Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 10]

“Here we are!” Sophie said, leading us past a group of oversized leaves hanging down over the path like curtains draping over it. Past the leaves, we got to see just where it was that she called home in this virtual world. “Pretty nice, right?”

And I immediately judged her for her taste in decoration.

Players were able to buy plots of land and then build on top of them. Because it was impossible to really build anything from scratch, we had to choose from premade furniture and architecture recipes. These generally came in sets. For example, there was a “Beach House” set. All of the furniture in the set was made to look like what you would find if you went to the beach. The architecture parts were the same. Everything from the foundation to the walls to the roof all looked like what you would find at a real-life beach house.

There were all sorts of sets. One set was styled after slimes. So, you could have a house that basically looked like a giant, smiling slime while having all of your furniture styled after it, too. Of course, there were also the sexual ones. One set had everything themed after dicks. A dick chimney, walls with dicks painted all over it, dick-shaped chairs, and so on.

No matter how many comedic sets there were, there were generally just as many serious sets. For example, a set that would have been perfect for this forest was the “Nature Getaway” set. That set featured a sort of log cabin style with lots of windows to allow natural light in, hanging plants, and even a mini waterfall. That would have been absolutely perfect for Sophie’s house which was set in the middle of a bunch of trees towering over it with a stream running next to it just behind her plot.

Was that what she had?


Did she have some sort of matching set?


Did she have a mixed-and-matched set that somehow managed to still look good and unique?


What she had… was what looked like somebody went onto the auction board, bought the cheapest possible decorations for each required category, and then tossed them all together. The only part of the building that didn’t look like it was as cheap as possible was the foundation of it because it was the slime one, and I knew that all of the slime parts were crazy expensive.

So, her house had a slimy foundation. A blue, gelatinous base that served as the floor and for what the rest of the house was built on top of. When it came to the walls, she was using the freebie event-exclusive cyberpunk walls. The rest of the items in that set had to actually be worked for, but the walls were given to everybody to encourage them to try and farm the event for the rest. So, she had futuristic walls with blue, neon lights on the sides sitting on top of blue slime.

Now, at least she got some points for that. The foundation was blue. The walls were blue. She was two-thirds of the way to having a matching blue theme. At least something would have matched then, right?

But it all went wrong when looking at the roof.

Sitting atop those walls of hers… was the blacksmith roof. It came with a stone chimney, a blacksmithing sign hanging down in the front, and its dark grey colors looked as if they purposely tried to clash with the bright blues below. Now that roof – that roof was definitely the cheapest one available. Everybody wanted to have their own little blacksmith shop lookalikes, resulting in everybody making the set to sell decorations for, resulting in everybody losing interest when they realized that their houses all looked the exact same, resulting in the prices dropping to less than the materials put into them.

Then, to make matters worse, all of the land around her house was just… empty. It looked like a perfectly trimmed lawn in the middle of a forest.

One, lawns have been and always will be ugly.

Two, it showed that she put zero effort into placing even a single external decoration anywhere. All she did was choose a foundation, walls, and roof. Those were the three things required to make a player-owned house actually usable. Literally nothing could be done within them until those three building slots were occupied.

It was the ugliest house I had ever seen in both the real world and virtual world. I couldn’t even imagine using dozens of tentacles to flood her stomach mouth with cum anymore. That was how ugly it was.

“It is… very lovely!” Lily said. I could hear it in her voice; I knew her. I knew that she agreed with me and thought that the monstrosity in front of us was so ugly that neither of us could be perverted within its presence even if we wanted to be.

“Lol, don’t lie,” Sophia said. “I know it’s ugly. You probably wanna shit talk it.”

“I – I…”

“It’s the ugliest fucking house I’ve ever seen,” I blurted out.

Sophie laughed and asked, “Right? Like for reals, I just did the bare minimum to get it set up lol. I don’t care about decorating anything other than food.”

“But I mean… if that’s why, why’d you get the slime foundation?”

“Because it feels super good on the feet. Like, omg, have you ever stood on it with bare feet before? You totes have to try if you haven’t. It’s seriously like, walking on firm jello that conforms to the shape of your feet, and it’s just… it’s so good that it’s like getting fucked. The floor feels better than sex lol.”

Lily and I raised our eyebrows at that. Better than sex? Not possible. However… it did make us want to try it. I saw the floor before but never actually walked on it, let alone walked on it barefooted.

Then I remembered something.

Lizamoo was still with us, but she hadn’t made a single sound since we arrived at Sophie’s house.

“You alright?” I asked, looking back to check on her. That was when I saw her expression. I thought that I had a harsh reaction to Sophie’s house, but Lizamoo – well, she looked genuinely disgusted. She could not have been cringing any harder even if she tried to.

“It’s… how? How can somebody live in a place like this?” Lizamoo asked, hardly even able to speak.

“It’s just a game lol,” Sophie answered. “It’s not like I’d do this irl.”

“But – think about the other players! Think about the immersion! What if somebody’s roleplaying around here and they come across this place and it completely kills their mood?!”

Sophie shrugged. “Sounds like a personal problem.”

“Ugh, non-RPers are the worst. You could at least make things match so that it doesn’t completely ruin the immersion.”

“Too lazy lol.”

“It takes less than a minute of work! All you have to do is buy matching stuff at the auction board the next time you go! I’ll even give you some money so you buy a matching set if it means fixing this place!”

“Nah, it’s kinda grown on me. I think it’s ugly but it’s my ugly.”


“Can’t make people do things they don’t want to do,” I interrupt. “Consent, remember? Just keep in mind that if you’re ever roleplaying in this area, make sure to avoid coming in this direction so that you don’t risk having your immersion ruined.”

“I – ugh. I know. Alright. I’ll just… pretend that I can’t see this abomination. I’ll imagine that it’s a house that actually looks sensible.”

“Good, that’s settled. So, we going to go in there and get to experience what that floor feels like on our feet?” I asked Sophie.

“Obviously lol,” Sophie answered. “Come on, let’s go and take our shoes off.”


Part of me hoped that the inside of the house would look a bit more consistent than the outside. And I was right. Kind of. The interior of Sophie’s house was consistent… with just how inconsistent the outside of it looked. It was consistent in its inconsistency.

Lizamoo could barely hold back just how annoyed she was, but she managed to keep it inside of her with her fists clenched at her sides.

More importantly, we took our shoes off to let our feet partially sink into that gelatinous flooring.

Was it better than sex?


Was it damn close?


Feeling the cool, slimy floor perfectly conform to my feet, get squished between my toes, and provide extreme softness to stand on – it was like those gel inserts but a few million times better. It made walking a little bit more difficult, but the comfort provided was so worth it.

When I looked over at Lily standing there in her bare feet, I realized something.

It’d been too long since I last had a footjob. While Lily was pretty much anything but petite anywhere on her body, she had pretty small and cute feet. Being the man of many interests that I have always been, I was naturally going to appreciate her feet as well. Also, the idea of her giving a footjob was extremely appealing to me. Were footjobs good all on their own? No, not really. Did having a perfect girl help make them better? Yes. Were they even better when given by a woman who would probably be extremely embarrassed and clumsy when giving one? Abso-fucking-lutely. That was something that needed to be done.

So, not only did the floor prove just how wonderful it felt to stand on, but it gave me an idea for something to do with Lily.

Then I thought about Akorya.

Akorya’s feet were more like a beast’s paws with fur and pads and everything. What would a footjob from her feel like?

Then, naturally, my mind went to Thera.

The tips of Thera’s legs were pointed and hard. Sharp. Deadly. What would happen if she tried to give a footjob? Using the tips of her legs would probably be a horrible idea, but what if she used two of her legs to sort of squeeze my cock between the sides of the tips? As long as the pointed tips themselves weren’t used, it could potentially work.

“Mon maître?” Lily asked. “You look like are thinking about something?”

“Ah, yeah. Feet,” I answered.


“Feet. It’s been a while since I’ve had a footjob and seeing your feet made me realize that.”

Lily’s face turned red as she opened up her equipment menu to reequip her shoes. “M-mon maître! That is… weird!”

“It’s not any weirder than the rest of our fetishes. Besides, if I wanted to be weird about it, I’d be meme-y about it. I’d use a crispy voice and whisper—”


“… I meant creepy.”

Lily held her hands over her mouth and giggled. “A – a crispy voice! What – would that even sound like?!” She found the thing utterly hilarious seeing as how she couldn’t stop giggling.

“I have no idea. Maybe like fried butter.”

My stupid answer somehow made her laugh even more to the point where she started getting teary-eyed over it.

While the floor might not have been better than sex, Lily’s smile and laughter was without equal.

“Lol you guys are gross,” Sophie said. “Flirting with each other like that is as bad as roleplayers doing their thing in front of normal people.”

“Hey!” Lizamoo shouted. “There’s nothing wrong with roleplaying wherever we want! But… I’ll agree that public flirting kind of makes me cringe.”

“A-ah, I’m sorry,” Lily said, worried that she upset them.

That worry of hers wasn’t allowed.

While I didn’t suddenly start making out with Lily or anything in front of Lizamoo and Sophie like I was tempted to, I did wrap an arm around her and pull her against my side.

There’s a good argument to be made about public displays of affection and consent. Then again, I’m including things like walking somebody on a leash around and full on making out and biting in public as public displays of affection as well. Regardless, other people don’t consent to seeing that.

I might be all about consent, but when it comes to showing your love in public, whether it’s sexualized or not… I say live and let live. So long as no nudity is shown around kids and there’s no bodily fluids being spread around, I’ve never seen the problem with it.

And thinking of that gave me an idea.

Meeting Lily in real life, putting a collar on her, and attaching a quiet vibrator to her controlled by a remote that I’d have. Then we could go out to eat, shopping, to the movies, whatever, and I’d get to control her vibrator to randomly pleasure her when she’s not expecting it. She could be in the middle of giving an order to a waiter at a restaurant when I turn it on. That would be great.

But more important than that was the present. “Just be happy this is all we’re doing,” I said. “If it were up to me, I’d be fucking her feet right now. Slime still on her feet and all.”

Lily’s blush extended to her ears as she turned her head to tuck it into my side. She might have been embarrassed, but she wasn’t rejecting my ideas, and I had faith in her to do that if she was really bothered by them. I also had faith in that she actually liked this situation. As embarrassing as it might have been to her, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed being held onto like a trophy as I talked about what I’d love to do to her in front of others, even if just a couple of moments ago she felt guilty over our flirting.

The main evidence to support that was the fact that I could see her smiling when I leaned back to look down at her face.

There was also the fact that she sent me a private message with nothing but a “<3” in it.

Lily’s perfection was as powerful as ever.

“Anyways,” I said to change the subject, “about those seeds. You wanted to treat us, didn’t you?”

“Oh, yeah! Totes,” Sophie answered.

“What are you going to do to them?” Lizamoo asked.

“I’m still gonna roast them, kinda, but like… what you do instead of roasting the whole seed to eat is split it open, place a stick of butter on it, add some seasoning and sauce, then toss that baby in the oven and let ‘er roast! It’s like so good. Trade me the seeds and I’ll get started.”

Lizamoo already had the rest of the seeds pushed out of her womb and placed in her inventory, so all she had to do was open up the trade menu to hand them over to Sophie.

As soon as trade was complete, Sophie grinned and got to work.

Now, while the inside of the house might have looked as ridiculous as the outside for the most part, it did at least have a table with some chairs in the center of it, a candle sitting on the middle of the table for some light, and there were a whole lot of cooking stations all around the sole room. Covering the length of each wall were what looked like all of the cooking stations Sophie had ever used. There was even the beginner’s station still.

When it came to crafting skills, players had “stations” for their professions. Stations were usually kept in the inventory and could be pulled out at any moment to craft with. Every ten levels, more advanced stations became available to them. If players had property in the game, they could place these stations down on the property as usable decorations that anybody with permission could use.

It looked like Sophie was the sentimental type seeing as how she had every single leveling station set up within her house, not to mention several different endgame stations that were just redundant to have. The station she cooked at now was the most expensive and difficult one to get – a station that had an oven with a stovetop built into it, a chopping table, several racks of spices with herbs hanging off the side, and various other cooking utensils that were all in the style of ancient, magical technology. Even the frying pans and knives had glowing, green energy coming from them. There were a few buttons along the front of it which I saw in action before when I saw somebody else using the same station near the auction board. Clicking one of those buttons would change the oven and stovetop into whatever was needed, whether it was a grill, deep fryer, or anything else.

Then there was a storage chest near the back of the room that Sophie must have kept all of her ingredients in. After a bit of back-and-forth between the chest and the oven, implying that she probably had an extremely cluttered inventory if she couldn’t get all of the ingredients in a single trip, she combined everything together and tossed the split seeds into the oven.

About ten seconds later and they were done. Baking something like that probably would have taken a while in real life, but this was a game where people didn’t want to sit around waiting for realistic cooking times.

“And done!” Sophie announced, taking the finished seeds and placing them down on the table in front of us. While most items couldn’t be shared like that, food was different. It could be placed as a decoration and then eaten without having to trade it to anybody first.

As for the seeds themselves – they looked… seriously delicious. They were split open sort of like baked potatoes, except they were massive and packed full of all sorts of extra flavor.

“Woah,” Lizamoo said. Even she was shocked. “I only ever ate them roasted without opening them before. The insides were still always kind of tough. But this… it looks like a desert almost.”

Sophie smugly nodded along. “The inside only gets like this if it’s exposed to the heat directly. Expose it to heat and it becomes super soft and sweet. The butter melts to make it nice and moist and taste even better, and it becomes super rich! Like, you don’t even need the other stuff added, but it just makes it even better if you do add it.”

The seeds came with plates, forks, and knives, so I dug in right away. The knife wasn’t even needed seeing as how my fork slid into the inside of the seed with extreme ease, as if it was sliding through soft butter. Then, as I brought it close to my mouth, the scent finally hit me and almost made me cum right there. Well, not literally, but the smell was incredible.

And finally came the taste.

It melted in my mouth. What little form the seed had left was just gone as soon as it touched my tongue. Its delicious flavor overwhelmed my mouth with sensations that I didn’t even know were possible! It was, literally, the most delicious thing I ever tasted in my entire life. That included out of everything I ever ate in real life, too. Such delicious food simply shouldn’t have been possible, yet there it was, mindbreaking my tongue to the point where nothing else would ever satisfy it again just like an ugly bastard corrupting a cute girl in a netorare hentai.

Except the food couldn’t truly be compared to an ugly bastard. If anything, it deserved to be compared to a beautiful angel – like a marble statue that represented the perfection of an ideal body.

“It’sho… sho good!” Lizamoo said, sitting opposite from me with tears in her eyes as she, too, experienced a whole new world that we never knew was possible.

I understood. I understood completely. Even I was tempted to cry.

Then I looked at Lily. Rather than cry or comment on how good it was, she got to work devouring the seed as quickly as she could. She didn’t even care that she was revealing her gluttonous side to me. All she cared about was getting more of that delicious seed in her mouth, which was something I loved her even more for.

As for Sophie, she just stood there and looked proud. Proud of herself for being able to corrupt us to the point where we would never again be able to live without her food.

“Hey, Damian,” Sophie said. “Look at the buff it gave you.”

I was too busy enjoying the flavor to even notice that I got a food buff from it.

And when I looked at the buff… the reason behind the smirk on her face became obvious.

She was interested in me because of the achievements I got for how much I came.

And the food that she just fed me offered the biggest standalone cum production buff that I ever saw.

Also, if anybody plays ARK on the PC, I've got a server that you're welcome to join. Feel free to join the Discord server first if that's somethin' that interests you.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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