Evil Break

Chapter 51 - : Encouragement and Forbidden Fruit

At the deck on the second floor of the bar, Hu Fenghua slipped a bottle of dark beer to the **** the opposite side, but the girl did not pick it up.

“Thank you, but I don’t drink alcohol. This special liquid of humans will affect thinking and is not conducive to action.”

The girl angel didn’t say that there is any sacred existence and not drinking. Prohibition is a **** thing like discipline, which is a little different from the preconceived ideas in Hu Feng’s mind.

With that, the girl looked up at the Hu Feng room not far away in front of the deck. At the moment, at the door of the room stood two bald and strong men in black suits. They also used hostile and alert eyes. Staring at the girl.

“This is a pure demon? There are two of you here, and I feel that you are also a pure demon. Will the Burning Legion want to come back?”

Hu Feng Wenyan shook his head and put down the bottle that had been empty for half.

“My situation is a little special. I said that I have always been a human being, but these changes have only occurred in recent months. Do you believe it?”

The girl looked at Hu Feng for a while and nodded slowly. “According to your reaction at the crossroads, this reason is the most unlikely, but I can only think so.”

“So just taking this opportunity, I want to make it clear to you that I am a human being and I am not in the position of a demon, so don’t let your fellow fellow angels who are fanatical and unable to listen to explanations come to trouble me, Although I do n’t want to cause trouble, I ’m not afraid of it. “

“My countryman, have you seen my clan before?” The girl was surprised when she heard the words.

Hu Feng nodded his head and reiterated his experience of encountering the Holy Light Birdman that night. The girl was silent for a moment after listening.

“According to your description, my angel family should be a low-level ordinary angel. They usually get orders before they can act, but indeed, as you said, low-level angels can only be manifested by possessing humans. They The energy is not enough to condense your own body, but we are different from demons, and our possession can only be carried out with the personal consent of human beings. “

Hu Feng scorned his lips contemptuously, “Oh … Don’t say it so nicely, in my opinion this is no different from the devil. You want to destroy the devil blindly, you don’t care about the possessed human being at all. Life and death, on this point, don’t those humans who promised you know? Oh yes, those demons twisted by the human soul, their high-level characters are also their condensed bodies? “

The girl nodded, “Yes, but the powerful demons will find their corpses, and then spend a lot of energy and strength to re-consolidate the body when they were alive. The lower-level demons can only be occupied by possession. Appearance. “

“Understood, but then again, is your daily job like this to go to the crossroads and touch the porcelain to kill the devil, do you want to fight like this?” Hu Feng asked curiously.

“This is our inherent responsibility and mission, and our highest principle. The Holy Light will surely purify all the filth and evil of all existence, us …” The girl’s face immediately became full of fanaticism and holiness, Hu Seeing the wind quickly interrupted her oath.

“I know, I know, I said you are not tired, hey, I’m surprised, who set the responsibility mission, you never think about it or rebel?”

“We are messengers and agents of the will of the Holy Light, we do not need to think about these, because what we insist on is correct!”

Hu Feng shook his head immediately, “Take me as an example. Can you define whether I am right or evil? I did use the power of demonic energy. That’s right, but I can’t bear to hurt a little girl. Then I What is it? Justice or evil “

Watching the girl fall silent for a while, Hu Feng smiled.

“So, there is no absolute good and evil, black and white, this world has too many middle terms, too much gray, you never think like this and only know how to execute, is it also a kind of devil-like At the other extreme. “

The seeds of confusion and confusion are like this. Hu Feng does not know how much her words will affect the high angel in front of her, but at least she will have a slight doubt about everything she once believed from today. And thinking.

“If you want to ask what kind of person I am, I can only say that I follow my own heart, follow my principles and perseverance, and my conscience and bottom line are always in my heart, but when I face things There are too many feasible options, I will not stand in the position of the devil, nor stand in your position, I am me, a bad but not bad person, a person like me can use a simple To describe it, it is a common people. “

“So … meeting is fate, and you are more sensible, so I also want to persuade you, why not try to think about it on your own, try to solve a thing with your own will, rather than always obeying those things and life Inherent responsibility and mission. “

The pure golden light in the girl’s eyes flashed violently a few times, and she could see that she was now in a somewhat confused and confused state.

Seeing this, Hu Feng couldn’t help but chuckled a few times. Are these angels so easily provoked? Fortunately, they never communicate with demons and humans, otherwise they will be taught one by one sooner or later.

“I think what you said makes sense, I have thought about similar questions alone before, but …”

“Oh, come here and see them, how happy they are to live, they do n’t have any **** mission, they just want to make themselves happier and freer, and they do n’t see any of them who have fallen into demons. Ah, so you angels find their own sins. “

Hu Feng dragged the girl to the guardrail on the second floor, watching the crowd dancing with music in the hall below ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and then stuffed the bottle of dark beer into the girl again.

“Come and come, there is no battle tonight, no **** mission and responsibility, relax yourself, did you just say that you have thought about it like this?”

Hu Feng secretly changed his concept and tried his best to corrode our righteous Archangel of Light.

Is he getting closer and closer to the devil? grass. . . No matter, establish a good relationship with the top of this birdman first, if there is something wrong in the future, I have someone to find!

The girl was interrupted by Hu Feng, and her thoughts were also interrupted. She looked tangled and struggled at the beer in her hand.

Do you want to drink?

Only once. . . I have fought for countless years for the mission and responsibility entrusted by the Holy Light. Now relax yourself, there should be nothing wrong. . .

“Drink it, drink it, it’s okay.”

Hu Feng smiled and patted the **** the shoulder, a good look of the two brothers.

Just like in Western mythology, the poisonous snake lured Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

The angel made a decision. She raised the wine bottle in her hand and poured it into the bottle.

Feeling alcohol is filling the body formed by his energy, an inexplicable pleasure and ease poured into the spirit, and there seems to be a feeling of freedom.

Hu Feng touched the wine bottle with the angel next to him. The two of them leaned against the fence, blowing the bottle, and pointing to the crowd in the hall below, pointing and chatting.

The ten of the Ten Commandments must not be greedy.

Youshallnotcovet …

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