Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 2]

Apologies for no chapter last week! I took the time to focus on finishing up the advanced chapters for my other new story on Patreon. Speaking of which, if you want to read a story with some lewds and a tentacle monster MC, that's now available! Just click here to go and check out The Tentacles' Tavern!

Thera rubbed her head and said, “I… see.”

Needless to say, she had no few questions to ask about everything I explained to her regarding Meadow. It only took me a few minutes to explain what I knew, and then there was nearly an hour of questioning that followed it. The good news, though, was that Meadow grew more comfortable with Thera while we were talking and ended up relaxing on my lap as we talked.

I never thought that I’d be sitting there and petting a spider on my lap, but there I was.

By the end of it, Meadow even raised a couple of her front legs toward Thera. Thera took it as a sign of Meadow wanting to go over to her, so she brought her hand over for Meadow to climb onto. Surely enough, that was what Meadow wanted. Meadow then climbed up Thera until she was on her shoulder and reached out to poke her cheek. She might not have had much expressive capability given that she was in a spider’s body, but I had a feeling she was smiling as she poked Thera’s cheek.

“You look like sisters,” I teased. “Well, maybe adopted sisters.”

Thera had a black and red aesthetic going on. Her spider parts were almost all black with a few stripes of red here and there, and then her hair was purely red. As for Meadow, she was white with blue stripes. They were total opposites. Well, there was also the fact that Thera was huge and Meadow was tiny to make them even more of opposites.

They were adorable together.

“Do you think so?” Thera asked.

Honestly, I kind of expected her to outright refuse that comparison when I said it. “Yeah. Well, kind of.”

“I see. Truth be told, darling, I always wanted a little sister while I was growing up. One I could torment and pamper, but mainly torment.”

“That’s pretty sadistic of you.”

“To be fair, when I say torment, I mean practice makeup and hairstyling on. My mother refused to be my canvas after the first time.”

“What… what happened during the first time?”

“Imagine a clown who had his face blended.”

“Yikes. Was it that bad?”

“Worse, most likely. Fortunately, after years of practicing on myself and going to school while looking like a horrifying gremlin masquerading as a clown, I am now capable of properly applying lipstick. I know. Very impressive. Please, hold your applause.”

“Can I hold your tits afterward?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“I figured as—wait. What?”

“I gave you permission to. Assuming, of course, that you do not plan on doing anything perverse with them. And that the wrap stays on.”

“Can I… do it now?”

“Go ahead.”

I didn’t waste any time. While Meadow placed her front legs over her eyes, while leaving two of them uncovered to watch, I reached out to take Thera’s breasts into my hands. Now, she said nothing perverse, so I couldn’t squeeze them. All I could do was… well, hold them.

That was when I realized exactly why Thera gave me permission to.

The simple act of holding boobs, to somebody who didn’t exactly have a problem finding partners who would let me do anything I wanted to theirs, wasn’t a big deal at all. It really was completely non-sexual. Sure, they felt soft and warm and all that, but so what? All boobs felt that way. I knew what boobs felt like. Simply holding hers while not being allowed to do anything else to them was no more important than holding any other part of her body.

“I see,” I said. “So, are you sure I can’t do more than this?”

“That I am,” Thera answered. “Only holding. Nothing more.”

“Not even a little squeeze?”


“A tiny rub?”


“A sniff?”

“Strange, and rejected.”

“I never thought that you’d somehow still win over me while giving me permission to hold them. Something like this should have felt like a huge victory… but I still feel like I’ve lost.”

“I know what kind of man you are, darling. The act of touching breasts and nothing more would never excite you.”

“It sounded like such a win, but… maybe I’ve touched too many tits before if I’ve become this desensitized.”

“In your defense, you would be excited if allowed to do—quite literally—anything else with them beyond simple touching, yes?”


“Then I don’t believe it is a problem. In the first place, there is nothing sexual about a woman’s chest. It should not be sexual by default, rather. So touching them is no more special than touching a woman’s arm. The moment you do more than only touch it, though, and it becomes much more intimate, sexual, and meaningful.”

“I’m pretty sure that giving a woman a friendly tap on the boob in the workplace to grab her attention rather than a tap on the arm would result in a lot of trouble.”

“Well, of course it would, and rightfully so. Why touch the breast if the arm is there? Context matters.”

“To be fair, if it’s really as equal as the arm, then wouldn’t it be fair to go for the boob if it’s closest? Just playing devil’s advocate here, mind you.”

“I know, darling. As for your question, theoretically, yes. Unfortunately, we do not live in a society yet where people have detached sexuality from breasts by default. If you were to suddenly poke my chest rather than my arm, I would know you mean nothing sexual and would not mind. But, because I cannot know the intentions of others, it is still not advisable. That is also why I would never allow anybody else to hold my breasts. Medical professionals excluded.”

“Fair enough. So, does this mean I can poke your boobs as much as I want?”

“I will view it as no different than poking my arm.”

“So, in other words, I might be able to get away with it every now and then, but you’ll tear my finger off if I do it too much.”


“I see. Can I poke it now?”

“Get it out of your system.”

I poked her boob. “Heh.”

“Truly mature, darling.”

“I know. Thanks.”

Thera sighed and looked back at Meadow who was still chilling atop her shoulder. “So, what are you going to do about her?”

“I kind of figured she could just, you know, chill with us. Hang out around the dungeon, do whatever she wants, that sort of stuff. Maybe you could teach her how to be a proper spider.”

“Unfortunately, I only know how to be an arachne. Being a genuine spider is beyond me.”

“Aren’t they close enough? Besides, if I’m right… Meadow?”

Meadow turned to look at me.

“You could turn yourself into an arache, couldn’t you?”

Meadow nodded before jumping off of Thera’s shoulder. Before she could land on the ground, she transformed her body from that of a spider into that of an arachne. She basically created a hybrid of her human form and spider form. Only…

She didn’t make herself any bigger.

She was no larger than a fairy in her arachne form.

“Like this?” Meadow asked as she jumped around on the ground, reminding me of a jumping spider.

She was really fucking cute. “Well, technically correct. Though I kind of expected you to match Thera in size,” I answered.

“Ah… I figured you would expect that, but I enjoy being small! Oddly enough, I feel safer when this size. Maybe because I believe it would be easier to hide when small? I wonder why exactly I feel this way…”

“It is about time you talk again,” Thera said, causing Meadow to immediately jump up from surprise.

“A-ah… my apologies. I did not mean to remain so quiet! It is just, I felt so comfortable in my previous form.”

“Could you not have talked with it?”

“Well… I could have, but that would have been rather silly, I believe!”

She had a point. “Guess she cares about immersion,” I said. Meadow then jumped over to me and held her arms up, so I figured that meant she needed a lift. Just like when she lifted her front legs toward Thera. So, I bent over and held my hand down. Meadow was quick to climb atop it. Once she was aboard, I brought her up in front of my face to get a better look at her. “You really are cute like this. Normally when I see somebody this tiny, I can’t help but to think of pumping them full of cum to turn them into balloons. But when I look at you like this, I just want to pet your head and build you a little toy house to live in.”

“Y-you said something in that first half which was far less innocent than what you said in the second half…”

“The part about me pumping you full of cum to inflate you like a balloon?”

“Ye-yes! That!” Meadow covered up her face with her hands. “Even if I appreciate how boldly you are able to say such things, it is still embarrassing to have it said to my face…”

Before I could tease her some more, Thera picked Meadow up by the abdomen using the tips of her fingers to carry her back over to herself. She then set Meadow down on her shoulder again. “You will have to build a greater resistance to such teasing if you wish to survive here,” Thera said. “Darling is a relentless man who will exploit your every weakness. Once you have shown vulnerability to his words, he will never let up, like a starving wolf before a slab of meat.”

“Woof,” I barked.

“See? Terrifying. Truly.”

Meadow nodded before taking some deep breaths to calm down. “I… I will try my best not to let his words affect me!”

I leaned closer and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to devour you right here and now?”

My question resulted in Meadow running behind Thera’s neck to hide between her neck and her hair, only peeking the very top of her head out to look at me. “Be-begone, beast! I am no meal for you!”

“But how am I supposed to resist such a tasty looking sight?”

Meadow waved around her front legs as I leaned closer as if trying to scare me off. Fortunately for her, Thera was on her side and poked my head. She then used said poke to push me away.

“What was that for?” I asked with a pout.

“I am simply protecting a fellow arachne,” Thera answered. “One who is my adopted little sister at that.”

“You’re really accepting that, aren’t you?”

“I am. Whether my little sister exists in reality or the virtual world matters little to me. The important thing is that I have one.”

“You know, if you’re that much of a siscon, I could have roleplayed as your little sister for you.”


“You won’t even consid—”


“Can I roleplay your little brother then?”

“… that is something I will not remove from the table at the current time.”

“Come on, Thera. Let me be your little brother who you pamper and teach lewd things to.”

“That…” Thera cleared her throat. “Moving on, I have things I need to do. This conversation lasted far longer than I expected it to.”

“Don’t just change the subject on me like that, big sis.”

Thera’s lips twitched to show a slight smile. In fact, she looked like her entire body twitched a little from that.

I discovered something very important about Thera.

And true to her words about me exploiting weaknesses, I was absolutely going to exploit my new discovery.

But that would be for another time. I didn’t want to keep Thera around if she had other things to do, plus I didn’t want to tire out the newly discovered weakness right away. “Meadow, you want to go with her or do some things with me?” I asked.

Meadow was quick to come out from behind Thera’s neck. “Ah, if it is alright, I would like to stay with you for now! If Thera is busy, I don’t want to get in the way.”

Taking a leap of faith, Meadow jumped from Thera’s shoulder over to me. She wasn’t able to close the entire distance herself, but I made sure to reach out and give her a little platform to land on with my hands.

She looked proud of herself for making the landing.

“Going now?” I asked Thera.

“Yes. I have to finish the final preparations for the plan,” Thera answered.

“Ah. Good luck.”

“Luck won’t be needed.”

“Hot. Anyways, I’ll see you later I guess.”

Thera nodded… and waited.

She waited as if she was waiting for me to say something else. Perhaps for me to add something to the end of what I said.

“Waiting for something, Thera?” I asked, knowing exactly what it was that she wanted.

“You… know how to be a detestable man, darling,” Thera said.

“Like you said, I know how to exploit a weakness. Big sis.”

Thera twitched again. “Alright. For some strange reason, I now feel more energized than I do after drinking my morning coffee. I will be back later.” And with that, she teleported away.

“Hey, Damian,” Meadow said.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“Should I call her that, too?”

“What you should do is try holding onto her, looking up into her eyes, and then say, ‘Big sister?’ I’m pretty sure she’s going to actually melt if you try that.”

Meadow nodded with determination. “I shall try that next time! Also, I hope you do not believe I was truly afraid of you. I thought it would be funny if I acted afraid and hid behind her! Was… was it funny?”

“It was funny and adorable. Good job. And don’t worry, I never thought you were actually afraid.”

“Good! Also, while I am like this, may I please make a selfish request?”


“Would you please pat my head? I believe it would feel nice if you pat it while I am this small!”

“I mean, it’s obviously impossible for me to say no to something like that.”

So, upon her request, I held her in one hand and petted the top of her head with a single finger from my other hand. She immediately smiled and rubbed her head up against the underside of my finger.

She really was adorable. And at the rate things were going, I was going to want her to call me her big brother, too. The little sister energy was off the charts with her.

And thinking about that made me realize I wanted to try something else.

I wanted to do some sister play with Lily and Akorya. Lily could be the shy and easily flustered big sister, and Akorya would be the cool and sporty big sister.

I just had to make sure that my real little sister never found out about any of this. That could be awkward.

Don't forget to check out my newest series! And don't worry, I won't be doing any more release pauses for a while. 

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota

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