Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 3 pt. 10]

Behold, a pre-chapter note that is not a Patreon advertisement! Anyways, I just want to ask readers across my stories for some reviews this week. It's always nice to have some recent (and more in general) reviews. Or just ratings. I tend not to ask for ratings/reviews often, but my average scores have been going down for all my stories, so that means it's time to be shameless to try and raise them a bit! So, if you wouldn't mind, please consider leaving the story a rating and/or review if you haven't yet!

Thera’s final plan was set up for the next weekend since that was when the dungeon would be free. She didn’t want us to bring any customers into the potential drama that might unfold there, so we figured that was the best time to do it.

That meant I had some time to play around with Lily since we were both online and had nothing better to be doing. Well, I probably did have better things to be doing, but—no, nothing was better than doing Lily. So, it was time to do Lily.

And to spice things up for a change, we didn’t do it in my dungeon for once. I actually took her into the usual city where, in the ghetto district, I knew there was an underground brothel of sorts that rented out rooms full of sex toys and other fun things. They were more like the sex “dungeons” of real life rather than my own sex cave of a dungeon.

The room itself had a smooth, stone floor and wooden walls. There were a few candles around the room to keep it lit up as well as a rather poor chandelier, but what I really went there for were two things. One was the bed in the middle of the room that had straps at each corner of it. The other was the shelf of modern-looking sex toys along the wall.

It didn’t take long for me to have Lily stripped down on the bed and restricted by its bindings.

“We’re going to try something different tonight,” I said, walking around the bed that I had Lily strapped down to. One strap around each of her ankles and wrists kept her body spread out over the bed for me. “After all, I’m your master, but I haven’t done much training despite you being my pet. And I’m sure you would love to be trained more, wouldn’t you?”

Lily bit her lower lip before nodding. “Ye-yes, mon maître.” The excitement in her eyes was clear.

“Good girl.”

That alone made her let out a pleasured moan of satisfaction.

“Now, I normally make you cum over and over as many times as I can. Tonight, I won’t be letting you cum.”


“You’re a good girl who’s going to obey me, aren’t you? Besides, it’s not like I won’t let you cum ever. I’ll eventually let you.”

Biting her lower lip again, she nodded. She looked nothing but excited as her eyes watched me maneuver around the room.

“Good girl. Now, you are my pet, so why don’t we start with this? Bark for me.”


“Go woof.”

“W-woof!” She sounded so cute that I had to fight off the temptation to cuddle the fuck out of her. “A-and… a-awoo? Awoo!”

“Well, aren’t you vocal? Did you want to live up to your duty as my pet that badly?”

Lily nodded as her hips shook from side to side, almost as if she was wagging a nonexistent tail. “W-woof! Woof!”

I was seriously about to release her for the sake of cuddling and pampering. I wanted to snuggle, not train her.

But that could always come later.

For now, I picked up one of the toys on the shelf in the room that looked just like a vibrator from the real world. The developers didn’t put any effort into trying to make them blend in with the setting or anything like that. They knew that anybody renting the room wouldn’t care about that.

“I think I’ll start with this.” One twist of the knob later and the vibrator kicked into action at half of its total intensity, its buzzing sound filling the room, and the sudden sound of it caused Lily to jump.

“Woof!” Lily barked out, still playing the role of my obedient pet.

I brought the vibrator over to her leg where I let it slowly traced up from the bottom of her calf up to her thigh, letting her think that I might take it just a bit closer to her crotch before lifting it up and pulling it away to turn it off. “One more thing before we begin.”


I set the vibrator down to pull a blindfold out of my inventory. “It’ll be even more fun if you can’t see. You’ll be forced to focus on your other senses, especially touch. Everything you feel will be heightened from the norm. Every touch, every vibration, every kiss—you’re going to feel everything more intensely than ever before. And to top it off, you’ll have no idea where I am until I’m touching you.”

Lily shivered from my words as she let out another moan. “Wo-woof!” That was her most excited bark yet.

“Good girl.” With that, I wrapped the blindfold around her head and over her eyes before stepping back and waiting. It only took a few seconds for her to turn her head around looking for me. I stayed perfectly quiet so that she would have no idea where I was, as guilty as it made me feel.

“M-mon maître? W-woof?”

I waited a few more seconds before walking over to her other side, remaining perfectly silent as I did so, to gently press the tips of my fingers against the side of her neck.

“A-ah!” Lily jumped with an adorable, surprised gasp. “M-mon maître! You—you scared me!”

“That’s a lot of English for somebody who’s supposed to be a pet.”

Lily whined before going back to barking. “Woof!”

“Good girl.” I kissed her on her shoulder before heading back to where I left the vibrator. After a couple more seconds of silence, I turned it on which made her jump from surprise again.

It was time to have some fun with her.

First, I pressed the vibrator against her inner thigh. I slowly traced it toward her crotch once more before pulling it away and turning it off, going silent. The next time she heard it switch on, it was to press against her nipple from the opposite direction.

I repeated the process of turning it on and off only to reappear at a different part of her body multiple times before finally going in for the ultimate goal. I hovered the vibrator right over her clit… and then turned it on, immediately pressing it against her.

Lily was already wet before, but feeling it against her clit all of a sudden only intensified that and caused her to arch her back as she moaned out in pleasure. Though, even while distracted by intense pleasure, she still made sure to obey me. “Wo-woof! Woof! A-ahn… woof!”

“Let me know when you’re close to cumming, understand?” I asked.


“You can use your words when you’re close.”

“Y-yes, mon maître! Woof!”

I let the vibrator do most of the work. All I had to do was keep it there and it eventually brought her close enough to reach the edge of an orgasm.

“Mo-mon maître! I—I’m close! Wo-woof!” Lily whined out.

“Good girl. Hold it in for as long as possible,” I ordered.

Lily whined and bit her lip, but she also nodded. Trying to hold it in caused her to let out even more noises as she so desperately struggled. “I—I want to cum!”

“Do you?”


“Then beg.”

“Pl-please, mon maître! Woof! I—I’ll do anything! Please—please let me!”

“Good girl. Alright. I’m going to count down from five, and then I’ll let you cum. Understand?”

“Yes! Woof!”

I couldn’t help but to smirk at my plan. “Five.”

Lily squirmed as her voice grew even louder.


She almost sounded like she was about to cry from holding her orgasm back.


“M-mon maître! Please!”

“Two… and… wait.” I pulled the vibrator away and shut it off, leaving Lily bucking her hips up against where it used to be as she whined, cried, and moaned.

“A-ahn! Mon—mon maître! Wh-why?!”

“Because I’m training you. And because as much as you might have wanted to cum, I bet that you’re excited you were denied. You love the idea of me taking ownership of whether or not you’re allowed to cum, don’t you?”

It took Lily a few moments to respond, but she eventually nodded. “W-woof.”

“And just think about how good you’re going to feel once I finally let you cum. Every time I bring you close and deny you, you’re going to feel even better. Think you can handle that?”

“I—I will try my best!”

She might have said that, but part of me was still worried about her and her submissive nature that never said no to anything. That was why I went up to her head and pulled up the blindfold to get a good look at her eyes.

Her face turned red as soon as she saw me looking at her. Probably because her eyes exposed just how excited she was.

“You really want me to torment you with not letting you cum, don’t you?” I teased.

“I—I… woof… I… I do, but… I have never—ah, how do you say… edged? For too long, so I am… afraid I may finish without permission,” Lily said.

First, I pressed my lips against hers for a kiss. Then I said, “Just try your best, Lily. My pet. As long as you do your best for me, I’ll be happy and give you plenty of praise. Understand?”

Lily nodded and smiled. “I—I’ll do my best!”

“Good girl.”

Another kiss later and I returned the blindfold to its position over her eyes and got back to work. Her body was going to have plenty of time learning how great the vibrator was.


One orgasm.

Two orgasms.




That was how many orgasms she would have had over the two hours I was training her body for… if I had ever let her cum. Honestly, after the first few edges, it became extremely easy to bring her close for another one. Only a few seconds after stopping would be all that it took. That was due to how increasingly sensitive her body was growing, which was potentially bad. That also meant she’d have an even harder time holding back.

I ended up having to take multiple minute breaks between each edge just to prevent her from accidentally cumming right away the next time.

But after teasing her for so long, it was finally time to let her cum. It was finally time to let her desperate desires culminate in a flood of pleasure washing over her body.

“Are you ready to cum, Lily?” I asked.

“Ye-yes… mon maître,” Lily said. “Please… woof…”

“You sound so tired. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather us stop here so that you can get some rest?”

Lily whined and shook her head. “I—I want to cum! Please!”

“Hmm. I wonder if I should get you to say something for me first.”


“Say, ‘I’m mon maître’s personal pet who exists to drink my master’s seed, and to cuddle him.’ Let’s go with that.”

“Ehehe… so cute, mon maître.”

“That’s not what I told you to say.”

Lily smiled and sighed. “I am mon maître’s personal pet who exists to drink... my master’s seed, and to cuddle him!”

“Good girl. Now, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to get you close and then count down from ten. You have to hold it in for those ten seconds, and then I promise to let you cum. Understand?”

She was quick to nod her head. “Yes! Woof!”

“Good girl.” I probably called her ‘good girl’ more in those couple of hours than I did in a month, but it didn’t matter. She smiled and “wagged” a little every time I did. “Then let’s begin.”

Once more, the vibrator came to life and I held it against her clit.

It didn’t take long for her to get close. If anything, despite the extra long break we took that time, she got close even faster. Maybe it was because she knew I was finally going to let her cum.

“C-close!” Lily whined out.

“Good girl. I’m going to count now,” I said.


I smiled and began. “Ten.”



“Haah… nnaah…”


She bit her lower lip.


Her entire body trembled.


A few numbers were skipped since I didn’t think she would last the whole countdown.


“I—I can’t—!”


Lily was a constant mess of panting and moaning, the sheets beneath her on the bed utterly drenched in her fluids.

And now, it was time for the grand finale. My next order was simple and only a single word. “Cum.

At the same time, I turned the intensity of the vibrator up to its maximum setting. I only ever used the middle intensity setting and the low intensity setting earlier, and now she was going to experience it at its most intense while cumming after being forced to edge for hours.

Needless to say, she came.

She came a lot.

“Ma-master! Mon maître! Ah-ahn Mmfgh!” she moaned out as her body shook as violently as it could within her bindings, her fluids squirting out of her to cover my hand and the vibrator. And only a few seconds later, I heard her moan out, “A-again!”

I was about to ask her if she was seriously asking me to do all of that again with her before I realized what was happening.

She was already cumming again.

Before her first orgasm even had a chance to wear off, her second orgasm tore through her and forced her to stay in her intense state of pleasure.

“Ah! A-ah! M-mon mait—maître!”

I kept the vibrator against her for a few more moments before she seemed like she was ready to recover. When I did pull it away and switch it off, she was left with her mouth open and her twitching hips raised. No, it wasn’t just her hips that were left twitching. Her entire body twitched to its best ability.

A few more moments later and her hips finally collapsed onto the bed alongside the rest of her.

I then undid her restraints and climbed up onto the bed next to her, resting by her side as I pulled the blindfold off. “How was it?” I asked and kissed her. “Did you enjoy that?”

Lily was still recovering and barely able to respond, but she still nodded. “It… it was incredible, mon maître.”

“Want to do it again sometime?”

She nodded. “But—…”


“A-ah, never mind. Again! I—I want to do it again sometime.”



“As your master, I’m ordering you to be honest with me. Was there anything wrong with that?”

“No! Not at all! Mon maître is perfect!”

“Do you promise there is nothing you would have changed about that? Because I know that a loyal, loving pet would never lie to her master.” I felt a bit guilty about phrasing it that way since it sounded so manipulative, but I wanted the truth from her.

“A-ah… I… I—I can’t.”

“Then tell me what was wrong. Please? I’m not going to be upset. The whole point of doing that was to maximize your pleasure, so that means I need to know what you liked and disliked for the future.”


“I promise I won’t be upset or think any less of you for actually saying you disliked something for once. Honestly, I’ve been worried lately because you never say no to anything, and this confirms I was right to worry.”

“No, no! Mon maître! Please—please do not worry! This… this is the first time you have ever done something I might have not liked… but I still—still finished, so it is okay!”

“Lily, just tell me what was wrong, alright?”

Lily whined and mumbled.

“Why are you so worried about telling me?”

“Be-because… what if… mon maître likes me less? You always call me perfect all the time, so I don’t want to… do something that would make me less perfect in your eyes.”

“One, that’s nice of you. Two, that’s extremely stupid of you and you should know that what you’re doing right now is the opposite of being perfect. You know what’s perfect? Being honest and open about what you like and dislike. If you really want to be perfect, you’re going to let me know exactly what you disliked so that I can pleasure you even better the next time.”

Lily whimpered a little before sighing and finally surrendering. “I… didn’t like the blindfold. I like being able to see mon maître, and… it scared me, and made me feel lonely whenever you were quiet.”

I sighed and immediately felt horrible for not being able to pick up on that sooner. I thought she was just surprised, nothing more. And when I lifted the blindfold up, she looked so aroused that I didn’t even think of checking to make sure if she was alright with it or not. “Anything else?”

“I… I like edging, but… only a few times. More—more than that is too much. I—I felt good! And I wanted to try it, but… I do not think I would want to stop more than… four times again?”

“No more blindfolds and no edging you more than four times. Got it. Anything else?”

Lily shook her head. “Nothing else, mon maître.”

“Good girl. Thank you for being honest with me. And don’t worry, I still love you and still think you’re perfect.”

“Do—do you promise?”

“Of course I do. I promise.”

“I—I love you, too, mon maître. I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.”

“I’m sorry for not noticing anything sooner.”

“No! You—you have nothing to apologize for!”

On one hand, I agreed with her. On the other hand, I loved her and still felt guilty. “Deal with it.”

“Mmm! That’s not fair, mon maître.”

“I know.

“Ah! Wait! You have not finished yet, have you?”

“I haven’t cummed yet.”

Lily’s eyes sparkled as she rolled over onto me, pressing her breasts down against my chest as she looked up into my eyes. “Then—for being such a good master, can I repay you?”

“Feeling bold after all of that?”

Lily nodded and smiled as she wiggled herself down against me.

All it took was the simple action of unequipping my pants and briefs for my cock to spring out and smack against her inner thighs. “Then go for it. I won’t say no, plus I’m still horny after teasing you for so long.”

With a nod, Lily reached behind herself to grab my length and aim it against her entrance. She inserted it at the same time as pushing herself up to properly sit on it. “Ehehe… this is the first time I have been in this position!”

“It is. I’ve got to say, I have a really nice view from here.” My beautiful Lily was sitting atop my cock with her breasts freely hanging down for me to watch as they swayed with every movement, bounced with every bounce of her own. “Next time, I want to try this out as a monster. Maybe my goblins. It’s been a long time since we’ve played using them.”

Lily got to work moving herself up and down on my length. “Mhm!”

I was still surprised that she was riding me at all. It seemed out of place for her. She was the one always being submissive, always on the bottom, and always between my legs. I was never the one getting to enjoy being on the bottom with her.

And honestly, it didn’t take long for me to get close to my own orgasm. I held it in for as long as I could to enjoy the sight of her riding me, but I was horny that entire time I was playing with her. I touched myself every now and then during it, too, so it wasn’t like I had zero stimulation during that time. My cock was throbbing and ready to explode.

“Lily, I’m—” I moaned out, “I’m getting close.”

Lily smirked and then said, “G-g-good boy, mon maître!”

That would have confused me a lot more than it did were I not about to cum. But, I liked it. “I’m cummin—”


“—g! To-too late!”

It was then, as my cock shot its first rope of cum into her, that I realized what was happening.

Maybe it was revenge, or maybe it was because she just wanted to do for me what I did for her. Either way, she tried taking the dominant role. My sweet, adorable, perfect Lily actually tried to dominate me. She rode me, called me a good boy despite still calling me her master out of habit after that, and then tried ordering me to stop and hold my orgasm back.

It was the first time that I ever laughed while cumming.

And I laughed hard, too.

“Mo-mon maître!”

I groaned and moaned for her whenever I wasn’t laughing as I filled her with my seed. I seriously couldn’t stop laughing. At one point, I was probably laughing more due to the fact that I was laughing while cumming than because of what made me laugh in the first place.

When I was finally done, I saw an embarrassed, pouting Lily sitting on top of me staring down at me.

“S-sorry about that,” I said, still chuckling. “Oh man… that was hilarious.”

Lily whined and pouted some more.

“You seriously said that like a half second too late.”

“Ah… I wanted to tease you after what you did to me, but I’m no good at it…”

“No, no, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting it. If you would have let me known beforehand to expect it, I would have done better to hold back and would have waited for permission.”

“I—I see.”

“We can try again sometime, alright? I’ll be a submissive for you, and you can take your time getting a feel for being dominant with me.”

“I don’t know if I can after this. This is so embarrassing…”

I leaned up to wrap my arms around her before flopping back against the bed, bringing her with me so that I could spam her lips with kisses. “Please don’t feel dissuaded or anything, Lily. I love you, and I would love to let you try being dominant again. But…” I started laughing again. “I honestly never expected to laugh while cumming before.”

Unfortunately for Lily, me laughing was what made her so embarrassed, and I just wasn’t able to hold back.

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