Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 14: Interrogation

"Manager Qin has permitted me to interrogate each of you one by one. Chen Bubai, please come with me for interrogation," WeiWei declared, her voice carrying a note of authority.

Old Liu, in the midst of handing-off Ah Niu’s field to the new worker, looked over with a pale face.

Bubai's grip on his hoe tightened momentarily before tossing the hoe to the ground.

Heck, if she wants to play this game, he’ll play with her.

Bubai’s trademark honest smile arose on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. "Okay, Miss WeiWei, where to?"

A beautiful smile bloomed on WeiWei's face as she turned, heading towards Manager Qin's residence with a skip in her steps. Bubai followed.

Passing through the small square courtyard of Manager Qin’s residence, Bubai followed WeiWei's footsteps, puzzled by the unexpected detour.

Instead of heading to Manager Qin's study, they ventured into side rooms until Bubai found himself in a surprisingly well-furnished bedroom.

Two mahogany chairs faced the entrance with a tea table in between, and through an ornate archway was the bed chamber, consisting mainly of a wooden bed with a layer of wool blanket unrolled on top of it.

Strangely out of place, a rope dangled from the ceiling in front of the bed, catching Bubai's attention.

Before he could process his surroundings further, the wooden door with paper windows creaked shut behind him. Then, he felt a warm, soft body press against his back, and two slender arms wrapped around his waist.

At the same time, WeiWei's pitiful voice reached his ears, "Brother Chen..."

Taking a deep breath, Bubai's initial panic subsided as the familiar fragrance of WeiWei permeated his nose, oddly calming his turbulent heart. After a moment of hesitation, he questioned, "Why?"

"Why what?" WeiWei replied innocently, her hands naughtily roaming over his robes.

Turning around within WeiWei's embrace, Bubai stared into her eyes, searching for answers. "Wu Gou.”

“Ah.” WeiWei's arms tightened slightly, and tears seemed to well up in her eyes as she buried her face against his chest. "You mean him? Isn't it all for Brother Chen?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"For me?" Bubai felt a wave of bewilderment. What does Wu Gou's death got to do with him?

“Hmm. That bad man… he saw something he shouldn’t have seen.”

Something he shouldn’t have… Bubai suddenly recalled his tryst in the forest.

"You mean-" Bubai began, but WeiWei's affirmative "Hmm." cut him off.

Looking up with watery eyes, WeiWei bit her lips, revealing the sordid details, “That dirty man actually used it to threaten WeiWei, wanting to break WeiWei and Brother Chen’s relationship to Manager Chen. WeiWei was weak and couldn’t fight back, so she could only agree to his conditions, letting the dirty man soil her. But who knew…”

WeiWei paused, licking her lips, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Who knew that he would dry up so fast after one time. So weak, unlike Brother Chen! Really! WeiWei didn’t mean to, it was just an accident."

WeiWei blinked her eyes playfully, “Brother Chen won’t blame WeiWei, will you?”

Understanding the full story, Bubai's lips twitched with a mix of emotions.

He couldn’t say Wu Gou didn’t deserve it. If he hadn’t let his lower body do the thinking, and honestly reported to Manager Qin, he might still be alive…

Or not. Under this demoness’s watch, he might not even get the chance to report.

Locking eyes with WeiWei who silently stared at him with watery eyes, waiting for his answer as if seeking reassurance, Bubai knew the threat in her words was clear. Unless he wanted to turn into a dried husk, he could only answer in one way.

"No, how could I blame you, WeiWei," he responded with a smile, soothing her by gently petting her head.

"Hehehe," WeiWei giggled charmingly, burying her face against Bubai's chest and sniffing his scent. "WeiWei knew Brother Chen would understand."

Bubai maintained his facade, his mind quickly processing the tangled web of dialogue choices he should choose next.
However, WeiWei's next question caught him off guard.

Taking a couple steps back, WeiWei clasped her hands behind her back, "Brother Chen, you won’t think WeiWei is dirty after being used so many times, right?"

Firmly, Bubai replied with a straight face, "No."

"Hmm, Brother Chen is the best!" WeiWei did a twirl and cheerfully skipped toward the bed.

Turning back towards Bubai, her mischievous smile held a hint of invitation as she grabbed a black strip of cloth and clasped the dangling rope in her other hand.

"Then, Brother Chen, will you help WeiWei play a game?"

Outside in the fields, Old Liu had gathered his group, many casting wary glances at Manager Qin's mansion, whispering in hushed tones.

"What's taking them so long?"

"Could it be that the fox is putting up quite a fight during the interrogation?"

"No way! Will honest Chen spill our secrets?"

Hearing the group's concerns, Old Liu reassured them, "Don't worry, Xiao Chen isn't that type of person. He's honest, but he's not stupid."

He shot a glare at the rest, squeezing out through gritted teeth, "But it's you guys. Keep your mouths tidy and don't let anything slip! Remember, we all ate a share. If one of you leaks, none of us can escape!"

The small group exchanged worried glances. Suddenly, a hushed whisper broke the tension, "He's out! It's honest Chen!"

The group turned to see the pale-faced Bubai stepping out from the mansion, his steps a bit unsteady.

The workers paled slightly, while Old Liu stared at Bubai with a strange expression but remained silent.

Bubai approached the group, his weak voice passing on the command, "Miss WeiWei says to send Ja Wen in."

The group turned to Ja Wen, one of the scrawny, malnourished workers. "M-Me?"

"Yeah, you're next," Bubai nodded, giving him a pat on the shoulder before heading toward his field.

Picking up his hoe, Bubai slowly worked on his field, using his Qi to gradually recover. Meanwhile, each member of the workers was invited in one by one for interrogation.

Some emerged quickly, breathing sighs of relief, while others left with pale faces. Of course, Bubai knew the reason for their distressed appearance differed from his own.

Though the evil fox needed men's vitality, she wasn't desperate enough to target every man there, especially since she seemed to have found a reliable source in him.

In fact, if she were to turn her attention to the other men, Bubai might even find a bit of delight, as it could be his chance to escape. Alas… this was a wishful pipe dream.

Ignoring the tumult caused by WeiWei's staged interrogation, fully aware it was a mere ruse, Bubai expected the day to pass uneventfully.

However, an ominous feeling settled upon him when he observed Old Liu being abruptly called in for a second round of questioning. This unsettling sensation intensified when Manager Qin coincidentally returned not long after.

Bowing his head, Bubai concealed his frown as thoughts churned in his mind.

Thump! Suddenly, a resounding boom echoed through the air, prompting Bubai to look up along with the others. The massive entrance doors of Manager Qin's residence was blasted open violently.

A body tumbled like a rag doll, rolling across the ground before coming to a stop. Bubai's eyes narrowed as recognition dawned - Old Liu!

However, the old man's condition was ghastly, pants missing, and chest bloodied.

Coughing up blood, Old Liu gazed towards the entrance, shouting at the top of his lungs, "I've been wronged! I didn't do it! Manager Qin, I'm innocent! I didn't-"

"Shut up!" Manager Qin's furious roar echoed from within the residence, followed by a blinding electric streak accurately striking Old Liu.

From a distance, Bubai shuddered as he watched Old Liu's body convulse under the scorching lightning. In mere moments, the old man's life was extinguished.

Several workers panicked, tossing their hoes and fleeing. The remaining laborers bowed their heads, working in silence, bodies trembling with fear. Even Tie San and Ba Fang were no exception.

For mortals like them, a zap of lightning was already considered a supernatural power that they couldn’t deal with.

Stepping out from the broken entrance with a face dark like a black pot, Manager Qin's sharp eyes locked onto the escapees as he declared,

"Stop for me! I'll break the legs of whoever dares to run!"

The fleeing workers stumbled, some tripping and falling flat, while the others hurriedly squatted down, covering their heads as they trembled.

After a ferocious glare at the workers, Manager Qin growled, "Get back to work. There's none of your business here."

Observing that none of the workers were moving, Manager Qin was on the verge of exploding.

However, WeiWei happened to walk out at this moment, wrapped in a blanket. Her pale face was stained with tears as she stared at Old Liu's corpse with watery eyes. "Qin Ge, did that dirty old man escape?"

Feeling the strange gazes of some of the men in the field, Manager Qin knew he couldn't hide the truth any longer. Suppressing his anger, he explained in a low tone, "Liu Dafan committed an outrageous crime, attempting to force himself on my dear WeiWei. Fortunately, I came back in time-"

Manager Qin paused, his brows twitching as if recalling some unhappy memory.

Gritting his teeth, he continued, "How dare a mere mortal covet my women. Even ten deaths won't clear his crimes."

With a sweep of his hand, Manager Qin said magnanimously, "Even so, to preserve the good atmosphere of the farm, no one here should speak of this matter any longer. If I hear any of you spreading rumors..."

Manager Qin glanced over the workers, "Humph!" With a sweep of his sleeves, he turned around. Pausing beside WeiWei, he uttered coldly, "Go wash up," before stomping back into his residence.

Behind him, WeiWei watched him leave with a cold smile before turning her gaze towards the farmers, who all avoided eye contact like frightened birds.

Soon, WeiWei met Bubai's gaze, her sweet yet creepy smile arising on her face, and Bubai finally understood at this moment the real game she had played with him.

Merlin’s beard! He just wanted to farm in peace. Why did he get caught up in this mess?

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