how you were going to get revenge on him for your idiotic lackey.... Well here's the thing; if you want to get to my junior, then you're going to have to go through me. Do you understand?"


A giant hammer manifested all of a sudden in the hands of Senior Beldon, as the atmosphere began to get thick. 

Senior Russell glanced at the hammer for a brief second and snorted as he spoke, "I thought you would be all talk and no bite, but I suppose you do have a spine, huh. No matter, if you truly wish for a fight, then I shall give you one. I'll show you just how much of a fool you really are for wanting to fight me!"


As soon as he finished speaking, short strands of lightning began swarming around his hands and two sharp axes appeared out of nowhere, bursting out with spiritual energy as soon as they made contact with his hands.

Claude watched the two seniors stare at each other, studying their spiritual energy levels and the terrifying aura that they were exuding outwards. He looked at the two axes that were gripped tightly by Senior Russell with his cold and calculating gaze.

"Now, now… What in the world is going on here?" All of a sudden, a rusty voice echoed throughout the surroundings, causing the two seniors to flinch in unison and turn around. 

Elder Kenneth stood behind them, gazing at the two seniors with an amusing expression on his face. "Oh, did I interrupt something? I apologize. Don't mind me. Why don't you continue doing whatever it is that you were doing?"

"Ah- N-No, Elder. I was simply instructing my fellow faction member about the techniques used by me in combat..." Senior Russell replied awkwardly as he clumsily rubbed his back and smiled at the Elder, and Claude couldn't help but snicker at his behaviour.

"Oh? So you two were not trying to fight each other right in front of the Headmaster's residence?" Elder Kenneth turned his gaze towards Senior Beldon and asked. 

"No, no. Of course not, Elder Kenneth. Like brother Russell said, we were simply exchanging our fighting and cultivation techniques in order to improve ourselves for the sparring contest next week," Senior Beldon said with a smile on his face, and if it wasn't for Elder Kenneth witnessing them about to fight just a few seconds ago, he would've definitely bought every word that came out of Senior Beldon's mouth.

"Hah..." The Elder let out a long sigh as he shook his head. "If you don't want to be truthful, then that's fine. I'll ignore it for now. After all, it is in the end, your business and not mine. However..." He then turned to look at the two seniors, and his smile faded from his face, instead of which a serious expression appeared. "Do not forget that you are all part of the same faction now. And as you know, we have a tournament to take part in. This is the Headmaster's chance to show everyone in the country what he's capable of. So, I have to warn you; do not seriously injure each other, for you are not only risking your own lives, but the chances of the faction itself. I hope you understand that. "

"Yes, Elder Kenneth. We understand completely!" Both the seniors bowed their heads in unison as soon as Elder Kenneth finished his words, and Claude and the rest followed suit. Elder Kenneth scanned the disciples' faces and nodded his head as he continued speaking. "Very good. I won't interfere with your business as long as it doesn't make one of you seriously injured. However, if I were you, I would consider using the sparring contest to end your grudges once and for all. After all, you would have no choice but to hold back."

"Yes, Elder Kenneth! We'll consider it!" The two seniors once again bowed their heads, and so did the rest of them. Elder Kenneth waved his hands, dismissing their expression of respect, and turned back to leave.

The group then watched the Elder walk back towards the Headmaster's residence until he disappeared from their view. As soon as they made sure that the Elder wasn't visible, the two seniors turned around to face each other, their gazes filled with hate for each other.

"We'll finish this in the sparring contest!" Senior Russell said as he gritted his teeth, getting awfully close to Senior Beldon's face. Senior Beldon snorted as he didn't back down from the staredown and replied, "Oh we definitely will finish this. Once and for all. And I'll make sure that you regret meeting me."

"Sure you will," Senior Russell said with a sarcastic tone and then shifted his gaze towards Ian and his lackeys and whistled at him, signalling him that it was time to leave.

"Your owner is calling you. Better go now or else he might get angry!" Claude whispered softly and immediately Ian turned around, his expression furious. "You!" However, before he could finish his words, he saw that Senior Russell was glaring at him, and he reluctantly turned back and walked towards him, and the lackeys followed close behind.

"Don't think that this is over, punk.." Ian said as they were leaving, his eyes burning with hatred. Claude simply waved his hands with a smile in response, and the confrontation ended without a fight.

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