Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 30 The world is spinning

Looking carefully, those water stains are traces left by the lake water that once flowed through these channels. In the past few days, the lake water will be sucked away by the whirlpool at midnight, and will flow to unknown distances through these channels, and will flow back at dawn to fill the lake again.

Then, if he gets lost in it, he can theoretically return to the big lake as long as he follows the returning water!

Damn it! This method is 90% feasible. Liu Qinghuan himself finds it so incredible that he has doubts. How could such a complicated maze be cracked by him so easily? It's impossible. Would the person who designed this maze have such a low IQ?

When I thought about it more carefully, I realized that I had made a mistake. The person who designed the maze is to prevent others from finding the end point to protect the maze. As for the starting point, you have been driven out, and the purpose of the maze's existence has naturally been achieved.

Of course, there were some reasons he couldn't know.

The maze back then was very different from the bare stone paths he saw now. It is not only equipped with numerous mechanisms and enemy defense formations, but also powerful monsters guarding the palace. It’s just that tens of thousands of years have passed. No matter how powerful the mechanism is, most of its functions will be lost in the crippling years. No matter how powerful the magic circle is, if it cannot ensure the replenishment of spiritual energy, it will eventually fall apart. No matter how powerful the monster is, if it cannot cultivate the Mahayana, sooner or later it will To turn into a pile of bones.

However, even if all these methods are ineffective, Liu Qinghuan will still be slapped in the face during the next trip to the maze, and will be beaten so hard that he vomits three liters of blood.

There was no danger of getting lost, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his mind would no longer want to move for the time being, and he could finally venture in boldly.

After gearing up, he couldn't help but feel a little excited. He took off his shoes and threw them casually in front of him.

what? Of course, you have to throw your shoes to decide which aisle to take!

If Yun Zheng were here, he would definitely beat him up: the unimproved country bumpkin has simply lost the face of an immortal cultivator!

However, Liu Qinghuan didn't think it was wrong. Instead, he thought it was the most labor-saving way. When you are completely blind, it is extremely difficult to find the correct route. Instead of wasting countless brainpower and still not being able to find the correct route, you might as well just go wherever you want! If you go the wrong way, follow the current and turn back! Anyway, he has a lot of time now. There are still eight or nine months until the Immortal Ascension Conference, so there is no rush!

Although it may be a bit hasty in deciding how to proceed, you still need to be cautious in your actions. Following the guidance of the "Shoe Fairy", he began to explore the maze in the stupidest way.

Only an hour later, Liu Qinghuan regretted it because he had been completely stunned. I have never seen such an unreliable "shoe fairy"! The criteria for choosing a route were so imaginative and beyond the scope of normal people’s thinking that he could not remember the way he came from!

Liu Qinghuan sighed! Sure enough, if he approached the maze in a lazy and clever way, even if he walked for a hundred years, he might only be able to go around the maze in circles.

But at this time, he had no choice but to move forward and take him back to the starting point when the lake water returned. Then he would think of another way.

Slowing down his pace, Liu Qinghuan pondered the blue stones of the same size as he walked. These stones have been here for unknown years. Over time, the surface has been polished by the water flow to be extremely smooth, and the joints are as smooth as a mirror. If not, Looking carefully, I thought it was a whole stone.

I tapped it with my finger and the sound was deep, indicating that the back of the cave wall was solid. He refused to give up and knocked on the cave wall from time to time. This was a helpless move because there was nothing in this maze as far as the eye could see except the cave wall.

Liu Qinghuan wandered around the maze for several hours, but still found nothing. In the end, he was almost driven crazy by the unchanged cave, and he sat down on the ground with eyes wide open.

"Are you playing with me, are you playing with me, or are you playing with me?" Liu Qinghuan felt very frustrated. He didn't ask for any panacea or peerless skills. Even if there were two monsters, it would at least give him something to do. It's better than being driven crazy by the same passages one after another.

Liu Qinghuan greeted the eighteenth generation ancestor of the maze designer in his heart! The designer expressed his innocence: Do you blame me? ! Who told you to come tens of thousands of years too late, otherwise there would be a lot of mechanisms and monsters to play with you until you cry and die! But it’s not too late now, I can play until you vomit blood later!

Liu Qinghuan, who was doubting his life, suddenly felt a slight tremor. He put his hand on the ground, and the bluestone passage beneath him suddenly vibrated. The vibration turned into a continuous tremor.

Counting the time, it should be dawn outside, and the lake water is pouring back!

As the tremors intensified, the incoming lake water pushed the air in the cave, and gusts of dark wind blew throughout the cave. The whining wind became more and more shrill, and in the end it was like a ghost from the netherworld being released into the human world, screaming loudly. Liu Qinghuan staggered, as if someone pulled him from behind, and a suction force suddenly emerged. But there was no place to climb inside the cave. The smooth bluestone cave walls were slippery, and there was no place to start. He quickly used the gravity technique to regain his footing.

Unexpectedly, the suction force increased rapidly, and the gravity technique gradually became unable to withstand it. He gritted his teeth, pulled out the flying sword, and thrust it into the ground!

The flying sword sank into the bluestone ground with a "pop" sound. Liu Qinghuan held on to the hilt of the sword tightly, and his body was almost perpendicular to the ground by the strong suction force. Blood spurted out from between the fingers of both hands due to the excessive force. At this time, he was horrified to find that the spiritual shield on his body had been pulled out of shape by the suction force and was about to burst! Soon enough, the lake that had disappeared for several hours roared out of the circular cave. He was swept away by the current without any resistance.

This meal is a complete turn of events, my dear! Liu Qinghuan rolled around countless times in the torrent like a whipped top, unable to stabilize her body at all. And from time to time, there would be a "pop" sound, and it would be slapped against the cave wall with such great force and loud sound! Even though he had a spiritual shield, his energy and blood surged from being slapped, and he felt like his internal organs had all shifted.

Fortunately, the tunnel is very smooth and has no edges or corners, otherwise it would not just be "snap bang bang", and I'm afraid all the bones in the body would be smashed. He only has one belief left, that is, the spiritual shield cannot be broken. If it is broken, he will suffocate in the water and die.

It took him several hours to get deep into the maze, but it only took him less than a quarter of an hour to get out of the maze! Following the bottom of the funnel, it was washed into the large lake by the rapids.

Liu Qinghuan, who spit out two mouthfuls of blood and lay dying by the lake, was speechless and asked the sky. He guessed the beginning, but he didn't guess it would end like this!

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