Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 23]

New month, so you know what that means. Obligatory Patreon reminder.

I decided to create one more, quick room near the very back of the dungeon before doing anything with Lily and Akorya. I kept it in the same style as the rest of the dungeon, but I placed it behind the core room where nobody else would ever be permitted. It became the farthest back room in the dungeon… and I mentally named it the “master suite.” AKA, my suite. AKA, just a fancy bedroom away from everything else with a huge bed in it and nothing else at the moment.

Akorya and Lily were already on top of the bed with most of their clothes removed, their legs wrapped around each other as they cuddled and made out with one another. Well, it wasn’t like Akorya had many clothes to remove in the first place, but still. I got to watch them make out while dealing with some last-minute, private messages. The party of girls who I was “training” were on and wanted me to go out with them to a dungeon, but I let them know what happened and set my in-game status to busy so that I wouldn’t be able to get any more messages.

Too bad they weren’t on back when we were dealing with Akorya’s bully. Having four more defenders would have been nice, not that it would have made much of a difference in the end.

“Nyehe, Master, aren’t you gonna join us?” Akorya asked, rolling onto her back and holding her hands out toward me. She never looked more welcoming than she did then.

“Come, mon maître,” Lily said, joining in at Lily’s side. But while Akorya held her arms out to me, Lily kept her arms around Akorya. I figured she must have wanted to make Akorya feel extra special and not potentially take any attention away from her considering that it was kind of Akorya’s night. We both wanted to please her.

So, I unequipped all my gear and nodded. “Everything’s dealt with now,” I told them as I got onto the bed, crawling on my hands and knees until I was over top of her. She was quick to wrap her arms around my neck and pull my head down toward her own to place a kiss against my lips while Lily kissed her shoulder.

Apparently, our goal was to make Akorya feel like a princess. Like we were part of her harem.

Not that I had any problem with that.

Akorya’s tail didn’t take long to find its way between my legs, its tip opening up to accept my cock into it. Though, unlike what she usually did with her tail, the suction provided by it came gentle with a slow rhythm. She wasn’t trying to get me to cum with her tail or anything. All she wanted to do was play with it and keep it hard.

Not that I was going to have any problem keeping it hard when with my two girlfriends.

“Mon ange,” Lily whispered into Akorya’s ear, causing her entire body to shiver.

“You—you can’t just go and do that so suddenly,” Akorya whimpered. “It’s too good.”

“That makes me want to do it even more when you do not expect it!”

“Geez… you must be learning how to be sadistic from Master.”

“Ehehe, I have the best teacher in the whole word! And you will teach me to be cute, because you are the cutest in the whole world!”

Me and Akorya looked each other in the eyes after Lily said that to share a mutual agreement. Everything about what Lily just said made Lily the cutest in the world. Akorya couldn’t really compete with her in the moment, and Akorya was happy to accept that fact. “Lily, I’m the one who has to learn that from you.”

Naturally, Lily shook her head. “I am not that cute! I—I admit I do try and act cute at times… but you are so much cuter!”

“No way. You’re like, a bajillion times cuter than me.”

Lily shook her head even harder. “I am not! You are a… bajillion-jillion times cuter! Times infinity! Plus one!”

“You’re cuter times a bajillion-jillion-jillion times infinity to the power of sixty-nine, plus two.”

“I—I… do not know how to go higher than that, so I will only say plus three!”

“See? You’re too hecking adorable. You should totes be illegal.”

I nodded. “Akorya has a point. You’re too cute, Lily. Illegally cute. One of these days, me and Akorya are going to dress up as cops and arrest you.”

“A-ah,” Lily said as her cheeks reddened at the thought. “That—that does sound nice. I would not object to such a play.”

“We know,” me and Akorya said in unison.

Lily then had the expression of somebody who looked like she just remembered something important. “Wait! This is supposed to be your night!” she said to Akorya. “Stop—stop making me the flustered one! You are the new girlfriend! It is time to spoil you! We are the ones supposed to act like we have a new toy to play with! Or a new game to play!”

“Wow, Lily,” I said. “Just going and calling our new girlfriend a toy like that. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“That was pretty hot,” Akorya said. “You can treat me like a toy anytime, nyehehe.”

Lily tilted her head for a moment, confused by what we were talking about, before realizing it herself. “O-oh! I did not—I meant… I meant a normal toy! I did not mean…”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “We both prefer the other kind. Right?”

Akorya nodded. “Yes, please. Treat me like a sex toy all night.”

Lily shook her head and pouted. “No! We are your toys tonight! You are the one who is supposed to use us!”

“Didn’t you just say that I’m the new toy?”

“I—I’m… I am confusing myself.”

Akorya reached up to pet Lily’s head before kissing her on the tip of her nose. “It’s okay. All that matters is that you’re the cutest girlfriend in all of existence.”

“No! You—”

Akorya squirmed out from under my grasp to roll over onto Lily, pinning her down by her shoulders as she shut her up with her tongue while keeping her tail around my cock still. Though, Akorya finally did more with her tail than just suck my cock while she made out with Lily again. She pulled on my cock with her tail, sucking firmly enough that my cock didn’t slide out when she pulled away, and basically forced my body to follow where she dragged my cock to. Surely enough, where she wanted me was on my knees behind her between her and Lily’s legs. It didn’t take much effort to figure out what she wanted me to do next when Akorya used her tail to bring it down toward Lily’s crotch.

In other words, while Akorya distracted Lily by making out with her and blocking her vision, she wanted me to thrust right into her.

Part of me was tempted to turn things around on Akorya and surprise her by thrusting into her instead. But, since she was our new girlfriend, and I just apologized earlier in the evening for not doing a better job listening and all that, I figured I should probably listen to her this time around. So, as soon as she let go of my cock with her tail, I did what Akorya wanted and thrust it all the way into Lily’s womb in one go.

Lily arched her back so suddenly and violently that she almost bucked Akorya off, but Akorya was ready for that. I also got to listen to Lily’s muffled moans try to escape between her and Akorya’s lips as I started pumping in and out of her.

While Akorya managed Lily’s upper half, I managed Lily’s bottom half. I slid my hands underneath Lily to grab her ass not just for the sake of grabbing it, which I did greatly enjoy doing, but to lift her up a bit to better my angling. That allowed me to thrust even deeper into her so that she could really feel the entirety of my cock filling her.

Though, when I saw Akorya’s ass shaking in front of me every single time I thrust into Lily, I couldn’t resist. I only needed one hand to keep Lily elevated anyways. So, while keeping one hand under Lily, I raised my free hand to smack Akorya’s ass. That caused her to arch her chest down against Lily’s own. It also caused her wings to flutter and her ears to twitch which was adorable.

But Akorya had no intention of sitting there and taking it without dishing it back. While I was in the middle of thrusting back into Lily, Akorya used her tail to spank me and push me even harder against Lily. She did it so suddenly and roughly that I lost balance and fell forward onto Akorya’s back, causing her to look at me over her shoulder with a sly smirk.

Lily, meanwhile, was already cumming to nobody’s surprise. She was incredibly easy to make orgasm. Just a bit of thrusting and she was already there, which I loved for numerous reasons. One, because it meant I would never have to ever worry about my own endurance since even the quickest shooter in the West could outlast her. Two, because it was fun to make her cum over, and over, and over again. And three, because it meant I could switch away from her since she already got to cum.

That meant it was Akorya’s turn.

So while Akorya was looking all sly at me, I slipped out of Lily and thrust into Akorya. That sly smile of hers was quickly replaced with surprise as she bit her lower lip and collapsed against Lily. Akorya’s tail wrapped around me from behind as if to keep me closer to her, and I couldn’t tell if that was her doing it of her own will or if that was entirely her subconscious giving in to her desires. Either way, it was hot and made me fuck her all the harder.

Now, Akorya took a bit longer to make cum than Lily did.


Little did Akorya know what Lily had in store for her.

“I love you, mon ange,” Lily whispered and kissed Akorya on the cheek.

Never before had I felt Akorya suddenly convulse from pleasure like she did when she heard that. I was sure it was due to a bunch of different factors all coming together at once, but Akorya’s body shook against my cock harder than I ever felt before. Even her wings couldn’t stop twitching and folding against her back similar to how one’s toes might curl while cumming.

“F-f-fuck,” Akorya stuttered out, her body still shaking from pleasure.

Just as it seemed like her orgasm was calming down, I spanked her even harder than before and thrust deeper into her, causing her to lift her head with widened eyes as she squirted on me and Lily.

Then I decided to try something a little new with positioning. I wrapped my free arm around the shaft of Akorya’s tail and lifted it up, slinging it over my shoulder which lifted her lower half up off the bed. It didn’t exactly help me do anything, and was honestly kind of awkward, but it was new. New could be exciting. Also, it made Akorya look a little panicked from confusion over what I was doing, and that was cute.

Something like that probably would have worked better on a hard surface, though. That way, I could stand up and hold her by her tail, basically holding her upside down while fucking her, and she’d have to keep herself held up using her arms. That could be interesting.

I put that idea into my mental vault of sexual ideas and let Akorya down so that I could fuck her a bit more normally instead. Though, I did make sure to stick a couple of fingers into her tail pussy to basically finger it. After all, it was as sensitive as her actual pussy. Why not finger it? It wasn’t like dicks were the only things that could pleasure it.

Between fingering her tail with one hand, spanking her with the other, and thrusting my cock into her, Akorya started cumming as easily as Lily. Well, I had to give Lily some credit, too. After all, Lily was the one whispering all sorts of sweet nothings to her, every one of which made Akorya shiver, whine, or moan. And whenever Lily wasn’t being sweet and whispering all sorts of nice things, she was holding Akorya’s face and covering it in kisses.

Though, as soon as Lily started to make out with Akorya who was barely able to respond in any way due to the nonstop waves of pleasure coursing through her, I decided to switch it up again by thrusting into Lily. It was fun to distract her as soon as she started getting confident and playful, plus Akorya needed a chance to just plop down atop Lily and breathe.

As for me? I decided to challenge myself. I wanted to see how many times I could make them both cum before cumming at all myself. I figured I would do that and then not bother holding back at all, and just cum nonstop in and on them both. But until then, I held it in and slowed down whenever I felt myself getting close.

Given how sensitive they both were, me slowing down didn’t stop their own rapid rate of orgasms in the slightest.


Lily, thirteen times. Akorya, eighteen times.

For once, Akorya was the one who came the most between the combined attacks of me and Lily. She simply had no defense nor tolerance built up against attacks that were lewd and romantic. She could handle lewd no problem. But when it came to romance, she could barely even handle being told that we love her. Combining lewd and romance was apparently the ticket to utterly overwhelm her.

Regardless, that was how many times I made them both cum before I even finished once, and it was quite the finish once I did cum. I aimed my cock between their bodies so that they would both get my first shot of cum which splashed all along their abdomens and the undersides of their breasts which were pressed against each other. After they got to share my first orgasm, though, the rest went into one girl at a time. Akorya first, then Lily, and then back and forth. I ended up cumming up Akorya four times and three times in Lily. While I wanted to try and even it out to be fair, even though I knew neither of them cared about that at all, I felt tired and both of the girls were clearly tuckered out, too.

It wasn’t like they stopped cumming just because I started cumming. I already made them cum thirteen and eighteen times before I came once. They came many, many more times while it took me time to cum those next seven times.

By the end of it all, I fell face first onto the bed next to them and let out a long, satisfied sigh. I just wanted to stay there and enjoy the non-sweaty part of the bedsheets for a couple of moments. Lily and Akorya had other plans, though, seeing as how Akorya strategically rolled over my back while holding onto my arm to also roll me onto my back. She managed to roll me onto my back and land on the other side of me at the same time. That allowed her to cuddle up next to me while Lily cuddled up against my other side, both girls placing a leg of theirs over mine while pulling my arms around their shoulders as they rested their heads atop my own shoulders.

I let out another sigh and said, “I’m a really lucky bastard. In bed with a girl cuddled up against both of my sides.”

Akorya smiled and kissed my cheek. “Now you just need another girl between your legs to take up the space there, nyehehe.”

“I don’t know about tha—”

“And a girl to rest on your chest!” Lily said.

Akorya nodded before saying, “Oh! And a girl with really big boobs to rest on top of his head from above him! That’ll be five of us! I don’t think there’ll be any left of him for more than that.”

Lily nodded in total agreement. “Thera can be the one who puts her breasts on his head, once he seduces her.”

“Hmm… yeah, that works. But what about between his legs? Cani?”

“Yes! But who will go on his chest?”

“No idea. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

I didn’t know whether I was lucky or unlucky to have my two girlfriends talking about me getting three more girlfriends to join us in bed.

I was both excited and worried about my free time, and my bank account, at the same time.

But I wasn’t going to reject that fantasy as we cuddled into the night together.


Apologies for the lack of posting last week. Had a ton of personal stuff going on last week which included my dad dying from Covid and then my grandma finally being bad enough that the doctors agreed to get her into a nursing home asap. Feeling better now, though! And life should be a lot more relaxed from now on, hopefully.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W.

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