Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 6]

That was a good day. I got to have plenty of fun with Lily and Akorya while talking to Thera while watching a group of girls get fucked by all my monsters. Well, all my male monsters. Then, after that was done with, I basically hired those same girls to party up with me so that I could use them to get the achievements for defeating dungeon bosses via sex.

Everything was coming together. And cumming.

But more importantly, there was something else I had to do that night. Well, it was the middle of the night for me but morning for Lily. She went to sleep shortly after the fun in the dungeon and I joined her so that I would have energy for later. Once we were both awake again, we met up inside the game in my dungeon like usual. Everybody else was offline since they were sleeping due to it being the middle of the night for them. Lily, however, was worth waking up in the middle of the night for.

“Good morning, mon maître!” Lily said, somehow sounding wide awake despite having just woken up.

“Mornin’,” I replied, not sounding anywhere near as awake as she did.

“Are you tired?”

“Me? Tired? Never.” A loud yawn escaped my mouth.

“Are you sure you do not want more sleep?”

“I’ve got this.”

“It – it makes me happy that you woke up for me… but I want you to get rest, mon maître. Sleep is important!”

“I slept as much as you did.” Of course, I had to take some medicine designed to help knock people out at night in order to actually fall asleep. That was also probably why I felt so groggy still.

“But it is not normal for you! I mean, your schedule? You don’t wake up for a few more hours most days.”

“What’s that? Are you trying to say that you’ve memorized my sleep schedule?”

“I – I… i-it is only natural for a girl to know her boyfriend’s sleep schedule! I… think?”

“You little stalker.”

“I am not a stalker! I don’t think…”

“Hmm. Let’s see. You’re always around me.”

“I can’t help it! I love being around mon maître!”

“You’ve seen every single one of my videos and still watch them all.”

“A-and I read your blog! I am your biggest fan, so… i-it is my duty!”

“And you have my sleep schedule memorized.”

“So that I can plan to spend time with you!”

“You know, all those things together actually do make you seem like a stalker.”

“I – I’m not a stalker!” Lily pouted, almost looking like she was about to cry. Teasing her like that instead of sexually teasing her was actually really fun. I wanted to do it more. But, at the same time, I didn’t want to make her actually cry.

“Sorry,” I said and hugged her. “I don’t think you’re actually a stalker, so don’t worry.”

“Hm-hmph… I can’t stalk you if I don’t even live in the same country as you…”

I couldn’t resist. “Are you implying you’d stalk me if you did?”

“I’m not a stalker!” she whined, gently smacking her fists against my back.

“It’s alright. Even if you were, I think I’d be able to handle it. Imagining you as a stalker is actually kind of cute.”

“E-eh? Cute?”

“Yeah. Like imagining you always peeking around corners whenever I’m out somewhere to keep an eye on me while you wear a hoodie with its hood up that covers most of your head.”

“Wha-what’s cute about that?”

“It’s only cute because you’re the one I’m imagining doing it. And because I imagine you thinking that you’re being sneaky, but your chest gives it away who you are.”

“I would wear something baggy to hide it!”

I unwrapped my arms from her to instead slide them up her front to give a squeeze to each of her breasts. “You think that you could hide these under a baggy hoodie?”

“I would try!”

“I like how you don’t even react to me groping you anymore. You must have become desensitized.”

“It still feels good… but I always expect such things around you now. It never surprises me anymore. No-not that that’s a bad thing!”

“Hmm. I see. So then, what you’re saying is that I have to find a way to surprise you.”

“No! You are perfect the way you are, mon maître!”

“Too late. You’ve already let me know how unoriginal I am, so now I have to make it my life mission to surprise you with something that you’re not used to.”

“I didn’t mean—”

I leaned in closer to her ear, pushed her hair away from it, and whispered, “I love you, Lily.”

She froze as her face and ears turned red. It was only after she properly processed what I just whispered to her that she tightly wrapped her arms around me and buried her face against my neck. “Ehehe…”

“All I get from saying I love you is a giggle? You’re laughing at my love? I see how it is.”

“N-no, mon maître. I… was thinking maybe I should let you think you are unoriginal more.”

“How manipulative. Wanting to let me think I’m some unoriginal, lame boyfriend to take advantage of me and get me to tell you how much I love you for your own pleasure.”

“It might make me a bad girl… but I – I think it might be worth it.”

“You know, I could say it more often without you having to manipulate me into saying it.”

“But – I am always good.”

“You are. You’re always a good girl.”

“So if I act like a bad girl sometimes… it makes me more original, and then…”

“And then?”

“If I am bad, mon maître has reason to punish me.”

“That’s a good point. Bad girls need punished.”

“How – how would you punish me for being a bad girl?” she asked, now looking up into my eyes with excited eyes of her own.

“I don’t think I’ve tied you up yet. That’s always a fun way to punish somebody – tying them up, leaving them unable to move even a tiny bit, and giving them some toys to pleasure them while I leave the room to go do something else. That way you’ll have no choice but to lie there and wait, constantly being pleasured by—”


Her sudden interruption caught me off guard. “Wh-what?”

“Mon maître!” She sounded much more serious now. “We can’t!”

“Can’t what?”

“Do this!”

“Do what?”

“Thi-this! Being lewd!”

“Why not?”

“Because! You – you have things to do! If I let you continue… you will get me too excited, and then we won’t accomplish anything!”

“We can accomplish making each other cum.”

“We did that for hours yesterday!”

“Are you implying that you kept on cumming while sucking my dick that entire time?”

“I—” Lily’s face turned red again. “Tha-that should be obvious!”

“You’re too perfect, Lily.”

“Ehehe… wa-wait! No! Mon maître is being a bad boy!”

“I don’t know whether to be shocked or aroused that you just called me a bad boy.”


“Yeah, let’s go with both.”

She smiled for a moment before remembering that she was supposed to be scolding me. “Things to do! We – we have things to do! You have things to do!”

“Being scolded by you like this is only making me love you even more.”

“Wha—how? That – that does not make any sense!”

“Because I know you’re doing it because you care about me and are looking out for what you think is in my best interest. Even though we’re both horny, you’re resisting giving in to that so that you can keep me on track with our plans. That makes you a pretty amazing girlfriend as far as I’m concerned.”

“Mon maître… you – you are making me love you even more, too.”

“Am I?”

“You are. You are always so appreciative of everything… I – I am not used to it. I thought you would think I was annoying.”

“As if I could ever think you’re annoying.”

“What if I was a stalker?”

“You’d be cute, not annoying.”

“Then… are you saying I am allowed to maybe… stalk a little bit?”

“Stalker roleplay could be fun.”

“What if it’s more than roleplay?”

“Is it really stalking if I consent to it? That’s… actually something I’m curious about now.”

“I am not sure, mon maître.”

“Either way, whenever I imagine you stalking, I imagine you being the cute and clumsy type of stalker who is way more obvious than you think and never actually dangerous at all.”

“I – I can be dangerous!”

“Oh? You want to be dangerous?”

“Well… if it is stalker roleplay… I am supposed to be, yes?”

“You don’t have to be, but now I’m curious. Prove how dangerous you can be. Punch me as hard as you can. If you don’t punch me hard enough to prove that you’re dangerous, I’m going to have to kiss you.”

“I – I will do my best!” Lily declared before taking a step back.

I stood perfectly still for her even though I was already confident in what the result would be.

She raised her fist and then… poked me as gently as one could possibly poke somebody. “Maybe… I am not dangerous after all.”

It was exactly as I expected it to go. I knew that if I threatened her with a kiss, she’d purposely go as light as possible. Though, a part of me was curious about an actual punch from her. “I guess I’ll have to kiss you now.”

“Oh no… what a – horrible fate.”

Her eyes were already closed as she tilted her head back for me to easily reach her lips.

So, naturally, what I did was kiss her.

After crouching down so that I could kiss her thigh.

“Mo-mon maître?!” Lily gasped, her cheeks red once more.

“What? I said I’d kiss you, not where I’d kiss you,” I replied.

“I – I like when you kiss me there, but…”

“But what? Could it be that you were expecting me to kiss you somewhere else?”


“Hmm. Alright. Close your eyes and I’m sure I’ll get it right this time.”

Lily nodded and closed her eyes, once more clearly expecting a kiss on her lips.

So, again, I kissed her.

While still crouching down so that I could kiss her stomach.

“Mon maître!” she whined.

“What? Are you telling me that wasn’t where you wanted me to kiss you?” I asked while standing up.

“I want you to—”

I pressed my lips against her own, my fingers holding onto her chin to keep her head in place as I heard a relieved moan come from her.

“Happy now?” I asked.

“Ehehe, I am,” Lily answered. “Now you can kiss the rest of me!”

“But what about going to do things?”

Her eyes shot wide open. “Ri-right! Sorry! We – things to do! Yes! Kissing is not those things!”

“Do you even remember what the things we’re supposed to do are?”

“Of course! We… we… umm… oh! Traps! You wanted more traps! For the dungeon! And something about umm… Lizame? Lizamoo!”

“Right. Lizamoo wants me to get this special type of plant into the dungeon, and I’m going to need her help for it. Plus I think you two would get along, and I’m sure you’ll get to have some fun as well, so I wanted to bring you with us. It also means I get to spend more time with you if I do it this early. It helps that you and her are in the same time zone.”

“I see! Do you love her?”

“Where – where’d that come from? And no.”

“Well, because of what we talked about before…”

“The only other girls I’m interested in right now are Thera and Akorya. Lizamoo is more like a casual sex friend. A casual sex friend with really nice tits.”

“Nicer than mine, mon maître?” Lily asked, hugging my arm so that it would be right between her breasts.

“What? You want me to get more girlfriends and ask me if I love another woman only to get jealous when I compliment her chest?”

“It – it is a stalker’s duty to be jealous!”

“I see. Either way, I don’t think anybody can compete with yours.”

“Ehehe… and I am not jealous. It is pretend! I – I would not care if you liked hers more than mine. Besides… if you like them more than mine, they would have to be really nice! That means I could enjoy them, too!”

“You sound pretty confident in your own if you’re phrasing it like that.”

“Well… I would not be hugging your arm like this if I was not.”

“That’s a good point. Anyways, Lizamoo said she’d meet me at the zone. Ready to head out and get a new trap for the dungeon?”

Lily nodded with an excited smile, my arm still trapped between her breasts.

“It might be hard to walk like this,” I said.

“It is a stalker’s duty to mini-minimize? To minify? Minimum?”

“Minimize is right.”

“It – it is a stalker’s duty to minimize distance between us!”

“At least you’re admitting to being a stalker now. You were still denying it just a bit ago.”

“Ehehe. Well… you said that it is allowed! As long as you consent, it is okay, yes?”

“Exactly. Consent is always the most important thing.”

“That means I cannot let go of your arm, since you consented to me being a stalker!”

“I see. I guess I’m stuck with you clinging to my arm for the rest of my life.”

Lily nodded and hugged my arm even more tightly than she already was.

It was obvious, but it had to be thought anyways.

Lily was perfect.

“Oh, by the way,” I said.

Lily tilted her head. “Yes, mon maître?”

“We should have a beach date sometime.”

“A – a beach date?”

“Yeah. There’s this pretty nice beach in a tropical zone to the south. A lot of roleplayers hang out at it, but there are a bunch of secluded little coves so that we could get some privacy to ourselves. I’m thinking we could have a date there.”

“Why a beach?”

“One, because it looks beautiful. Two, we can go play in the water together. Three, sand isn’t as annoying as it is in real life. And four, because I want to see you in a bikini. And if I’m being perfectly honest, it’s mostly the fourth reason. I really want to see you in a bikini.”

“I – I do not think I have ever worn one before…”

“Not even in real life?”

She shook her head. “I have always been… self-conscious. I went to a pool as a child, but I always wore a one-piece and a baggy shirt over it.”

“We’re definitely putting you in a bikini then. I’ll buy a bunch of different styles from the auction board so that we can have a mini fashion show with you trying them now. But, be warned.”

“Be warned of what, mon maître?”

“There is a one hundred percent chance of me wanting to fuck you while you’re wearing whichever bikini looks best on you. And also wanting to fuck you while you’re wearing all of the other ones, too.”

“I… suddenly feel more motivated to try wearing a bikini.”

In case you also read TQH and CORE, I'm still going to post those this week. I just was already late from trying to force myself to find the muse to write those first and figured that it'd be better to skip them for now to write something else that I was actually in the mood for, that being EDO. So, CORE and TQH will still be out this week. I'm just going to stop forcing myself to follow a specific order and instead force myself to use what muse I have available to me.

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