Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Chapter 38. Restaurant Situation After A Few Months Time Skip.




"Onii-chan! New order! 7 special fried rice for table number 3 and 6. Divide it for 3 and 4."


Accepting the order from my sister, I quickly prepare the ingredients for the fried rice and turn on the stove in a few seconds. Since fried rice has been one of the most popular dishes in this establishment, it's easy for me to make it and I believe I already mastered this dish a long time ago.


"Business going strong as always, huh."

Looking at the main area from the kitchen while I am still cooking the fried rice, I could see that all the tables were fully occupied by customers who ordered and enjoyed our dishes. In fact, our restaurant has become more famous since the end of the Valentine's event back then a few months ago and we were forced to expand our restaurant quite a bit, adding the garden area which contains 5 more tables to serve... Total whooping 16 tables to serve.

Still, it wasn't enough to accommodate all the customers that want to come to enjoy our meal... but we can't do anything about that. There are limits for us to be able to serve the customers at the same time, even after adding more employees to the restaurant. It doesn't help that the chat group function is also gone although I admit that's my own fault, to begin with.

Well, we used to deliver the order and communicate during work hours inside the chat group to make everything become efficient, but then apparently some customers find it weird and make the atmosphere less lively--- and thus, the chat group function is banned for an indefinite time by the old man.

["That's your own fault. Who told you to use chat group as order space for your business, Jin-sama"]

'I know. Anyway, I actually glad that the old man banned the chat group since the normal restaurant won't have a such feature in the first place'

["Normal restaurants which are run by teenagers that barely qualified as adults."]

'And we do still better than most restaurants in this city! Just last month we managed to enter the spotlight being put into on monthly magazine. That's something I could be proud of, system!'

["Yes, yes I know. I already heard the same thing from you several times this week, Jin-sama."]


"Owner, table numbers 12 and 14 asking to add 6 green tea and orange juice. There is also new order on table 1, 4 special soup. " Kaya called me from the main area.

As usual, the perverted twins, Kaya and Saya our main waiters never changed. In terms of that occupation, no one here can even be compared to them.

"Uh, my hand is full at the moment. The soup needs to wait for a little bit." I shook my head, turn around to my assistant quite a bit, and asked, "Raika-chan, can you help me with the drink?" 

"Sure. Let me finish the special noodles first." Raika answered as she stir a noodle in the pan on another stove. 

"Thanks. Glad you are here."

"No problem, Jin-san."


After the series event, specifically around the Valentine event-- Raika, Kobayashi-san's granddaughter, has become our employee since then and has been getting used to the heavy work in this restaurant after a few months working here. She is also very talented, her cooking skill also only second after mine, beating my own sister. As expected of ojou-sama who has been trained to do well in anything since she was still a kid.

Her only weakness is only her physique (as every employee here was working for a year to get to this point), but I have fixed that problem with a bit of my god power.

["Who just said 'I want to reach my own goal with my own ability and everyone' just earlier?"]

'Well, Raika is a bit special case. We can't let our employee be deadly tired every day from working and disturb her study time.'

["Still a biased treatment you did there."]

'You are really annoying these days, system. I miss the old you...'

["Just blame my creator for that. He keeps updating me and giving me more personality."]

'Should I use my godly power to revert you back?'

["Impossible. Original One is still a stronger god than you, Jin-sama."]



As I'm done with the fried rice and moving to the next order which is soup, I notice the vegetable supply such as carrots, and cabbage is almost empty... made me thinking if I could order someone to take it from the warehouse to replenish the supply. Fortunately, as I thinking about that, Oga, my cousin came through the kitchen door, bringing a box full of carrots, cabbage, and some tomatoes.

"Cousin, here are the vegetable supplies from the warehouse  since I notice  I will put them in here." 

"Ohh!! Thanks, my cousin!"

"You're welcome. Glad I could help. I will be back to wash the dish again, boss."


After that, I quickly took the supply Oga brought and prepared to make soup for the next order.

Kuroba Oga, my cousin aka my biological uncle's son. Like Raika, after a series of events, he also joined this restaurant as my employee, specifically doing some 'grunt work' such as washing the dishes and mopping the floor. Since I save his sister, made her immune to any illness, and dealt with the root of the problem which is my uncle, Oga is truly grateful for what I did, to the point even almost worships me as his god.

Fortunately, I manage to stop him from doing that and instead told him he should join my restaurant as my employee to pay back what I did to him and he agreed without hesitation. In the beginning, as the ex-fiancee of Raika, it was quickly awkward for them to stay in the same place but after a few months, their relationship as been eased a lot. 

["That's what happens when you put two people who use to be a fiancee in one room in their working environment. I thought you had a bad taste for doing it."]

'I am not. I mean I had no choice. Oga wasn't cut it as a waiter since he is not cute as our twins and I do think we need an employee that could do the grunt work for us'

["Pffft. I actually would not be surprised if you develop a bad taste. considering people around you, Jin-sama."]

'Don't slander everyone around me! Although I admit, none of them is considered normal at this point'



Realizing there seems to be no one taking out the fried rice yet, I press the ring bell to give notice to the waiters, telling them there are dishes that are ready to be served. Not long after that, another new employee came in to take in the dishes-- the little sister of Oga, Kuroba Sakura.

"Jin nii-san, is there any order ready?" Sakura, a cheerful long straight hair girl popped up in the kitchen.

"Yeah. special fried rice for table number 3 and 6. Divide it for 3 and 4." 

"Oh!" Hearing my answer, Sakura pointed at herself and replied, "Leave it to me!"


After that, Sakura swiftly took the tray and brought all the orders to the designated tables. Kuroba Sakura is the last new employee I added to the restaurant. Like his brother and Raika, she joined our establishment after the event happened around Valentine's. However, unlike his brother, she comes to us taking an initiative on her own-- not because she wants to help after what I did to help her, but because she thinks it's fun to be an employee of this restaurant.

Such an oddball, but nevertheless-- I ended up agreeing with her request since having fun is important. After that, she managed to prove herself as the most versatile employee who could be anything except cooking. Weirdly enough, like Vera-chan... Sakura also can't cook pretty well, although not as bad as Vera.

Is it a trait for every girl who has recovered from an illness? I am truly curious about this peculiar trait.


["No. It's just happened that Vera and Sakura is not the type of girl that can cook."]

'Should I use my god's ability to help with that? It's pretty sad when I think about it'

["Like what? Give them the ability to cook? If anything they probably will be mad at you."]

'Uh. why? I am trying to help, after all'

["Think about this, if someone wants to give you the ability to become the best chef in the world instantly, do you want to accept it or not?"]

Obviously not! I manage to reach this far without any bullshit ability, with my own effort!'

["The same reaction would happen with the girls. Believe me."]

'I see, how did you know?'

["You forget that I am also a female, Jin-sama?"]

'You actually have gender?!'

["You are mocking me, aren't you? I know you already know about it already!"]

'Pffft... Sorry!'

["Just wait until I got permission to manifest with a body, Jin-sama. I will make sure to hit you first."]

'Not if I prevent you from using my power'



After arguing with the system for a while, shortly after I returned to focus on cooking because there were so many orders coming in from customers. It's impossible for me as a restaurant owner to set a bad example for my employees, especially since today is the last day before the summer vacation.


"Finally, it's over, everyone. Good job."

""Yay!"" (Everyone)


After working for several hours serving customers, it was finally time for the restaurant to close. All the workers now gather to celebrate the success of the day by having a drink (juice) and a cake which I made with my power. Well, there is not much time left to make a cake, and I am not a patissier in the first place.


"I want the cake!" (Sakura)

"Sakura, let me cut it for you. Don't play with that knife!" (Oga)

"This juice is taste quite good!" (Vera)

"Of course, it was me who made it after all." (Raika)

"Sasuga Raika-san, multi talented ojou-sama." (Kaya)

"Although, she is still not beating our owner by any means." (Saya)


Seeing all my employees having fun with each other, as a leader, I feel proud and happy to be able to lead this far. Even though my dream of becoming the number 1 restaurant owner is still very far away since we are not even the best in Tokyo yet, I'm sure in the future we can all achieve it together with our ability and teamwork together.

["Your goal to become the owner of the best restaurant in this world... Until this day I still don't understand how it is comparable to becoming an omnipotent god who could do anything you want."]

'You don't need to understand. Everyone has a different dream and besides that, you are not human, right?'

["Are you sure to ask that, when you are also not human anymore, Jin-sama?"]

'No, I am born human. It doesn't matter if I become a god now, as long I think I am human, I will always be one'


"Onii-chan, I have calculated all the profit for today." My sister, Rin who acts as a manager suddenly called me out.

"How it is?"

"Of course no problem! Everyone is working hard after all."

"I see. Another good day for business." I said with a cheerful tone



As the manager of this place, sometimes she calculated business profit for a period of time and report it to me. Although with my sister's capability, there is probably no need to do this, as a qualified owner, I need to always know the situation of the restaurant after all.

"Anyway, Onii-chan, tomorrow, we are going to visit another world, right?" My sister asked me once again.

I nodded and then glanced at everyone, "Yeah. Once again, I apologize to drag everyone with me because of my punishment."

"Don't worry. We actually looking forward to this." (Kaya)

"True. After all, visiting another world is not something people normally do for a vacation." (Saya)

"Of course, it is not. But are you sure we don't need to prepare anything?" (Raika)

"Well, with Jin with us, there is nothing we should be afraid of!" (Vera)

"...Uh... it's not a vacation."

I tried to deny their perspective but it has no use since the girls seem also looking forward to tomorrow. Well, even though I was there as a punishment for abusing my power as a god, I could understand why everyone does become excited about adventure in another world. Even I admit that I also feel a bit excited too, considering we are going to visit a world where magic is real.

That night, everyone celebrated the day's success until late, and in the end, everyone decided to stay at the restaurant since no one know when that old man going to come and bring us to another world.



[Intermission: Why do none of my employees complain to me?]


(MC): "As the title of the intermission said, Why none of my employees does complain to me? Did I do a good job as the owner of the business? Tell me, System!"

(System): ["I am not sure this kind of topic is qualified to be in intermission. I think you are just flexing your ability here, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "No, I am serious here. I mean is it weird that everyone didn't say anything about my ability as the owner?"

(System): [*Sigh* "I am not your employee. I am your system, Jin-sama. Obviously, I don't know the answer to your question."]

(MC): "That's true... but do you think I am a good restaurant owner in your eyes, system?"

(System): ["I don't have eyes, but to answer your question, I don't know! Just ask your employee later."]

(MC): "And I thought you are my system that swore to always help me... what a useless system."

(System): ["...Whatever. Although I don't know about being a good owner of a restaurant, at least right now you are a bad owner of the system, Jin-sama."]

(MC): "Pffft. Can't be helped about that. I was never educated to be a good owner of the system in the first place."


Howdy, It's now on 2023, and finally, I am back to write this novel again... Apparently, some readers do wait for me to update this novel again, which is truly unexpected since I thought people dislike this already, considering the drop in views and favorites in the late chapters of this novel.

Thank you for your support and sorry for waiting. 

I won't promise anything about the schedule update and if the chapter feels a bit shorter than usual (it's still fkin 2.5k words though), please be understanding since nowadays I used to write a shorter chapter. I found myself enjoying writing in that way since it's easier to proofread and edit.



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