Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 19]

Me, Jonathon, and Akorya found ourselves defending the exit of the twisting, trap-filled tunnel as an endless wave of players rushed at us. Thankfully, even though there were only three of us, the path was narrow enough that no more than three players could attack me at once. While there was technically room for them to get around me, my crowd control abilities kept them focused on me to stop them from doing that even if they wanted to.

At the front of the dungeon was Thera and Lupi getting into position behind our enemies once they were all funneled into the tunnel. I got to watch everything through the dungeon monitoring window I could pull up, letting me see as they made quick work of those trying to break through to us.

Thera and Lupi might have been the best there were when it came to one-on-one duels in PvP, but that didn’t mean they weren’t just as good at group PvP, too.

Soon after, I heard a new voice shouting from the back of the group attacking us. One look at the dungeon monitoring window revealed that a man in bright, golden armor joined Thera and Lupi at the back.

“I have come to free my brethren from their simpery!” the player shouted loud enough for us to hear from the back of the dungeon. “Huzzah!”

“Is that your friend?” I asked Jonathon.

“Yeah,” Jonathon answered. “His name is Golden Chad, but we just call him Goldy.”

Goldy continued by shouting, “Free your credit cards from their prisons, my brothers! Treat yourself like the kings you are! Imagine the splendid array of games you could acquire were it not for spending your paychecks on women who do not value you!”

I couldn’t really figure out how Thera and Lupi felt about their new help just by looking through monitoring window. They either found him entertaining or wanted to kill him. Regardless, each one was smiling as they cut through the back ranks of the invading players.

Meanwhile, me, Jonathon, and Akorya held off against those who made it through the trapped, twisting tunnel. Everybody who reached us had to have gone through the traps that significantly weakened them, but there was a seemingly endless number of players versus only three of us. Whenever we took down one or two, more came to immediately replace them.

As for our strategy, I mainly focused on defense and crowd control while Jonathon and Akorya dealt with them from a bit of a distance. Jonathon’s spear allowed him to attack our opponents from a few steps behind me while Akorya relied almost entirely on using her tail’s spikes by launching them into the players every time they were off of their cooldowns.

I couldn’t help but to notice that something felt off about Akorya, though. I knew that she seemed like something was wrong before, but that feeling only grew stronger the longer we fought against the players for.

Unfortunately, given that we were in the middle of a fight, I couldn’t exactly check up on her. It would be a bit too hard to have a serious conversation about her feelings while in the middle of a fight.

But I did look back at her to say, “We can talk about whatever’s wrong as soon as we’re done, alright?”

Akorya looked at me as if she wanted to say something, but only nodded her head instead. Seeing that made me feel even worse. Something had to have been seriously wrong for her to look so upset, but I still had no idea what it was. It didn’t help that I was too distracted by the battle to properly think about what could be wrong.

My crowd control abilities kept the front line of enemies all focused on me, so I had an unending flurry of attacks focused on me. Then there was Jonathon to my side calling out attacks and letting me know whenever he needed a bit more space to unleash a special attack. Meanwhile, I had to monitor my own cooldowns and do everything I could to stay alive, tanking unending players while healing myself whenever I wasn’t popping defensive CDs.

All of that was while knowing that something was wrong with Akorya and wanting nothing more than to stop so that I could check on her. But if I stopped, my dungeon could get destroyed, we’d all die, and just… even though the dungeon could be repaired and we could respawn, none of us wanted that to happen in the first place.

Looking at the monitoring window again, I saw Thera’s group making progress through the back of the group. They were already about a quarter of the way to us. So, all we had to do was stay alive until then.

That was when Akorya spoke up. “Master, this isn’t… this isn’t what I—”

“Hang on,” I said, “we’re doing good. All we have to do is—”

I felt her grab my arm wielding my sword and pull back on it, grabbing my attention and getting me to look down at her. “Damian, I don’t like this.”

The tone of her voice and her words reminded me of what she said before. She was fine with us getting revenge for her and putting her bully in her place, but she didn’t want us to get too involved or to cause trouble for ourselves. We might not have purposely gotten ourselves into trouble for her, but we ultimately did, and I realized that we made a mistake.

Akorya was upset and looked like she was about to cry.

We took things too far. She never asked for any of that. I wanted to get revenge on her bully because I thought it would accomplish something like restoring some of Akorya’s confidence in herself. I wanted her to feel comfortable uploading videos again without having a hate mob sent after her.

But how was pissing her bully off in a video game supposed to accomplish that? Besides, Akorya was happy. Did I ever even ask her if she wanted to go back to uploading videos? As far as I knew, she still played the piano. She still sang. She was happy with me, Lily, and Thera. She was genuinely having fun and enjoying life.

And there I was, dragging her back into conflict that was already left behind for the purpose of getting revenge on her behalf when it wasn’t even her idea to get it.

Not to mention that I put a target on the dungeon by doing so. Even if we defended against the current group of players—even if we managed to make their leader quit and get most of her fans to follow her, some would probably stay behind and do everything in their power to get revenge on us.

Even if our plan went perfectly smooth, there would still probably have been some dedicated players seeking revenge on her behalf.

Just like how I wanted revenge for Akorya.

“I’m an idiot,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

Akorya smiled despite a tear running down her cheek and said, “Thanks. Even if I don’t like this… it makes me happy that you’re listening to me.”

“I haven’t listened to you anywhere near enough. I promise to make it up to you.”

Akorya nodded and kissed my arm before looking at the group of players before us still trying to break through our defenses. I could hear Thera and the others in the back fighting their way through our enemies, but I wasn’t so sure they’d be able to wipe them out before they could take us out. I underestimated just how inspired our enemies would be, not to mention that I expected most of them to be too busy jacking off to their leader’s bath water to properly level up and learn how to play the game.

I was wrong about more than just what Akorya wanted.

Realizing that took me back to the issue with Lily where I was worried about her consenting to everything even if it wasn’t something she might not have actually been comfortable with.

I got too comfortable always being in the lead and assuming that I was doing the right thing. What I needed to do—what I seriously needed to do, was to slow down, take a step back, and really listen to those around me. And if they weren’t doing any talking, I needed to not just assume that things were alright. Could they communicate better with me? Sure. But I also needed to put more effort into checking on them and making sure that everything is good.

I felt like a failure as a dominant and a friend. Not only that, but I basically did the same thing to Akorya that Syl did. Neither of us listened to her as much as we needed to.

The good news was that my disappointment in myself inspired me to take my frustration out on our enemies.

But, just as I was about to swing my sword forward to activate another skill, Akorya grabbed onto my arm and kept it held back.

“I’m sorry,” I told her, “but we need to protect ourselves still. If we don’t defend this spot then—”

“It’s fine,” Akorya said. “I—I have an idea.” I was just about to ask her what it was when she leaned up on the tips of her toes to kiss my cheek before whispering, “Please.”

I wasn’t sure what her plan was, but I knew that I needed to listen to her. She deserved that much. So, rather than try and retaliate, I put all of my focus into defending myself.

Akorya then cleared her throat and, while holding onto my arm with a shaking hand from nervousness, spoke up. “Please—please stop fighting! I—I have something to say! It would… it would mean a lot if you could listen to me. Please.”

The players at the front of the group looked hesitant to continue their assault, but they did until another voice spoke out from behind them giving them a simple command.

“Stop. Let her talk,” the commanding woman said, stepping out from behind a large, heavily armored player serving as her bodyguard. Surely enough, she was the woman we intended to get revenge against. “Moxxxie” was what she went by online.

Her straight, black hair perfectly framed her face and hung down over the kimono that she wore. She looked like somebody deliberately trying to be a stereotypical, Asian beauty from centuries ago despite not even being Asian in reality as her streams made apparent. If anything, her avatar looked the exact opposite of how she looked in real life. Petite with small facial features and straight, black hair as opposed to being on the larger size in reality with big facial features and messy, blonde hair.

But none of that mattered. All that mattered was Akorya and what she wanted to do.

And I still had no idea what that was.

Akorya, taking another deep breath, let go of my arm and stepped in front of me to face the other players directly on her own. “This… is all my fault,” she said. She must have known I was about to say something since she immediately looked back at me and shook her head.

I wanted nothing more than to take the blame for her to spare her from anything else.

But I wouldn’t have been listening to her if I did that.

All I could do was keep my mouth shut and nod.

“You… you probably don’t remember me. You reacted to one of my videos a few years ago where I was singing and playing the piano, and you made,” Akorya stopped herself for a moment. “I was really upset by your reaction, and I let him,” she looked back at me, “know about it. When he offered to help me get back at you, I gave him my permission because… part of me was still really sad even after years. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so immature, I shouldn’t have let your words bother me so much, and I shouldn’t have let anybody try to get revenge on my behalf.”

With eyes full of tears, Akorya bowed.

“Please don’t be upset with Damian and his friends. They were only doing what I wanted them to do.”

It took everything in me to hold myself back. Nothing was her fault. Everything was my fault. Yet, there she was, taking the blame for it.

What was I supposed to do? Deny her wish for me to stand back to intervene and take things into my own hands again? Accept her wish and stand back to let her take the fall while sparing me from any guilt that I more than rightfully deserved?

“Oh, you,” Moxxxie said. “I think I know who you are. You’re the bitch who tried riding off my popularity, aren’t you? You started doing exactly what I was doing right as I got popular.”

Now, I normally believed in a more pacifistic approach to things, but I desperately wanted to punch her in the face.

And all Akorya did was nod while keeping her head low. “Yes. I’m sorry. Please punish me instead of Damian.”

Moxxxie looked straight at me and sighed. “I didn’t think you were cringe enough to white knight for some random girl. That’s pretty gross, but I know how you guys are. Always thinking with your dicks. What’d she do? Offer to suck your dick or something?” She waited to give me a chance to reply, but I held my tongue. “Wow. Would’ve thought a guy like you wouldn’t be so desperate. She really has you wrapped up, doesn’t she?”

I was seriously at my breaking point, but Akorya subtly tapped my foot with the tip of her tail to keep me with her.

Holding back was getting harder by the second.

But I wasn’t about to betray Akorya again.

Then, while Moxxxie focused on me, Akorya turned her attention to the players at the front of the group. “I’m sorry for causing you trouble. You wouldn’t have had to come here if it wasn’t for me.”

The player she talked to first, an orc wielding two axes, returned his weapons to his back and looked around before saying, “It’s—it’s fine. It’s not like I have anything better to be doing.” It was obvious that he was trying pretty hard not to look at Akorya’s breasts. After all, she didn’t exactly wear much.

“I need to get over what she said to me, so I’ve been thinking of making new videos.” Akorya touched the player’s arm, looking up into his eyes with genuine interest. “To make it up to all of you… is there any song you’d like me to play? I’d—I’d be happy to take your requests if it means making up for what happened.”

The player raised his arms and shook his head. “It’s fine! I—I wouldn’t want a lady troubling herself over me.”

“Are you sure?”

The orc nodded his head so fast that it hurt my neck to watch.

That was when I understood what was happening.

The player next to the orc said, “We’re causing all this trouble but you’re being so nice to us.”

Akorya shook her head. “It’s all my fault! Don’t worry. Please. None of this would have ever happened if I didn’t get upset so easily.”

“What even happened?”

Again, she shook her head. “It’s nothing. I was stupid to ever get upset. All I want to do now is make things right.”

The next to speak was none other than the bodyguard of Moxxxie as he got right in front of Akorya and crouched down to look her in the eyes. “Your voice is familiar,” he said. “You covered the third OP of Doki Doki Magical Chaos, right?”

Akorya blushed and held her hands behind her back as she shyly swayed from side to side. “A-ah… yeah… that was the last cover I uploaded…”

“Moxxxie told all of us you were trying to steal her spotlight. I remember her making fun of your nose, too.”

Akorya hung her head low. “That… that was me.”

“The nose stuff made me uncomfortable, but I thought she was telling the truth when she called you those words and accused you of stealing from her.”

“It was never my intention. I… I actually really looked up to her. She was my favorite streamer, and I even watched her charity marathon for homeless shelters. I looked up to her and wanted to be like her… I never wanted anybody to think I was trying to steal anything from her.” Akorya sounded like she was about to cry again. “She was my biggest inspiration.”

The bodyguard grunted and placed a hand atop her head. “I remember her calling you a cunt. It’s now clear to me who the real cunt is.” Standing up, the bodyguard turned his back to Akorya and pointed his mace at Moxxxie. “Moxxxie. I’ve been your subscriber, chat mod, and server mod for three years. I’ve realized what a mistake that was. I was blinded by you and pretended not to see that you bullied innocent maidens, but I can no longer pretend not to see what is before my eyes.”

I want to throw up listening to him. Akorya, I hope you know what you’re doing. You might be causing even more problems for yourself this way.

Moxxxie cocked her head and asked, “Are you serious? Dude, a girl pretends to cry in front of you and you take her side?”

“There is no denying what you have done,” the bodyguard said.

“What? I got upset because some new girl was trying to steal my thing? Sure, yeah, fine, I got more upset than I probably should have. She probably would have quit after a few more months anyways while I continued growing. Sure, fine, I went overboard insulting her. But that was in the past. Don’t act like you haven’t done things in the heat of the moment that you regret.”

Another player spoke up and asked, “Didn’t you just make fun of another girl’s nose last week?”

The next player asked, “Wait, she made fun of another girl’s nose? I swear I tuned in a few months ago and she was doing that, too.”

“Shit,” a third player said. “Have we… have we been making a bunch of girls cry because we listen to her? No fucking wonder we’re all a bunch of single fucks in our moms’ basements.”

I think the most shocking thing about this is how self-aware they’re being.

One by one, the remaining players came to the realizations they probably needed to make for years.

Their goddess was a bitch and all of them were single for a reason.

“We should kill her,” the orc said, looking up at Moxxxie.

“Are—are you serious right now?” Moxxxie asked.

The bodyguard nodded. “We can’t take back the tears we have caused, but we can prevent ladies from ever crying because of you again.”

“God, do you have any idea how cringe you sound right now?”

“If cringe is what I must be, I will embrace it with my all.”

The bodyguard lifted his mace into the air only to be stopped by Akorya grabbed onto his arm. “Wait! I—I don’t want there to be any more fighting. All this revenge is… stupid. All it does is cause problems. I—I want us to get along and be friends.” Akorya let go of the bodyguard’s arm and stepped up to Moxxxie. “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, and I’m sorry for making you feel like I was stealing from you. I don’t care about the insults, I just want… I just want to be friends with the woman I always looked up to.”

All Moxxxie did was scoff. “Seriously? Even now you’re trying to leech off of me? Do you actually think I’m going to take a single word you have to say seriously? I see what you’re doing. You’re acting like some helpless little crying girl to make these incels like you and—”

“What’d she call us?” a player asked.

“She just called us all incels,” the orc answered.

“Doesn’t she always talk about how much she hates those?”

“Guess her mask is off now.”

Akorya snuck me a thumbs-up behind her back before turning to look at me with a subtle smile.

A whisper then popped up from her in the chat log.

>Akorya: I forget if I ever told you, but did I mention being a nerd in the drama club during high school?

<Akorya: Not that I remember.

>Akorya: oh lol. Well I was. That was how I learned to cry on command. But umm, I don’t mean to sound like I’ve been lying or anything. I’ve meant everything I’ve been saying… I just made it more dramatic.

Before I could reply to her, another whisper popped up in my log from the man who was standing next to me and more or less staying quiet the whole time.

>Best Lancer: Am I watching the simp uprising or something?

<Best Lancer: I honestly think we might be.

>Best Lancer: Damn. Is every day around here like this?

<Best Lancer: Thankfully not. There’s usually just a lot of sex. By the way, I could always install a gloryhole here for you to use.

>Best Lancer: …

>Best Lancer: I might take you up on that when I create my alt. I’ll even work for free. Imagine all the dudes who would love to have a girl who happily works for free in a gloryhole. Damn, I’d be hot.

I returned my attention to Akorya.

<Akorya: Need me to do anything?

>Akorya: I think we’ll be fine now.

One by one, more of Moxxxie’s group turned against her by wanting to defend Akorya.

As mean as it might have been to stereotype them, they were most likely a bunch of lonely, young men who wanted validation and to win over whichever girl gave them attention. Their leader up until then was a woman who made fun of other girls and was willing to throw her followers aside in order to hook up with Thera pretending to be me. Meanwhile, there was Akorya, crying, apologizing to them, and offering to play their specific musical requests.

All Moxxxie cared about was her ego and their money.

All Akorya cared about was everybody being happy and ending the drama.

I wasn’t sure how much of it was intended, but Akorya stole Moxxxie’s simps and turned them against her.

She was their new queen.

That was still potentially worse than just being on Moxxxie’s bad side.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W.

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