Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 38 — Proving his love



The morning was pleasant, with the sun's rays filtering through the dense pine trees and a gentle wind blowing through the forest, causing the leaves to rustle and the grass to sway. The birds sang joyfully in their nests, welcoming another day, while colorful butterflies danced gracefully among the flowers that dotted the forest floor.

Aster woke up inside their cozy cave home with a yawn, rubbing his eyes and wiggling his toes under the warm blanket. The first thing he was greeted with was his mother's sweet, familiar scent, her natural aroma that made him sigh contently. During the night, he found himself lying on top of her, snuggling on her bare chest, right in between her gorgeous milky breasts that enveloped his head from both sides with their pillowy embrace.

Aster couldn't help but smile. He couldn't imagine a better life than the one he has now.— 'What a life I have,' he thought as he sleepily cupped both his incredible mother's breasts in his palms, feeling their softness and warmth.

For Aster, there is no better way to start the day than by playing with his mother's perfect tits. It became his daily ritual, a habit he couldn't live without. He couldn't get enough of them, and his hands never tired of squeezing and fondling her beautiful breasts, feeling their softness, their weight, and their warmth.

His fingers gently pulled her pink, sensitive nipples up. Her large breasts jiggled lightly as he released them, and they flopped down onto her chest, only to rise again as his fingers found their way back to her nipples.

Aster sighed, feeling her mother's nipples harden and perk up, making them even more enjoyable to fondle. His mother's breasts were just so amazing. So soft and squishy, so firm and supple. And best of all, they were his to enjoy and play with whenever he wanted. And so he did. He slowly rubbed her nipples with his thumbs, making them even harder with each passing moment.

He lifted his head and glanced at his mother's relaxed and beautiful face. Her silver hair was spread around, and her naturally pale skin looked even more radiant than usual. Her cheeks were flushed with a light pink color, and her full, rosy lips were slightly parted, letting out her soft, rhythmic breaths, making her chest rise and fall almost hypnotizingly.

As if noticing his stare, or maybe his wandering touch, Nivalis's eyelids slowly fluttered open, revealing her blue eyes, shining with mother's love for her son. She looked at him and smiled slightly. "Good morning, Asty," she said softly, her voice still hoarse from sleep.

— "Morning, Mom," he replied, returning her smile. "Did you sleep well?" Aster asked, tilting his head slightly while his hands continued to squeeze her breasts, and his thumbs kept teasing her nipples.

"Mhm, I did. Did you?" Nivalis replied, not minding her son's touch at all, letting him play with her bosom as he pleased. After all, it was his way to start a new day, and she had gotten used to it by now. One day, she would talk to him about it and make him stop, but today was not that day. She yawned and tried to stretch, but one arm was pinned under her sleeping daughter. Silvia rested her head on Nivalis' shoulder and sniffled quietly, snuggling her petite body tightly against her mother's side.

— "Very much," Aster replied, focusing on Nivalis's beautiful face. Then his eyes fell to his mother's rosy, pouty lips, slightly wet with her saliva, making them glisten.

He couldn't help but stare at them.— 'Is it okay to give her a good morning kiss?' he wondered, 'Silvia and I already kissed her yesterday plenty of times, but asking for one is a bit different...' His hands squeezed her tits a bit more firmly as he hesitated.

"Is there something on your mind, darling?" she suddenly asked, noticing his stare on her lips. She raised her eyebrow curiously.

Aster's hands paused their play, and he blinked a few times, unsure what to say. But after a quick thought, he realized there was nothing wrong with a small good morning kiss from a loving son to his wonderful mother.— 'And it shouldn't be weirder than playing with her breasts all morning...' He concluded.

— "Oh, u-umm... Nothing important... It's just I was wondering if I could have a good morning kiss," he replied hopefully, looking at the reflections in her blue eyes.

Nivalis chuckled lightly, a cute little smile spreading across her face. "Of course you can, honey. Come here," she said, placing her hand on his naked butt and pulling her son closer to her face. She pressed her soft lips against his forehead and gave him a long, tender kiss. It felt wonderful, with no doubt, but Aster meant something else. Her hand stayed on his tiny bottom, resting.

— "Not on the forehead," he protested, pouting cutely.

Nivalis laughed softly. "Alright, then. Here," she said, pressing her lips to his cheek, giving him a gentle peck. The feeling of her soft, moist lips against his skin was amazing, but It was still disappointing.

— "No, no, not on the cheek, either," he complained, shaking his head lightly. His long silver hair was spread over her shoulders, intervening with his mother's locks.

Nivalis now had a mischievous smile. She knew exactly what her son wanted, but it was an excellent opportunity to tease him a little. "Oh? Then, where should I kiss you, my little baby boy?" she asked, her blue eyes shining playfully. She leaned her head forward and gave his nose a little kiss. "Here?"

— "No," he replied, trying not to laugh.

"Then, what about here?" Nivalis whispered as she leaned closer to his ear. She gave a peck to his half-elven earlobe.

— "N-no, Mom..." he muttered, his face reddened.

"Are you sure?" Nivalis teased as she started to nibble it a little with her mouth, sucking gently on the tip, her hot breath tickling his ear.

— "Mo-mommy, not my ears..." he pleaded, trying to escape her wet, tickling mouth.

Nivalis giggled. "What's wrong, my little knight? Don't like it?" she asked playfully, pulling her mouth away. His ear is now slightly wet from his mother's saliva. "Okay, let's see..." Nivalis muttered, pretending to think deeply. "Hmmm... Here?" Nivalis teased, leaning in and kissing his chin.

— "Nope," he answered, unable to contain his smile.

"My, my, such a fussy boy. Maybe I should tickle you to get it out of you," she laughed, her fingers reaching for his side, ready to tickle her son's ribs.

— "No, no, please," he quickly pleaded, holding her hand. He was really ticklish, and she knew that. "Please, kiss me on the lips, Mommy," he exclaimed. But once said aloud, he realized how weird it was to say something like that to your mother. Feeling embarrassed, Aster blushed furiously, averting his eyes.

Nivalis made a small laugh, enjoying her son's reaction. She loved teasing him and seeing him flustered. It was too cute not to. She placed her finger under his chin, turning his head back to face her. "Well, if that's what my sweet son wants, then I guess I'll have to give you a good morning kiss on the lips," she said, smiling warmly at her boy.

She cupped his face with her soft hand, her thumb gently caressing his cheek, and then slowly, oh so slowly, leaned forward closer to her son's lips. The kiss was innocent, chaste, and pure, a loving kiss from a mother to her child without even a hint of lust. It lasted just a fraction of a second, barely enough time for his brain to register it happened at all, yet it was perfect. Perfect. Her soft, full lips felt wonderful against his as if they belonged there.

Aster opened his eyes and looked at her. Her beautiful, sparkling blue eyes were gazing at him, filled with love and affection. "There you go, my sunshine," Nivalis whispered with a happy smile and a sweet and tender voice.

— "Mhm, thank you, Mom," he mumbled, his face red as it can only be. He quickly hid his face, burying into her soft bosom, feeling the embarrassment and not daring to look at his mother. He could feel his heart beating rapidly, his cheeks burning hot.

Nivalis laughed and wrapped her arm around her son, giving him a tight hug. "You are so adorable," she whispered lovingly. "There's no way now that I can stop myself from giving you good morning and good night kisses," she added, caressing his silver hair. "I hope you don't mind," she chuckled, looking down at him.

Aster shook his head.— "I-I don't," Aster stuttered, his voice muffled by his mother's breast.

Her sweet scent engulfed his nostrils once again, and his ears caught the rhythm of her heartbeats, making his heart beat tactfully. Aster felt his mother's hand brush against his back, her fingers gently massaging him. He enjoyed the feeling and closed his eyes, letting out a content sigh. 'What a life...' he repeated his thought, resting between his mother's breasts, a small smile forming on his lips.



His panting breath filled the cave as Aster repeatedly pushed himself up and down from the cavern floor. His tiny body strained as he struggled with each pushup, his non-existent muscles burning with effort.— "Six... seven..." he counted as his arms buckled beneath him, and he collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

This was his first day of exercising, and already, he felt awful; this was not something he was used to doing. But he couldn't afford to stop. Aster had decided it was a perfect age to start doing physical exercises, and he was determined to have a healthy, stronger body in this life. It was hard. It was harder than he expected. Even the basic pushups were tough. Aster gritted his teeth, and with a deep breath, he began his routine again, determined to keep pushing himself.

He had never cared about working out in his previous life, and the thought of doing anything more strenuous than walking around the block seemed like torture. But this was a new life, and he had to change. Not only for himself but for his family, too. 'Who knows what dangers are lurking in this world?' he thought. He had to protect his sister and mother from any harm, no matter what.

After a few more minutes of straining, his arms finally gave up.— "Ugh..." Aster grunted, lying motionlessly on the cave floor. He closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling with every ragged gasp.

"What are you doing, little brother?" a girl's voice called from the bed, followed by a yawn.

— "Exercising," Aster replied, rolling onto his side and looking at the bed where his naked sister lay. She stretched lazily; her silvery hair was a tangled mess, and her eyes were barely open. "Or at least trying to," he added.

"Why?" she asked, rubbing her eyes, still sleepy.

— "Remember that story about a knight saving his sister from a dragon?" Aster asked, his breath finally calmed.

"Yeah," Silvia answered, her golden eyes staring at his.

— "Well, if I want to protect my lazy sister from any evil dragon out there, I must first become a strong knight," he said teasingly to his sister.

"M-me? Lazy?" she gasped, an over-dramatic look of offense on her face.

— "Yep. It's afternoon already, and you still haven't got out of bed," Aster pointed out, looking at her naked buttocks, peeking from under the blanket.

"Oh really? I'll show you who's lazy here! Come here, your little!" Silvia pouted, jumping out of the bed and chasing after her little brother.

— "Ah!" Aster squealed, running away from his sister.

Silvia's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she chased him around the cave, giggling. It took her a while, but she caught him and tackled him to the ground. Aster struggled beneath her, trying to get free, but her legs were locked around his waist, and her arms held his wrists firmly.

"Gotcha!" Silvia declared triumphantly. "Now, what did you call me, little brother?" she asked, smiling widely.

Aster tried to break free once again but to no avail. His silver hair stuck to his skin, his face covered in sweat, and his breathing ragged from all the running around the cave.— "A-a lazy sister," he mumbled, his cheeks flushed.

Silvia was in a similar state, her pale skin glistening with a light layer of sweat and her silvery hair stuck to her back. Her naked chest rose and fell heavily with each breath. "Say sorry, or I won't let you go," she said, her golden eyes staring straight into his.

— "I won't," he answered stubbornly, avoiding her eyes.

"Fine," she said playfully. "Then I'll make you," she declared. And before her brother could react, she freed her one hand and began to tickle him.

— "Wah!" Aster screamed and immediately burst out laughing. He tried to hold her hand, but she was faster, and his attempt to stop her only made her tickle him even more.

"Apologize!" she shouted, a devilish laugh escaping her lips.

— "Ahahahahah! Ahahahaha!" he laughed uncontrollably, his whole body reacting to her tickle, and his eyes squeezed shut. He couldn't do anything but let his sister torture him.

"Apologize or no mercy!" Silvia exclaimed, her fingers dancing across his skin, causing him to convulse with laughter.

— "I'm sor- Haha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said between laughs, his stomach and sides hurting.

"Good boy," she giggled, stopping her tickling attack. Silvia brushed the strands of silver hair from his face, exposing his golden eyes.

— "That was mean," he pouted.

"But you deserved it, brother," she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. She straightened her back, still sitting atop her brother's waist. "Whew, you are so sweaty," Silvia noted, fanning her hand before her face. "We both are," she added, looking down at her glistening skin.

— "And whose fault is that?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

Silvia ignored his question and continued. "We should go wash a little," she suggested, looking at her little brother. "What do you say? I'll heat the water for us," she added.

Aster looked up at his sister and her glistening shapes.— "Sure, let's go," he agreed.

"Great," Silvia said, nodding happily. She then stood up, offering her hand to her brother.



On the same day, a few hours later, Nivalis stood in front of her children with a bright smile on her face. While she was out hunting, she discovered a spot in the forest with a lot of mushrooms growing, which meant plenty of food for them to collect, and it was a great way to spend some quality time with her children. Her excitement was almost palpable. "Are you two ready?" she asked as they were about to step outside of their cave.

"Yes, Mom," the children replied in unison.

"Wonderful. Let's go," she said before opening the door and taking hold of their hands.

It was another sunny day, and the fresh, cool air filled their lungs. They strolled, enjoying the sound of the forest and the smell of pine trees. After a short while, they arrived at their destination. Nivalis led her kids into an unremarkable patch of forest: nothing special, just the usual tall, old pine trees and green bushes.

"Here, this is it," she said, pointing at a mushroom sticking from the ground. "See? We need to find these," Nivalis explained, showing her children an example of the mushroom they needed. "There should be plenty of them around. Take your time and look carefully, stick together."

"Oh, and don't touch anything else, okay?" she instructed, and the kids nodded. "If you do, you'll get a nasty rash in the best case. It won't be nice," Nivalis warned them.

— "Got it," Aster said, a bit nervous. Silvia simply nodded.

"Good. Now, start looking," she told her kids. "And don't go too far from me. I need to see you both at all times," she added, looking at her kids, making sure they understood.

"Okay, Mom," the siblings said in unison and began searching for mushrooms. It was a slow process, a little tedious even, but it was still more interesting than staring at the cave's ceiling and doing nothing. One by one, the siblings discovered the mushrooms and collected them, placing them inside the bags Nivalis had given them.

— "Aha, look, Mom!" Aster exclaimed, holding up a mushroom to show his mother, who was just a few steps away. "A big one!"

"That's great, darling," she replied, smiling and encouraging her son.

"Hehe," he giggled before carefully placing the mushroom into his bag.

"I found another one, too," Silvia announced proudly, holding up her mushroom slightly smaller than her brother's. "Here, Mommy."

"You're doing great, my little girl," Nivalis said, patting her daughter's head.

The Silverfrost family gathered mushrooms in the woods for the next few hours. They chatted and joked, enjoying themselves while completing their task.

The sun was about to set within an hour, but Aster was determined to make the most of the remaining time. He still had some space left in his bag and wanted to fill it entirely with mushrooms. Aster searched the area carefully, scanning it with his eyes, but couldn't find any mushrooms. His sister and mother were behind him, helping him check for missed ones.

While searching for mushrooms, Aster began to feel like they had already been collected from the surrounding area. Just as they were about to give up, he then noticed something unusual - a beautiful white flower growing deep in the tall grass, hidden from curious eyes.

The flower was breathtaking and completely white, without a single trace of other colors. Even its stem was snow-white, making the whole flower look like winter had forgotten its beauty here. The flower's petals were perfectly symmetrical and arranged in an almost unnatural way, making it even more mesmerizing.

— "Wow... Mom, look! Look!" Aster exclaimed, pointing at the flower. Nivalis and Silvia walked over to him, curious about what he had discovered.

"Oh my... Is this... it can't be," Nivalis murmured in disbelief.

"What is it, Mommy?" Silvia asked, looking up at her with confusion.

"It's a Moonflower," Nivalis explained, her eyes fixed on the flower. She was fascinated by its beauty. Nivalis had only ever seen a single Moonflower in her entire life, and now her children had found another one. "I've never seen one in its original white color before. It's truly magnificent," Nivalis whispered.

— "Moonflower?" Aster asked, turning his gaze at his mother.

"Mhm. It is a very special flower that changes its color once it's been picked. The final color depends on the feelings of the person who has taken it," she explained to her son. "Elves have an old tradition where men use this flower to propose to the women they love. If the Moonflower changes to the same color as the woman's eyes, it's a promise of eternal love," she continued. "There are more ways to propose, of course, but it's a story for another day," she smiled, ruffling her son's hair.

"Oh, so pretty," Silvia commented, her golden eyes sparkling, admiring the flower. "Have you seen it before, Mommy?" she asked.

Nivalis nodded slowly, a melancholic smile on her face. "Yes, my darlings, I did," she said, her voice slightly trembling. "My father, your grandfather, proposed to your grandmother with one. He used his ice magic, which is a rare variation of water affinity, to preserve the flower forever. The flower had the same blue color as my mother's blue eyes," she explained, her eyes getting a little moist.

"Did she have blue eyes like yours, Mom?" Aster asked, looking at his mother.

"Mhm," Nivalis nodded, her blue eyes glistening with tears. "Just like mine..." she smiled warmly at long-gone memories.

"I wish I could have met them," Aster mumbled sadly.

"Me too..." Silvia added.

"I'm sure you would have loved them," Nivalis smiled gently. "And they would have loved you both as well," she added, hugging her children tightly and resting her face against the top of their heads. "Although they are no longer with us, I know they are watching over us," she whispered, kissing each of their foreheads gently.

Nivalis sighed and released the kids from her embrace, smiling at them. She wiped away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes and fixed her gaze on the flower.

Silvia was just about to reach out and pick it up, but Nivalis stopped her and warned her, "Don't touch it, darling."

"Why not, Mommy?" Silvia asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"It's considered bad luck for a woman to pick a Moonflower for herself or for a man to pick it up without the intention to propose," Nivalis explained.

"Really?" Aster questioned, raising an eyebrow and looking at his mother.

Nivalis spoke in an ominous tone, "According to an ancient belief, if a woman picks a Moonflower for herself, the goddess of love and beauty, Selene, would be angered. Similarly, if a man does the same, the god of war, Eros, would be insulted. Both gods would punish the offenders by taking away something they hold dear."

"Eek!" Silvia squeaked, moving her hand away from the flower, a worried look on her face.

"Haha, relax, my love. It's just an old legend," Nivalis chuckled. "But still, let's not pick it up just in case, okay?"

"O-okay, Mom," Silvia agreed, nodding.

"Mom, why would the god of war be angered by someone picking up a Moonflower?" Aster asked, scratching the back of his head.

"I was told this story by my father when I was your age, so I don't know the story in detail," Nivalis admitted. "From what I can remember, It's about Eros, who fell in love with a mortal woman and used the same flower to prove his feelings to her. She accepted his love, and they lived together until she passed away due to old age."

Nivalis paused momentarily and then continued, looking into her son's eyes, "After her death, Eros was heartbroken and became very protective of the Moonflower, the only reminder of his mortal beloved. It is his way to honor her memory. That's the short version of it, at least," she finished.

"Aww, that's so sad..." Silvia pouted. "Still, I'd love to take it home," she said, looking longingly at the flower.

"Mhm. Me too. It is a stunning flower," Nivalis agreed. "But we can't. It is too risky."

"Yeah..." Silvia sighed. "Can we return in a few days and check if it's still here?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course, my dear. If you'd like, we can revisit this place tomorrow," Nivalis said reassuringly. "However, I have heard that this flower does not bloom for long - maybe up to a day at most. This is why they are so rare. So, if it is gone by then, there is nothing we can do," she explained, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"O-okay..." Silvia mumbled, her expression disappointed.

Nivalis patted her head gently. "Come on, my loves. Let's go back home. It's almost dinner time," she said, rubbing their backs.

Aster took a moment to look at the Moonflower a little longer, thinking.— 'Is it really going to get that bad if I pick it up?' he thought, his expression slightly worried. 'Would the gods be furious? I know for a fact that they do exist, but... would they punish a child who simply wanted to give the flower to his mother and sister? Really?' Aster wondered, staring at the flower, unsure.

"Aster, let's go," Silvia called.

Aster was lost in his thoughts about a flower, not paying attention to anything else.— 'It would make my sister and mom happy... And I damn want to make them happy!' Aster continued his internal monologue. As he looked at them, at his beautiful mother and lovely sister — the two people he loved the most in the entire world, he realized how much he loved them and how much they meant to him. The two people who made him the happiest. Who gave him all the love and care in the world. The two people who are above all else.

The orange sun highlighted their beauty, making them look more radiant than ever. Their silver hair glittered in the sunlight, their skin was flawless, and their smiles were enchanting. He looked into their eyes and saw nothing but unconditional love. And he knew, without a doubt, that he wanted to make them happy. No matter what.— 'There is no one else I love more, and I can prove it,' he admitted to himself, his golden eyes locked on them. Finally, he looked back at the flower, still lost in thought.

"Asty?" Silvia called again, a bit confused.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Aster finally made a decision. 'To hell with it! If the gods are so petty and want to punish me for trying to make my family happy, then so be it,' he thought, clenching his fists. Aster's eyes were full of determination as he looked at his family. 'If there is a price to pay for my mother's and sister's happiness, I will gladly pay for it,' he said to himself and nodded firmly, resolute in his choice.

"Wait, don't-" Nivalis tried to warn her son. But before she could stop him, it was too late.

With a decisive nod, he bent down and plucked the Moonflower.






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